Chapter 1896

To be honest, Lin Shan paid more attention to Qin Lang and Hou Sheng than those four monks.

After all, Qin Lang once attracted attention when he was near the city gate. The dress of these two people is very different from the monks in Jiewang City. They are not nearby monks, but they are very powerful. Most importantly, both of them are He wasn't a treacherous or weird monk, he couldn't be related to the gangsters outside, and his net worth could be said to be very clean.

Therefore, it would be the best if such monks could be recruited to become the city's guarding elders.

Qin Lang did not immediately refuse Lin Shan's invitation.

Qin Lang smiled and said: "I want to think about this matter. If you have intentions, you must inform Guanshi Lin."

Lin Shan probably guessed that Qin Lang was speaking politely, but it's okay if he can't win Qin Lang into the elders' group, and it's not hopeless. He has no reason to give Qin Lang a bad face because Qin Lang didn't agree to him.

Therefore, Lin Shan smiled heartily: "Okay, then I will wait for the good news from Fellow Daoist."

Qin Lang nodded.

Hou Sheng on the side naturally didn't speak, letting Qin Lang take control of the situation.

Qin Lang didn't directly refuse because of his current situation. Perhaps, he just said that there is this possibility. If he can't leave Wukongxing immediately, then he can stay in Jiewang City for a while, if the elders.

Of course, under normal circumstances, he would not agree to this invitation.

After talking to Lin Shan, Qin Lang began to look for a place to live. After more than ten minutes, he finally chose a yard he was satisfied with. The yard was not big, with only four rooms and an area of ​​about [-] square meters. The monthly rent was Three thousand high-grade spirit stones.

After all, it is a short-term rental, so the rent is much higher than that of a long-term rental.

But for Qin Lang, three thousand high-grade spirit stones are not many.

What's more, in the place of Realm King City, because of its abundant aura, it produces a lot of spirit stones, so he can definitely earn some spirit stones by being a character a few times during the one-month period of his residence.

After settling down, Qin Lang began to rest.

Many things in the courtyard are ready-made, and he doesn't need to buy them extra. In addition, the courtyard and other houses actually form a place similar to a community on the earth. There are many people in it who provide security services, eat, play, Entertainment, etc. can also be found nearby. In short, life is very convenient.

Both Qin Lang and Housheng were a little tired, so they rested for half a day after moving in, and didn't wake up until the next morning.

Unexpectedly, in the morning, Lin Shan came to visit in person.

This Lin Shan is also a fine person, knowing that Qin Lang will not formally join the elders, he started the strategy of saving the country with curves.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, it's a pity that you and Fellow Daoist Hou don't want to join the Realm King City, but if the two of you want to stay in the Realm King City for a while, I suggest that the two of you can take an idle position in the elders' group as guest lords."

"Oh? Is there any use in doing this?" Qin Lang couldn't help asking.

Lin Shan immediately explained.

It turns out that if you are an elder guest, you don't need to be stationed in the elders' group, but you still enjoy a lot of power. For example, if you want to know about major events in the outside world, you can learn about them through the channels of the city lord's mansion. This is something that ordinary monks cannot enjoy. of.

In addition, there are also conveniences such as security services and making contacts.

Qin Lang considered that after taking up this idle job, he could use the relationship of the City Lord's Mansion to understand some of the situation of Wukongxing as soon as possible, so he agreed.

After all, it is better to go directly through the channels of the City Lord's Mansion to inquire about news in the Realm King City. The City Lord is the owner of the city and has the fastest and most accurate source of information.

Seeing that Qin Lang and Hou Sheng agreed, even though they only agreed to be the elders of Ke Qing, Lin Shan was also very happy.

Of course, before Qin Lang agreed, he told Qin Lang and Hou Sheng about some of the obligations that Elder Ke Qing needed to undertake.

Therefore, Qin Lang only agreed after knowing the conditions of these obligations.

Generally speaking, there are not many obligations to be fulfilled, and most of them are of the nature of consultation. For example, going out to kill bandits is an attitude of consultation. If Qin Lang is unwilling to go, then the City Lord's Mansion will not force it. , you can still enjoy the rewards, and the things you hunt can be your own.

Of course, if it is a major event that endangers the King of the Realm City, such as the destruction of the city by a powerful enemy, then an elder Keqing like Qin Lang can't just let go and run away, and needs to stay to defend the King of the Realm City.

However, the possibility of such a thing happening is too small to be considered.

After bidding farewell to Lin Shan, Qin Lang and Housheng also learned about Wukong Star from Lin Shankou through chatting. After Lin Shan promised to go back, someone would send a jade slip, which contained some introductions about Wukong Continent .

Afterwards, Qin Lang and Housheng went to the largest market nearby, ate something, and then wandered around.

This square market is one of the largest square markets in Jiewang City. It is open every day and covers a large area. Two-thirds of the area is dedicated to serving monks.

After all, in the entire Realm King City, most of the people are monks, and there are not many ordinary people, and the cultivation items that monks need are not needed by ordinary people, so there will be many places to use these square markets opened for monks. Come to serve the monks.

Qin Lang learned that the area serving monks in this square city is divided into two parts, one part is used to sell various items for monks who have cultivated alchemy and above, and the other part is used to sell various items. Items for foundation building and Qi training monks.

Qin Lang naturally went directly to the Fangshi where the first part was located. He and Housheng found that there were various spiritual herbs, beast materials, and alchemy materials for sale here, many of which were not available in Qinghe Continent.

Moreover, a lot of materials are not very valuable if they are placed here, but if they are placed in Qinghe Continent, they will be considered more valuable.

This also shows that Wukong Star is worthy of being a planet in the extraterritorial battlefield, and its overall strength is much stronger than that of the ordinary Qinghe Continent.

Rao Qin Lang is well-informed and has read a lot of materials, but found that he didn't know many materials, so Qin Lang also asked someone to ask, and learned a lot of new things from it.

Qin Lang found that compared to the houses in Jiewang City, the things sold in Jiewang City are not expensive, and many things are directly settled with low-grade spirit stones.

You know, the rented house is settled with high-grade spirit stones.

It can be said that the most valuable thing in Jiewang City is the house, so it is no wonder that the price is so high.

As for the various items sold, it is rare to use high-grade spirit stones for settlement, of course, except for those high-end stores in Fangshi.

"Master, this store has a special feature. These cloud patterns can be attached to the weapon through the form of a magic circle, because the cloud pattern has no attributes and will not have any effect on the weapon, but it can increase the beauty of the weapon. "

Housheng becomes interested in a special item on sale in a store.

Qin Lang knew why Housheng was interested in cloud patterns, so he smiled and said, "You want to decorate your silver cudgel, right?"

Before that, he refined the silver cudgel for Housheng. This magic weapon has the power, but the beauty is not enough. Obviously, Housheng wanted to add cloud patterns.

And the cloud pattern provided by this merchant has no attributes, and will not affect the silver cudgel in any way, it is only used for decoration.

After Qin Lang walked in, Hou Sheng asked the shopkeeper directly.

"Boss, how did you sell this set of cloud patterns of colorful auspicious clouds?"

Hou Sheng asked, pointing to a cloud pattern in the exhibition area.

The cloud patterns are multicolored auspicious clouds, very beautiful and domineering, and Hou Sheng likes them very much.

The store owner is a fat middle-aged man. Seeing a customer coming to the door, and what he likes is a set of more expensive cloud patterns, he immediately wants to make this order, so the service attitude is very good.

"Senior, you have a good eye. This set of cloud patterns can be said to be the most popular cloud pattern in our store. Whether it is placed on a long sword, a long spear, or even used for other decorations, it is very popular. It can show your identity and is deeply loved by powerful male monks."

Hou Sheng didn't like to hear such compliments, he said impatiently, "How did you sell it?"

"This set of cloud patterns was refined by Master Chen Xiaozi of the Realm King City. It is a big deal, and the price is calculated according to the size of the area. The price per square foot is two thousand middle-grade spirit stones."

The store owner said politely.

"Two thousand middle-grade spirit stones?" Hou Sheng asked.

The store owner thought that Hou Sheng disliked the high price, so he quickly said: "Senior, this price is very fair, and the cloud patterns refined by Master Chen Xiaozi are worth this price."

Hou Sheng said speechlessly: "I didn't say it's expensive, but if you don't have enough middle-grade spirit stones, it's the same with top-grade spirit stones, right?"

The shop owner quickly nodded and said yes, secretly thinking that a very wealthy guest had arrived.

Hou Sheng took out the silver cudgel. Under the premise of normal size, if the silver cudgel was to be decorated with cloud patterns, it would take almost ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

Of course, this bit of spirit stone is nothing to Qin Lang and Hou Sheng. You must know that the net worth of a cultivator of Huashen is not measured by middle-grade spirit stones.

After carefully measuring the size of the silver cudgel and calculating it, the boss gave a discount and directly counted it as [-] middle-grade spirit stones.

Just about to use these cloud patterns to decorate the silver cudgels, the boss suddenly saw a young man in satin clothes and holding a folding fan coming in, staring at the cloud patterns of colorful auspicious clouds, and said arrogantly: "Mr. I want cloud patterns!"

He called the shop owner's name, but Old Man Chen was impolite, but the shop boss didn't dare to resist, instead he lost his smile.

"It turns out that Young Master Jun is here, but Young Master Jun hasn't been here for a while."

The store owner smiled politely.

But this Young Master Jun was too lazy to talk to the owner of the store, and said bluntly: "Hurry up, sell me this cloud pattern, I have to drink tea."

Qin Lang was a little annoyed, and Hou Sheng was restraining his temper.

What kind of person is this, who clearly sees that they are going to buy this set of cloud patterns, but wants to make a mess of it.

The owner of the store smiled wryly: "Master Jun, these two customers have already selected this cloud pattern. Would you like to buy some other cloud patterns in the store?"

"I want this."

Jun Shao said triumphantly, without even looking at Hou Sheng and Qin Lang.

No way, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Qin Lang and Housheng hid their cultivation when they went out. Now they are only alchemy monks, and this young master is a late alchemy monk. He probably thought that he could firmly suppress Qin Lang and Housheng Ascension, so I don't take the two alchemy early-stage monks into consideration at all.

"This...there are only these cloud patterns left in the store, just enough for this customer, Mr. Jun, look..."

The owner of the store is quite a good character, at least he didn't let Qin Lang and Housheng give up this set of cloud patterns, but was reasoning with Jun Shao, hoping that Jun Shao could understand.

But Jun Shao impatiently pushed the shop owner, interrupted the other party, and shouted directly: "I said that I want this set of cloud pattern, do you dare not sell it?"

The store owner dared not speak anymore.

Hou Sheng couldn't bear it any longer, and said angrily, "You heard me clearly, I bought this cloud pattern first, and it's not your share!"

"That's right, let me tell you, this set of moiré patterns is my favorite, if you don't let it go, you have to let it out, otherwise I will let you go around today!"

Housheng was about to make a move, but Qin Lang stopped him, and Qin Lang said coldly to Jun Shao: "Go away, don't affect me!"

Jun Shao was furious, and roared violently: "Damn, dare to talk to me like that, are you looking for death?"

A cold light shot out of his triangular eyes, as if he wanted to kill someone.

What's more, his momentum in the later period of alchemy was also released, making it clear that he wanted to severely humiliate Qin Lang and Hou Sheng.

Qin Lang didn't talk nonsense, and directly leaked some aura, disguising his own strength as the late stage of alchemy. From the early stage of alchemy to the late stage of alchemy, his aura became much stronger.

Monkey Sheng did the same.

Jun Shao felt that these two people suddenly became monks in the late stage of alchemy, and their strength level became the same as his own, but he was just a little surprised.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the two of you to hide your cultivation."

"It's just that you think that the realm is the same as mine, so you can scold me here? Hmph!"

He snorted heavily, and then, three figures appeared at the door of the store, and the three quickly walked in, surrounding Qin Lang and Hou Sheng.

Qin Lang glanced over to investigate, and found that of the three people who came, two were in the late stage of alchemy, and one was in the early stage of Yuanying.

No wonder this Young Master Jun dared to be so arrogant. It turned out that there were still people around him. The strength of these three guards was not low. Perhaps in Young Master Jun's opinion, the guard at the early stage of Nascent Soul was enough to fight him and Hou Sheng. died.

Qin Lang sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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