Chapter 1892 Wukong Star

After helping Housheng get the silver cudgel, Qin Lang also checked his mother-child gourd magic weapon.

Now, he has collected all seven gourds, and this set of son-mother magic treasure is complete, and he has gone through refining and refining, and now he can fully communicate with this magic treasure.

After the seven mother-child gourds are connected into one body, they are hidden in Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness, and Qin Lang now has an unexpected discovery, that is, his divine sense is more sensitive to the outside world. If the divine sense is released, the detection range has already reached It became a hundred thousand feet, ten times larger than before.

This is also one of the ability enhancements brought to him by the innate spirit treasure, which can be regarded as a small unexpected gain. If the divine sense is more sensitive to the outside world, it will be easier to find potential dangers in the surrounding environment when walking outside in the future.

Just as Qin Lang was inspecting this set of mother-child gourd magic weapon, there was a sudden strong energy fluctuation in time and space.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared from far away, and after Qin Lang's air mechanism locked on this person, he couldn't help showing a depressed expression.

Damn it, the evil Buddha Wu Kun actually chased him here.

Immediately after Qin Lang also discovered that this person had also found a helper. After comparing their strengths, he felt that he and Hou Sheng were still not suitable for a fight to the death with the evil Buddha, so he informed Hou Sheng and decided to escape from this place.

So Qin Lang and Housheng quickly entered the magic treasure house, and then with his control, the magic treasure house directly entered the turbulence of time and space, so the escape is undoubtedly the fastest.

"damn it!"

When the evil Buddha arrived with his helpers, it was too late, and he could only watch Qin Lang disappear.

"Hmph, I don't believe that he can escape from the battlefield outside the territory. He will appear again soon, and he will still be unable to escape by then!"

The evil Buddha said viciously.

Qin Lang and Housheng were sitting in the magic treasure house, and the shuttle went smoothly at first, but I don't know if it was bad luck or what, the magic treasure house encountered a space-time hurricane not long after.

"What kind of luck is this, such a thing has happened."

When the storm hit, it pushed the Magic Treasure House to change its route in an instant. Qin Lang didn't know how much the Magic Treasure House deviated in time and space, which meant it was out of control.

The starry sky is huge, and any change in position may land on other planets.

But the matter had come to this point, he couldn't change the result back, so he had to control the Magic Treasure House to maintain stability in the hurricane, and then passively waited for the landing place.

I don't know how long it has passed, but finally, the Magic Treasure House finally traveled to a stable space-time area, and Qin Lang immediately let the Magic Treasure House begin to descend.

Soon, the Magic Treasure House will descend into a valley and stop at a certain position on the mountain.

Qin Lang came out of the magic house, and Hou Sheng naturally followed.

The Magic Treasure House came through the turbulent flow of space, and the continuous space travel also caused some damage to the Magic Treasure House.

It's just that for Qin Lang, this loss is nothing at all. He is a master of formations and a master of refining equipment, so it is not a problem to repair it.

As long as there is time, the Magic Treasure House will be able to recover.

But right now, we still have to think about reality.

Qin Lang calculated it, and he calculated the time. Although he said that he didn't have the heart to count the minutes and seconds silently when he shuttled through the turbulent space, he estimated that the shuttle time would be about half an hour.

Almost an hour or so.

"Here, Monkey Sheng."

Qin Lang directly took out a handful of mana recovery pills from the space storage container, kept some for himself, and handed the rest to his adopted subordinate Hou Sheng.

After all, he and Hou Sheng needed to consume a lot of mana to maintain the house and fight against the storm while manipulating the magic house to travel through the dangerous space storm, so mana actually consumed a lot.

Hou Sheng was not polite. After thanking Qin Lang, he took the elixir with his big furry hands, put a handful of elixir into his mouth like a cow chewing a peony, bit it whole, and crushed it directly into his stomach.

"Master, you need to practice your skills first, and I will protect the law."

Monkey Sheng said.

Although it is the same as Qin Lang in terms of realm, it is in the middle stage of transforming gods, but Qin Lang's strength and wit are not comparable to it, so after coming to a strange place, it is wise to let Qin Lang recover his mana first Act of.

"Well, okay."

Qin Lang nodded, and then sat cross-legged on the ground.

But he didn't immediately close his eyes and start performing exercises to restore mana, but scanned around as usual.

His consciousness also spread out, checking the surrounding environment.

"This place must still be on the battlefield outside the territory, but I don't know which planet it is."

Qin Lang breathed the air here, his eyes were serious, as if he felt something.

"Master, what's the matter, is there something wrong?"

Housheng is loyal, as long as Qin Lang speaks a word, it will definitely follow Qin Lang's order without saying a word.

So now Qin Lang showed a look of vigilance. It didn't need Qin Lang's orders, its hair stood on end, its consciousness expanded to the maximum, and it was ready at any time.

"There are some things that are not right. You can take a closer look and feel it."

After a pause, Qin Lang continued, "Don't be too vigilant, there is no danger nearby."

Hearing what Qin Lang said, Hou Sheng officially began to look around.

Then, Hou Sheng, who became the Demon Ape King, showed a puzzled look on his face.

Hou Sheng muttered to himself: "This place is very ordinary, it's just a common valley, surrounded by bare peaks, there is no evil spirit, there should be no monsters living there."

Because Hou Sheng himself was born as a monster ape, he would unconsciously think about the monster race when he spoke.

Then, it continued: "It's just that this place is very rich in aura, and there is even aura in the soil. I see that the plants growing on the land seem to be quite different from ordinary plants."

Qin Lang nodded and said: "Well, yes, our battlefield outside the territory is indeed no better than that in Qinghe mainland. The environment here is very complicated."

He lowered his head, grabbed an unknown thin plant with his hands, and observed the roots of the plant, and found that the smell of the soil here was indeed more extraordinary than that of the Qinghe Continent.

Undoubtedly, the richness of aura in this place is much higher than that in Qinghe Continent, and this planet is probably more suitable for cultivation.

Among other things, these plants, even if they are only small and small plants, are full of energy. After countless years of evolution, if ordinary plants are taken to Qinghe Continent, they will probably be recognized as extraordinary plants by the people of Qinghe Continent.

This brings up a real problem.

With such strong aura, the strength of such masters, whether they are human masters, masters of other races, or even plant life, is probably stronger than that of Qinghe Continent.

The strongest in the Qinghe Continent will only be at the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the gods. After the stage of the transformation of the gods, the monks will soar.

And on this unknown planet, who knows how strong a powerful monk will be.

"We have to figure out where we're going first."

Qin Lang said in his heart.

But he didn't get up to look around. Now that it was important to recover his mana, he promoted the monkey to protect him. He sat down cross-legged and began to exercise.

Hou Sheng was very smart and loyal. He quickly pulled out the weeds around him to broaden his field of vision, spread his spiritual consciousness around, and maintained a vigilant heart.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Lang who was meditating slowly opened his eyes.

Hou Sheng was overjoyed, and hurried forward to ask: "Master, are you all right, mana has recovered?"

Qin Lang nodded.As long as there is time and there is enough aura in this place, it is not difficult to restore mana.

"Hou Sheng, hurry up and recover your mana now, and then we will leave this valley."

Housheng nodded: "Yes, master."

After speaking, Hou Sheng followed suit.

For the first time, Qin Lang used his spiritual consciousness to scan around the valley seriously.

Now, his spiritual consciousness is enough to cover a very large area. His spiritual consciousness has spread far and wide, and has already completely covered the valley of Nuoda. Within a radius of several thousand miles, he can feel any movement as long as he wants.

Even, as long as the distance is short, he can penetrate the ground thousands of meters deep and go deep underground to detect the activity traces of various tiny underground creatures.

After a quick scan, Qin Lang found that there were only some spirit beasts or fierce beasts nearby, and they were not of high level, usually at the second or third level, which did not pose any threat to him and Hou Sheng.

As for the smell of humans, I can't feel it here, it should be a deserted place.

In addition, there are some plant life, and some plants have evolved to become aggressive and have hidden abilities, such as some vine plant life and so on.

But the plant life is far inferior to the monsters here, let alone a threat.

Therefore, Qin Lang decided to leave this place immediately after Hou Sheng recovered his mana.

He didn't believe that there would be no high-level monsters and powerful monks on a planet with such a strong aura.

About two hours later, Hou Sheng's mana recovered, and Qin Lang also took advantage of this time to restore the magic treasure house a lot, so he entered the magic treasure house, manipulated the magic weapon, and left quickly here.

The Magic Treasure House merged into the air without disturbing any monsters.

However, Qin Lang controlled the house of magic treasures, almost like a headless chicken, he chose a direction at random, and then flew forward as if he was lucky.

However, after flying for a certain distance, the barren scene gradually changed, and it was obvious that they were flying away from the barren land.

I don't know how long it took to fly, but the Magic Treasure House has arrived at a place where the plants are very dense and the breath of life is strong. At this moment, Qin Lang is sitting in the Magic Treasure House, and through the perception of his consciousness, he senses that a monster with some strength appears not far ahead. beast.

This monster, perceiving its aura, should have entered the stage of being able to transform. It is nothing to a master like Qin Lang, but compared to ordinary monks, it is also a powerful monster.

Qin Lang smiled slightly, controlled the magic house, and continued to fly forward, but slowed down and restrained his breath at the same time.

"Hey, I didn't expect that monster to charge towards me."

Qin Lang couldn't help laughing.

What he didn't expect was that the shape-changing monster seemed to have discovered the magic house after slowing down, and it probably wanted to hunt him, so it rushed towards this side quickly.


A black mist appeared, accompanied by a black light, the monster revealed its true face, it was a bull-shaped monster with two horns on its head.

The two horns of this monster are black and thick, and there are lightning flashes on them.

Obviously, this monster is good at lightning attribute attacks, and its background is not low. No wonder it can cultivate to the point of transformation here.

The bull-shaped monster let out a roar, and transformed itself directly. The huge body of the bull disappeared immediately, and it was replaced by a savage man wearing black animal skin.

This big man was three meters tall, thick and reckless, with a wild aura.

Monsters can transform into human form, and the reason is very simple, human beings are the spirit of all things.

"I beast...the king...the black bull demon king of... Shuangtou Mountain, wait...what kind of monster?"

The reckless man stared at a pair of bull's eyes and shouted loudly towards the house of magic weapons.

The door of the magic house opened, and Qin Lang and Housheng came out. Housheng also turned into a human form, just like Monkey Sun.

Qin Lang couldn't help laughing.

I didn't expect that the bull demon turned into a shape, but obviously it didn't take long to transform into a shape, at least the human language was not too familiar, so he stuttered when speaking.

In fact, he found that the human language here is different from that of Qinghe mainland, but it is almost the same. He is a cultivator of transforming spirits, so he can understand it.

"I'm not a demon, I'm a human."

Qin Lang said with a smile.

The bull demon immediately showed its sharp white teeth, looking very excited.

"No matter who you are, trespass on my...two-headed...mountain, kill...kill, meat!"

The bull demon really took Qin Lang and Housheng as prey.

Of course, it was Qin Lang and Hou Sheng who restrained their aura and looked harmless to humans and animals, which made the bull demon so unscrupulous.

"Hehe, if you want to eat our meat, you can't."

Hou Sheng spoke in a tone and style, carelessly.

The bull demon was furious, but the next moment it was dumbfounded.

Qin Lang released a wave of spiritual coercion, did not rush towards the bull demon, but gathered in front of him.

However, the cow demon also felt that he was becoming precarious, and an invisible coercion affected it. It became frightened, and its legs went limp, and it knelt down on the ground and kowtowed.

While kowtowing, the bull demon begged for mercy, and spoke a lot more quickly, begging Qin Lang to forgive him.

Although the cow demon can't detect Qin Lang's exact strength, he knows that Qin Lang's killing himself is easier than drinking water and eating, so he doesn't dare to be presumptuous, for fear that if he is not careful, this human monk will be upset and become a human monk. The dead souls of his men.

"I won't kill you."

Qin Lang said these few words calmly, and before the bull demon had time to be happy, his eyes were dull.

It turned out that Qin Lang directly used spells, and his mental power entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the cow demon, and began to search for the memory of the other party.

With Qin Lang's realm, of course, the bull demon can be prevented from being in danger, so after a few minutes, after getting some useful information, Qin Lang's mental power withdrew from the cow demon's sea of ​​consciousness.

The bull demon was at a loss, but Qin Lang had already deleted the previous memory, so the bull demon didn't know what happened just now.

"you can go now."

Qin Lang said lightly.

Hearing these words in the ears of the bull demon, the bull demon was so happy that he didn't know what to do, kowtowed quickly, and then hurried away.

Qin Lang got some information, but not much, after all, the bull monster has just transformed into a form, not a big monster, and knows little about it.

But he also knew that this place was called Wukong Star, and it was indeed a planet in the outer battlefield.

It's just that, besides Wukong, what is the nearest planet, etc., these bull monsters don't know anything.

The Wukong Star is similar to the Qinghe Continent, and the human race occupies an absolute advantage. There are a large number of human cities, but the bull demon must have never entered, and they are very ignorant of human society.

"Okay, let's continue to move forward. After passing through some places, we can enter the human city."

Qin Lang said.

(End of this chapter)

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