The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1878 The Voice of the Great Dao

Chapter 1878 The Voice of the Great Dao
Qin Lang was going to take a look at the place where the two monks of the Lingyuan Sect got the purple gourd.

After all, that place is also the place where Xiantian Lingbao appeared, and there may be some other magical things waiting to be discovered by myself.

Two days later, Qin Lang and his party met three people, and the junior sister Xiuxiu of Hongjianmen jumped up happily when she saw these three people: "Eldest brother...Second senior brother, fifth senior brother!"

It turned out that he was the elder brother of the Red Sword Sect, and he also brought two younger brothers with him.

Among the three monks of the Red Sword Sect, the eldest brother is very thick and burly, he is a sword cultivator at the peak of the early stage of transformation, and he is carrying the Taibai Xuanxing Sword, the final treasure of the Red Sword Sect, while the other two senior brothers are quasi-hua The cultivation of the gods.

Seeing the three of them, Qin Lang felt very puzzled. If the Red Sword Sect has so many monks who are above the quasi-transformation stage, why is it just a small sect in the East China Sea? It is probably no problem to squeeze into the top ten sects, but in fact However, the Red Sword Sect has always been ranked at the bottom among dozens of sects in the Eastern Sea Region.

At this time, the three newcomers from the Red Sword Sect were also very surprised to see Feng Ge and Xiu Xiu: "Eh? Let's have an adventure!"

"Yeah, yeah, Xiuxiu is very strong now, and won't be a hindrance for a few senior brothers!"

The little junior sister Xiuxiu giggled.

And through the conversations between the brothers and sisters of the Red Sword Sect, Qin Lang knew that the three regular quotas of the Red Sword Sect monks who entered the battlefield outside the territory also had an adventure. But it has been promoted to the peak of the early stage of the transformation of the gods.

As for the other two monks, they were originally only in the late Yuanying stage of Dzogchen, but now they have broken through to the quasi-transformation stage.

Speaking of that adventure, the senior brother of Hongjianmen introduced that it was a group of monks who entered the starry sky through the regular quota of the extraterritorial battlefield. There were hundreds of people in their group. Yin, after this group of monks realized the sound of the Great Dao, their cultivation realm increased rapidly. Almost in the blink of an eye, their strength had already risen to another great realm.

Of course, the blink of an eye mentioned by the elder brother is actually just a feeling. The whole transmission process is actually very long, at least for an hour or two, and the sound of the Great Dao echoed in the mind for a while, giving them this group of monks The benefits are hard to estimate.

The sound of the road!

Hearing this, Qin Lang also felt very shocked. The sound of the Great Dao is extraordinary, and it is estimated to be more precious than the Xiantian Lingbao.

But the sound of the Dao is just a sound, not the treasure of heaven and earth. Its preciousness is that it comes from an unusual source. It is the most mysterious sound of Dao rhyme between heaven and earth. It is possible to have this kind of sound of Dao charm in the world, Xiaoqian world, but it is impossible to meet it than winning the five billion lottery. It can be said to be an extraordinary fairy relationship.

Unexpectedly, the three senior brothers in front of the Red Sword Gate had such a good chance to meet the legendary Voice of the Great Dao, so it is normal for their cultivation to improve by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, for monks who have heard the sound of the Dao, the sound of the rhyme will not disappear completely, but has been deeply embedded in the depths of the monk's sea of ​​consciousness. When practicing tranquility, it may be played back repeatedly, which will benefit the monk's future practice endless.

To be honest, Qin Lang is very envious of other people's chance, but not every monk can meet this chance. There are probably more than 1 people who entered the outer battlefield through the teleportation array in the East Sea of ​​Qinghe Continent this time, and they can really hear that passage There are only a few hundred people in the Voice of the Great Dao, so there are only a few hundred people who are lucky.

The brothers and sisters of the Red Sword Sect meet again. There are joys and sorrows. The joy is that the cultivation base of several fellows has improved, and the sadness is that the master of the Red Sword Sect is still unknown. Although everyone has a bad premonition in their hearts, they still I hope the sect master Rong Qiu is alive.

At this time, the sadness was gone, and Feng Ge began to introduce Qin Lang to several senior brothers, "Elder senior brother, second senior brother... fifth senior brother, this is fellow Daoist Qin Lang, it depends on how little junior sister and I can successfully enter the foreign battlefield." The care of fellow Daoist Qin Lang."

It's really interesting to think about it. Feng Ge, a middle-aged monk who looks older, is older than the other male monks of the Red Sword Sect, but he has to call the other monks senior brothers. The three newcomers All the monks of the Red Sword Sect looked to be in their 20s.

The elder brother nodded, and the burly man stretched out his hand to Qin Lang: "Thank you, fellow daoist, I am Pang Xian, the great disciple of the Red Sword Sect. These two are my junior brothers Lu Li and Mingde."

He pointed left and right, pointing at the sect's second child and fifth child, and the second child and fifth child also gave Qin Lang a friendly smile at the same time.

"Hi everyone." Qin Lang nodded.

Before, Qin Lang parted ways with Feng Ge and Xiu Xiu. Anyway, now that the two have found an organization, they no longer need to act together with him.

And I am actually used to exploring the mystery alone, so I rejected the invitation of the monks of the Red Sword Sect, and took my pet Monkey Sheng on the road again. The goal is still in the direction of Tianhe, which is not far from Tianhe. It can be reached in half a day's journey.

"Master...Master, there is a fighting breath ahead."

At this time, Hou Sheng, who had a strong spiritual sense, reported directly to Qin Lang that the monster ape king Huashen was at the peak of the mid-term, and the detection distance of the spiritual sense was farther than Qin Lang.

At this time, Qin Lang also felt the different breath fluctuations in front of him. There were indeed people fighting, and there were more than one person. He murmured: "That place should be in the direction of Tianhe! So many people are fighting, is there another person fighting?" Did any strange treasure appear..."

Needless to say, Qin Lang flew away in that direction with the Monster Ape King.

But the Tianhe here in the starry sky is a long white line. This white line is millions of feet long and more than 5 feet wide. The starry sky and rivers are ordinary, and this is Tianhe.

The battle took place in the middle of the Tianhe River, where the water flow is the fastest. About one or two hundred monks fought here. These two hundred monks did not come from one sect, but seven or eight sects. After all, each sect The clothes are different.

Qin Lang didn't see people from Tiandaomen and Lanhai faction here. Of course, he didn't see people from Tianmo Palace. At present, none of the three sects has a monk here.

At the moment, the battlefield is also very chaotic. What the monks are fighting for is a purple gourd floating in the river. Seeing this purple gourd, Qin Lang groaned in his heart. The innate spirit treasure is actually another purple gourd of the innate spirit treasure level.

Previously, two monks of the Lingyuan Sect obtained a purple gourd of the innate spirit treasure level from Tianhe here, but they were hunted down by a group of demon cultivators from the Heavenly Demon Palace, and finally developed to Deng Yuanhua, a quasi-transformation monk of the Lingyuan Sect, in order to swallow the purple gourd for himself. He counted on his partner of double cultivation, and then fought a chase and escape battle with a group of magic cultivators.

This also indirectly proves the allure of the congenital spirit treasure to the monks. In fact, the monks who can enter the battlefield outside the territory are not ordinary people. A little bit, there are even one or two existences in the middle stage of transforming gods.

With such strength, even Qin Lang didn't dare to act rashly. If he wanted to snatch the purple gourd in the middle of the river, he would have to face the concentrated fire attack of one or two hundred high-ranking monks first.

Now the scene is very chaotic, when Qin Lang was in a trance, the monster ape king Housheng challenged Qin Lang at this time: "Master, that purple gourd in Tianhe is a good treasure, wait for Housheng to bring it to the master!"

"You... well, you have to be careful, and don't force it if it doesn't work."

Qin Lang originally wanted to refuse, but think about it, this monster ape king has the indestructible body of King Kong, and his combat power is at the peak level in the mid-stage of transformation of gods. Now he is much stronger than his master. If it is can really try give it a try.

"Look at me..." Hou Sheng obeyed his orders, and when he flew towards the center of the river in the mist, he was met with fire from the monks: "Where did the monster come from, go back, the monster in the river!" Treasures are not something you, a monster, can get your hands on!"

"Haha, your Monkey Lord is going to decide, let's see..."

Housheng fought with these monks.

And Qin Lang didn't pay attention to the battle of his pets at this time. He knew that the indestructible body of Monkey Sheng King Kong was comparable to a top-grade treasure. In a short period of time, it should be impossible to suffer any substantial damage. The innate spiritual treasure purple gourds appeared one after another, so...there must be something strange in this river, maybe the strangeness is at the bottom of the river, he plans to go down to the river to have a look.

Of course, he had to be sneaky, otherwise he would be fired upon by all the monks above Tianhe.

So Qin Lang left the middle of the Tianhe River, found a secret place and went down the Tianhe River. The inside of the Tianhe River is actually no different from a real big river. The river water is completely condensed by sufficient water aura, and I don’t know how deep it is. Qin Lang dived three or four hundred feet without reaching the bottom.

Following the direction of the river, Qin Lang began to swim towards the middle of the Tianhe River where purple gourds appeared. He used water-repelling beads, so there was a circle of water-repelling film on the surface of his body. Even faster.

Soon he reached the middle of the river. At this time, Qin Lang dived down and found a vague black shadow at the bottom of the river. It was actually a hole. He looked at it. The diameter of the hole was about two meters. The vitality and spiritual power of the river water fluctuated, although it was very weak, but Qin Lang's spiritual sense was able to detect it keenly.

This should be the source of the weirdness at the bottom of the river. Without thinking too much, Qin Lang directly plunged into the hole, ready to take a closer look.After entering the cave, Qin Lang realized that the cave didn't look big, but there was a universe inside. It was an infinitely wide underwater world, and the surroundings were still dark, but there was a direction where the breath of life became more and more intense. It can be sensed even without consciousness.

"That breath is so familiar... It's exactly the same as the breath of purple gourds. Could it be that there are still a lot of purple gourds in this underwater world? My God, these are all treasures of the innate spirit treasure level!"

(End of this chapter)

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