The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1877 Innate Spirit Treasure

Chapter 1877 Innate Spirit Treasure
Just when Qin Lang and others were resting in the hidden formation, an outsider broke into this starry sky again. This time the intruder was not the Mara Star Clan, but a few demon cultivators chasing a man and a man. The two women are monks who don't know what sect.

"Jie Jie... If you are sensible, hand over the purple gourd, and you can spare your lives. This kind of innate spiritual treasure is not something you two can get your hands on..."

There was a monk in front of Moxiu who laughed ferociously, feeling that he had already settled for this man and woman.

This magic cultivator is at the quasi-huashen stage, and the three or four companions behind him are all late Yuanying Dzogchen.As for the man and woman who were being chased, the man was also at the quasi-transformation stage, but he seemed to have suffered some internal injuries, and the woman was at the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen stage.

These two monks seem to have been chased for a long time, and they both look unstable, but they are both handsome and beautiful, and they are all born with good skins, and when the four or five monks from the Tianmo Palace chased here All surrounded.

"The two of us discovered this purple gourd first. You guys are so shameless that you have been chasing it all the way here..."

The female cultivator couldn't help being angry when she heard that, so she wanted to reason.

"Mina, forget it..."

But the male cultivator next to him stopped her at this time. After all, his social experience is much better than that of the female cultivator. There is no possibility of reasoning.

Then, the male cultivator turned his head and snorted to the group of demon cultivators, and said, "It's fine if you want us to hand over the purple gourd, but I don't believe that after you hand over the purple gourd, you will let the two of us go. So, you want us to hand over the purple gourd." As for Zigoulu, you have to show your sincerity first, retreat first, and give us two chances to withdraw."

"Let us retreat?"

The leader Moxiu continued to sneer: "We finally caught up with you, if we let you two go, I'm afraid you two will run away again!"

"Then there's no need to discuss this matter! Since this is the case, it is better to smash the jade than to be whole. Before we are killed, I, Deng Yuanhua, will destroy this gourd first!"

At this time, the injured monk named Deng Yuanhua took out a big purple palm gourd and tried to destroy it.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say!"

Those demon cultivators became anxious all of a sudden, and the leader said: "Okay, I believe you once, we will give you two room to retreat, but if you want to escape without leaving the treasure... then I'm sorry! "

After finishing speaking, several demon cultivators surrounding the two monks in the center gave way to a breakthrough for the two monks. "Now, you two throw the purple gourd and run, we promise not to chase you!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that Moxiu had moved away from the breakthrough, Deng Yuanhua, a quasi-transformation god stage monk, nodded, and was about to throw the purple gourd, but the next moment was stunned, the monk directly threw away his female companion, and accelerated towards the breakthrough. Yes, the speed is as fast as if he was not injured.

It turned out that this guy never thought of handing over this innate spirit treasure at all, and this guy was so scheming that he actually abandoned his companion at a critical moment.

"Oops! This guy's previous injury was faked..."

Several demon cultivators were also in a hurry and chased after her, but the female cultivator Mina who was thrown away was knocked into the air with a random blow by the angry demon cultivators, and fell in the distance without knowing whether she was alive or dead.

When Qin Lang was cultivating in the hidden formation, he clearly sensed the aura of fighting outside. At this time, his body was almost recuperated, and his spiritual consciousness just caught a few demon cultivators chasing after the back of the one who was fleeing with the innate spirit treasure.

After knowing the scene just now, Qin Lang also felt sad for the abandoned female cultivator. The quasi-huashen male cultivator was so close to her before. It seems that the relationship between the two was unusual before, and it was definitely a partnership between the two cultivators.

Unexpectedly, in the face of adversity, this male cultivator would be so cruel as to abandon his dual cultivation partner for the sake of the treasure.However, Xiantian Lingbao is indeed touching, and it is very common for this kind of thing to happen in the cultivation world.

When it comes to congenital spiritual treasures, one has to mention all kinds of treasures in the cultivation world today. Magic treasures are actually divided into ancestors and acquired treasures. Acquired treasures are all refined by the hands of craftsmen, while congenital treasures are not The same, they are all companion spirit creatures between heaven and earth.

Although innate treasures are not necessarily stronger than acquired treasures, each one is unique and possesses various incredible abilities.

Moreover, if an innate treasure is used as a talisman, it can grow along with its owner, which is something that an acquired treasure cannot do.

Therefore, the value of Xiantian Lingbao is definitely stronger than that of Acquired Treasures, even if compared with Magic Treasure House, it may be inferior.

After all, the pursuit of longevity is the ultimate goal. If you have an innate treasure, it will definitely help monks in all aspects than an acquired treasure.


Qin Lang was recovering from meditation before, and it was too late to stop those monks. In fact, he also had ideas about the innate spirit treasure. I am afraid that this kind of treasure would not be spared by anyone.

At this time, coming out of the hidden formation, Qin Lang came to the nun who was in a coma and didn't know whether he was alive or not. He looked at the other party's injuries. It was broken by the shock. Although those demon cultivators attacked later, the power of the concentrated fire should not be underestimated.

What's more, among these magic cultivators, there is also a quasi-transformation monk, whose strength is much stronger than this female cultivator.

After thinking about it, Qin Lang is still going to save this poor female cultivator, not because of the beauty of this female cultivator. In fact, although this female cultivator is beautiful, Qin Lang has seen more than ten beautiful female cultivators in the cultivation world. , There are also people who are more beautiful than her, Qin Lang has never been tempted.

After all, Qin Lang has a girlfriend. Although he sometimes flirts, he is actually very dedicated. No matter how beautiful the beauties in the cultivation world are, he can't change his original intention.

The reason why he wanted to save this female cultivator was because of sympathy. After all, most female cultivators in the cultivation world are vulnerable groups, and most of them are vassals of high-ranking male monks, who can be given as gifts at will like commodities.

In the realm of comprehension, many high-ranking male monks even have dozens of concubines and dual-cultivation partners at the same time, which shows the status of female monks.

Of course, the monogamous system also exists among the dual monks, which are very few.

Anyway, the status of female monks in the realm of comprehension is definitely not as good as that of the earth.

After taking a continuation pill and a good fortune pill for this female cultivator named Mina, Qin Lang began to input the true energy to speed up the operation of the medicinal power of the pill in his body.

After a while, the female cultivator woke up quietly. After realizing her situation, she couldn't help crying. She couldn't believe that her partner of dual cultivation who had been with her for many years would abandon her.

Qin Lang then learned through questioning that the male cultivator who had abandoned this female cultivator earlier came from a small sect in the East Sea, and was an elder of the sect, and the female cultivator was originally a member of the sect. A female student with outstanding aptitude is selected by him as a partner for dual cultivation.

Originally, this female cultivator named Mina thought that after being selected, she thought that she had found a good husband for a lifetime. After all, the male cultivator Deng Yuanhua, who was in the quasi-transformation stage, was not only more cultivated than her, but also handsome. Also very considerate.

But the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes... In the face of interests, Deng Yuanhua finally abandoned her, thinking she was cumbersome, and chose to escape alone.

According to her, the purple gourd, the congenital spiritual treasure, was picked up in a galaxy with her partner three days ago. That galaxy is like the Milky Way. Hongmeng Ziqi was discovered by the two, and then Deng Yuanhua scooped up the purple gourd.

And the Primordial Purple Qi is not an ordinary aura. This kind of aura was produced at the beginning of the creation of the world and contains the Dao, so it has special significance for monks to understand the Dao.

After getting such an innate spiritual treasure, both of them were very happy. The value of the purple gourd is definitely more precious than a top-grade magic treasure house. With it, I am afraid that the road to immortality for the two of them will be smoother in the future.

However, at this time, several demon cultivators chased here, and these demon cultivators were all from the Heavenly Demon Palace. After discovering the innate spiritual treasure purple gourd, they naturally wanted to snatch it, so the two sides chased and fled here.


After listening to the female cultivator's narration, Qin Lang thought more. I am afraid that Deng Yuanhua, a cultivator in the early stage of transformation, had never thought of using the purple gourd with his partner in the future after getting the purple gourd. At that time, he had abandoned the female cultivator. Otherwise, he would not have been pretending to be injured.

In fact, he probably wanted to get rid of his partner with the hands of Moxiu. After all, it would be inconvenient if he did it himself. He actually still has some feelings for his partner of double cultivation. Directly killing him will easily cause his future mood to be hindered. , to produce inner demons, so killing people with a knife is the best.

Now that group of demon cultivators has chased after Deng Huayuan. Deng Yuanhua, the elder of the Lingyuan Sect, is a quasi-huashen stage monk, and although there are many demon cultivators in the Tianmo Palace, the most powerful one is actually about the same strength as him, so It might not be easy to catch up.

In this case, Deng Yuanhua, the elder of Lingyuan Sect, is very scheming, without the entanglement of his dual cultivation partner, he can monopolize the treasure and fly away.

Knowing this, Qin Lang sighed. Whether it is the earth or the world of comprehension, when looking at a person, you can't just look at the surface. Even the couple can double in an instant. This is the human heart.

Now that Deng Yuanhua and the Demon Cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Palace have all run away, these two waves of people are not good things. Although Qin Lang intends to help this female cultivator of the Lingyuan School, after the radiation of the divine sense, he cannot lock on to those who are far away. Monk.

Afterwards, the nun from the Lingyuan School said goodbye to Qin Lang, and staggered away from the starry sky, not knowing where she went.

Before leaving, the nun gave Qin Lang a star map, which marked all the places she had traveled in the starry sky before, as well as the possible dangers everywhere. Among these places, there was the Tianhe.

After Qin Lang sighed, he was ready to leave here. Now his partners should have recovered. Then, there are still a lot of treasures waiting for him to discover in the foreign battlefield, and there are also a lot of tempering to make himself stronger. To be strong, you have to actively seek it out.

(End of this chapter)

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