Chapter 1887

Although the Mara star clan above the transformation stage is easy to deal with individually, they are basically slow to act together as a whole. In this case, the combined combat power is terrible, and it is very difficult to deal with.

Think about it, if more than a dozen Mara Star Clans in the early stage of the transformation of the gods made a move together, even a mid-stage monk of the transformation of the gods would have a higher level than them, I am afraid it would be very difficult.

What's more, there are two middle-stage transformation gods in these Mara star clans, and there are thousands of cannon fodder from the late Nascent Soul to the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen. Together, if there are too many ants, it can kill an elephant.

So, don't look at Qin Lang and Housheng, who are very powerful in the mid-term transformation of gods, but they don't want to spend time with these Mara star clans here. Without knowing the foundation of this race, one must know that the Mara Star Clan is a well-known supernatural guerrilla among the entire extraterritorial race, especially capable of giving birth, so the base of the race is really too large.

Moreover, the Mara star clan can be said to be practiced by the whole people, and the base number of monks is probably more than that of the entire Qinghe continent, the sea clan, and all the monsters combined.

Similarly, only such a racial base will consume all the resources of the entire planet where the Mara Star Clan is located, and each of them is so poor that the elites of the entire race have to take advantage of the opening of the extraterritorial battlefield to break through. Enter the battlefield outside the territory and plunder all the resources that can be found.


Not long after Qin Lang and Housheng set foot on the flying boat and left, a group of human monks came here. This team of human monks has a total of 2000 people, all of whom are above the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, and there are also Huashen There are early and middle monks.

Needless to say, this team of monks is naturally the regular army of the three major cultivation countries in the east sea area of ​​the Qinghe Continent. The Mara Star Clan fled to the territory of the human monks, and now they have hit the gunpoint.

The task of the three major cultivation nations this time is to wipe out all the obstacles on the human territory, and the Mara Star Clan is also the biggest cleanup target. Now that they have encountered it, it goes without saying that they will go to war immediately.

The result of the battle was one-sided, but the winner was not the Mara Star Clan side with a large number of people, but the human monk army.

Although the 5000-strong team of the Mara Star Clan is more than twice as large as the human monk army, they are all poor, and their overall combat effectiveness is several grades worse, and their discipline is not as good as that of the three major cultivation countries. This army of monks sent out.

The battle was almost one-sided. As soon as the Mara Star Clan came into contact with the human cultivator army, they collapsed immediately, and a quarter of them were directly wiped out. Then half was left behind.

In the end, less than a thousand of the Mara star tribe escaped, which can be said to be a disastrous defeat, while the human monk army suffered hundreds of casualties, and basically they were only injured. Only one or two monks died. It is not an exaggeration to say that the record is an outright victory.

After tidying up the battlefield hastily, this monk army marched again. The mission of this regular monk army is very tight, so every minute and every second is grasped very tightly. In order to strive to go back and forth within three months, There was no room for delay on the road.

And this encounter on the starry sky battlefield was just a small episode for the entire monk army. Basically, this time the three monk armies encountered an encounter of this scale along the road within three months after they set off. There will be no fewer than ten encounters, and even larger encounters are possible.

Of course, if any team of the monk army encounters an invincible enemy on the battlefield, they will not blindly fight to the death, but will also flee, and at the same time send out a signal for help. After all, the three monk armies are a whole. Teams will rush to rescue when they receive a signal from another team.


In the starry sky, a cultivator at the transformation stage was driving a ray of light in a panic. He fled in a panic, as if there was some terrible guy chasing him behind him.

The elder Deng Yuanhua of the Lingyuan faction came to the battlefield outside the territory for half a month. The experience can be said to be full of twists and turns. A group of monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace were discovered, and the strength of this team of Heavenly Demon Palace monks was far superior to the two of them. In addition, Deng Yuanhua secretly wanted to use the hands of the Heavenly Demon Palace Demon Cultivators to get rid of his dual cultivation partner. Directly designed his own companion.

In the end, my dual-cultivator partner was seriously injured by the demon cultivator... I don't know whether it is alive or dead, but after the team of demon cultivators injured their partner, they did not let themselves go, but continued to chase and kill themselves, thinking... To seize that innate spirit treasure.

"Hand over the treasure, and spare you...Hand over the treasure and let you go!"

"You can't escape, if you don't hand over the treasure, you will die..."

At that time, those demon cultivators threatened each other one after another, but in fact, this team of five or six demon cultivators really insisted on him for half a month, and did not give himself a chance to breathe.

If there is a chance to breathe, I am afraid that I have already refined this innate spirit treasure.

You must know that this is an innate spiritual treasure!The entire cultivation world of the Qinghe Continent has never heard of anyone possessing a treasure of this level, but now that I have discovered the Xiantian Lingbao in the outer starry sky, even my dual cultivation partner dares to plot, how can I give up this treasure so easily!
After fleeing for half a month, Deng Yuanhua was also in a state of embarrassment, but he also knew that the demon cultivators behind him were also uncomfortable. After all, only one or two of these demon cultivators were similar in strength to him, and their cultivation base was not much higher than his own. If it is, then this situation of chasing and fleeing will not be stalemate for half a month.

Running away, running away, Deng Yuanhua suddenly noticed the aura of monks in front of him, and was about to turn around to avoid the direction where monks appeared, so as not to cause more trouble, but at this time, he felt that the aura of those monks was very familiar to him. Martial people.

"People from the Lingyuan faction..."

Deng Yuanhua regained his spirits. He himself is an elder of the Lingyuan Sect. If he joins up with people from his own sect at this moment, he should be able to block the pursuers behind him if he asks them to help block him.

"Everyone from the same sect... Everyone from the same sect... The demon cultivator is coming, help me to block it..."

Deng Yuanhua yelled and rushed over.

The Lingyuan Sect should actually be considered a middle-level sect in the Qinghe Continent. Although not many monks entered the battlefield this time, there were twenty or thirty of them. the elders.

I usually have a good relationship with these elders of the same sect in the faction. Seeing that I am being chased by the demon cultivator, I am afraid they should help.

However, when approaching later, Deng Yuanhua suddenly saw that there was actually his own dual-cultivation partner, Meina, among the monks of the Lingyuan Sect, and his expression changed immediately: " you not dead..."

At that time, he saw with his own eyes that his partner Youxiu was hit by a magic spell from the magic cultivator of the transformation stage, and he thought the woman was dead, but he didn't expect that not only did she not die, but now she actually joined other monks from the sect Together.

This time it will be a disaster, I am afraid that the colleagues of the Lingyuan faction in the outer battlefield will already know the dirty things they have done, and they will be ashamed and ashamed.

"Why, do you really want me to die?"

On the opposite side, the female monk named Mina sneered when she saw the heartbroken man. If she hadn't been rescued by a nobleman in the starry sky, she might have died in the first place.

And that noble person is naturally Qin Lang, and she survived after being extended by Qin Lang's Creation Pill.

But at this moment, Deng Yuanhua's face changed drastically, and he didn't bother to defend himself, knowing that staying here was of no use, so he ran away in another direction.

After all, there are a few demons chasing after him, and the fellow sects I met are all looking at me with unkind expressions at the moment. Although the Lingyuan sect is only a middle-level sect with not very strong strength in the East China Sea, But it is also the right way. My own dirty behavior is no different from that of a villain. If I do it quietly and no one finds out, it will be fine. After being exposed, I will definitely be cast aside.

"Mina, this bitch must have told her fellow sects all about her experience, damn it... Now the entire Lingyuan Sect has no place for me. But there is no place for me to stay here, I have my own place to stay, waiting for me After Deng Yuanhua refined the purple gourd, the innate spiritual treasure, the great way can be expected, and the world is so big, why don't I just let me do it freely..."

Deng Yuanhua comforted himself, and at this time several monks from the Lingyuan Sect also confirmed that Deng Yuanhua had indeed done something that made the whole sect feel dirty, and they hurried to chase him at this time, so there were more people chasing Deng Yuanhua Team.

Moreover, the speed of this new force is much faster than the team of demon cultivators chasing Deng Yuanhua. After all, whether it is Deng Yuanhua or that team of demon cultivators... Chasing each other for half a month is still exhausting. Physical and energetic.

This also made Deng Yuanhua very depressed. He thought that the time would come when he got a Xiantian Lingbao, but if he was chased like this, he might end up marrying someone else with this Xiantian Lingbao.

So, under a cruel heart, Deng Yuanhua made an unexpected move. He actually started to burn his life to explode, so as to speed up his escape speed.

The flying magic weapon he used was a top-grade magic weapon, and its speed was not slow at first, but now at the cost of burning his life, the speed suddenly increased sharply, almost comparable to the flying speed of the top-grade flying magic weapon.

And the two pursuers behind them didn't have the best flying magic weapon, so the distance was getting farther and farther.

Although the distance is getting farther and farther away, Deng Yuanhua has a bitter expression on his face, and there is no happy expression at all. There is no way, this burning life to overdraw the potential is completely the stupidest behavior a monk does, and it is equivalent to self-destructing the Dao foundation .

In fact, his cultivation and realm are regressing every minute and every second, and the speed of this regress is also very fast. Now he can feel that the cultivation realm of the transformation stage has gradually become unstable, and he is about to regress to the late Yuanying stage. Dzogchen is complete.

Moreover, this kind of retreat in cultivation is irreversible, and it will be very difficult to return to cultivation in the future. He only hopes that the huge price he has paid is worth it.

The congenital Lingbao-level purple gourd can make up for all of this, otherwise, I will completely lose my fortune in this gamble-like investment.

(End of this chapter)

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