The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1879 Five magical gourds

Chapter 1879 Five magical gourds

Next, Qin Lang finally saw what the vibrant thing was. It was a section of ivy with five gourds growing on it, four purple and one golden.

The four purple gourds are larger, and the golden one is smaller.

This ivy is about two to three feet long, and it is actually an innate spiritual root. No wonder it can grow a string of gourds at the level of innate spiritual treasures.

Moreover, there were originally seven gourds, which directly reminded Qin Lang of the cartoon gourd babies on the earth, but the gourds in the cartoon are each of a different color, but the gourd vine in front of him has four purples and one gold.

The purple one among these five gourds is very precious, but Qin Lang feels that the quality of this golden gourd should be improved to a higher level. How should I put it, although this golden gourd is a little smaller than the purple one, but it is closest to the root, near the water The pavilion gets the moon first, and it should get more nourishment than other gourds, so it grows golden.

When Qin Lang saw this innate spiritual root, Qin Lang's heart was very hot. This is simply a priceless treasure. You must know that every gourd on this innate spiritual root is priceless, and it is an innate spiritual treasure that makes outside monks fight for their heads. , and now I directly got five, which is a huge profit.

It can be said that the sum of all the treasures on Qin Lang's body is estimated to be inferior to this innate spiritual root.

Because this gourd vine contains primordial purple, which is an aura that only existed at the beginning of the creation of the world, and it is extremely precious.

Needless to say, when Qin Lang saw such a good treasure, he naturally wanted to take it down immediately. He never imagined that there was such an underwater world hidden in the Tianhe River, let alone such an underwater world. The innate spiritual root of ten thousand years, this innate spiritual root is estimated to have existed at the beginning of the foreign battlefield, and it is definitely very old.

As for the two purple gourds floating on the surface of the Tianhe River before, it should be that the gourds on this innate spiritual root have reached maturity, so the melons are ripe and the stalks have fallen off, naturally falling off and floating on the surface of the water.Qin Lang guessed that if he didn't find this innate spirit treasure now, it is very likely that the mature gourds on the spiritual root would fall off one by one and continue to float up, and finally there would be a bare gourd vine.

Thinking of Qin Lang's quick action, he picked this spiritual root completely and put it into his storage ring. He was very careful when picking it, and he was careful not to damage the spiritual root. After all, this spiritual root is alive. He still wants to continue training.

The best soil for cultivating spiritual roots is the loam soil. There is a lot of this soil on his body, so Qin Lang is not worried about not having soil for cultivating spiritual roots.

After picking the gourds by their roots, Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief. This time, the rewards of going to Tianhe are really great. The foreign battlefield is indeed a good place. The treasures such as innate spiritual roots are probably the top in the foreign battlefield. I am afraid that before The Voice of the Great Dao that the senior brother of Hongjianmen has harvested may not be comparable, and it is really a chance that he can get it.

"Five gourds, if you refine all of them, you can use them as your natal magic weapon... It's a pity that there are still two gourds left outside. If you can gather all the gourds on this spiritual root, I am afraid that this set of gourd magic weapons will be combined. The value is greater than a fairy artifact."

Qin Lang muttered to himself, he also knew that he was too greedy, now that this innate spiritual root has been taken into his pocket, and now he wants to be greedy for the remaining two gourds, it is indeed a bit greedy.

Of the two gourds that are not in my hands, one of them is now in Tianhe, so many monks are staring at it, and I don’t know if Hou Sheng has snatched it, and the other... was taken by Deng Yuanhua, a quasi-hua Shenqi monk of the Lingyuan sect. Let's go, I don't know where the monk is now.

Next, Qin Lang did not leave the underwater world immediately, but wandered around the underwater world for a while, but found nothing else. It seems that this innate spiritual root is also the only treasure in the entire underwater world .

And this underwater world is located at the bottom of the middle section of the Tianhe River, so it is naturally extraordinary. The water in the underwater world is the essence of sunflower water, which is more spiritual than the river water formed by the aura in the Tianhe River. It is no wonder that it can be cultivated all the time Innate spirituality grows all the time.

The essence of sunflower water is very cold, and the degree of icy cold is no less than ten thousand years of ice, but this kind of water will not freeze even though it is cold.

The essence of sunflower water and the soil of breathing soil are the best materials for cultivating spiritual creatures, which are rare in the cultivation world, but in this Tianhe, there are as many underwater worlds as there are.

Next, Qin Lang directly used a large storage bag of sunflower water essence to pack one hundred cubic meters of sunflower water essence, which is hundreds of tons.The essence of this sunflower water can actually be called heavy water, which is much heavier than ordinary water, and each drop is far more than a hundred times the quality of ordinary water.

The weight of such a big bag of sunflower water essence is really not light. You must know that the storage bag is different from the storage ring. Although the storage bag has a large volume, the weight of the things inside is directly applied to the monk. If Qin Lang is not the God of Transformation now With a long-term cultivation base, it must be inconvenient to carry such a heavy storage bag.

The essence of sunflower water collected by Qin Lang is not only used to cultivate innate spiritual roots, but of course it also has other uses. The essence of sunflower water can also be used for alchemy, and it can be used as the base liquid for alchemy. .


Two hours later, Qin Lang left Tianhe. At this time, there was no one in the middle of Tianhe in the sense of divine sense, and his pet monkey Sheng also disappeared here. Move quickly to distant places.

"This... did this guy really snatch the purple gourd?"

Qin Lang was very surprised, the situation of Housheng was very similar to being chased by a group of human monks.

After thinking about it, Qin Lang is still ready to take care of his pet. After all, although Housheng is the peak combat power in the mid-stage of Huashen, his escape speed is actually not very fast. If he really grabs the purple gourd in Tianhe It's really not easy to get rid of those tails behind you. You must know that those who can enter the battlefield outside the territory are the elites of the various sects. There are many of these monks who have the best flying treasures.

Half an hour later, Qin Lang manipulated a top-quality flying magic weapon to merge with the monster ape king Housheng. This top-quality flying magic weapon is called "One Inch of Time". It is a flying boat-shaped magic weapon. The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is not far behind, and it also saves real energy. The consumption of real energy during flying is much less than that of using the magic house, probably less than one-tenth.

This top-quality flying magic weapon "one inch of time" is definitely a very affordable treasure for Qin Lang now. Using this flying magic weapon when he is on the road usually saves more energy than the magic treasure house.

In this way, if you encounter an emergency, you will have more physical strength and energy to deal with the emergency.


Hou Sheng was stunned when he saw Qin Lang appearing suddenly, and he didn't expect Qin Lang to come so quickly.

"Come up, hurry up!"

Qin Lang didn't talk nonsense, and directly greeted the monkey to ascend to his flying boat. After all, it was being chased by a lot of monks now!
Afterwards, there was no nonsense, Qin Lang took Hou Sheng and flew away directly, throwing off a lot of monks behind him.Few of these monks have the best flying treasures, and Qin Lang, as a monk in the transformation stage, has a long-lasting true energy. After flying for a long time, none of them can keep up.

It seems that a good flying treasure is also very important. It cannot be replaced by a treasure house. After all, a flying treasure consumes much less energy than a magic house. It is most suitable for monks to travel long distances, and a magic house is no problem for short distances. , it is really not suitable for long-distance travel.

"Master, it's lucky that Hou Sheng didn't disgrace his life..."

At this time, Hou Sheng handed over a big purple gourd, which was the innate spirit treasure gourd that the monks on Tianhe had snatched before. Unexpectedly, his pet was so powerful, so he directly snatched the treasure from the monks. come over.

The reason why Housheng was able to snatch the purple gourd was due to his strong combat power, and it was also related to the fact that there were no big sect monks near Tianhe. None of the monks appeared here.

You must know that these big sect monks not only have a large number of people entering the battlefield outside the territory, but also have a united heart, and every sect is very difficult to deal with.

Now, Qin Lang got the innate spiritual root and six treasure gourds, and now the only idea is to sacrifice these six treasure gourds to become his own natal magic weapon. These six treasure gourds are all born from the same root, but they are self-contained. One set, so Qin Lang is looking forward to this set of natal magic weapon.

Somewhere in the starry sky, Qin Lang set up a concealed defensive formation, and started this wave of practice, while the monster ape king Housheng was protecting the law.

Since the sacrificial treasures are congenital treasure-level treasures, Qin Lang's sacrificial process is very slow. For those purple gourds alone, it will take him about half a month to consecrate one. Fortunately, this congenital treasure It is a natural restriction, and there is no need to add sacrifice materials during the sacrificial refining, so Qin Lang has no other scruples, and can always concentrate on the sacrificial refining.

It took him two and a half months to completely sacrifice the five purple gourds, and the primordial purple inside was also absorbed by Qin Lang's body as the sacrifice was successful. I felt that I had reached the peak of the early stage of transforming the gods.

This is an additional benefit in the process of refining the innate spirit treasure. Now the five purple gourds are floating in Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness, but they are not connected to each other, but repelled from each other. It feels like each one is a separate individual. I feel that I am the best, that I am unique.

Although this situation is strange, Qin Lang is not in a hurry. He still has the last little golden gourd that has not been sacrificed. He feels that this golden gourd is the key to connect all the precious gourds.

(End of this chapter)

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