The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1884 The Elder Xing Falls

Chapter 1884 The Elder Xing Falls

As the existence of the mid-stage of transformation, the two Heavenly Demon Palace monks have never seen any big storms, and naturally one is more ghostly than the other. Seeing that the situation is not good at this time, they naturally want to run away immediately.

The two demon cultivators had no idea of ​​continuing to fight, and immediately wanted to run away, but Qin Lang and Housheng are now strong, and it is not easy for the two demon cultivators to escape.

"Old Xing, your Magic Treasure House has a strong defense, cover it for me, I'll take a step first..."

Xuetuzi Tiejun yelled loudly at this time, and suddenly rushed towards Elder Xing, rushed behind Elder Xing, and immediately launched an escape method.

At this time, Qin Lang, who was chasing the blood butcher, naturally shifted the target of his attack to Elder Xing. Now it is Qin Lang and Hou Sheng, two monks above the middle stage of transforming gods, who joined forces to deal with Elder Xing, which suddenly increased the pressure on Elder Xing.

Cursing inwardly, he didn't care about blaming Xue Tuzi's partner for being unreasonable at this time, and directly used all his true energy to strengthen the water curtain Tianhua in the Magic Treasure House, struggling to support the bombardment of the two masters.


At this time, the Xuebutcher successfully activated the escape technique and escaped.

But at this time, the situation became that Elder Xing faced the two masters alone, and it became very difficult. Although the defense ability of Qingluo Palace was top-notch, it could not reverse the situation where he was passively beaten. There is no power to fight back.

Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!
Here in the starry sky, the movement of the battle is still quite loud, and at this moment, a large wave of dark figures in the distance are rushing here, which should be attracted by the aura of spiritual energy fluctuations here.

It's Mara Star Clan!There are at least 5000 people in this big Pomara star clan, and there should be people from the stage of transformation into gods or even the mid-stage of transformation into gods.

However, after seeing that the monks fighting in this battlefield are all of the strength of the mid-stage of transformation, the Mara star clan in this big wave is also a little hesitant, but the masters of the more than a dozen of the Mara star clan in the front are urging The sound, let those who are not as powerful as yourself act as cannon fodder to surround the entire battlefield.

Seeing that the Mara Star Clan gradually formed a semicircle and surrounded the battlefield here, it was obvious that they wanted to wipe out both sides of the battle. How could human monks like Qin Lang not know what the Mara Star Clan was thinking? These poor ghosts are too greedy Now, I want to rob these human monks in front of me.

It's just that the surroundings are not easy to chew on, and I don't know if these Mara star clan can chew on them.

"court death!"

Hou Sheng was already furious, and he directly swept towards these Star Clans with the Starfall Iron Rod in his hand, and began to kill. Soon, five or six masters of the Mara Star Clan came out and formed a mysterious formation Only by trapping Housheng inside could the damage caused by Housheng's powerful lethality be blocked.

In the short blink of an eye just now, Housheng had already disabled nearly one or two hundred people. Although it was nothing to the large Mara Star Clan army, they did not allow Housheng to be such a deity. The mid-term peak super master Hu Lai.

But Hou Sheng was attracted by the Mara Star Clan, and the elder Xing, who had been in a hard fight before, was relieved of the pressure. At this time, he was anxious to get out of trouble, and made a U-turn directly at the Magic Treasure House, and was about to get out of Qin Lang's grasp of the fighting rhythm.

"Want to's not that easy..."

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes, although there were some changes on the battlefield, but if the enemy wanted to escape, he had to ask himself first.


The heart sword was sent out directly. This heart sword is also one of Qin Lang's trump cards. It is invisible and qualityless. After these days of continuous training, it has grown a lot and has the effect of penetrating any defense.

The heart sword directly penetrated the water curtain Tianhua of Elder Xing's magic house, directly inside, and he didn't know which part of Elder Xing's body hit, Qin Lang directly detonated the sword energy formed by this thought.

There was a muffled snort from Qingluo Palace, followed by the hysterical roar of the elder Xing: "Bastard...I won't let you wait...I won't let you go..."

All of a sudden, the magic house suddenly disappeared. Elder Xing should have been wounded by Qin Lang just now, and then he didn't know what kind of secret method he used, so he escaped.

However, Qin Lang knew that Elder Xing had been reluctant to activate the secret method to escape. I am afraid that the use of this secret method would require a high price. Otherwise, Elder Xing would have used it directly before, and there is no need to wait until now.

As for the failure of this heart sword to kill Elder Xing, Qin Lang had already expected it. After all, the monks in the mid-stage of transformation are almost the top level of the Qinghe Continent. All these old monsters who have lived for more than 5000 years They are all Xiaoqiang-like existences, with many life-saving magic weapons and supernatural powers. It is easy to repel them, but it is more difficult to kill them.


In the other direction, Elder Xing, who had escaped hundreds of miles, was vomiting blood. He was hit in the chest by Qin Lang's heart sword just now, and his heart was almost blown to pieces. However, after performing the method of disintegrating the demon, his body disintegrated After that, they reorganized again to avoid that terrifying sword energy.

The Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa is an upgraded version of the Heavenly Demon Palace Blood Drop Rebirth Art, which occurs faster than the Blood Drop Rebirth Art.

The disadvantages of the method of disintegration of demons are very serious. Although it is in the same series as Shura Yinsha Gong, Shura Yinsha Gong can be compared to the indestructible body of King Kong, and can rebound attacks; there are no obvious disadvantages, but it is different from Shura Yinsha Gong. After Dafa is cast, it can counteract an attack, but it consumes its own foundation.

Elder Xing avoided the danger of death after performing the Dafa of disintegrating the demon, and then directly used an escape method that greatly consumed his own essence, and disappeared in the original battlefield.

The price he paid this time was astonishing. It burned at least a hundred years of his own cultivation, and it would take time and hard work to recover. No wonder he was so angry before.

This time, Elder Xing miscalculated, but while he hated Qin Lang more and more, he didn't dare to underestimate Qin Lang anymore. He was going to work hard to improve himself in this extraterritorial battlefield, and then consider it after his strength fully recovered. revenge.

However, just as Elder Xing, who had retreated in cultivation, was about to leave this place, suddenly a golden shuttle light passed through from a distance, and penetrated into the Qingluo Palace, the house of magic treasures.

" is it possible..."

Elder Xing found that his chest was pierced, and then the shuttle-shaped treasure was devouring his energy, and his soul was swallowed by the shuttle-shaped treasure.

And after the golden light, a figure gradually appeared in the starry sky, but it was a tall and tall man with a bald head, Wu Kun, the suzerain of the Evil Buddha Sect.

"Haha, Master Buddha, I was so lucky to meet a seriously injured cultivator from the Heavenly Demon Palace... Now all the treasures on this guy belong to Master Buddha, the magic house... well, yes, there are storage rings and so on... ...I'll clean up these things later, don't let those demon cultivators find any traces, after all, the Tianmo Palace is not easy to mess with..."

Elder Xing didn't expect until his death that he would be taken advantage of by others. The one who killed him was an inconspicuous new sect in the Eastern Sea Region, the patriarch of the Evil Buddha Sect, Wu Kun.

However, this Wu Kun is also a character. Although the Evil Buddha Sect was founded less than a hundred years ago, it has grown to a sect with tens of thousands of Buddhist disciples in the past hundred years. , I am afraid that the Evil Buddha Sect can already compare with the large and medium-sized sects in the East China Sea.

The evil Buddha Wukun himself is in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, but the skills and supernatural powers of this guy's cultivation base are too terrifying. Attacking treasures, now that the combat power is overwhelming, it is normal to kill the Xing elders with weakened cultivation background in one fell swoop.

After all, he has mental calculations, and Elder Xing didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway during his escape. If there were warning signs in advance, he would never have been attacked by surprise.

This is also the result of the evil Buddha Wu Kun using the secret method to ward off the secret before launching the attack. Otherwise, I am afraid that Elder Xing should have had a sixth sense long ago. After all, the monks in the middle stage of transformation are still very sensitive to crises.

Therefore, Elder Xing thought very wrongly, and died very uselessly, and this time he came to the battlefield outside the territory with his body, his body fell, and his soul was absorbed by the golden shuttle-shaped treasure level, even the possibility of rebirth No.


The evil Buddha Wukun then cleaned the battlefield, and it would be a good harvest to kill a monk in the middle stage of transformation, not to mention that this monk in the middle stage of transformation came from a master in the Eastern Sea Region like Tianmo Palace.

The magic weapon house and green conch house on Elder Xing alone are worth more than all the treasures on the evil Buddha Wu Kun combined. You must know Wu Kun’s golden shuttle-shaped top-quality magic weapon obtained from the foreign battlefield Although it's good, it's still not as good as the green snail house, the magic house. Just now, I was able to sneak attack Elder Xing and penetrate the defense layer of the magic house, so I caught Elder Xing by surprise.

After all, in the process of escaping from the Magic Treasure House just now, Elder Xing, who had suffered a lot of losses, had actually fallen to the bottom of his cultivation, so he didn't activate the magical power of Water Curtain Tianhua, which consumes spiritual power, at all. Take advantage.

Now that the green snail house has been damaged by Jinsuo, there is a hole in it, but it doesn't matter, there are a lot of precious resources in this extraterritorial battlefield, Xiefo Wukun believes that he will slowly gather enough repair materials, after all he entered The purpose of the extraterritorial battlefield is to come for all kinds of treasures and materials.

Besides the Green Conch Palace, the storage ring on Elder Xing’s body is even more precious. There must be a lot of good things in the storage ring for monks in the middle stage of transformation, but unfortunately, although Elder Xing died, the imprint of divine consciousness in the storage ring is still there. It has not completely disappeared, so it seems that it will take several days for Evil Buddha Wu Kun to refine this storage ring.

(End of this chapter)

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