The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1894 The Weird Person

Chapter 1894 The Weird Person (A new book has been published, please support)
Qin Lang took the jade card, and together with Hou Sheng, entered the Realm King City.

The monks in line behind Qin Lang and Hou Sheng looked enviously at the two of them being politely sent into the city by the city guards, and they were very envious of Qin Lang's treatment.

Cultivator Nascent Soul is amazing. He doesn't have to go through detailed interrogation when he enters the city, and he can still enjoy courtesy. When will he be able to cultivate to such a level.

Qin Lang naturally didn't know what those monks were thinking. After he walked into the city gate, he looked around and found that the entrance street of the Realm King City was not only very clean, but also very prosperous.

The street is about [-] meters wide, and there are a variety of shops selling goods on both sides. There are all kinds of sounds in it, and it is lively.

Qin Lang and Housheng looked at the surrounding scene, and many people passing by were looking at them, either looking at them openly, or looking at them secretly.

The people who sneaked around were very weak. Obviously they were taken aback by Qin Lang and Hou Sheng's strange outfits. They were worried that these two people had a bad temper and were bad people, so they didn't dare to look at them casually, so they could only quietly stand aside. sizing up.

Qin Lang was speechless.

The clothes on him are ordinary clothes from Qinghe Continent, okay? It’s just that after coming to this planet called Wukong Star in the extraterritorial battlefield, how do you know that although the language of the people here is similar to that on Qinghe Continent, their clothing and dressing habits are different. It is quite different from the people in Qinghe mainland.

"Master, being stared at like this is a bit like being treated like a monkey."

Hou Sheng complained.

Qin Lang smiled.

This monster ape king is also a monkey, okay? Let’s just say that, but speaking of it, he doesn’t like being surrounded by people as if he is being visited, so he and the monkey went to a place that sells clothes, and bought some spirit stones. A suit of clothes was put on.

The price of goods here is several times more expensive than in Qinghe Continent. The reason may be that there is more aura here, and it is easier to form spirit stones. Therefore, there are many spirit stones, resulting in a difference in purchasing power from Qinghe Continent.

Afterwards, Qin Lang went into a shop and bought a detailed map of Jiewang City, a brief map of Wukong Continent, and a jade slip.

The Wukong Continent is huge, so the map is of course brief, and detailed maps are impossible to buy in ordinary stores. As for the jade slips, which store information about the customs and customs of the Wukong Continent, it is very useful for Qin Lang. usefulness.

Now that he has come to this planet, he intends to take a stroll, looking for opportunities, and is not in a hurry to leave immediately.

After reading the jade slips, Qin Lang learned a lot of information.

Jiewang City belongs to a city on the border of the Southwest Continent. The entire Wukong Continent is divided into nine continents: Southwest, Southeast, and Central.

In this Realm King City, there are not many masters who live there for a long time, and those cultivators who transform into gods are basically mobile, so the martial power of Realm King City is not very high, and a cultivator in the early stage of transforming into gods is enough for the city lord to treat him very politely.

But Qin Lang doesn't want to disturb the city lord here for the time being, and plans to find a place to live first.

After a little inquiring, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng came to a place to buy a place to live. This is a big shop with three floors. The higher you go, the more houses you can buy or rent advanced.

Qin Lang didn't need a nice house, but he didn't want the environment to be too noisy and messy, so he went straight to the second floor, where a very young girl with long legs received him.

"Hello, both of you, are you going to buy a mansion in Jiewang City?"

the girl asked sweetly.

Qin Lang has also learned that the land in Jiewang City is owned by the city owner, and private individuals need a series of complicated procedures to purchase land. It is impossible for foreign monks to get the land and build houses by themselves before they have lived for a certain period of time.

Although it is possible to spend money on a piece of private land, it is completely unnecessary for Qin Lang.

"I would like to rent a suitable house for about a month."

Qin Lang said with a smile.

He doesn't buy a house, so naturally it is even more impossible to buy land.

The service girl didn't show any displeasure after knowing Qin Lang's intentions. After all, even if it was renting a house, it was only rented for one month, but because this is the second floor, the houses for sale or rent are all one by one, and they are in the nature of courtyards. The rent of the house is high, and correspondingly, the commission she can get is also high.

The girl then took out a piece of jade, and after activating it, a light curtain was formed in front of the two of them. Inside the light curtain was a detailed topographic map of the area within the Realm King City, and the most inside were dots of light.

"The two guests, these red dots indicate that the house has been sold or rented out, and these white light dots indicate that the house is not for sale or rented out. In addition, some house owners only want to sell and do not want to rent out. If If you choose something like this, there will be a prompt after you click on the dot.”

After the serving girl finished speaking, she didn't say any more, so as not to make Qin Lang and Hou Sheng disgusted by saying some nonsense.

She could see that Qin Lang definitely wanted to rent a courtyard here. This guest was a high-quality guest, so she didn't need to go out of her way to sell it, as long as she provided services when the guest needed it.

Qin Lang nodded and looked at the light curtain.

Later, Qin Lang asked: "Do you have a house surrounded by high-grade spiritual veins for rent?"

The girl who served was fluctuating a lot.She knew that Qin Lang intended to rent a house, but she didn't expect that Qin Lang wanted to rent a mansion surrounded by high-grade spiritual veins when he opened his mouth.

You must know that although the entire Realm King City has a lot of spiritual energy, it is also divided into high and low levels. The lowest level is the ordinary level, which cannot be called a spiritual vein, followed by a low-grade spiritual vein, then a middle-grade spiritual vein, and then a high-grade spiritual vein. .

Although there are top-grade spiritual veins on top of the top-grade spiritual veins, the mansions surrounded by the top-grade spiritual veins are all owned by owners and will not be sold, let alone rented out.

The houses surrounded by high-grade spiritual veins are very precious, and are considered a symbol of power and status. Many residents of this city will not be able to live in such a place in their entire lives.

"Yes, all of these."

The girl in charge smiled and tapped on the light curtain, and soon the light spots decreased a lot and became sparse.

"These are mansions with high-grade spiritual veins, please choose."

Qin Lang picked it up.

Hou Sheng had nothing to do, so he asked the service girl, "It is rare to see human settlements outside the King of the Realm City. Does it mean that most of the people in this city live in the city?"

"Yes," the waiter nodded and explained, "If you don't live in the city, you can't enjoy the protection services provided by the King City."

It turned out that several human cities, such as Jiewang City, were close to the Chixiao Mountain Range, and there were many fierce beasts in the Chixiao Mountain Range. It is naturally not safe outside the city.

The biggest reason why it is most unsuitable for humans to live outside the city is that there are a large number of bandits entrenched in many places outside the city.

These gangsters formed gangs one after another, each occupying the top of the mountain, holding a banner, and what they did was murder and arson.

These groups are quite powerful, and there are many Nascent Soul monks among the gangsters, and they even have the backing of Huashen monks behind them, so it is conceivable that even monks dare not settle outside casually.

Although there is a lot of free land outside, life is at stake, so most people still live in the city.

Those gangsters were cruel and cunning, and it was impossible for the military forces in the city to wipe out the gangsters, which resulted in a very crowded situation in the city. Although Jiewang City was located in a remote place, it was densely populated, so correspondingly, the houses for sale or rent expensive.

"I didn't expect there were bandits outside."

Hou Sheng said with a grin.

Qin Lang knew that the Monster Ape King couldn't help but want to kill and practice with those bandits.

After all, Housheng grew up from a monster. Although his personality is not cruel, some of his personality cannot be easily changed.

He was choosing, when four people came up from below. These four people were all dressed in luxurious clothes, and they were also monks, so their status might not be low.

Going up to the second floor, the four people were a little surprised to find Qin Lang and Hou Sheng.

Because, they found that both Qin Lang and Hou Sheng had the strength of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and their cultivation bases could be described as very strong, and they thought they were well-informed, but they had never seen these two people in Jiewang City. .

Two strange Nascent Soul cultivators came to Realm King City, they were naturally curious.

At the same time, Qin Lang actually saw these four people from the corner of his eye.

These four people are two men and two women, and their clothes do not have any obvious signs of sects. They should all be casual cultivators, a small group formed by the combination of casual cultivators.

The age of the four people is a bit old, belonging to the level of middle-aged and old people. Qin Lang judged that this should be a hunting team active in Jiewang City.

Of course, it may not be, after all, the clothes of these four people are very gorgeous.

Suddenly, Qin Lang made a discovery.

Because he noticed that one of the four people, after sweeping past him, directly fell on Hou Sheng's body, and then his eyes narrowed, and there seemed to be a hint of greed flashing deep in his eyes.

Qin Lang's spiritual perception is very keen, and although the other party conceals it well, he cannot escape his observation.

As for Housheng, he naturally sensed it even more.

Hou Sheng and Qin Lang looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they both knew what to do. They secretly raised their vigilance and looked at the man.

Undoubtedly, the greedy expression on the man's face showed that Hou Sheng's body was a monster.

Although in Realm King City, there is no rule that monsters cannot enter the city, after all, some powerful monsters also live in the human race all year round, and they cannot knock down a boat of people with a single blow, and directly order that monsters be killed if they encounter them.

However, there are still many people who want to hunt ferocious beasts, or kill ferocious beasts to collect materials from ferocious beasts, or take ferocious beasts as pets.

No matter what the other party's intentions are, in short, this person has bad intentions towards Hou Sheng.

Qin Lang looked over and found that this person was the youngest of the four, about 40 years old, and ranked third among the four in cultivation, reaching the late Yuanying stage.

Naturally, Qin Lang wasn't worried about such a level of cultivation, but he still increased his concentration, because from his spiritual sense induction, he found that this person had a vaguely demonic aura on his body!
This discovery surprised Qin Lang quite a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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