The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1876 Strong Pet Arrives

Chapter 1876 Strong Pet Arrives
Housheng, who was at the peak of his fighting power in the mid-stage of God Transformation, directly turned into a giant ape of three feet, and waved it over with a thick and top-quality iron rod. flew.

Moreover, Hou Sheng was quite intelligent, the first opponent he picked was not the Mara Star Clan inside the Magic Treasure House, but another one.

Compared with the Mara Star Clan who owns the magic treasure house, another mid-stage cultivator who does not have this treasure is much easier to deal with. After all, the magic treasure house integrates offense and defense, and it is difficult to deal with with an extremely strong shield shell.

And if a monk doesn't have a magic treasure house, only the top defense magic weapon's defense can be compared with the magic treasure house's defense. If there is no magic treasure house, the defense level will be much worse.

It is a pity that although this mid-stage cultivator has a top-quality attack weapon, he does not have a top-quality defense weapon. After being smashed by a monster clan at the peak of the mid-stage transformation stage like Housheng with an iron rod comparable to a top-quality weapon, he directly The defensive shield was shattered, and the whole person was blown away with a stick.

Fortunately, although the defense magic weapon of the Mara Star Clan in the mid-stage of transformation is not the best, it is also top-grade, so even though the defensive shield is shattered, the whole person is also blown away, but the damage is not very big.

However, Hou Sheng's attacks were continuous. When this stick was thrown out, the second blow followed immediately. This blow directly severely injured the Mara Star Clan in the middle stage of transformation. He vomited blood and was dying.

This Mara star fell into a coma directly under Hou Sheng's continuous attacks, and Hou Sheng let out a roar of excitement when he injured the Mara star pen, chased after him, and hit him with another stick...


Headshot, the head of this mid-stage Mara star clan exploded like a rotten watermelon, and white, red, and green were scattered.

And as the Mara Star Clan's head was exploded, a little starlight came out from inside, and he was about to run away, but Hou Sheng grasped the starlight quickly with his big hand and held it in the palm of his hand.

Feeling the movement of bouncing and struggling in his hand, the Monster Ape King laughed, and directly stuffed the starlight into his mouth and chewed it.

This thing is a great tonic for the current Housheng, so he can't let it go.

Needless to say, this point of starlight is the primordial spirit of the Mara Star Clan. This cultivator in the middle stage of transformation is really unlucky. Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway while chasing and killing Qin Lang with his companions, and was directly promoted to the third by the powerful monster ape king monkey. Stick KO.

Seeing that his companion was killed by the monster ape king, the other Mara Star Clan who was manipulating the magic house saw that it was not good, so he gave up directly, and stopped entangled with Qin Lang, swiped to activate the instant function of the magic house, swish a few times and fled the battlefield.

And Qin Lang didn't continue to chase after it. After all, the flying speed of the Magic Treasure House is actually the same on both sides. Now the Mara Star Clan in the mid-stage of transformation is fleeing back. If Qin Lang can't block it as soon as possible, the Mara Star Clan army behind It's just a headache.

The battle ended like this. Monkey Sheng, a powerful pet, returned to Qin Lang's side. It knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, Monkey Sheng is late!"

"Not too late, not too late..."

Qin Lang was very happy. If Hou Sheng hadn't come to the rescue this time, he would have suffered heavy losses. Although he would not lose his life, his background would definitely be greatly reduced after escaping.

After all, Qin Lang still has several hole cards, if he is willing, there is still a way to escape.

The return of the powerful pet monkey in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods has also greatly increased Qin Lang's combat power. If Qin Lang now joins hands with his pet, he is confident that he will sweep all enemies below the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

Of course, the premise is that the number of enemies encountered is not too many. If there are too many... For example, if they fall into the gathering point of tens of thousands of Mara star clan, then even the monks in the late stage of transformation may have to flee.

But if it is facing a small group of enemies, even if it is two or three monks in the middle stage of transformation, Qin Lang is not afraid now. After all, he is still very confident in the strength of Housheng, a pet thug.

At this time, Qin Lang noticed the change in Housheng's face, and now Housheng turned into a human after the battle, which also surprised him: "The transformation was successful?"

"Yes, master." Facing Qin Lang, Hou Sheng looked very honest.

The reason why Qin Lang was surprised was that he knew that it was very difficult to transform a monster into form. You must know that many tenth-order monsters have failed to successfully transform into form since ancient times, let alone Housheng, a ninth-level monster. Generally speaking, To transform into a form, a monster must have a cultivation level equivalent to that of a human immortal.

And Qin Lang clearly felt that although the strength of his pet Monkey Sheng has greatly improved compared to when he first met, his current cultivation base only stays at the ninth level, which is the peak level in the mid-stage of Huashen, which is not an exaggeration To the degree of immortality.

To reach the level of a human immortal, I am afraid that Housheng's strength must be raised to the tenth rank or above.

But in the cultivation world of the Qinghe Continent, there is probably no monster that can do this. Even the monster bear king in the Qingshan Canyon is probably not a tenth-order monster.

And Housheng is not a tenth-order monster, but now he can transform into a form, so there may be other opportunities.

And when he asked later, Hou Sheng explained the reason why he was able to transform himself in advance, and Qin Lang suddenly realized that the Tao of Transformation technique he had taught to Hou Sheng at the beginning was actually a skill practiced by the monster clan, which is also a coincidence wrong.

It is precisely because of the high degree of compatibility between the Dao of Transformation technique and Housheng's body that Housheng's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and at the same time he has transformed into a human in advance.

This is of course a good thing. Housheng has a practice method that suits him, and the speed of improving his cultivation base this year will also be greatly accelerated, which is also a powerful force for him.

In today's world of self-cultivation, there are countless cultivation methods of the human race, but there are really not many cultivation methods suitable for the monster race, and it can even be said to be lost. Nowadays, many ninth-level monsters are slowly cultivating with their own innate abilities Those who came up did not practice systematically.

In this case, because Housheng has a cultivation method that suits him among the monsters, his already outstanding aptitude is even more outstanding. The future of this monster is limitless.

Similarly, as a pet, Housheng also feels very lucky to have met such a master as Qin Lang, otherwise, it may still be able to settle down in a corner, and can only stay honestly in the ape group in the Qingshan Canyon and play in the mud. There is no chance to come out and see the colorful world outside.

Gossip less, after Housheng and Qin Lang met, they cleaned up the battlefield hastily. The Mara Star Clan who was killed by Housheng's three sticks in the middle stage of transformation is really a poor ghost, except for the top-grade flying magic weapon on his body In addition, other treasures were damaged in the battle just now, and the top-grade flying needle was the same, although the penetrating power was very strong, but the strength was not high, so after a few rounds of fighting with Qin Lang's magic treasure house, although Qin Lang's magic house was punctured with some small holes, and the flying needle was also damaged.

Except for a damaged flying needle, this Mara Star Clan in the middle stage of transformation has only some pills and resources that are not very valuable to Qin Lang, and the total value is less than 1000 million spirit stones. I'm afraid that a Nascent Soul cultivator who is a little bit better in Qinghe Continent is better than this guy.

It can be seen from this that the living environment of the Mara Star Clan is so harsh, and it is no wonder that these Mara Star Clan will chase after Qin Lang after seeing Qin Lang showing the magic house, like a big-headed fly smelling the smell of pork.

It's a pity that these Mara star clans are not very lucky, let alone those star clans that can't catch up with Qin Lang. In the end, the two Mara star clans who caught up with Qin Lang in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods will not benefit. After the reinforcements arrived, there was a direct result of one dying and one fleeing.

With the addition of powerful pets, the current Qin Lang has also greatly increased his confidence. Except for Feng Ge, a middle-aged monk from the Red Sword Gate in the late Yuanying period, the other three in the team are all above the stage of transformation, and they are outside this domain. In the starry sky of the battlefield, except for a very few existences that cannot be messed with, I am afraid that no one is an opponent of Qin Lang's team.

You must know that Housheng, who is at the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, is stronger than the master Qin Lang, and the first combat force in the team, even the junior sister Xiuxiu who has been promoted to the peak of the early stage of the transformation of the gods has to stand aside.

Of course, Xiuxiu's combat experience is insufficient, and Kong has the peak cultivation base of the early stage of Huashen, but he does not have the corresponding combat power. In fact, in terms of combat power, I am afraid it is not as good as the current Qin Lang.

After that, the three of them quickly left the starry sky. After all, this place has become a place of right and wrong. Qin Lang is also afraid that the Mara Star Clan will be surrounded again.

Three hours later, the members of Qin Lang's team appeared in another starry sky. After Qin Lang arranged a large defensive formation for concealment, he began to rest on the spot.

After all, Feng Ge, a monk of the Red Sword Sect, was seriously injured before, and his heart was pierced. Although he was fed a good fortune pill by his sleeve, it only hung his life, and the medicine still needs external help to refine it. faster.

In addition, Qin Lang also had some injuries on his body, and the consumption of the previous battle was not small. It was not obvious that there was support from Wangyou Pill before, but now that the medicinal power of Wangyou Pill has dissipated, Qin Lang also feels that his body is very overdrawn.

If it weren't for the constant vitality of the monks in the transformation stage, Qin Lang would have already run out of fuel.

After setting up the hidden defensive formation, everyone rested in the defensive formation. Qin Lang healed and recovered on his own, the junior sister Xiuxiu of Hongjianmen was helping senior brother Fengge catalyze the medicinal power, and Hou Sheng was The primordial spirit of the Mara star clan absorbed after meditation and refining. After the primordial spirit of the Mara star clan in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods is completely refined, the part that can be absorbed may not even be one-tenth, but how much? More or less, it can still strengthen some of its own background.

(End of this chapter)

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