Chapter 1883 Two-on-two battle

However, before taking action, Elder Xing did not choose to deal with Qin Lang first, but calculated the position of Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect. He sealed a trace of Rong Qiu's damaged consciousness in his hand, so it was easy to calculate.

Compared with the extremely slippery boy Qin Lang, Rong Qiu, the master of this small sect in the Eastern Sea Region, is much easier to deal with. Although this female cultivator has escaped his pursuit several times before, I believe that it is now the end of the battle, and I am afraid it will soon die .

After all, this female cultivator almost lost half her life in the Sea God's Forbidden Land in the Eastern Sea Region before, and she was attacked again by herself, and she was already seriously injured. A monk with a lower strength would have been unable to hold on. It took many days, and that was also because of the strong physique of the monks in the transformation stage.

It is estimated that Rong Qiu's level of serious injury will not be able to recover for three to five years, and now that he has not recovered for many days, it is probably a dead fish on the chopping board.

Therefore, Elder Xing decided to kill the female cultivator first, and after solving this small trouble, he would deal with Qin Lang's big trouble.

The demon cultivators have always used all their strength to make shots. After discussing with the blood butcher, the two demon cultivators left the sect monk team and flew away in one direction. Although the breath of the female cultivator in the distance was very weak, Elder Xing But there is a way to lock her, so she can't escape.

Back in time to the previous moment, the master of the Red Sword Sect had just parted with the ground knife Chang Fei...

At this moment, she was suddenly targeted by fierce murderous intent, even though she was thousands of miles away, Rong Qiu could still feel the terror coming from that distance, she had to escape now.

The message to contact the monks of the sect has been sent out before, but now she regrets sending out the contact message. I am afraid that even if she joins a few disciples of her sect, Rong Qiu can't guarantee that she will be able to cultivate in the powerful Heavenly Demon Palace. Surviving under his subordinates may even implicate those disciples under his own sect.

Run away, run away, run away.Rong Qiu can't think about it now, so she can only run away in a further direction. Although her injury is half healed, the situation is still not optimistic. After all, the physical injury is not bad, and the serious illness of the soul may last for several years. Even if she can't recover, even if her injury is better now, she can only recover to the strength close to the quasi-transformation stage.

She could feel that the murderous intent behind her was getting closer and closer. This was the opponent's rapid shrinking, and it also indirectly proved that her speed was not as good as the opponent's.

Although it was strange why the other party hadn't been able to catch up with him a month ago, but now the speed suddenly exploded, but Rong Qiu didn't have time to think too much now, and he was still running, running, running.

She was bitter in her heart, knowing that she was doomed.

In the distance... the gray cloud rolls towards the sky and covers the earth. This cloud is very abnormal, and it makes a huge movement while rushing towards it. It is the sound of wind and thunder.

This is the monk manipulating the flying magic weapon, and it is a magic cultivator.

Elder Xing is catching up!Rong Qiu is not going to run away anymore, she knows that she can't run away, she might as well die, so that she can have fun.

"Wan Jianyu!" Forcing her true energy, Rong Qiu almost squeezed out all her true energy and sent out a blow. This blow also overdraws her physical strength. Using her current seriously injured body to perform such a killer move will not be a burden on her body. Small, so at the same time as she released her ultimate move, a muffled groan appeared at the same time, and blood stains appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Her injury worsened again, and in the sky, hundreds of sword lights filled the sky, shooting towards the rolling dark clouds.

"Small skills!" Seeing the dying struggle of the master of the Red Sword Sect, Rong Qiu, Elder Xing and Xue Tuzi on the opposite side of the cloud showed disdainful expressions. Rong Qiu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, is obviously at the end of his battle now, so Elder Xing went directly outside Spread out a layer of bloody defensive shield, this is a top-grade defensive magic weapon.

When all Wan Jianyu came over, they were all blocked by the blood shield when they approached the two magicians.

Afterwards, Elder Xing activated the soul binding technique, and shot a few tornadoes of spells at Rong Qiu: "Surrender to death." He planned to kill Rong Qiu and then bring back the Yuanshen, even though Rong Qiu's Yuanshen was incomplete , but it is also a good material for refining magic weapons.

After all, this is the primordial spirit of a cultivator in the transformation stage, and a primordial spirit of this level is absolutely precious.

"Am I going to die..." Rong Qiu was desperate, and was about to blow himself up, when suddenly he saw a fast light coming from a distance, and another monk came over.

Before the person approached, a voice came over: "The old bastard of the Heavenly Demon Palace... Your young master, I'm here! Watch..."

Following the sound, a wave of sword light, denser than Rong Qiu's Wan Jianyu just now, poured over, directly towards the two demon cultivators in the sky.

There is another rescue?Rong Qiu couldn't believe his eyes, did his luck start to improve recently?
Then, when he saw someone coming, Rong Qiu also became excited, this was actually an was Qin Lang's little brother!he came!
She knew that little brother Qin Lang was not ordinary, even if she was completely victorious, she couldn't guarantee that she would beat this little brother, not to mention that little brother had helpers by his side.

Wait... this breath!The little brother seems to have broken through the early stage of transformation.

Rong Qiu was shocked, and after a closer look, not only Qin Lang was in the middle stage of transformation, but the demon ape king on the flying magic weapon was also in the middle stage of transformation.

Two such strong support came over, Rong Qiu was very excited, thank God, he was really saved.

But now, both Qin Lang and the Demon Ape King have made a move, and the opponent's two demon cultivators are both in the mid-stage cultivation of the gods, so the two can't help but keep their hands and rush up to fight together.

Elder Xing and Xue Tuzi, the demon cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Palace, could not have imagined that they would meet Qin Lang in this situation, and what was even more unexpected was that Qin Lang's strength had broken through to the mid-stage of God Transformation. What was even more troublesome was that Qin Lang was not alone now. There is a monster ape king who is at the peak of the middle stage of the transformation of the gods.

This makes the two demon cultivators very passive, especially Elder Xing who is now full of bitterness. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I thought that I was well prepared this time and brought a helper, so I could eat Qin Lang steadily, but the real Qin Lang appeared in front of him Only then did he realize that it was all a joke.

Now, although both sides are above the middle stage of transformation, the monster ape king beside Qin Lang is amazingly powerful. No matter who the elder Xing and the blood butcher are, if they don't use ultimate moves, there is no possibility of fighting them.

The same is true for Qin Lang, who has an astonishingly powerful magic house in his hand. The power of the pagoda-shaped magic house is still fresh in the memory of the elder Xing.

"Kill!" shouted loudly, the monster ape king Housheng likes hand-to-hand combat the most, relying on his indestructible body that can resist the best magic weapon, he directly bullied himself, approached the two demon cultivators and swept them with a big stick, forcing the two Moxiu had no choice but to retreat, and at the same time resorted to a killer move.

Elder Xing's magic house was sacrificed, and the green snail house flashed, and Elder Xing had already entered the magic house. Although this magic house is not very powerful, it has a special defensive supernatural power, water curtain Tianhua, which has a defensive effect It's astonishing, after it's deployed, even the best attacking treasure can't break through this layer of defensive supernatural power without a few dozen hits.

And the blood butcher naturally released the eighteen blood butchers, and the sky immediately howled with ghosts and wolves. Each of the blood butchers has the strength of transforming gods, and they are invincible. As long as the body is not destroyed, the blood butchers can always be resurrected , can be regarded as eighteen magic weapon spirits.

Whoosh, eighteen blood butchers rushed over, even if they hadn't formed a formation yet, both Qin Lang and Hou Sheng felt that kind of strong pressure. This large number of weird blood butchers is definitely not easy to deal with. Elder Xing's green snail house is still troublesome.

"Eat my big stick..." Hou Sheng went forward bravely, and the big stick swept over like a havoc in the heaven, with a meaningless momentum, just swept those blood butchers, and those blood butchers disappeared immediately, and the next moment reappeared.

Blood Butcher is immune to physical attacks!

And the next moment, when Qin Lang saw this, he stretched out his hand and pushed out a fire dragon. This is the evolved fire of Kanli. After the fire, those blood butchers who were originally ferocious were like a mouse seeing a cat. They were actually very afraid of the flame. , but it turned out that Kanli's fire happened to be Xuebutzi's nemesis.

After all, the fire of Kanli is one of the most outstanding flames in the three rankings of heaven, earth and people in the different fires. This kind of flame is said to melt everything in the world, and its attribute is also a kind of extremely yang flame. , of course it is like a nemesis.

If the blood butcher is stained with Kanli's fire, he will be ignited immediately, and will be completely burned by then.

Sure enough, after Kanli's fire was stained with a few blood butchers, it directly turned these blood butchers into a big fire ball, and the screams were continuous, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

However, after the blood butcher was burned by the flames, his soul did not dissipate. In fact, its body is still in the hands of the master of the blood butcher Tiejun. The soul body can be regenerated.

However, the fire of Kanli is indeed the nemesis of this magic treasure house. Although the soul body can be generated all the time, it will consume the foundation of the magic treasure house every time it is destroyed. Scrapped.

So after that, the blood butcher paid special attention to Qin Lang's Kanli fire. After fighting for a while, he found that the battle situation was getting worse and worse, so he had the idea of ​​​​running away.

At this time, the Eighteen Blood Slaughter turned into a house of magic treasures, a formation similar to an illusion.

Whoosh, the Blood Slaughter Tiejun entered the Blood Slaughter Illusion, but he did not intend to fight Qin Lang's Kanli Fire, but was ready to retreat. After all, fighting Qin Lang and Hou Sheng now is completely thankless.

As for the relationship between him and Elder Xing, the friendship belongs to the friendship. If any difficulties are encountered, Moxiu's first consideration is himself.

At this time, Elder Xing blocked Housheng's hard hits with a big stick. Seeing that Xueshouzi Tiejun was manipulating the Xueshou Illusion Formation to retreat, he didn't know what was going on in Xueshouzi Tiejun's mind. He wanted to retreat, and cursed secretly, knowing that Qin Lang had become a hard bone now, he no longer had the intention to continue entangled here.

(End of this chapter)

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