The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1898 Flame vs. Flame

Chapter 1898 Flame vs. Flame

"Hmph, it's good to go, now, you two should be unlucky!"

Jun Shao laughed loudly.

Qin Lang knew the identity of the young master. The Liu family was the largest family in the Realm King City. Its first-generation patriarch established the Realm King City and served as the city lord. However, the Liu family weakened a little later, and the current city lord came from the Southwest Continent. They were transferred from a higher-level city, but they were still very polite to the Liu family when they came to the Realm King City.

There are also rumors from the outside world that the current city lord was also sponsored by the Liu family in the early years. It is not known if it is true or not, but it also shows that the Liu family has great power in the Realm King City.

The Liu family has a good relationship with the city lord, so it's no wonder that the young master is so unscrupulous.

"Guard Geng, teach these two a lesson!"

Jun Shao immediately spoke.

At this moment, even the shop owner didn't dare to intervene anymore, after all, the situation was obvious, whoever dared to speak more would be guaranteed to be severely beaten by someone sent by Jun Shao.

The cultivator at the early stage of the Nascent Soul immediately grinned grinningly, without saying a word, and slapped it directly. Suddenly, a burst of magic power formed a white palm the size of a millstone, and the palm slapped down on Qin Lang's body.

The power emitted by the mana is a little terrifying, with the breath of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The monk who formed the alchemy wanted to resist such a move. In the view of this guard Geng, it was impossible to happen unless there were special circumstances.

"I come."

Qin Lang didn't let Housheng do it, because this guy acted recklessly, he was worried that Housheng would not hide his strength, so he directly used the method of transforming gods, and slapped the monk surnamed Geng into meat paste.

Hou Sheng listened to the order and stepped aside.

Qin Lang didn't seem to notice the slapping white palm in his eyes, and stretched out his finger calmly.

An awl-shaped mana shot out from the hand, and shot directly at the white palm that fell from the air.

What Qin Lang used was still the mana in the late stage of alchemy, but the degree of cohesion of mana was far beyond that of an alchemy monk in the ordinary sense.

This small movement of his immediately surprised the Yuanying cultivator surnamed Geng on the opposite side.

He has never seen a pig run, but at least he has eaten pork. No matter how shallow his knowledge is, he can feel the power contained in Qin Lang's small blow by virtue of his perception.

And... the most important timing!
This casual cultivator is definitely a master!
He said loudly in his heart.


Between Qin Lang's fingers, mana condensed into an awl, directly piercing the white palm, and the surrounding mana leaked out immediately, and the white palm was immediately shattered.

"what happened?"

As a bystander, Young Master Jun didn't feel as deeply as Geng Yuanying cultivator. He didn't see the complete clue, but he also noticed something was wrong.

According to common sense, Yuanying cultivator is not 100% sure to kill the opponent in the late stage of forming alchemy, but it is quite easy to suppress the opponent. After all, the pervert who can kill Yuanying cultivator head-on A monk is still very rare. His luck will not be so good. He just met one in this royal city.

But looking at the current situation, it is clear that the other party, a casual cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, can calmly defuse the blow of the Nascent Soul cultivator in some cases.


Young Master Jun's expression was a bit uneasy, and he felt that he failed to embarrass Qin Lang with his first attack, and he couldn't hold back his face, so he immediately ordered the monk Geng Yuanying to continue to attack.

Without the young master's orders, monk Geng Yuanying also planned to continue to fight. After all, he would not allow his majesty to be desecrated by juniors like monk Jiedan.

So, he directly flew out a magic weapon, a small copper furnace.

The surface of the copper furnace was covered with bronze-colored patterns. After flying into the air and turning around, as he injected mana into it, the copper furnace suddenly enlarged, and eight fiery flames spewed out from the eight nozzle-like outlets.

"It's the fire of the three spirits!"

The knowledgeable monks immediately recognized that what the copper furnace sprayed out was not ordinary Nascent Soul fire. Nascent Soul cultivators could urge their own mana to condense into the Nascent Soul fire, but the fire of the three essences was stronger than the Nascent Soul fire. The fire is much stronger.

The Fire of the Three Essences is said to come from an extremely mysterious valley of flames in the Wukong Continent. In this valley, a million miles below the ground, there is the Fire of the Three Essences. It can burn everything. It is a weakened version of the real fire of the Three Flames!
Someone who obtained this kind of flame could release it freely, and once used this flame to burn a monk in the late Yuanying stage to death!
Observing the fire of the three spirits activated by monk surnamed Geng, it should not be particularly strong, but if the number is sufficient, there is no doubt that this kind of flame is enough to burn monk Yuanying to death.

"It's Xiaoyan Wang Ding!"

At this time, the surrounding monks exclaimed again, obviously recognizing the magic weapon like the copper furnace.

The monk surnamed Geng was very proud.

The other party was right, his magic weapon was not in the shape of a copper furnace, but a tripod.

Its name is Xiaoyan Wang Ding, and it is made of fire essence iron, which is born with a perfect fusion of fire attribute mana.

Xiaoyan Wang Ding can store the fire of the three essences, and after he uses the fire attribute mana to activate, these fires of the three essences can be released. The fire is much more powerful.

"Xiao Yan Wang Ding, I heard that this is a replica of the precious magic treasure Yan Wang Ding."

"Yes, if the King Yan Cauldron is really sacrificed, then Elder Qin doesn't have to resist at all, he will be burned directly, and even the scum will not exist."

"Yes, King Yan Ding is a divine object, and its power is huge, but I think this little King Yan Ding is enough to give that Elder Qin a headache. I don't know if the other party can survive it."

"I find it difficult. Elder Qin is only a late-stage alchemy cultivator, not a Nascent Soul cultivator. Against a Nascent Soul cultivator, it's not so easy to fight against."

There was a lot of discussion.

Probably only Monkey Sheng, like watching a play, without any nervousness at all.

What Yan Wang Ding, Xiao Yan Wang Ding, it doesn't care at all.

At this time, the overwhelming fire of the three essences was suppressed, and it was about to envelop Qin Lang and refine Qin Lang directly.

If the fire of the three essences of the Xiaoyan Wang Ding really envelops Qin Lang, it will automatically pull Qin Lang into the Xiaoyan Wang Ding for refining. In this way, the Xiaoyan Wang Ding can still be nourished.

Although the monk surnamed Geng did not use all his strength to activate the fire of the three essences, and did not plan to pull Qin Lang into the small Yan Wang cauldron for refining, but he wanted to defeat Qin Lang and embarrass Qin Lang in public, but it was obvious to all.

After all, in this Realm King City, casual conflicts are not allowed, and even more casual killings are not allowed.

There is a special place for resolving extremely important grievances.

Even if it is him, if Qin Lang is killed today, even if he is protected by Young Master Jun, he will face great trouble.

Therefore, even if it was Young Master Jun, the order he gave was only for him to teach Qin Lang a harsh lesson, and he did not directly order to kill him.

Seeing that the fire of the three spirits was subdued, the air became scorching hot, and the monks below the core formation could only dodge in a hurry, even if they were separated by a distance. invasion.

There is no way, there are still many cloud patterns in this shop, if it is destroyed, he will suffer a lot.

Compared with the loss of spirit stones used to activate the guardian formation, the loss of property is even more unbearable for him.

But the shop owner didn't dare to scold Jun Shao at all, he only dared to scold a few words in his heart, and at the same time hoped that Qin Lang could create a miracle and make Jun Shao feel depressed.

Qin Lang is still indifferent to the fire of the three essences. If he wants to, he can refine it together with Xiaoyan Wangding and the fire of the three essences if he wants to. I also don't want my shot to be too thunderous.

Therefore, Qin Tian still used the mana that only a monk who formed an alchemy had to ignite his own flame, the fire of Kanli!
In terms of the power of the flame, the fire of the three spirits is not as good as the fire of Kanli.

When a small flame appeared in Qin Lang's hand, the size of the flame was only as big as a candle, but the monk surnamed Geng felt that something was wrong, and his eyes were fixed on the flame.

He could feel that this flame seemed to be more pure than the fire of his three spirits.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Lang urged Kanli's fire and flew out.

After the fire of Kanli flew out, the other party seemed to hear the wailing sound of the fire of the three spirits.

There is no way, Kanli's fire is naturally able to suppress the fire of the three essences, just like when a tiger meets a rabbit, it's no wonder that the rabbit doesn't whine.

At a critical moment, the monk surnamed Geng had no choice but to increase the power of the Three Essence Fires, because he felt that if he continued to maintain this power, the three Essence Fires would be swallowed up by the other party's mysterious flame in just one encounter.


The Fire of the Three Essences suddenly expanded, doubling in size and doubling in power accordingly.

Now, those monks who watched the excitement were even less optimistic about Qin Lang.

"It's over, Young Master Jun's people don't want to be entangled, and plan to harvest."

"Under the power of the fire of the three spirits, I don't know if Elder Qin can hold on. It seems to be very difficult. It's better to just avoid it and run away."

Of course, Qin Lang didn't have time to listen to these discussions. After all, the fire of the three essences was suppressed extremely fast, and he was unambiguous.

Kanli's fire is absolutely capable of suppressing the fire of the three essences, there is no doubt about it, even if he only used the mana in the late stage of forming an alchemy, it would be enough.


The two flames were immediately entangled.

But the cultivator surnamed Geng was shocked to find that the quality of Qin Lang's mana was very pure, and his mana in the later stage of forming a pill was even better than his mana in the early stage of Yuanying.

As the collision happened, his fire of the three spirits was forcibly compressed back into Xiaoyan Wang Ding's cauldron.

And the opponent's flame, after the collision, there was still a small ball the size of a thumbnail, and it shot towards him quickly.

He secretly thought that he underestimated the situation, and it was too late to summon the fire of the three spirits at this moment, but he did not wear magic weapons such as body protection today.

My life is over!

He lamented in his heart.

Although he also used mana to resist, but as the person involved, he knew very well that the small flame was very scary.

"You are defeated."

Qin Lang controlled Kanli's fire and directly burned the person's clothes, but he didn't burn him to death. After all, he was new to the Realm King City, and he didn't want to kill people in public and cause trouble.

Qin Lang put away the flames, and the surrounding onlookers came to their senses. They were all stunned, and looked at Qin Lang with fear in their eyes.

This alchemy cultivator is also too powerful, after a few face-to-face encounters, he defeated a cultivator at the early stage of Nascent Soul!
(End of this chapter)

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