The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1881 The Army of Monks

Chapter 1881 The Army of Monks
"Thank you for your help!"

At this moment, Rong Qiu cupped his hands gratefully, "I, Rong Qiu from the Red Sword Sect, fellow daoist, don't you know which hero from the Tiandao Sect it is?"

"Master Rong...I know you, as for me...I am Chang Fei, the ground knife."

Daoxiu clasped his fists and smiled slightly. As the third generation chief disciple of Tiandaomen, Chang Fei has always been polite when dealing with people outside. This is also a basic etiquette. After all, Chang Fei is likely to inherit Tiandaomen in the future The head of the sect passed down by the suzerain Chang Tianqing, as the successor of a sect, cannot do without certain demeanor and rituals.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, and Rong Qiu was busy healing his wounds, while Chang Fei hastily cleaned up the battlefield. These Mara Star Clans on the battlefield were all poor. Although one or two hundred died, Chang Fei did not Expect to find something good on the battlefield.

However, what was unexpected was that Chang Fei actually harvested dozens of catties of Mithril. This thing is a strategic material of the sect, and it is still very valuable, so Chang Fei directly accepted it with a smile.

And the reason why Chang Fei was able to harvest dozens of catties of Mithril was also because these Mara Star Clans had once patronized the meteorite star regions in the sky that were rich in Mithril. However, these Mara Star Clans had no good refining methods, so the two Adding up a hundred people, the secret silver extracted is only a few dozen catties.

If several tens of catties of mithril are placed in the East Sea, it is basically the output of a large sect's mithril mine for about a month, and this value is not so-so.

With the protection of Chang Fei, the ground saber, Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, has no worries during the healing process, and can enter deep meditation with peace of mind to speed up the healing of his injuries.

Didao Changfei didn't know what kind of adventure he had in the past few months. Now he is in the middle stage of becoming a god. Even in this outer battlefield, he is a top expert, so with him guarding him, Rong Qiu can also heal his injuries with peace of mind.

It took seven or eight hours to heal the wound, and the injury was more than half healed. The Red Sword Sect Master felt very sorry for this, and clasped his fists together and said: "Fellow Daoist, I am ashamed, ashamed of working so hard to stay here."

"Hands up."

Di Dao Chang Fei chuckled, not dissatisfied with staying here for too long.

Rong Qiu saw it and was full of gratitude, because of the help of the monk in front of him, he could say he saved his life, and Chang Fei was his lifesaver.

Although the third-generation chief disciple of Tiandaomen is not as old as himself, his strength and cultivation are far superior to his own, and he is also very good at dealing with people, so Rong Qiu also developed a desire to make friends.

After the two sides had a conversation, Rong Qiu learned that Chang Fei, the ground knife, was going to the thorny ice cave area of ​​the Starry Sky Battlefield, which is a dangerous place in the outer battlefield. May be stuck inside and unable to get out.

Rong Qiu didn't know why Chang Fei, the earth knife, was going there, and she gave Chang Fei a thousand-year-old cold bead with gratitude.

"Fellow Daoist, the Thorn Ice Cave area can be said to be frozen for ten thousand years. No matter whether it is a dead or living thing passing through there, basically it cannot escape the fate of being frozen. If the monk does not have some resistance to the freezing and cold If you use means, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get in there at all, I have a thousand-year-old cold chi bead on hand, I can give it to you, I hope it can help you a little.”

Rong Qiu said.

"Thank you then."

Chang Fei took it neatly. The thousand-year-old Chichi Bead is a good thing. It must be made from the Inner Alchemy of Frost Glass in an extremely cold place. It is a rare item that cannot be bought in the market.

And Han Chi lives in an extremely cold place, so it is born with strong resistance to cold and ice, so this Han Chi Pearl Earth Knife Chang Fei just needs it. After using this thing, it can form a blue light mask on the surface of the body. It not only has the ability of defense, but also can resist cold and ice.

The sacrificial cold chi beads should belong to the category of high-grade magic treasures, but the value is not much worse than ordinary top-grade treasures. Of course, this is just a thousand-year cold chi bead. If it is a ten-thousand-year cold chi bead, it is absolutely appropriate Extreme treasure level.

"Farewell!" The two parted afterward.

The ground knife Chang Fei continued to be busy with his own affairs, and Rong Qiu now feels that his own strength has recovered by [-]% to [-]% after healed, and he also has some self-protection power, but if this power is against the Elder Xing of the Demon Sect Words are not enough to read, she has been hunted down now, so now she is going to join her other sects who have entered the battlefield outside the territory.

Afterwards, she sent some signals for the internal disciples of the Red Sword Sect to communicate with each other. This is an invisible wave of spiritual thoughts. If the disciples of the Red Sword Sect are within the transmission range of the wave of spiritual thoughts, they may be able to detect it.

But not long after she sent out the wave of divine thoughts, her complexion changed again, and there was a tingling pain in her brain. The tingling feeling became more and more obvious. I'm calculating myself.

Next, without even thinking about it, Rong Qiu didn't dare to stay in place any longer, but started flying away in one direction. Now he can only keep running to get rid of the pursuers behind him.


In a certain place on the foreign battlefield, monks from the three major cultivation countries gathered together, about [-] in number.

Among the monks in the three major cultivation countries, the weakest monks are those in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and among the strong ones there are many quasi-transformation gods, transformation gods, and even fifteen or sixteen mid-stage transformation gods.

Each of the three major cultivation countries can be regarded as a giant of super power, so the strength of these monks in front of them is stronger than all the sect forces in the East China Sea combined.

"Assembly... the counting is over!"

There are special monks counting the number of people, and then reorganizing these monks like an army. It seems that these monks in the cultivation country are preparing to go to war.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although the foreign battlefield is a treasure house for monks, it is also a place of cruel competition. This kind of competition is not only among human monks, but more comes from external forces.

You must know that the monks who can enter the battlefield outside the territory are not only human races, but also various races in the starry sky, such as Mara, orcs, and sea clans and dragon gods.

For the three major cultivation countries, while searching for resources on the battlefield outside the territory, it is also a process of military training, which can greatly sharpen the cohesion and centripetal force of the monks of the three suzerain countries, and enhance everyone's combat effectiveness.

We must know that although the structure of the three major suzerains is very loose, and even the rules and requirements are not as good as those of other large and small sects in the East China Sea, why tens of thousands of them have never failed is because they firmly control a large area of ​​​​the battlefield outside the territory. In the palm of your hand, you can get a lot of stable resources and sources of income.

For this gathering, the three major cultivation nations are preparing to sweep away the members of the other starry sky races within the sphere of influence of the human monks, to clear away troubles and obstacles, and to expand their territory in order to maximize their future profits.

This kind of military training battle is also a model welcomed by all races in the starry sky. The battlefield outside the territory pays attention to the survival of the fittest. Races with insufficient strength are doomed to not get more territory and better resources, and can only be suppressed by other races. .

Near the monk army is an ancient starry sky hall. This starry sky hall has existed for tens of thousands of years and has always been a supply transfer station for human monks.

At this moment, in the starry sky hall, a gorgeously dressed, dark-skinned cultivator in the late stage of transformation silently looked at the starry sky monk army not far away, as if waiting for something.

After a while, a messenger monk ran over: "Master Chang, the first batch of monks in the monk army has been counted, and the cleaning task can begin."

"Okay, pass my order, the monk army is divided into three teams... to march in three directions, and clean up all the alien races found along the way in our human territory area in the starry sky."

Chang's surname is a monk in Huafu in the late stage of Huashen's transformation. This guy is actually the royal family of the Zhanlan country, and he is also the current monarch. His status in the Zhanlan country is higher than that of the No. 1 black slave emperor.

I heard that the Black Slave Emperor's peak cultivation in the late stage of God Transformation is in the process of retreating and breaking through in recent months, so he did not follow the first batch of monks to the battlefield outside the territory.

The cultivator in Huafu, surnamed Chang, is the leader of the cultivator army who entered the foreign battlefield from the three major cultivation countries this time.

"I got the order." The monks were ordered to leave, and then the army of monks set off, and three teams began to go in three directions.

But Lord Chang, who was sitting in the Starry Sky Palace, watched the army of monks marching away, but he thought to himself: "For tens of thousands of years, after the opening of all the extraterritorial battlefields, our human race and other races have always won the upper hand. The most fertile area, I hope that this cleaning can be completed as soon as possible, so that we can reserve forces as soon as possible. After all, half a year later, it will be the Battle of Ten Thousand Territories... It will also be the final battle for the re-division of the power territories among the various clans. If it is played well, Maybe the human race's power territory can be expanded again, on the contrary, if it doesn't perform well, many territories may not be able to be kept by then."

Lord Chang is actually a little worried, but what he is worried about is the starry sky beast clan and the Mara star clan. Although the Mara star clan is not strong individually, their population base is too large. They have been growing like locusts for tens of thousands of years. After entering the foreign battlefield, he likes to run around, which has gradually become a great security risk for the human race.

As for the other opponent, the Starry Sky Beast Race, although there are not many races, their individual strength is stronger than each other. There are dozens of ninth-level beast kings in the entire race, and there are even kings of the beast king level.

Needless to say, the ninth-level beast king is equivalent to the mid-level human monk's strength.

And the beast emperor of the tenth rank is definitely the peak of the late stage of transformation, which is very scary.

In the extraterritorial battlefield, the human race is not without allies. The human race and the sea race are connected to each other. Tens of thousands of years ago, an alliance agreement was signed to jointly resist the alien star race. Jointly deal with the aggression of other ethnic groups outside the region.

However, the relationship between the Human Race and the Sea Race is also mutual. There are three races in the Sea Race that hate human monks very much. Representatives of these three races were not present when the agreement was signed.

Therefore, in the extraterrestrial starry sky, if these three races that hate human monks meet human monks, they will still fight with human monks regardless of the racial agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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