Chapter 1891

Qin Lang fled with Hou Sheng for three days and three nights in a flying boat, and only stopped after he was sure that he had completely shaken off the pursuers behind him.

This is a strange starry sky, which has already left the territory of human monks. According to the description of the star map, it should be the sphere of influence of the Gunuo Star Clan.

And Qin Lang's star map is actually pieced together from the spoils of the extraterritorial battlefield. Basically, every monk who enters the extraterritorial battlefield will draw a star map of the places he has been to for his own convenience. After all, the extraterritorial starry sky is so big that there is no star map for comparison. No way.

The star map in Qin Lang's hand refers to some parameters provided by Fengge of the Red Sword Gate before, and then it is supplemented by Xiu Mina, a female of the Spiritual Fate School, and then some Mara Star Clan monks who were killed on the battlefield. Another part was discarded.

When Qin Lang stopped here, he compared the star map and determined that this is the junction of the Gu Nuo star clan and the human race, and it is also commonly known as the three-way zone. This is the best place for retreat.

Then I decided to set up an array here to refine the last purple gourd of innate spirit treasure level. After all, if this gourd is not successfully sacrificed for a day, the aura will keep leaking out. It is also a treasure that is very easy to attract hatred and easily arouse others. greedy heart.

Qin Lang arranged a formation to conceal the leakage of spiritual energy on the spot, and then began to let the monkey rise to protect the law, and he refined the last purple gourd by himself.

The mother-child gourd of the congenital spirit treasure level, a vine, and seven gourds in a string, so this is a set of combination spirit treasures. It took Qin Lang about seven days to refine the last gourd, which was more than the time it took to refine several gourds before. There are many.

The reason why it took so long is mainly because the last gourd is connected with other gourds to be considered a real system, and the integration of this complete system naturally took more time.

And after this set of combination spirit treasure sacrifice is successful, it becomes a real whole. The seven gourds are different in size, and the smallest one is naturally the small golden gourd. Although this gourd is small, it is the largest of the seven gourds. The core is also the mother body, and the other six gourds must revolve around it.

This set of congenital spirit treasure-level gourds has now been refined into a natal magic weapon by Qin Lang. If it is used for cultivation, it is easier to produce a feeling of blood fusion than a non-natal magic weapon, and it is more powerful than a non-natal magic weapon if it is used for fighting. It can be raised by one or two floors.

However, correspondingly, if the gourd is damaged, Qin Lang himself will also be backlashed by the damage. This is the characteristic of the natal magic weapon. It can be said that all prosperity and loss are all prosperity. Qin Lang has become one with this set of treasures.

After the sacrifice, the seven gourds are floating comfortably in the brain's sea of ​​consciousness at this moment, and have replaced the core position of Kanli's fire. Burning, after all, this is not an ordinary flame. It can be said that Qin Lang is second only to the treasure of the innate spirit treasure gourd. Even the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House is not as good as this fire in some aspects. .

The fire of Kanli can melt all things in the world, but it can't melt the seven gourds in the sea of ​​consciousness. These seven-day gourds are gourds of the innate spirit treasure level, but the fire of Kanli is the fire of acquired days. The trend of the fire, but still can't help the seven gourds.

I am afraid that only the tinder of the sky fire level can deal with this kind of treasure.

After the refining was successful, the seven gourds used the golden gourd as the mother body, and the six gourds were spinning around the golden gourd. Qin Lang obviously felt that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was more than ten times faster than before when he was practicing, and he was always There is a mysterious and incomparable Dao mechanism coming from the gourd, which is vague and faintly visible. If Qin Lang can comprehend something from the source of the Dao, I am afraid that the speed of his cultivation base will not increase as much as he heard from the battlefield outside the territory before. How much slower is the group of lucky monks.

Quietly comprehended, Qin Lang opened his eyes again, and a gleam of light flashed across his pupils. This is an innate spiritual treasure for enlightenment. It is self-contained and can be used for formation, although it is used for fighting Words may be more powerful than the magic house, but he is not going to use them in normal battles.

Because the magic weapon of life is connected with the blood, Qin Lang can only regard it as his most bottom card. This set of treasures cannot be damaged, and it is also an opportunity for him to realize the Tao, so try not to use it in battle. Don't reveal it, even if it is the most dangerous time, if there are other methods that can be used, don't first consider this set of innate spirit treasures.

Of course, Qin Lang is not a pedantic person. When he really needs it, he will use this set of innate treasures to fight.

After refining this set of innate spiritual treasures, Qin Lang looked at Hou Sheng who was protecting him, and said, "Hou Sheng, bring your weapon here, and I will re-melt it for you."

"Okay, master." Hou Sheng handed the weapon in hand to Qin Lang.

This weapon was forged using star iron with extremely crude techniques. It was three feet long and weighed more than ten thousand catties, but the size of the weapon could not be changed as desired.

Moreover, after repeated battles in the foreign battlefield, the head of this weapon has begun to distort. This is not to say that the material of the star iron is not good enough, but a weapon made of a single material and rough refining techniques. In fact, it is not very good, but it is slightly stronger than ordinary soldiers. If it is not supported by the top-level material such as the star iron, the weapon made of another material may have been scrapped long ago.

Although Qin Lang's refining level is only at the level of refining masters, he has the kind of fire that top refining masters envy, Kanli's fire. Kanli's fire is used for alchemy and refining. It's not a problem to re-melt your weapon and upgrade it to a level or two.

The weapon made of pure star iron is actually not the best, so this time Qin Lang added some other materials, which are all good things.

After melting, this weapon has turned into a silver-gray color, and has successfully evolved into a magic weapon. Although the grade of the magic weapon is only top-grade, the fact is different from the surface. Weapons can directly challenge the best magic weapon.

After refining the silver-gray Deathstar iron stick, Qin Lang handed this weapon back to Hou Sheng, and after seeing this newly refined treasure, Hou Sheng couldn't put it down, it was as rough as the previous weapon. In comparison, the current weapon is considered a real weapon. Although it seems to be heavier than before refining, it is estimated to be more than twice as heavy, but because it has evolved into a magic weapon, it can be changed in size as you like.

"Grow bigger!~
"Get smaller!"

... After waving the windmill for a while, Hou Sheng began to change the size of the weapon constantly, testing the performance of the newly acquired weapon.

Long and long, the silver-gray stick can extend more than 1 feet long, straight into the sky; when it is short, it can be shrunk down to the size of an embroidery needle.

It can be seen that Qin Lang took great pains to refine this weapon for his pet. Although this treasure is only a top-grade magic weapon, it is not inferior to top-grade treasures in many aspects. At least the ability to change the size of Ruyi It's already very good.

Hou Sheng breathed out, and directly turned the silver-gray weapon into the size of an embroidery needle and hid it in his ear. Qin Lang told him the story of Monkey King in his spare time, so this guy now also regards the Monkey King in Chinese mythology as an example Object.

To be honest, Hou Sheng's demon ape blood should also belong to the Four Demon Apes of Hunshi, and there is indeed a blood connection with Monkey King.

The four demon apes of the mixed world came from the species that existed before Pangu and at the beginning of the world, so they are naturally extraordinary.

And the four demon apes of the mixed world correspond to the earth, fire, water and wind, namely the brachial ape, which belongs to fire, the six-eared monkey, which belongs to wind, the red scorpion monkey, which belongs to water, and the Lingming stone monkey which belongs to earth.

The Monkey King in the Chinese legend belongs to the Lingming stone monkey race among the four demon apes in the chaotic world. He is born with great strength, is good at hand-to-hand combat, and has a strong ability to control the soil. In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong's earth escape technique is not generally strong, and he has escaped to Hades many times. Temple went.

The demon ape king Housheng should actually be regarded as the descendant of the brachial ape. The fire-attributed brachial ape is also born with great strength, is better at hand-to-hand combat, and has excellent fire control ability.

But the monster ape king Housheng likes hand-to-hand combat and doesn't like to cast spells, so Qin Lang has never seen how strong his fire control ability is.

However, one thing is for sure, if Monkey Sheng is willing to learn some fire spells, his comprehension in this aspect may surpass his own master, and at the same time, the power of casting fire spells may also surpass his own.

After all, the bloodline of the demon ape king was inherited from the four apes of the mixed world in ancient times.

Most of the bloodlines of the human race are inherited from the ancient holy emperor. Although the bloodline of the holy blood is equally powerful, the base of reproduction is too large, which also disperses the concentration of bloodlines, so the human race is undoubtedly weaker at this point. .

With the new weapon, Hou Sheng will be more reckless in future battles. The new weapon is very handy. In the hands of this monster ape king who is stronger than the same level of physical training, the combat power displayed is absolutely terrible. From now on, Qin Lang's enemies will be in bad luck.

After all, Housheng is Qin Lang's pet, and Qin Lang's enemies are also Housheng's enemies. As for the main character's enemies, as a pet, naturally, he must fight to the end, and beat these enemies to death.

"Haha... Monkey Sheng likes this weapon, the master should give it a name..."

The monkey became a monster, and the ape's nature remained unchanged, and he took out weapons from his ears, and started to play with them again, his hands and feet were very cute.

"Well, let's call it the Silver Cudgel!"

Qin Lang is not good at naming, but this weapon is made after the one in Monkey King's hand. Although there are differences in weight and color, the name in this respect can be a coincidence.

"Excellent! Excellent...then it's called the Silver Cudgel!"

When Hou Sheng heard that his weapon had a new name, he was also scratching his head. In fact, the monster ape king usually behaved quite calmly, but now he loves weapons too much, so he showed his true nature.

(End of this chapter)

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