The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1895 Throwing an Olive Branch

Chapter 1895 Throwing an Olive Branch

If a human monk in the late Nascent Soul stage shows greed towards Housheng, because he wants to kill Housheng to obtain the material of the monster body, or to tame the monster beast, then a monster in the late Nascent Soul stage also has this greedy intention , is different.

When a monster encounters a monster, it may have a special purpose.

Of course, Qin Lang couldn't be sure that this person was born as a monster. The other party just carried the breath of a monster. This may be related to the practice of skills, or it may be related to the blood contained in it.

Qin Lang secretly guessed that most of this person should still be a human being, but in the blood, it may be the blood of the monster race, with the blood of monster beasts.

Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is very strong, although he didn't intend to spy on this person's blood, but he also felt the aura belonging to the monster.

If this person really has the blood of a monster, then I'm afraid he should be careful, after all, this person has shown to Housheng that he wants to be unfavorable to Housheng.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang remained calm, increased his consciousness, and further investigated the other party's details.

Vaguely, he felt that the other party gave him an uncomfortable feeling.

This surprised Qin Lang a little.

Because, he is already a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, and he usually doesn't feel this uncomfortable feeling when facing monks with lower or even equal strength.

After all, if the strength is similar or stronger, there is no need for him to feel vigilant and other uncomfortable feelings.

Could it be that this middle-aged monk with a mysterious origin has amazing strength and has also reached the middle stage of transformation?

The other party's apparent cultivation is at the late stage of Nascent Soul, but if the other party hides his cultivation, it's hard to say.

For a very short time, Qin Lang was a little lost in front of this uncomfortable feeling.

Unexpectedly, there are such people in the King Realm City in the borderlands.

At this moment, Hou Sheng secretly communicated with Qin Lang by means of sound transmission.

"Master, the strength of this middle-aged man should not be underestimated, it makes me feel a little scary."

It is enough to make Housheng say that.

What's more, Housheng only used the method of sound transmission to enter the secret, instead of expressing it.

You must know that this guy is not afraid of anything, and he rarely turns his back on others when he speaks.

Although this is also related to Hou Sheng's cautiousness. After all, he needs to be cautious when he comes to the Realm King City for the first time, but it also shows that in Hou Sheng's heart, he has already regarded this middle-aged monk with a mysterious background as a potential strong enemy.

"Well, your feeling is similar to mine, and I think so too."

Qin Lang responded to Hou Shengdao.

He had observed it, and among the four monks, only the middle-aged monk had a more mysterious origin, and he didn't notice anything wrong with the other three.

This shows that the other three people should not have hidden cultivation.

Among the four, the middle-aged monk was not the oldest, and on the surface, he didn't look like the leader of the four-member team, but he was hiding his cultivation and was full of doubts.

"How is this place?"

Qin Lang pointed to a light spot in the light curtain and asked the waiter.

After checking it, the young and beautiful waitress said politely: "Senior, the owner of this house only agrees to buy and sell, not to rent it out."

Qin Lang nodded.

So, he can only continue to look for a house.

At this time, following the sound of footsteps from the stairs on the second floor, a loud voice followed.

"Fellow daoists come to our store, I have never greeted you from afar, so I'm so disrespectful and disrespectful!"

An old man with white hair, about seventy years old, appeared from the stairs, walked in with big strides, full of generous smiles.

His appearance naturally attracted the attention of the four monks, as well as Qin Lang and Hou Sheng.

Qin Lang noticed that the mana fluctuations on this old man were not low, and this old man should be a powerful monk in the late Yuanying period.

"Meet the Deputy Pavilion Master."

The young and beautiful waitress greeted the old man respectfully.

The old man nodded and waved at the other party, who obediently stood aside.

The old man then bowed his hands to Qin Lang and the others, and said with a smile: "The deputy cabinet master here is called Lin Shan, and I am fortunate to see six fellow Taoists visiting our shop. It really makes our shop flourish."

The old man named Lin Shan was very polite.

Everyone quickly returned their salutes to the old man, after all, no one would lose their courtesy at such a time.

"It turned out to be Pavilion Master Lin, who has been admiring him for a long time."

Among the four people, a woman clasped her hands and said to Lin Shan with a smile on her face.

At this moment, another person asked with some doubts: "Pavilion Master Lin, are you also in charge of the City Lord's Mansion of the Realm King City?"

Qin Lang was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Lin Shan would have such an identity.

Lin Shan didn't lie either, and nodded directly, and said, "Yes, the old man is indeed in charge of the City Lord's Mansion, but this status is not worth mentioning in front of fellow Taoists, hehehe."

Of course he was self-effacing.

After all, to be able to become the steward of the City Lord's Mansion, this old man's ability and skill cannot be underestimated.

Before Qin Lang came, he had read a jade slip, and he knew a little about the Realm King City. He knew that the Lord of the Realm King City was a monk with a terrifying cultivation base in the late stage of transforming gods. He is a capable person, and usually, a master of cultivation with this status will not go around to ask about the big and small affairs of the Realm King City.

Therefore, the steward of the City Lord's Mansion of the Realm King City will sometimes replace the City Lord and help deal with complicated matters, and sometimes it is not a small matter. In short, the power is not small.

While everyone was observing, Lin Shan was also observing each other.

Lin Shan learned that a group of powerful monks had come to the second floor through the report of his subordinates, so he came up to take a look.

He showed a gentle and polite attitude before, but in fact, he didn't have time to seriously examine the cultivation of the six people. Looking at it now, he found that the subordinate's report was still very valuable.

Because among these six people, there is actually a monk with the same cultivation level as him, who has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul, and there are two other monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Lin Shan's eyes focused on Qin Lang, Hou Sheng, and the middle-aged monk with a mysterious background, and then he said with a smile: "Do all the six fellow Taoists want to live in the Realm King City?"

"Yes, we want to live forever."

The middle-aged monk did not shy away from it, and continued: "The four of us are casual cultivators. We used to wander around in the wild and lacked a place to stand. Recently, we wandered to the King of the Realm City. I heard that the King of the Realm City is full of aura and the law and order are good. He is very friendly to casual cultivators, so he wanted to settle down, bought a few properties in this Realm King City, and settled down."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other three monks also spoke. Everyone had the same idea, thinking that Jiewang City was very friendly to casual cultivators, so they wanted to try to live here.

Of course, Qin Lang knew that most of the reason was that the four-member casual repair team had money and wanted to buy a house as a place to settle down, so it was very likely that they would not just live in seclusion in Jiewang City.

After all, there is no contradiction between buying a house and going out to practice and fight.

After the four of them finished speaking, Qin Lang opened his mouth unhurriedly.

"My brother and I didn't come to settle in King Realm City, but just wanted to find a suitable mansion to rent, and experience the customs and customs of King Realm City in Real King City."

Qin Lang said with a smile.

Lin Shan nodded: "Whether you want to buy or rent a mansion, I should do my best to serve you."

He said this, and with a wave of his hand, the original light curtain immediately underwent a deep change, no longer appeared one by one, but turned into a more detailed topographic map, in which houses, forests, lakes, etc. , each with its own distinct shape for display.

"Six fellow daoists, the place shown on this map is one of the most aura-rich areas in the King of the Realm City. It is the most beneficial to the practice of fellow daoists. Whether it is buying a mansion or renting out a mansion, this is the best place to buy a mansion. It's the right place for you."

Qin Lang could understand that the previous waitress was limited by her authority and couldn't give him such a detailed introduction, but Lin Shan is the deputy cabinet owner of this shop, so she has more authority.

"One of the most suitable areas?" The woman who spoke before asked curiously, "Dare to be in charge of Lin, is there any other place with the same aura in King Realm City?"


Lin Shan seemed very happy that someone would ask this question.

Then, he explained: "In a place as rich as aura, the Realm King City actually has three areas. Apart from the one you have seen, the other two are actually related to the City Lord's Mansion."

"One of them is small in size but has the strongest aura. It is for the city lord and his family to live in. The other one is for the guardian elders of Jiewang City. Of course, I can also be lucky enough to use it."

Qin Lang could clearly see that Lin Shan was trying his best to sell, trying to lure people into the City Lord's Mansion.

After hearing this, the woman asked: "Boss Lin, if we want to buy a mansion in this area on the light curtain, how will the price be calculated?"

Lin Shan smiled and said, "The price is not cheap if you buy it, you need 200 million high-grade spirit stones."

"It's a bit expensive."

The woman spoke bluntly.

200 million high-grade spirit stones, what can be bought is only a house for living, not the kind of mansion that you can do whatever you want, the area is not big, it is estimated to be only a few hundred square meters, but the asking price is a million high-grade spirit stones As a starting point, the price is naturally not low.

"What about the lease?"

The woman had some thoughts and asked like this.

"For leasing, the rent is 20 high-grade spirit stones for one year, 15 high-grade spirit stones for ten years, and about [-] high-grade spirit stones for [-] years. Of course, this is the basic price. If the rented house has a larger area, If the terrain is better, the price will increase accordingly.”

Several people thought about it, but felt that the price was not unacceptable.

Lin Shan said calmly: "Actually, the six fellow daoists don't have to choose this place at all. After all, as long as the fellow daoists are willing and interested in becoming a member of the elders' group of guardians of the king's city, they can immediately enjoy the use of the mansion for free. rights, and offerings are another consideration.”

Of course he wanted to find some powerful monks for the city lord to add to the elders.

For this reason, Jiewang City is also willing to offer actual preferential conditions.

"In addition, after becoming a member of the elders group, there is usually nothing to do, and it will not affect the cultivation of fellow Taoists."

Lin Shan threw out another convenient condition at the right time.

Even Qin Lang felt that it was very sincere for Jiewang City to offer such conditions.

The woman was obviously a little moved, so she asked, "May I ask Guanshi Lin, what is the elder's most important thing to deal with?"

"It is to exterminate the bandits."

Lin Shan didn't hide anything, and continued, "There are many gangster forces entrenched outside the King of the Realm City. They are organized and powerful. It is difficult to wipe out the strength of these bandits by relying on the strangulation army formed by the King of the Realm City. Sometimes We need powerful monks to go out."

"In addition, these bandits are very rampant. Sometimes they will invade the Realm King City. At that time, the elders who guard the city will be dispatched to resist. Of course, the number of bandits who take the initiative to invade is very small, at least in the past four or fifty years. Never showed up."

Bandits, and bandits again, Qin Lang knew that the biggest enemy facing the Realm King City today would probably be these large and small bandit forces entrenched in the Scarlet Firmament Mountains.

After hearing what Lin Shan had said, the four monks did not express their views immediately, obviously still thinking about whether it was worthwhile to join the elders.

Lin Shan was not in a hurry, and looked at Qin Lang and Hou Sheng with a smile, and asked, "What about the two fellow Taoists, why don't you consider staying and serve as the guard elders in this city?"

(End of this chapter)

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