The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1885 Astral Secret Realm

Chapter 1885 Astral Secret Realm
However, Xiefo Wukun is not in a hurry, anyway, now that the meat has been eaten in his mouth, he can only consume it slowly by himself, right?

Now that he has killed such a seriously injured monk from the Heavenly Demon Palace, he has suddenly developed. Before that, he only had a golden shuttle that he had snatched from a battlefield outside the territory. Less than a hundred years, the background is too shallow.

But now, Elder Xing, as the Lord of the Battle Hall of the Heavenly Demon Palace, naturally has a lot of good things on him. Now he has completely accepted Elder Xing's wealth, and he can be regarded as barely a human being, and gradually he has a real cultivator at the stage of transformation look.

However, the reason why Wu Kun, the evil Buddha, was able to kill Elder Xing is also related to the strength of his own Buddhist skills. In fact, Buddhist cultivation is not very dependent on magic weapons, and he has a lot of supernatural powers. If these supernatural powers If it is displayed, it will be much smaller than the power caused by not using some top-grade treasures.

Like the phantom of the evil Buddha Wukun, the halo and clone are all very good supernatural powers, and if ordinary monks in the transformation stage have not inspired the power of blood, it is impossible to have supernatural powers at all.

Therefore, the Evil Buddha Sect founded by Wu Kun is also an alternative to the entire East China Sea. This sect does not pay attention to the aptitude of monks, but it pays great attention to understanding, and understanding is the basis for practicing various Buddhist supernatural powers. After all, if a monk has understanding If it is good, the domain skills will be much faster.

The evil Buddha Wu Kun cleaned the entire battlefield, and then released the secret red lotus flame of Buddhism. I don’t know where this evil Buddha sect passed on from outside the territory. The uprightness of Buddhism is completely different.

The red lotus flames cleaned the entire battlefield, completely clearing away the traces of Elder Xing's existence. After the red lotus flames disappeared, Elder Xing disappeared between the sky and the earth, not even leaving his bones.

Of course, Elder Xing’s primordial spirit was devoured by the golden shuttle, but was taken out by the evil Buddha Wu Kun at this time, and thrown into the Buddha Kingdom formed by the phantom in the halo behind him. This phantom of the evil Buddha is also the foundation of the Evil Buddha Sect , is the source of Wu Kun's strength, and what I like most is to devour some of the monk's souls that are greatly nourished, and then transform the monk's souls into bloody puppets.



Earth Knife Chang Fei appeared in a place outside the sky at this moment. This place is far away from the territory of all races, and belongs to a relatively wild place in the outer starry sky. His main purpose of coming here is not to hunt for treasure, but to find it according to the clues left by his father's map. It came up, that is to say, his father actually entered the battlefield outside the territory.

And his father, a Dzogchen monk in the late Nascent Soul, dared to break into the starry sky alone, into such a terrifying place, it is unbelievable to think about it. You must know that the outer starry sky is full of solar wind and ion storms. Even cultivators in the stage of transforming gods will be affected, and they will die without a place to bury them.

It's the white star in front, my father should have been there... Di Dao Chang Fei stared in that direction with piercing eyes, and there are scattered solar winds everywhere around here, which can blow away the soul of a monk, if it wasn't for him in the middle stage of transformation The monk's soul is strong and condensed enough, and he dare not stay here for too long.

Afterwards, Earth Knife Chang Fei began to look at the terrain, trying to figure out how to pass through the solar wind area this time and reach the white star.

"Father didn't know what treasure he used to protect himself back then, and reached the white star... There must be some mystery in the middle, I'll take a closer look."

Regardless of his appearance and appearance, Di Dao Chang Fei is actually a very thoughtful person. Otherwise, he would not have cultivated to the present level at the age of more than 100 years. After more than 100 years of cultivation, he has cultivated to the middle stage of transforming gods. This is considered a super speed in the entire Qinghe Continent. up.

The solar wind in the surrounding space is very chaotic, and from time to time there is an ion storm formed by the impact of solar particles, making a burst of violent noise. The power of each solar particle impact in this ion storm can be compared to a nuclear explosion, and there are thousands of particles in each solar wind. Tens of thousands of solar particles are colliding and constantly moving irregularly, just like a group of strong gunpowder wrapped... No, it should be tens of thousands of times stronger than the strong gunpowder.

Under such circumstances, even Chang Fei, the ground knife, would not dare to take risks lightly. If he didn't pay attention, he might not be able to hold it even if he opened the top-level defensive magic weapon.

But at this time, after watching for nearly an hour, he discovered that there are rules to follow in the operation of these solar wind and solar particles. They all move in one direction, and when they reach an angle of 45 degrees, there will be a short Pause, an irregular connection channel appears indirectly, this connection channel goes directly to the white dwarf star, as if a great power has arranged a secret formation channel.

Of course, it is impossible for Da Neng to arrange such a formation in this extraterritorial battlefield. If it is really Da Neng's arrangement, it may be possible for gods and demons tens of thousands of years ago to do it. Nowadays, no one in the cultivation world can do it At this point, it requires an extreme understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, and the use of the power of heaven and earth and the power of stars to the extreme.

Such characters are already equivalent to the laws of heaven and earth, similar to the legendary saints, and saints are existences beyond the level of ordinary immortals.

Once again carefully observed for an hour, and after confirming that it was correct, Chang Fei, the ground knife, considered how to pass through this connection channel. After all, the time for this connection channel to be formed is too short, and he needs to pass through it directly in this short moment. , and then reach the white star.

After thinking about it for a while, he swallowed the Lixing Pill, and decided to risk his life to try it. After all, the desire to find his father had been established since he was a child. After so many years, his inner urgency One can imagine.

Whoosh, the next moment, he disappeared in place and entered the connecting channel.

When he entered the connection channel, he realized that he was thinking too much. The inside of the channel was actually a little different from the outside. After entering, the whole channel was enlarged!
No... It's not that the passage has been enlarged, but that his entire body has been shrunk countless times, becoming a size that even a fly can't reach, and in this way, he can make twists and turns in this seemingly relatively tortuous and narrow place No longer afraid of colliding with solar particles.

Of course, the speed of traveling through the space channel still needs to be accelerated. Although for some unknown reason, time seems to be static in the space channel, and there has been no change around him, but he is still more careful.

Whoosh... The next moment, he has already appeared on the opposite white star. It is at least tens of miles away from the original standing place, but in fact, he travels through the connecting channel formed by the solar wind and solar particles, and time is still. There should be the rules of the anti-matter world, which are different from the rules of heaven and earth in the normal world.

Therefore, the rules of time do not apply to connection channels.

And at this time, Chang Fei came to this white star. This white star is like an island. It may not be as big as Tiandao Island, where the Tiandaomen of Qinghe Continent is stationed. shine.

A secret island in the extraterrestrial sky!

This is actually a secret treasure land, and it is a secret treasure land full of elixir. Di Dao Chang Fei finally understood why his father found this place. He suddenly thought...his father is a master-level alchemist, and The inheritance seems to have something to do with the ancient medical sage, so could this secret island be the inheritance left by the medical sage?Leaving an inheritance in the star field and starry sky, this ancient medical sage seems to have more than simple medical skills and alchemy skills, and his cultivation base is definitely strong to the end.


In the distance, Qin Lang, who was from the Mara Star Clan, sneezed at this time. He didn't know that the relic of the medical saint he was looking for was discovered in advance by Chang Fei, the earth knife.

After all, it is rumored that there are several relics of the holy doctor in Qinghe mainland, but no one has been discovered for tens of thousands of years, and the one he has been to before is just a dilapidated relic of the holy doctor, which cannot be counted. It is a truly complete secret realm.

"I heard that the ancient medical sage is the ancestor of the creation of the world... a clone of the Chaos Demon God. This rumor has never been verified, but now that I see the secret place in front of me, I seem to believe it."

Di Dao Chang Fei took a look, and then approached the secret elixir garden. The secret elixir was well planned, and there were many elixir living on it, and they were all elixir left over from ancient times. Many elixir All of them have disappeared long ago, only heard of in ancient books, and the age is so terrifyingly old, full of spiritual medicine.

Di Dao Chang Fei was not in a hurry to gather herbs. He saw a stone house in the secret realm. This stone house is not big or small. It should be four to five hundred square meters. He is going to enter to see it. At first glance, after all, he came here looking for clues to his father, and now that his father's clues have arrived in this secret realm, it seems that if he wants to find something, he has to search this secret realm carefully.

And then, he found a corpse outside the door of the stone house, and he was shocked for a moment.

A kind of blood connection was transmitted immediately, and Chang Fei, the earth knife, immediately knew that the bone in front of him was his father, the bone of Chang Huohua, the former alchemy master of Tiandaomen, and immediately called softly: "Father! "

He knelt down and kowtowed three times to this corpse. Although his father left him very early, he had planned a growth path for himself. Without his father, he might not have grown up to where he is today. This point.

So Di Dao Chang Fei is also very grateful to his father. He knows that his resources were not particularly good when he was a child. It was his father who used a lot of elixir to change his aptitude in all aspects and make him better than most people.It's a pity that my father's lifespan is over. In order to refine the longevity pill, he had to go to the battlefield outside the territory to find the elixir materials in the relics of the medical saint.

It's a pity that his father's wish was not fulfilled, and he actually died in the secret realm of the medical saint, and he hadn't been able to refine the longevity pill until he died.

(End of this chapter)

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