The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1902 Flood Dragon Lays Ambush

Chapter 1902 Flood Dragon Lays Ambush
He chose to tell Qin Lang about this, in the hope that Qin Lang could help the Liu family after meeting this person.

After hearing this, Qin Lang said: "Brother Liu, most of this monster will lurk in the Realm King City in the form of a human for a long time. You want me to help, but I can't search for suspicious people just for this matter."

He didn't talk about the after-the-fact compensation, after all, there was no way to start this matter, even if he was interested in finding that person, he had to have the necessary clues.

Liu Zhen smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "It's not impossible. Although the Liu family basically got nothing, they found out a piece of useful information recently."

Considering that Qin Lang is a foreign monk, and he has only come to the Realm King City not long ago, it is impossible to have any relationship with some forces in the Realm King City, and it is even more impossible to have any deal with the monster, so Liu Zhen boldly spoke out.

"Oh? Brother Liu, why not tell me." Qin Lang said.

"That person, or that monster, will pretend to be a hunter in front of people, and there is a hunting team. When introducing people, he said that he hunts and kills beasts in the Chixiao Mountains, but behind people, he is The bandits are hiding in the Chixiao Mountains."

"Bandit?" Qin Lang felt that this was a bit unexpected, "It's nothing more than this monster disguised as a human, and became a bandit?"

"It's absolutely true," Liu Zhen nodded, "Although I don't know why this person did this, but he is a gangster, but his whereabouts are uncertain."

"The first is a bandit, the second is a person disguised as a hunter, and the third has the blood of a monster. Well, these three points can indeed narrow the search circle, but to be honest, I can't find this person accurately based on these .” Qin Lang said.

Liu Zhen waved his hand and said: "I don't want Elder Qin to look for it specially. Elder Qin is the elder Keqing of this city, and he should accept some missions to protect the city many times in the future, such as going to the Chixiao Mountains to eliminate bandits, such as escorting important It is possible to encounter this person when the materials are going out of the city, etc., please pay more attention to Elder Qin when the time comes."

After a pause, Liu Zhen continued: "If this person is confirmed, as long as Elder Qin takes down this person, my Liu family will definitely have a big thank you."


Qin Lang agreed.

Since Liu Zhen said that he has a lot of thanks, it is naturally not empty talk.He is a cultivator in the mid-stage of Huashen, if he can get something useful to increase his cultivation base after coming to Wukong Star, it will not be in vain.

In fact, at his level, it is very difficult to rely on elixir or other things to quickly increase his strength, but it is not ruled out that there are some precious elixir that can help his cultivation base increase.

What's more, he just agreed to pay attention to that person. If the opportunity is right, he will go to arrest him. If the opportunity is not right, then he can completely ignore it. As far as he is concerned, the whole thing has no loss for him .

Seeing that Qin Lang agreed, Liu Zhen was also very happy.

After all, he had found another ally.

For this kind of thing, he had entrusted several trustworthy cultivators of transforming spirits before. He just cast a wide net, and then waited for the news.

Of course, he wasn't fooling people about the promised reward, he was indeed ready, after all, he wouldn't be so stupid as to deceive a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.

After talking about the matter, Qin Lang chatted with Liu Zhen for a few more words, declined the other party's invitation to stay with him for dinner, left with Hou Sheng, and returned to the rented mansion.

The next day, Qin Lang met Lin Shan who came to visit. Manager Lin brought a mission and invited him and Hou Sheng to join.

The mission this time is to send the unique elixir Linguo from the Realm King City to another nearby city, Tianxing City, together with the four monks of the late Nascent Soul.

This lin fruit is said to be a kind of fruit that grows after a kind of elixir absorbs the spiritual power of the skeleton of the divine beast fire unicorn. It has a fire attribute and is extremely good for fire attribute monks. Taking a lin fruit can directly improve one's cultivation.

Even monks at the early stage of Huashen, or even monks at the middle stage of Huashen, after taking Linguo, there will be some improvement in cultivation, or it can help the monks of Huashen to break some shackles in the body and achieve breakthroughs faster.

Of course, this lin fruit is basically only useful for fire attribute monks.

Because the escort mission this time is of a high level, and the number of lin fruits escorted exceeds [-], Jiewang City also attaches great importance to it. After arranging four late Nascent Soul monks, they specially recruited a stronger monk as the Dinghai God Needle After Lin Shan thought about it, he thought of Qin Lang.

Over the past few days, he already knew that Qin Lang's strength was unfathomable, not just as simple as the late Yuan Ying, so he thought Qin Lang was a good candidate.

Besides, Housheng is by Qin Lang's side. As long as Qin Lang goes, Housheng will definitely go too. Together, these two people should make the escort mission safe this time.

"You two, to reach Tianxing City, you need to walk through the Chixiao Mountains for a certain distance. There are many bandits nearby, and it is not ruled out that some hunting teams will get the news and intercept and rob them halfway."

Lin Shan was quite kind, although he wanted Qin Lang to take over this mission, he also told the truth, revealing the danger of this escort mission.

"Boss Lin, how about the salary?" Hou Sheng asked directly.

Lin Shan told about the remuneration, and Hou Sheng was quite satisfied after hearing it. This remuneration included not only spirit stones, but also some elixir, and a discounted jade card for future purchases in the Realm King City. Generally speaking, the risk of investment is directly proportional to the return of harvest.

Seeing that Qin Lang had no objections, Hou Sheng was naturally even more objectionable.

Therefore, Qin Lang officially agreed to the task of escorting Linguo this time.

A day later, a six-person team secretly assembled and set off at the west gate of Jiewang City in a low-key manner. This time, the four late Nascent Soul monks had been explained in advance, so they consciously focused on Qin Lang and Hou Sheng.

Twenty lin fruits were put into Housheng's storage bag. The six of them were dressed very ordinary, making it impossible to see that they were escorting valuables. They left the city all the way, and soon entered the Chixiao Mountains .

The four Nascent Soul cultivators thought Qin Lang was cold at first, but after getting to know them along the way, they found that Qin Lang was very talkative, so they asked Qin Lang some questions about cultivation, Qin Lang also answered all questions, and gave these people some help.

No one thought of swallowing these lin fruits alone. After all, lin fruits were all banned, and if they swallowed them, it would be tantamount to making an enemy of the Realm King City, and no one wanted to erect such a powerful enemy.

There are many bandits in the Scarlet Firmament Mountains. They form gangs and each occupy the top of the mountain. Soon after the group entered the mountain range, they encountered a small group of bandits. The leader was a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

But this group of people obviously didn't know Taishan, they didn't recognize who Qin Lang and Hou Sheng were, they wanted to stop the six people from extorting a sum of money, and even thought about killing people, but when they met Qin Lang, Qin Lang didn't like these murderers and robbers. Without any mercy, he ordered the killer to kill this group of gangsters.

Seeing such cunning, the four Nascent Soul cultivators felt chills in their hearts, secretly thinking that although Qin Lang was easy to talk, his methods were really decisive and ruthless.

After encountering this turmoil, I don't know if the danger has not yet come or what. After driving for half a day, the journey was relatively stable, and there were no robbers looking for trouble.

So the group walked farther and farther, and gradually entered a hinterland of the Chixiao Mountains on the road to Tianxing City.

From here on, the next section of the road was considered the most dangerous section of the escort mission, so everyone cheered up and raised their vigilance.

When passing by a mirror-like lake, something happened finally.

Qin Lang suddenly stopped in his tracks, Lingtai became alert, he noticed something was wrong.

"There are masters nearby, coming for us."

Qin Lang said in a deep voice.

Everyone was shocked.Because they didn't notice the aura of a master, this shows that the opponent has a big background and is very difficult to deal with, and the strength is probably very strong.

"Quack, I found out so quickly, but don't think about leaving, just stay!"

A strange laughter sounded, and the mountain forest suddenly seemed to be turned into a purgatory, the temperature was gloomy, except for Qin Lang and Housheng, the four Nascent Soul monks were all feeling terrified.

They knew that the person who laughed was very powerful, and a simple sneer would make their hair stand on end. They were afraid that this person was a cultivator who transformed himself into a god!

At this time, from the mirror-like lake, the water suddenly exploded, and a huge black shadow leaped out of it. This shadow rushed straight into the sky abruptly, and the ear-piercing sound seemed to be able to pierce a monk's eardrums.

The coercion, from this figure, crazily spread in all directions, covering the six people in an instant.

The four Nascent Soul cultivators suddenly felt that under this coercion, it seemed that it was much more difficult to move, and they all turned pale with shock.

Fortunately, it was not the first time for them to accept escort missions. They knew that if they fled in a hurry at this time, they would be easily killed by the opponent one by one.

What's more, there are also cultivators who have transformed themselves into gods on their side, and things haven't reached the point of despair.

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes and looked at the black figure in the center of the lake.

This figure was clearly a fierce beast, but it was actually a black dragon with a body length of more than 500 meters. Its raised head was as big as a house, and it was terrifying to look at.

As the flood dragon soared into the sky, lightning and thunder appeared around the lake.

Qin Lang knew that this dragon was good at thunder and lightning attacks, and the magic attack of thunder attribute was undoubtedly the strongest attack power, and this dragon had reached the strength of the middle stage of transformation, and he was alone, not even an opponent.

Fortunately, Hou Sheng has the same level of cultivation as him. If the two work together, they can fight this dragon.

"Retreat back, hurry up, I'll hold it back."

Qin Lang secretly said to the four Nascent Soul monks.

After finishing speaking, he and Hou Sheng cooperated tacitly and killed Jiaolong together.

He used the Three Lives Sword Art, while Hou Sheng slammed the silver cudgel hard, attacking the dragon head-on.

The four monks knew that it was useless for them to stay, so they followed Qin Lang's request and flew towards the rear.

But as soon as they turned around, they were ambushed.

Three human monks appeared from the forest and attacked violently. In an instant, there were two screams.

These three people were all Nascent Soul cultivators, and they attacked suddenly again, killing two of them at once, and surrounded the other two in an instant.

But Qin Lang and Hou Sheng had no time to care about him, they were entangled by Jiaolong, and it took less than five breaths, and the remaining two were also poisoned.

Four screams came out one after another, Qin Lang knew that the four people who participated in the escort mission had been murdered, and was annoyed in his heart.

But at this time, Jiaolong flicked his tail and swung him and Housheng away, and then the dragon's body flickered and directly transformed into a human form.

"It's you!" Hou Sheng exclaimed.

Qin Lang also narrowed his eyes.

This dragon turned into a middle-aged monk, who was the one they saw on the second floor when they were shopping for a house.

Qin Lang looked back again, and found that the other three happened to be the last time he met.

Last time they encountered a four-person hunting team, but they didn't expect that all four of them had concealed their cultivation. Not to mention three of them were Nascent Soul cultivators, and the weirdest one was actually a dragon.

You know, Qin Lang felt the breath of a monster from the middle-aged monk at the beginning, and thought that the blood of that person was special, but he did not expect that he guessed it right, that person was transformed from a dragon.

"Quack, it looks like you recognize me."

The black flood dragon in human form said triumphantly.

"Of course." Although Qin Lang was annoyed, he was still calm.

"I didn't expect that the two of you are also very extraordinary, both of you are mid-stage cultivators, but since you have become the elders of Keqing of the Realm King City and work for the Realm King City, then you are my enemy, prepare to die."

As if Jiaolong was not afraid of the two of them teaming up, their words were full of confidence.

Fierce beasts have been stronger than humans since ancient times. Under the same realm, ferocious beasts can often suppress human monks of the same realm by relying on their strong physique and innate secret skills.

"It's you who deserve to die!"

Hou Sheng said viciously.

He and Qin Lang are not ordinary monks, Jiaolong dares to kill them, hum, it's not that easy at all.

"Your body is an ape, huh, huh, it's a bit interesting, but you followed a human and abandoned the dignity of the monster race."

Jiaolong seemed to disdain Housheng very much.

Qin Lang stopped Hou Sheng from going mad and kept Hou Sheng calm.

At this time, the three monks on Jiaolong's side had already searched the bodies of the four Nascent Soul monks, and then shook their heads at Jiaolong, indicating that the things were not on those four people.

"You'd better hand over Lin Guo, so maybe I can consider letting you go."

Jiaolong said to Qin Lang domineeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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