The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1899 Judgment Table

Chapter 1899 Judgment Table

But at this moment, the monk surnamed Geng blushed and retreated to the side of Young Master Jun, not daring to fight anymore.

After all, Qin Lang has already proved to him with his strength that he is not as good as Qin Lang, and if he continues to fight, he will only be more embarrassing.

Jun Shao didn't expect that he would kick a piece of iron, and wanted to let the three guards go up together, but looking around, he found that two guards in the late stage of alchemy had already shook their heads at him.

Obviously, these guards knew that Qin Lang was very difficult to deal with. Even monk Yuan Ying surnamed Geng couldn't beat this Elder Qin, and most of them would lose if they went together.

At this time, a guard with a cultivation base of alchemy whispered a few words in Young Master Jun's ear.

Jun Shao nodded again and again, and he immediately pointed to Qin Lang and spoke.

"Boy, the quarrel between you and my Liu family is not so easy to resolve. Today I saw that there are many people here, and it is in a public place. I am afraid that if you ask the guards to beat you, you will accidentally hurt other people. If you have the guts, come with me now." Judgment table, compete for a high or low position on the judgment table!"

Young Master Jun's words naturally aroused the whispers of the surrounding monks.

"Young master, you are quite cheeky."

"That's right, I'm ashamed to say that I was afraid of accidentally hurting us. The three guards he brought over are obviously no match for this Elder Qin."

"It's no wonder that Elder Qin can become the elder of Keqing in this city, and a monk who formed an alchemy can get this position. It turns out that the real strength of Elder Qin is not comparable to that of a monk in the late stage of alchemy."

Although everyone was discussing, their voices were very small. Naturally, they were afraid that the sound would reach the young master's ears, which would only increase the disaster.

After Qin Lang heard Jun Shao's words, he sneered and said, "What kind of adjudication stand are you talking about, do I want to go?"

"That's not up to you!"

Young Master Jun grinned grimly and said, "I'll give you two choices. The other one is that you and your companions will face the attack from my Liu family! As long as you are still in the Realm King City, I guarantee that the masters of my Liu family will seize the opportunity to teach you a lesson. You guys, even if you can't be killed, you will definitely be stripped of your skin!"

"Oh, if you threaten me like this, you are not afraid of being hanged and beaten by me?" Qin Lang felt angry in his heart, and decided not to make this young master feel better.

"Tell me if you have the guts, dare to go up to the judgment stand, don't you dare to go up? Go up and win and come down. The enmity between me and you can be written off!"

Jun Shao will be aggressive.

"Master, this tribunal sounds like fun, why don't you play with this kid?"

Hou Sheng communicated with Qin Lang by means of sound transmission.

Qin Lang thought for a while, but didn't object.

But what is the adjudication table, he still has to ask someone.

He asked the shop owner, and it was easy to find out.

It turned out that private fighting is strictly prohibited in the King of the Realm City, but grievances and grievances still need to be resolved, and it is impossible to hang in the city forever, so there is also a clear regulation in the King of Realm City, that is, both sides of the grievances and grudges can use fighting methods to resolve the relationship between monks in specific places. hatred and contradictions.

There are two such specific places, one is the Judgment Platform and the other is the Life and Death Platform.

The Judgment Stand is a place to resolve non-life-and-death grievances. Simply put, it is here that both sides can fight on the Judgment Stand to resolve their hatred.

But fighting only distinguishes victory and defeat, not life and death.

In this way, the enmity is equivalent to being judged. After the fight, the two parties must not continue to entangle in this enmity.

This is actually a means to solve the problem for both parties. After all, if you don't want to go out of the royal city and want to solve the enmity, you can just go to the adjudication stand.

As for the platform of life and death, it is a place to solve the great enmity of life and death.

Once the two parties are on the stage of life and death, they have to divide life and death. Either one person is killed and the other walks off the stage of life and death, or both of them die on the stage of life and death. Anyway, someone will die in the fight.

Like life and death, there are very few monks who are resolved in this way, so there may not necessarily be a handful of monks on the life and death platform every year.

And there are more people going to the judgment stand. For this reason, several judgment stands were placed in a concentrated place in the city of the king of the realm.

After Qin Lang finished understanding, he didn't hesitate, and said directly: "The verdict is right, then I'll go up and have a look, and teach you, the young master of the Liu family, a lesson."

Hearing that Qin Lang agreed, Young Master Jun immediately smiled.

As for the onlookers, they agreed that Qin Lang was a bit reckless, and should not agree to Jun Shao's request. After all, Jun Shao is a local, and he can invite family experts to participate in the fight on the adjudication platform, and may even use the wheel fighting method.

After all, Young Master Jun just proposed to let Qin Lang go to the adjudication stand, he may not necessarily go up, just send acquaintances to go up.

In case Jun Shao shows his power and invites the family's Nascent Soul mid-stage masters to help out, then Qin Lang will suffer a lot on the adjudication stage.

Although there will be no fatalities, profound lessons are inevitable.

"Elder Qin really has the guts, why not follow me now!"

Young Master Jun can't wait to solve this matter.

Qin Lang nodded and agreed.

So Jun Shao and the guards led the way, and Qin Lang and Hou Sheng followed.

When leaving, a guard left halfway, seeing this, Qin Lang didn't say a word, he knew that this person must be entrusted by Jun Shao, and went back to Liu's house to invite experts.

He wasn't worried at all. Even if Young Master Jun wanted to teach him a lesson, he wouldn't be able to accurately judge his strength.

If you wrongly underestimate his strength, then Young Master Jun will only fail.

Not long after, a group of people came to a judgment stand.

The verdict platform is made of unknown stones, one is more than [-] square meters, the ring looks like, the height is more than five meters, if people fight on it, the area is enough.

"Master Jun, right? Do you have the guts to follow me to the tribunal?"

When Qin Lang arrived, he asked.

Young Master Jun was a little annoyed by the question, so of course he didn't dare to go up, after all, even a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul lost to this person, so he was beaten when he went up.

Qin Lang had already jumped onto the five-meter-high adjudication platform, looked at Young Master Jun with disdain and said, "You are really useless, so you can only ask for help and treat yourself like a turtle."

"you you!"

Young Master Jun pointed at Qin Lang, wishing he could tear Qin Lang's mouth apart.

He looked at the two family helpers rushing over with a gloomy look in his eyes, and hurriedly asked, "Which one of you will go?"

These two are the coaches of his Liu family, and they both have the terrifying strength of the middle stage of Yuanying. Compared with Geng Gu in the early stage of Yuanying, the strength of these two people is obviously stronger by more than a star.

It can be said that any one of these two people can quickly kill Geng Gu.

Therefore, he wanted to invite these two coaches, enough to teach Qin Lang a lesson on the adjudication stand.

Of course, he has no good reason to invite the masters of the family, like his uncles, uncles, etc., who have the strength of the late Nascent Soul, and even the elders of Huashen, but there is no suitable reason, so he can't invite them. After all, the elders of the direct line can't be humiliated and come to fight with others on the adjudication platform to stand up for him.

If he wanted to get ahead, he could only find someone on the fringes of the Liu family, and finding a coach was the best choice.

"Young master, I'm coming! I will definitely let this person know how serious the consequences of speaking rudely to the young master are!"

A coach, who was tall and fierce, was excitedly gearing up and asked Young Master Jun to ask for a job.

Although he learned from Geng Gu that Qin Lang had defeated Geng Gu, he didn't think Qin Lang was very strong.

After all, Qin Lang is only a monk in the late stage of alchemy. Even if he has outstanding talent and can leapfrog the challenge, he is also a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, and his cultivation base is almost twice as strong as Geng Gu!
Therefore, no matter how strong this person is, if he meets him, this person will be unlucky.

Young Master Jun was very satisfied with the coach's words, and laughed loudly: "Very well, Liu Fengsha, I will let you play for me, and give this man a lesson that he will never forget. I will break his hands!"

Jun Shao Chi Guoguo spoke viciously.

"Yes, young master, just sit and watch the show."

The mid-Yuanying cultivator named Liu Fengsha shouted loudly, and then his body shook, and he flew to the judgment platform like a big bird.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. Anyway, you heard me. My young master asked Liu to take action to destroy both of your hands. I advise you to surrender yourself. At least you will only suffer two pains. If you let me do it, hehe. "

"What will happen if you do it?" Qin Lang asked deliberately.

Liu Fengsha almost thought he had heard it wrong, and when he realized it, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Okay, you're pretty crazy, then I'll tell you, if you let me do it, your hands will be smashed to pieces by me, enough for you to suffer." of!"

"Hehe, it's not sure who will interrupt whose hand. You'd better use your full strength, otherwise you will be defeated by me in a few hits. You will regret it sometimes."

Qin Lang confronted each other.

"Hmph, then I will torture you!"

After Liu Fengsha finished speaking, he exerted force on his feet, and the man slammed into Qin Lang's body like a cannonball.

The air waves brought out by body movements are enough to scratch the faces of ordinary people.

"Oh, it's still a Nascent Soul cultivator of the body training style."

Qin Lang was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet a monk here who took the path of body training and was able to cultivate to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Although this person must also be a cultivator, his physical strength is still stronger than ordinary Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, there is no doubt about it.

However, he is not an ordinary monk. When he was on Earth, he practiced both martial arts and comprehension, and his physical strength was equally astonishing.

Of course, if Hou Sheng came to this fight, and Hou Sheng used the silver cudgel, he might beat Liu Fengsha out of the shit in a single encounter.

Qin Lang didn't use his mana, he just hit his body in a straight line, rushed forward, and when he got close to Liu Fengsha, he punched violently.

The two sides approached each other and punched swiftly, using all the strength of the flesh, and the punching speed was extremely fast. In an instant, the two punched dozens of punches at each other, and the air around them made a sharp explosion sound.

Bang bang bang!

The voice was loud and strong, and it was completely that the two sides were head-to-head.

When the two separated, it was a result of equal shares, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

Young Master Jun was very dissatisfied, and cast a reproachful look at Liu Fengsha, signaling Liu Fengsha to use all his strength, otherwise he would make the coach look good.

Liu Fengsha couldn't say it clearly, but could only be secretly shocked in his heart. He was the one involved, and only he knew how terrifying the physical strength of this Elder Qin, who was the guest elder, was actually at a disadvantage. Shock numb.

Obviously the other party is not a cultivator of the body training style, but his physical strength is so amazing, he realized that the other party still has some capital to dare to be arrogant.

Therefore, he also restrained his contempt, but he still believed that his cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying was enough to suppress Qin Lang.

"Boy, it was just a test just now, now you will feel better!"

Liu Fengsha directly took out a long black metal stick from his waist. The material of the stick could not be discerned, but it was cold and had a fierce aura. Qin Lang's elbow swept away.

Not to mention the speed of this stick is extremely fast, the strength is also very terrifying, if it is really hit, it will be bad luck for the gods.

Qin Lang was not in a hurry, his body moved a little, and he seemed to be doing nothing, but he calmly dodged the blow in milliseconds.

Liu Fengsha was surprised again when he saw it.

He noticed that the opponent's combat experience was really not ordinary. Whether it was the fighting mentality or the combat experience, it was not like what a monk of alchemy could accumulate.

(End of this chapter)

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