The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1893 Realm King City

Chapter 1893 Realm King City

According to what Qin Lang learned, the Shuangtou Mountain occupied by the bull demon belongs to the Chixiao Mountains in the southwest continent of the Wukong Continent. From here, after flying about 200 million miles, you can reach a city of the human race.

This city is called Jiewang City, and it is a gathering place for monks. As for what the Jiewang City is like, the cow demon doesn't know, and Qin Lang naturally doesn't understand either.

In this way, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng did not waste any time, and controlled the Magic Treasure House to fly directly in one direction, passing through the peaks of Chixiao Mountains.

The Scarlet Firmament Mountains are huge, stretching endlessly, I don't know how long it is, but there are no traces of large-scale human habitation here.

Qin Lang's spiritual sense is very keen. If there is a sect or a big family living in the Chixiao Mountains, he can also sense it in the magic house, but he didn't find anything.

Qin Lang is very clear that for the humans in the Realm King City, the Chixiao Mountains are equivalent to a monk's training ground. This is the gathering place for fierce beasts and monsters, and it is the place for human monks to grow and gain strength.

Therefore, it is quite normal to see no large-scale human settlements in the Chixiao Mountains.

The distance of 200 million miles is a long distance for ordinary monks, but for Qin Lang and Housheng, this distance is not out of reach.

Relying on the ultra-high-speed flight of the Magic Treasure House, it took Qin Lang about four days to fly to the edge of the Chixiao Mountains, which is the area close to the outer area of ​​Jiewang City.

This is because Qin Lang acted carefully and deliberately controlled the flying speed of the Magic Treasure House along the way. After all, it was the first time he came to the Wukong Continent and the Realm King City. He was unfamiliar with the place, so he thought it was better to keep a low profile.

Therefore, his speed is not fast, and he has always paid attention to his surroundings along the way.

During this period, he also discovered the aura of many human monks in advance. It is estimated that these humans are from the expedition team to explore the Chixiao Mountains. He didn't expect to encounter these human monks, so he controlled the magic house to avoid them far away.

According to his observation, most of these hunting teams did not sense him, that is, most of the hunting teams, the monks in them were not as powerful as him.

But there are also powerful ones. About three hunting teams found him. Fortunately, these people did not show hostility and did not catch up. Otherwise, after he came to Wukong Star, the first conflict might break out.

Finally, Qin Lang sat in the house of magic treasures and saw a green mountain peak appearing in the far horizon, deep in the clouds and mists.

This mountain is very high, estimated to be over [-] meters high, so towering into the sky, Qin Lang changed the appearance of the magic weapon house again, and turned it into a flying magic weapon that looked like a very ordinary one, and then the speed slowed down a lot.

In the process of approaching this mountain, Qin Tian also opened the door of the magic treasure house. Feeling it, he found that the mountain was surrounded by mist, and the aura in it was very strong. It was almost ten times thicker than when he was in Shuangtou Mountain times.

I'm afraid that after entering, the aura inside will be even stronger.

This is the entrance to the Realm King City. Anyway, Qin Lang has been able to sense the breath of a large number of human beings with his spiritual sense.

Sure enough, after getting close to this huge misty mountain, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng saw the true face of this mountain from a distance.

I saw an arched portal in the center of this huge mountain with a height of more than [-] meters. It is a super-large city gate. The city gate is not built with bricks, but is directly hollowed out from the inside of the huge mountain. Chiseled out.

On the top of this arched city gate, there are three big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes.

Realm King City!
Hou Sheng looked at these words, and said numbly: "The person who wrote these three words is really generous, and his own willpower is deeply imprinted in the handwriting. Ordinary monks dare to disrespect the Realm King City. As long as they see these three words One word, I'm afraid I'm going to be scared to death."

Qin Lang nodded.

"Yes, this is also the intention of the person who engraved this word. After he engraved his will, no one dared to destroy his will. From this point, it can be seen that this person should have a great relationship with the Realm King City. Maybe the first-generation city lord of Realm King City is this person, and this person is indeed a master."

But Qin Lang has nothing to worry about.

He didn't come to the Realm King City to make trouble, but he wanted to enter the gathering place of the human race, understand the situation, especially the situation of Wukong Star, and then return to the previous place on the outer battlefield.

It can be said that his identity is a passerby.

Therefore, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng had hidden their aura long before, not wanting to expose their strength, which would only increase trouble.

When he got closer, Qin Lang found that the inside of the city gate was full of traffic, and there were rows of various floors, and the aura here was really strong.

Compared with the Qinghe Continent, the aura here is much stronger. Of course, the aura in the battlefield outside the territory is generally stronger than that in the Qinghe Continent, and Qin Lang didn't care too much.

Qin Lang and Housheng saw that there were humans coming in and out of this arched city gate, but most of them were monks, that is, cultivators, and ordinary people could hardly see them.

Moreover, everyone who enters and exits will walk through. Even if they can fly, even if they have flying pets and flying magic weapons, no one flies directly through the city gate.

It can be seen that walking through the city gate is the rule of Jiewang City.

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes.

He has already felt that the arched city gate, together with the city behind it, has formed a large defensive formation within a radius of ten thousand miles around the city gate. This large formation is still in operation, but it has not been opened on a large scale.

If there is any danger, the first big formation in the Realm King City will definitely be fully powered.

Qin Lang felt that this formation was very powerful, enough to trap the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. He did not dare to underestimate the Realm King City in the borderlands.

"What are you doing, those guys sitting at the table, do they want to register the identity of those who enter the city?"

Hou Sheng looked at a few people next to the two teams of patrolling soldiers. These people were all sitting and doing the work of registering information.

Whether it is the patrolling soldiers or these few people, they all have the cultivation base of the late stage of forming an alchemy, and the two leaders even reached the cultivation base of the early Yuanying stage. With this deterrent force, people who enter the city are honest, and no one Willing to make trouble.

Qin Lang didn't care about it.

This kind of registration method is not uncommon even in the major cities of Qinghe Continent.

The reason is simple, doing so can preliminarily exclude some unruly people.

After all, there are quite a few monks who are notorious, or even villains full of crimes. If they are fooled by these people and enter the city, God knows what bad things will happen.

Qin Lang and Hou Sheng went up one after another and lined up.

"Master, these monks who entered the city seem to be dressed differently from ours."

Hou Sheng had already noticed that the patrolling soldiers were staring at them, apparently because of their clothes, which looked weird to the patrolling soldiers.

Qin Lang also discovered this a long time ago, he smiled and said: "The customs are different in different places, but we don't need to change clothes, it's good like this."

When it was his turn, the patrolling soldiers surrounded him intentionally or unintentionally. Although they didn't show their weapons, their posture was obvious. If they found that something was wrong between him and Housheng, they would definitely surround them and attack them.

The person in charge of registration also looked at Qin Lang with vigilance.

One of them, with a puzzled expression, asked, "Who are you and where are you from?"

It wasn't polite, but it wasn't rude either.

Qin Lang didn't bother to answer, and let out part of his breath a little.

What he leaked was only the aura of cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

But enough.

The strongest here are just the monks of the early stage of the Nascent Soul. Normally, it is difficult to see the monks of the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul near the city gate.

There are quite a few Nascent Soul cultivators in the city, and even some of them are cultivators who transform spirits, but compared to the large number of grassroots cultivators, Nascent Soul cultivators also belong to a very high level in the Realm King City, and their status is unusual.

Therefore, when the person who asked the question sensed Qin Lang's aura, he was startled immediately, then stood up from his chair, smiled at Qin Lang and Hou Sheng, and said, "Hello, I have offended you just now, I hope you two are Haihan."

He winked calmly, and the patrolling soldiers dispersed.

After all, he could tell that although Qin Lang and Hou Sheng's costumes were a little weird, they didn't show any malice.

Qin Lang nodded his head, indicating that it would be okay.

The person in charge of the question asked politely: "I don't know why the two of you came to Realm King City?"

Where the accusation lies, he certainly couldn't let Qin Lang and Hou Sheng enter the Realm King City without cross-examination.

"Of course it's something, it's a private matter!"

Hou Sheng said impatiently.

It's really troublesome, just register, isn't it just to prevent the wicked from getting in, but if the powerful villains, like him and Qin Lang, really want to enter the Realm King City, they can get away with a little seriousness, so they are interrogated now , he was a little impatient.

"Senior, please don't misunderstand," the person who asked the question quickly said with a smile on his face, "This is also my responsibility. Please don't be as knowledgeable as us, two seniors."

Hou Sheng snorted heavily in his nostrils, but it didn't happen again.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Seniors, our Realm King City has always welcomed foreign monks to enter the city, especially the seniors of Nascent Soul and Huashen. Let's treat it politely, and we can't neglect it."

"Well, I understand your responsibilities. The two of us came to Realm King City for the first time, and we just wanted to come in and see if we could exchange for some unique items of Realm King City, such as the ferocious beast Neidan from the Scarlet Firmament Mountains."

Qin Lang said calmly.

The person who asked the question nodded repeatedly: "So that's the case, and it's true that our Jiewang City, as a border city in the Southwest Continent, is not as prosperous as the central city, but there are also some special and unique items, and there are many of them every year. The powerful monks entered the city."

He also knows how to advance and retreat, so he didn't ask anyone to conduct detailed identity interrogation, but said to Qin Lang enthusiastically: "You two can go shopping as much as you want after entering the city. If you want to stay, it's fine. The Lord City Lord said that our Realm King City The Dharma Protector Group is short of members, if seniors are willing, they can consider joining, here are the detailed information."

This person handed something similar to a recruitment document to Qin Lang.

Hou Sheng took it for Qin Lang, but didn't look at it.

This person also knows that helping the city lord to find candidates is just casting a wide net, and not every Nascent Soul cultivator will be interested in it.

He handed over the two temporary jade badges representing his identity to Qin Lang, saying that they were identity badges, and if someone would check them after he entered the city, he would just show them.

In addition, he also talked about the rules that need to be followed after entering the city. This is something that every monk who enters the royal city for the first time will be required to remember.

For example, casual fighting is not allowed in the city, and those who violate it will even be killed by the kamikaze guards in the city as a punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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