The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1886 Brave Monkey Ascension

Chapter 1886 Brave Monkey Ascension
Now that he found his father's bones, Chang Fei, the Didao, settled a big worry. After kowtowing to his father's bones, he didn't move his father's bones immediately, but began to look at the stone house in front of him.

He found that although the stone house in front of him looked a bit crude, there was an invisible resistance preventing outsiders from entering. There should be a restriction, and the restriction was not simple, even his mid-stage cultivation base could not force his way in.

After discovering this, Di Dao Chang Fei finally knew why even though his father came outside the stone house, he lingered and did not leave. Instead, he guarded the stone house until he died. There might be something in the stone house that his father wanted.

And what is the most attractive thing about the ancient medical sage to his father?

One must know that one's father is an alchemist, or that one who can attract his father is the inheritance of the medical saint. This stone house is likely to be the inheritance left by the medical saint.

However, this kind of special inheritance left by ancient powers is generally reserved for people with predestined relationship. It is obvious that my father is not the person with predestined relationship, and I probably am not either. Otherwise, I will not be blocked by this restriction forever .

Di Dao Chang Fei tried a few more times after that, but he was still unable to enter this stone house. He was born in a set of Tian Dao Sect. I have learned these, but I am only at the level of a formation master.

With the eyes of his formation mage, he can naturally see that this restriction is very clever, and the ability of the ancient medical saint to set up the formation is beyond his reach. If he is not a master of formation, he will not be able to break this formation at all.

After researching for a while without success, Chang Fei, the ground knife, gave up. He is not a person who sticks to the horns of the dead. Since he has nothing to do with the things in the stone house, he no longer insists on it.

Afterwards, Didao Chang Fei carefully packed away his father Chang Huohua's bones. After all, Ye Luo returned to his roots, and he had already found his father's bones thousands of miles away, so he had the responsibility to take his father's bones back for a good burial.


At this moment, return to another place in the starry sky.

After Elder Xing was injured and escaped far away, Qin Lang and Housheng were surrounded by more than 5000 Mara star clans. Among the more than 5000 Mara star clans, there were three mid-stage gods and a dozen early-stage gods. They are all cultivation bases above the late Nascent Soul stage.

Facing so many Mara Star Clans, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng also seemed very cautious, there were too many people.

However, there is one thing that makes Qin Lang and Housheng a little more relieved. These Mara star clans are all poor. Even if those Mara star clans at the same level in the mid-stage of god transformation may be due to their weak wealth, Qin Lang and Housheng are completely fine now. One against two.

Because of the lack of treasures, most of the Mara Star Clan's cultivation methods are in the body cultivation line, and the combat is mainly close-to-body combat. It can be said that it is the ancestor level of physical cultivation. When encountering weaker opponents, they are basically swept away. When encountering the same level, almost no Mara star clan can block it.

In this encirclement with a large number of people, the trapped Housheng's combat power far surpassed Qin Lang's. Under the sweep of the big stick, the surrounding Mara Star Clan couldn't get close at all.

At this time, the Mara Star Clan has gradually formed an enclosing circle and formed a formation. Effective organization and formation also make them more coordinated with each other. Before, with the cooperation of the Mara Star Clan, they were able to use formations to neutralize most of the attack power.

Seeing Housheng's frizzy appearance now, and seeing that the formation formed by the Mara Star Clan is getting tighter and tighter, and the entire formation space is beginning to shrink, Qin Lang also knows that it can't go on like this.

He is a formation master, so of course he can see the mystery of this large formation formed by the combination of thousands of Mara star clans. StarClan is indeed amazingly talented.

However, although the formation masters of the Mara star clan created such an exquisite formation, the good and bad of the thousands of Mara star clans are uneven, and there are still many flaws in the cooperation between them, so Qin Lang broke the formation. opportunity.

After all, others may not be able to see anything, but in the eyes of Qin Lang, the same formation master, those flaws are like a sieve, which cannot be hidden at all.

After that, Qin Lang began to communicate with his pet with spiritual consciousness, pointing out the direction for Housheng: "Housheng, hit that the upper left, there is the formation eye, but the Mara star clan moved a step faster and went sideways. Some... and that direction, swing up a few times, try to break through a hole in this big formation, and then let's force it out..."

Qin Lang knew that it would be impossible to break through now. After all, although the individual strength of these thousands of Mara Star Clans is not as good as his own, the combined strength is still terrible. If they are really given some buffer time, the large formation will be adjusted to In the best condition, I am afraid that even if he is a formation master, both of them may not be able to leave.

With the master's guidance, Hou Sheng immediately lifted his spirits. It was much better than rushing around like headless chickens. After all, the fight just now was actually useless. It didn't even hurt a Mara star clan. It makes the monkey anxious.

According to the master's suggestion, now Housheng began to sweep down the place where the formation was flawed, and directly hit the Mara star clan that was a little bit off, because there were some misalignments in the mutual cooperation, and the surrounding It was too late for the Mara Star Clan to save the field.

This Mara star clan crossed his hands and blocked a blow with a weapon, but at the same time his whole body was shocked, the whole figure was directly hit by the locomotive, and flew tens of feet away.

There is no way, the full strength of the monster ape king in the mid-stage of transformation is too great, it is not something that a small Nascent Soul in the late stage of Dzogchen can compete with, and the result of the direct collision is to be blown away.

It's still pretty good, if I hadn't blocked this blow just now, I'm afraid I'd have been hit by Hou Sheng's big stick in the mouth, it wouldn't have been hit flying, but my chest would have collapsed or been broken by the force of the big stick , can't die anymore.

After all, just a moment ago, the Mara Star Clan let out a scream of "ah" when it was hit flying, but it turned out that it was just to block Housheng's smash, and its arms were all crippled. , was shaken into a comminuted fracture.

"Haha, let's go..."

Seeing the success of one shot, Hou Sheng laughed happily, and then smashed the second shot at the second breakthrough. Just now, the master reminded himself to go all out and make a breakthrough directly. There is a chance of escape.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!
When the big stick collided with the Mara Star Clan, the violent sound resounded through the starry sky, and one or two of the Mara Star Clan hit by Housheng couldn't resist. Reverse rapid breakthrough.

And Qin Lang protects Housheng from behind, but after arousing his innate supernatural powers, Housheng's body is as hard as a top-grade defensive magic weapon, and Qin Lang doesn't need to protect him.

And the monkey ascended in front of the gods to block and kill the gods, and the performance of the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha really shocked many Mara star clans, making these Mara star clans involuntarily avoid to the sides. This is also an instinct of self-protection. A biological race can resist this instinct.

However, although many Mara Star Clan saw Housheng mighty, they directly pointed their finger at Qin Lang behind Housheng, thinking that Qin Lang should be a softer persimmon.

But Qin Lang also has the best treasures to protect his body. At the same time, the fire armor formed by Kanli's fire protects his body. The defense strength is not much worse than Housheng's golden guillotine body.

Qin Lang used the sword art, and the big canopy was full of light. Although this sword art was not as powerful as the killing move Wan Jinyu, the master of the Red Sword Sect, Rong Qiu, but each wave could also spill a large area. It also swept a large area.

Knowing that these two are tough bones, those weaker Star Clans in the Mara Star Clan didn't dare to get close at all. At this time, more than a dozen monks in the transformation stage made a move at the same time, and there was a big wave of magic attacks when they made a move .

This large wave of spells includes direct attacks, as well as other debuff spells such as slowing, binding, and cursing. If you are hit, it will be disgusting even if you can't hurt yourself, so Qin Lang tried his best to block it. , the precise method of swordsmanship combined with the Sansheng Sword Art, Qin Lang also struggled to block it.

"Hurry up! Hurry up..."

Qin Lang's divine sense urged his pet to take a note. After such a short wave, he felt that his energy and true energy had been exhausted to the bottom. In the blink of an eye, the real energy at the bottom of the valley rose by half again.

And Hou Sheng, who followed the order, also cheered up at this time, shouted violently, and directly slashed a more violent attack. This attack was louder, stronger than the impact of the previous battle.

A bigger product broke through in front of us, and those Star Clans who stopped us just now will be wiped out, and Housheng's iron rod was actually broken in the impact. This rough and refined weapon is not even a magic weapon. However, it is far harder than ordinary magic weapons. Unexpectedly, it has such a shortcoming, that is, the material is actually as brittle as pig iron, and it still cannot withstand too much external force.

However, at this moment, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng have no time to take care of these things. Now that the gap has been opened, it is better to hurry up and rush forward...

Eight minutes later, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng rushed out of the heavily resisting Mara Star Clan formation. As soon as they rushed out, Qin Lang summoned the flying magic weapon, the best flying boat, and they both got on the flying boat with a whiz, and headed straight to the ground. Don't go back and run away.

Neither Qin Lang nor Housheng dared to spend any more time with these Mara star clans. Fighting with these Mara star clans was actually a thankless task. Besides, most of them are pitifully poor. Except for the few Mara Star Clans above the stage of transformation, even if the others die, don't expect to get any spoils from the corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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