The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1882 Magic Treasure Green Conch House

Chapter 1882 Magic Treasure Green Conch House

After the army of monks goes out, it is estimated that it will take four months at the earliest to return. This extraterritorial starry sky is too big, and the territory of the human race is really not small. If there is no trouble, this is the fastest time to return. , If you encounter any trouble during the cleaning process, it is a pity that it takes more time.

However, routine cleaning is very necessary. This can clean up the "weeds" in the site, such as some starry sky monsters that can be dealt with, such as the miscellaneous soldiers of various races in the starry sky who accidentally broke into the site... etc. Wait, in this case, it will also provide convenience for the continuous transfer of monks from the Qinghe mainland, so that there will be no safe activity area for the monks after the transfer.

Of course, the starry sky is huge, and apart from the territories of each race in the starry sky, there are also many unowned areas that can be developed.

After all, the human race and the various races in the starry sky can actually be said to be within one galaxy of this extraterritorial battlefield, and the territories of each race are relatively close to the teleportation point.

There may also be resources and treasures in these unowned areas, but these unowned areas are either very remote, far away from the teleportation point, or extremely dangerous, and monks may perish at any time after entering.

Therefore, most of the weaker monks of various races are still active near the territory, searching for common resources and treasures on the battlefield outside the territory, as well as daily practice.

The monks who are stronger will naturally leave this galaxy and go to the distant starry sky to open up wasteland. While honing themselves, they can also discover more good things.

Of course, after more monks leave, they will never return... There are too many murderous opportunities in the starry sky, and the safety factor in the galaxy is relatively high, but if you leave the galaxy, those star disasters such as ion storms and extraterrestrial rays First of all, some monks with weaker monks can be killed directly.

So if you leave this galaxy, you're risking your life with your head up, and even the cultivators in the transformation stage can't guarantee that they can come back alive.

Even the race of the Mara Star Clan, which is not afraid of anything, has learned the lesson repeatedly. For tens of thousands of years, there have been repeated attempts to not be afraid of death, but [-]% of them are finished.

So after learning to be good, the Mara Star Clan is now only wandering in all parts of the starry sky. The Mara Star Clan's own territory is relatively small and too barren, so they have to grab the resources of other races' territories .


Compared with the official monk army of the three major cultivation countries, the people from the major sects in the East China Sea who entered the foreign battlefield can only be regarded as mobs. After entering the foreign battlefield, the three major cultivation countries do not count on the power of these sects. There is hatred between each other, and it is a high incense to not fight when they meet together.

And the Zongmen forces in the extraterritorial battlefields belong to the non-staff personnel of the three major cultivation countries. Except for the big event of the Wanyu War, which is related to the human race's territorial struggle in the extraterritorial starry sky... the members of each sect must send people to rush there. It doesn't matter what these sect forces are doing.

Therefore, the members of the major sects are still very free on the battlefield outside the territory. They practice independently, find resources to improve themselves, or compete for treasures, and no one cares about the official.


At this moment, in a starry sky, Elder Xing, a cultivator of the Transformation Stage, and his subordinate Qingluan have already joined a group of monks who entered the battlefield outside the domain.

There are more than 120 monks in this group, and they are also the first batch of members of the Tianmo Palace to enter the foreign battlefield. All of them have cultivation levels above Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation, and there are even two or three guys who are comparable to Elder Xing. They are all in the middle stage of transformation.

"Old man Xing, why are you here... Didn't you follow the order of the suzerain to investigate the death of Venerable Shura?"

"Ah...Old Tie, congratulations, I didn't expect you to advance to the middle stage of God Transformation!"

Elder Xing clasped his fists at a chubby demon cultivator. This chubby demon cultivator had a shiny face, and he seemed to have no trace of demon energy in his body, just like an ordinary person.

But anyone who is familiar with this demon cultivator knows that this fat man has a resounding nickname: "Blood Butcher... Iron Army."

The reason why it is called Xuebutcher is because this person has the terrifying top-grade magic weapon Eighteen Bloods. As the name suggests, Eighteen Bloods are composed of eighteen Bloods. It's not simple, it's all made by breaking through the devil world, using the devil's head as the raw material, and then feeding it with the essence of a virgin born in a cloudy year and a cloudy day for thousands of years.

The sacrificial refining procedures in this process are very complicated. After refining, each blood butcher has the combat power equivalent to the top-grade magic treasure house, and after being combined together, it can be used to form formations, trap enemies, and kill enemies to form battlefield killing moves. This set of blood butchers is actually a magic weapon house, and it is also the best.

Blood Butcher Tiejun is famous for this set of blood butchers. In the early stage of transformation, the combat power was directly on par with Elder Xing who was in the middle stage of transformation.

At this moment, Elder Xing was asking for help from others. He clasped his fists at Tie Jun, the blood butcher: "Old Tie, what happened in the recent period is hard to explain. I also came to this starry sky by accident, but unfortunately encountered an ant trapped in the starry sky. Surrounded by the clan, even the original magic house had to be abandoned... Now I have something to ask, please help me refine another magic house."

Elder Xing didn't describe his experience in detail, and he was considered down to the bottom during this time, so he only briefly mentioned his own experience for the sake of face.

"Sacrificial treasure house?"

Blood Butcher Tie Jun was a little surprised, his weapon refining ability is definitely at the master level, and the set of Blood Butcher in hand is the famous work when he was promoted to a master of weapon refining, so it is not surprising that Elder Xing asked him for a request, but he still showed Look very embarrassed: "Well, if there is no material, I can't help you."

"Materials, I have them."

Elder Xing said that most demon cultivators also practiced weapon refining, but there are only a few refining masters at the master level of Tianmo Palace, and Elder Xing is one of them. It is not difficult to refine a set of magic treasure house.

Afterwards, Elder Xing took out the materials on his body, and immediately shook the eyes of the bloody butcher. The guy's eyes flashed coldly. If it weren't for Elder Xing, he would also be a mid-stage cultivator, and he was also a member of the sect. If it's not bad, the blood butcher iron army has the idea of ​​robbery.

"This is robbing the dragon's nest..."

Blood butcher Tie Jun murmured, there are thirty or forty pieces of materials in front of him, and they are all top-quality materials. It can be said that what he has gained after staying in this foreign battlefield for more than a month is less than one-tenth of what Elder Xing brought out.

"As long as the magic treasure house is successfully refined, half of the remaining materials will belong to you."

At this time, Elder Xing promised to make a lot of money. There should be a lot of leftovers after refining the magic treasure house with this material.

"Oh..." After thinking for a while, Xueshouzi Tie Jun nodded, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Elder Xing refined a new magic house with the help of Xuebutzi. Since most of the materials were of water attribute, he spent two days of intensive training and refined an enlarged green conch shell The same Magic Treasure House, this is a water attribute Magic Treasure House, which is considered a mid-range product in the Magic Treasure House, which is a little worse than the Shetian Demon Wheel that I had before.

Mid-range magic weapon house... green snail house!

However, this is something that can’t be helped. After all, the Magic Treasure House does not mean that there is one. If Elder Xing hadn’t been moved and robbed the Dragon King’s Nest, he would definitely not be able to gather the materials for the sacrifice of the new Magic Treasure House. Now in the original Magic Treasure House After losing it, it is not easy to forge a new one immediately.

After the magic treasure house and green snail house were refined, Elder Xing divided half of the remaining materials to Xueshouzi according to the agreement, and Xueshouzi accepted it happily. Moxiu puts the most emphasis on practical benefits. If there is no benefit, he can be regarded as a friend. Blood butcher Butcher won't help to refine the Magic Treasure House either.

And after the new magic house was refined and the sacrifice was completed, Elder Xing leaned into Xueshouzi's ear and said, "Old Tie, you have only been promoted to the middle stage of transforming gods, so you should be short of cultivation resources. Are you interested in following me?" I'm going to make a big deal..."

"Oh, which extraterritorial treasure point did you find..."

Xuebutzi's eyes lit up immediately. Although this extraterritorial starry sky is a treasure trove of resources, the treasures in the starry sky are not completely open to monks, which requires monks to discover them.

Moreover, if there is no luck, the opportunities that monks encounter in this extraterritorial battlefield may not be much better than staying in the East China Sea.

The blood butcher is not bad. When he first came to the battlefield outside the territory, he got a strange fruit, and he directly broke through to the middle stage of transformation. However, he has not gained much in the following period, so the words of Elder Xing are very important to him. For example, it is undoubtedly dry wood that has met a raging fire.

Seeing Xue Tuzi's appetite whetted by himself, Elder Xing chuckled, knowing that he was sure about finding a helper.

He sighed, and said: "The opportunity I'm talking about is on the mission given to me by the suzerain... You don't know, the mission target I'm chasing is not as powerful as mine, but the various bottom-press methods, There are a lot of treasure thieves at the bottom of the box, so even I am directly inferior... Sigh, that kid's combat power should be at the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods. Go deal with that kid."

The kid that Elder Xing said is naturally Qin Lang. Since Elder Xing lost the magic weapon house, Tianmo Shuo, now he hates Qin Lang to the extreme. Most of the day I was thinking about how to kill Qin Lang as soon as possible.

Now that the new Magic Treasure House has been refined, Elder Xing feels that he has the power to fight again, so he wants to win over the blood butcher Tie Jun, a powerful helper, to deal with that kid together.

"If the two demon cultivators in the middle stage of transforming gods attack together, I guess that kid won't be able to escape this time..."

Elder Xing thought of Qin Lang's slippery escape several times before, and couldn't help but sneered. He was well prepared this time, ready to kill that kid with a thunderous blow.

(End of this chapter)

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