The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1897 The Guards Inaction

Chapter 1897 The Guards Inaction
Seeing that Qin Lang still dared to sneer, Young Master Jun clenched his fists and shouted, "You still dare to laugh? Hmph, I won't let you laugh later!"

Immediately, Young Master Jun rolled his eyes, stared at Hou Sheng with ill intentions and said, "Boy, why don't you buy that cloud pattern and give it to me obediently, if I'm happy, maybe I can spare you two! "

"I don't want to make a move, restrain myself again, get the hell out of me now!"

Qin Lang scolded angrily.

Of course, he was not afraid of this young master, but came to an unfamiliar place like Jiewang City. He would rather keep a low profile than cause more trouble.

Of course, not wanting to cause trouble doesn't mean he's afraid of trouble.

Like now, he looked directly at Young Master Jun with a firm attitude.

As for Hou Sheng, he clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could rush forward immediately and smack Young Master Jun's face to death.

Jun rarely saw Qin Lang's attitude so tough, but he didn't expect it. He was stunned for a while, but soon became stern, pointed at Qin Lang and shouted fiercely: "Dare to talk to me like this, very good, I will let you know today. sharp!"

With a wave of his hand, the three guards showed their weapons and stared at Qin Lang maliciously.

Although one of the guards was a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and his status was not low, but at this moment, he was the only young master who ordered him to act. Obviously, this young master had a high status in the city.

Young Master Jun is complacent.

So what if the attitudes of these two monks were tough, his attitude would only become more domineering, and he didn't believe that these two monks could continue to be tough even after putting on such a posture.

"I told you, now you are just buying this set of moiré pattern for me, I don't want it anymore, if you want to get rid of this misunderstanding, just kneel down for me now and lick my shoe upper!"

Jun Shao said domineeringly.

The two guards who were in the late stage of alchemy burst out laughing.

Obviously, they did a lot of things like this.

The shop owner was frightened, secretly thought something bad was going on, and quickly explained the situation to Qin Lang in a low voice, which meant to let Qin Lang lower his attitude and not provoke the evil star Jun Shao.

He had good intentions. After all, he knew this young master well. He knew that this person relied on his family's advantages to be lawless. Let alone an ordinary monk, even if a monk with profound strength offended this young master, he would have no good fruit to eat.

There was once a casual cultivator whose strength was in the early stage of Yuanying, who came to Jiewang City alone. When he was visiting a brothel, he had a conflict with Young Master Jun. He and the two guards were bullied by the early Nascent Soul cultivator.

But the casual cultivator didn't understand Jun Shao's vicious character of vengeance, and continued to be happy in the brothel after the conflict was over. After a while, Jun Shao invited the two early-stage Yuanying monks of the family, and went directly to the brothel. He started internally, chopping and wounding the casual cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul in public.

Later, Young Master Jun cut off the limbs of the casual cultivator one by one with a long knife in front of everyone, turning the casual cultivator into a human pig, and then threw the human pig into the cesspit, causing the other party to die miserably.

Young master Jun has done such evil things more than once.

So, now that Young Master Jun wanted to attack the two guests again, the shop owner naturally reminded him kindly.

Qin Lang nodded to the shop owner, indicating that he would not be in the way. After all, he is not afraid of troubles, how could he let a mere young man in the late stage of alchemy ride on his head.

"Hmph, so you want your three guards to greet us well?"

Qin Lang asked coldly.

Jun Shao grinned and said, "Of course! Unless you kneel down now!"

"Then there is nothing to say." Qin Lang said lightly, but his voice was very cold.

Hou Sheng next to him said excitedly: "I can't get used to this bastard for a long time, I can finally do it, great!"

These words left Young Master Jun dumbfounded.

His three guards, as well as the owner of the store, were also dumbfounded.

What is this situation?
Are these two casual cultivators not afraid of death, but they still want to take the initiative to provoke trouble?

Jun Shao thinks this kind of thing is weird.

The monks he met before, as long as their cultivation base was not as good as his guards, they could lower their posture as low as they could, unlike these two.

However, in his eyes, these two casual cultivators are simply two idiots.

The reason is simple, these two casual cultivators are only at the late stage of alchemy, and on their side, besides him, a monk at the late stage of alchemy, there are also two guards at the late stage of alchemy, and most importantly, There is also a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul!

The monks in the Nascent Soul stage are simply in a superior position compared to the monks who formed the alchemy!
After all, this is a big difference!
"Hmph, since you two don't know good from bad, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Jun Shao wants to see a good show of abusing people.

But Qin Lang also responded coldly: "If you want to be beaten, I will help you!"

"Are you looking for death!" At this time, the monk in the early Yuanying period looked at Qin Lang and Housheng disdainfully, with a sinister smile on his lips, "You two are really impatient, and you didn't ask about our family before you came to Jiewang City. Who is the son!"

Another monk in the late stage of alchemy pouted directly, mocking Qin Lang and Hou Sheng: "You are really two idiots, ignorant and fearless, if you recruit bright spots and know the origin of my son, you should know Reporting my young master's name is enough to make you pee out of fear!"

It seems that this Young Master Jun has a very high status.

After the two guards finished speaking, they laughed to themselves. In their eyes, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng were two idiots who had no idea who the offenders were or why they had offended them.

Such a big quarrel and the sound of ridicule, and this store is on both sides of the street, and there are many monks passing by nearby, so this kind of dispute has long attracted the attention of many monks, although no monks directly entered the store , but they were all watching outside.

When seeing Young Master Jun in silk and satin, who was on the other side of the dispute, most of the monks who watched onlooked at Qin Lang and Hou Sheng with expressions of pity.

They were very jealous of this young master, and they obviously didn't want to provoke him.

In other disputes, they may still come into the shop, and the monks with good hearts may even help to persuade them to fight.

But now, no monk dared to enter the shop, they only dared to watch outside, and no one dared to stand up for Qin Lang and Housheng, obviously they were all afraid of this young master.

Qin Lang witnessed all this and saw this situation in his eyes, but he didn't take it seriously.

Young Master Jun seemed very impatient. Seeing that Qin Lang and Hou Sheng still had tough attitudes, they didn't intend to kneel down and lick the uppers of their shoes. Their big hands already wanted to wave, so they had to give an order to let others do it.

But at this time, there was an urgent voice from outside the door.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, the city guards have done their work!"

With the clatter of metal armor, a group of armored guards came from the street.

The leader of the captain yelled and asked sharply before anyone came in: "Who is causing trouble in the city, aren't you afraid of being severely punished by the city lord?"

The onlookers looked back, and someone said, "It's the city guards coming!"

The city guard team is an organization responsible for daily patrols and public security in the King of Realm City. It is of a high rank and is under the direct command of the city lord. Private fighting is strictly prohibited in the King of King City. Violators will be caught by the city guard team, and serious cases will even be arrested by the guard team. Kill on the spot.

It is precisely because the status of the city guards is not low, and they are acting under the orders of the city lord, so even powerful monks are not willing to provoke these people excessively.

As a result, the onlookers dispersed one after another, making way for the guards to come in from the middle.

The leader of the city guards couldn't help being stunned when he saw Young Master wearing silk and satin clothes, and soon a sincere and flattering smile appeared on his face, and even bowed down to salute Young Master Jun.

"Master Jun, hello."

He asked, "I don't know what happened to Jun Shao?"

Although it is said that the city guards guard the safety of the city, who has no selfish intentions? He looked over and found that he didn't know Qin Lang and Hou Sheng, so he was naturally partial to the king.

However, his flattery was of no use to an arrogant person like Young Master Jun.

Jun Shao frowned, and said impatiently: "What are you asking, take your people out!"

He wanted the guards to teach the two casual cultivators a lesson, and he didn't need the city guards to intervene.

The leader was a little bit embarrassed, so he withdrew directly and was seen by everyone, and their guards obviously violated the regulations. Although they wanted to favor Young Master Jun, they always had to do superficial tricks.

So, the leader asked Qin Lang: "What are you two doing, did you have a conflict with Jun Shao?"

Although Qin Lang and Hou Sheng are also cultivation bases in the late stage of alchemy, compared to him, the captain of the city guard, his strength is much stronger, but in his words, he has no respect for Qin Lang and Hou Sheng up.

After all, for foreign monks, as the captain of the city guards, he does not have to give face. After all, the city guards have great power in the Realm King City.

Qin Lang knew this person's intentions, so he didn't have anything to say politely, so he said directly: "It's useless to tell you about the conflict in detail, let someone who can really manage the matter talk about it."

"I can take care of this." The captain of the guard said darkly, feeling very uncomfortable.

Qin Lang didn't talk nonsense, and directly radiated the coercion of the monks in the late stage of alchemy, only attacking the captain of the guard.

The captain of the guard is a late-stage foundation-building monk. Suddenly facing the coercion of the late-stage alchemy monks, he immediately felt that his height was a bit shorter, and his whole body was facing invisible huge pressure.

However, at this time, the early-stage Nascent Soul cultivator next to Young Master Jun suddenly snorted coldly, like a drum hammering deep in the soul of the captain of the guard, instantly waking up the captain of the guard.

The captain of the guard blushed, quite annoyed.

In front of so many people, it was really embarrassing to be frightened by a casual cultivator.

With Young Master Jun and his three guards, he was afraid of some casual cultivators from outside.

Thinking of this, the captain of the guard regained his confidence, and said coldly to Qin Lang: "Young Master Jun is a noble young master in this city, and he doesn't want to conflict with others. Now I suspect that you are taking the initiative to cause trouble. Come, come with me!"

He ordered the guards to take Qin Lang and Hou Sheng away.

As for taking it away, it will naturally be handed over to Young Master Jun. He is happy to give a favor to Young Master Jun. As for Young Master Jun, it's okay if he doesn't appreciate it. In short, he will solve this matter properly.

"Relying on your mother, a group of idiots are here to turn black and white!"

Monkey Sheng got angry and roared loudly.

"Presumptuous!" The captain of the guard yelled loudly, and asked sharply, "How dare you make trouble in public, who will you arrest if you don't arrest me!"

"There's no distinction between black and white, and it's thanks to you guys who can do it."

Qin Lang remained calm, took off a jade pendant from his waist, and threw it over.

The captain of the guard took it subconsciously, then took a serious look, and then his face changed.

This jade pendant represented the identity of this casual cultivator, who did not expect that this casual cultivator was actually an elder Keqing from the Realm King City, and was also a member of the elders of the Realm King City in name.

The elders group is one of the most powerful organizations in Jiewang City. Even if it is an elder Keqing, it is not comparable to a small guard captain.

Although I was very curious about how a monk in the late stage of alchemy would be recruited by Guanshi Lin as the elder of Keqing in this city, but he just has this status and cannot fake it.

After all, this jade pendant has entered a lot of information, and after comparing them one by one, it is easy to confirm the identity.

"It turned out to be Elder Qin."

The guard captain had no choice but to greet Qin Lang politely after returning the jade pendant.

But it is impossible for him to let Qin Lang go directly, after all, he would offend Young Master Jun for this.

He would rather offend this elder Keqing who was in the late stage of alchemy than offend Young Master Jun who was rampant in Jiewang City.

So he then asked: "Elder Qin, when did you become the elder Ke Qing of this city?"

Of course, he said this to Jun Shao on purpose, so that Jun Shao would know Qin Lang's identity.

Jun Shao learned that Qin Lang was still the elder of Ke Qing in the city, but he didn't take it seriously, and still wanted to teach Qin Lang and Hou Sheng a lesson.


Qin Lang said directly, "As the captain of the guard, shouldn't you listen to my description of today's conflict?"

The captain of the guard was obviously choked, but he didn't answer directly, but looked at Hou Sheng and said, "What about you, what is your identity?"

Hou Shengcai was too lazy to throw the jade pendant over, and after Qin Lang signaled, Hou Shengcai reluctantly took off the jade pendant and threw it to the captain of the guard.

After reading it, the guard captain's head grew big.

Damn it, it's another elder Keqing!
He had no choice but to say hello again: "I have met Elder Hou."

The two late-stage alchemy monks were actually two Ke Qing elders, which made him a little troubled.

But Young Master Jun doesn't care so much.

"Either your guards arrest these two people, or withdraw and don't meddle in other people's business, I will handle it!"

Young Master Jun gave the order directly.


The captain of the guard and the rest of the guard looked at each other, feeling that things were difficult to handle.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Do you want me to ask someone to drive you out?"

Jun Shao said angrily.

The captain of the guard cupped his hands and said: "Young Master Jun, as the young master of the Liu family, the largest family in this city, naturally has a high status, but today's matter, can you leave it to the guards to handle, and the guards promise to give you a satisfactory answer."

"A lot of nonsense!"

Jun Shao said angrily, and immediately the cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul grinned and grabbed the captain of the guard by the arm, lifted him up, and pushed him outside the door.

Young Master Jun also said harshly: "I will bear all the consequences of today's matter, but if you dare to intervene again, I will definitely abolish you!"

He had a fierce face, and the captain of the guard knew Young Master Jun's temper, so it was definitely not trying to scare him, his life was important, and if something happened, Young Master Jun could be brought out, so he retreated despite difficulties.


The captain of the guard didn't dare to care about this matter anymore and led the people to evacuate. He didn't even look at Qin Lang and Hou Sheng.

Qin Lang was expressionless, but he was full of disdain for the guards.

It seems that there is no absolute fairness in any place. He naturally understood this truth very early on, but he was still a little annoyed when he saw that the captain of the guard was so inactive and turned black and white.

(End of this chapter)

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