The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1903 Repelling the Flood Dragon

Chapter 1903 Repelling the Flood Dragon
Qin Lang sneered.

This flood dragon actually intercepted the news in advance, knowing that the twenty lin fruits would be escorted by six of them, so it stood guard here and waited for them.

Regardless of whether it was someone from Youjie Wangcheng who informed him or not, but since this Jiaolong said he was going to kill him and Housheng, he didn't have to talk nonsense.

"Are you sneering? Think you can beat me?"

When Jiaolong found out about Qin Lang's situation, his face sank. His humanoid body was tall and burly, and he was playing with a black bead in his hand.

"Try it and you'll know!"

Hou Sheng raised the silver cudgel.

Previously, he and Qin Lang joined forces to fight against the dragon, and found that the dragon was indeed powerful, but it didn't try its best, and Qin Lang even had a trick that didn't come out. It was a dream for the dragon to kill them.

"Then try, I will destroy this human first!"

Jiaolong threw the black bead in his hand violently, and the bead shot towards Qin Lang's face immediately. It was astonishingly powerful, making people feel that the bead contained terrible energy.

Qin Lang didn't dodge, but took the initiative to attack, his figure flashed quickly, and he reached the side of the black bead, and there was an extra long sword in his hand.

Three Lives Sword Art!

Qin Lang directly used his sword move, and slashed towards the black bead.

Jiaolong only felt that Qin Lang's speed was terribly fast, so he couldn't help restraining his contempt.

In its view, this human's sword moves are not only powerful, but also very skillful, so it can be used with ease.


Accompanied by a loud impact, Qin Lang used the Three Lives Sword Jue, and the long sword hit the black bead impartially.

The two collided with each other, and the huge force forced the black beads back.

However, although the sword energy of the Three Lives Sword Art is very terrifying, after hitting the black bead, the black bead just flew away without any damage.

Qin Lang is good at using sword moves, and he already has his own deep understanding of the way of the sword, and his mental power is very strong, so he can accurately hit the black beads between the electric light and flint.

Seeing this scene, Jiaolong naturally didn't think about attacking Qin Lang directly with the black beads. After all, Qin Lang could fly the black beads once, and also the second and third times.

But it has its eyes on Qin Lang, and is determined to kill Qin Lang first, eradicate this biggest threat, and then deal with the ape monster, it will become extremely simple.

Therefore, Jiaolong opened its mouth wide, and its body suddenly turned into Jiaolong itself, entrenched above the lake, black light flickered in its body, several powerful magic weapons flew out from the black light, controlled by it, and floated in front of it.

These magic weapons all revealed an astonishing murderous aura. Obviously, they had been stained with the blood of many monks and monsters before.

"Go to me!"

Jiaolong roared.

Several magic weapons all attacked Qin Lang.

"A monster in the middle stage of transformation, do you think it can suppress me to death?"

Qin Lang sneered and swung the sword directly. The sword energy raged and turned into the fire of Kanli!
Kanli's fire turned into sword energy, razor-sharply cutting towards the flying magic weapons!
This is not only sword energy, but also Kanli's fire, which combines the characteristics of sharpness and burning everything, which is very terrifying.

Jiaolong watched helplessly that the sacrificed magic weapons were swept away by the sword energy like heavenly fire, and even felt that these magic weapons lost their spirituality!
It was a little annoyed, it didn't expect Qin Lang's swordsmanship to be so strong.

In its view, it originally thought that it could definitely kill Qin Lang and Housheng. After all, it is a monster with strong capital and has a natural advantage over monks in the same realm.

And Housheng is just this human's follower. Although he has a mid-stage cultivation base, but he is also a monster, it can defeat this ape monster in minutes.

Unexpectedly, after attacking this human being twice in a row, it failed to please it.

Jiaolong's tail flicked violently, defeating Qin Lang's sword energy, and he no longer underestimated the enemy, and directly used his body to fight.

Hou Sheng turned out of his body and became a strong ape as tall as a hill. Holding a huge silver cudgel in his hand, he jumped up and slammed the stick down on Jiaolong's body.

At this time, Hou Sheng was fighting in his strongest form.

Jiaolong was a little startled, he didn't expect the strength of this ape monster to be terrifying, and he underestimated it again.

But it is also a flood dragon in the middle stage of transformation. When it swings its body, a black aura flashes on the surface of its body, as if it has formed a protective shield. After the silver cudgel hits it, it is immediately bounced back when it touches this layer of aura. .

Then, the dragon's big mouth sucked the black bead into its stomach, but it quickly spit it out, suspended in mid-air, not only expanded many times, but also emitted a black light like black blood, making people Heart palpitations.

Neither Qin Lang nor Hou Sheng dared to underestimate the black bead, and treated it seriously.

Jiaolong directly input a stream of mana into the black bead, and activated the mana to launch a spell attack.

Immediately, there was a whistling sound of wind from inside the black bead, but quickly formed a black hurricane like black blood around the bead.

Moreover, after the hurricane appeared, it not only connected the surroundings, but also created huge vortices one by one, exuding a monstrous evil spirit, as if it could destroy everything.

This is an innate secret method of the dragon in the mid-stage of transformation, and a lot of its energy is stored in this natal elixir. Now relying on the natal elixir to activate the attack, the power is naturally huge.

The spiritual energy in a radius of thousands of miles was swallowed up by these countless connected vortices in an instant, and there were scenes of destruction everywhere.

"Death to me!"

Jiaolong controlled it, let all these vortexes fly out, and rolled towards Qin Lang and Housheng rumblingly.

Hou Sheng swung the silver cudgel directly, using the terrifying strength of his body to make the silver cudgel launch the strongest attack, mana flooded in front of him, and rushed towards the whirlpool.

And Qin Lang continued to use the Three Lives Sword Jue, and the sword energy flashed into the vortex one after another.

But those vortexes were too many and too huge, rumbling over, they were about to swallow the two of them immediately.

"Boy, in the face of absolute power, it is completely useless for you to show off your sword skills!"

Jiaolong was already waiting for the two to be destroyed.

Hou Sheng urges the silver cudgel violently, and the silver cudgel quickly enlarges to become the sea-fixing needle, while Qin Lang and Hou Sheng grab the silver cudgel, protect themselves with mana, and let the whirlpool sweep them away, they remain motionless.

Jiaolong didn't know how could Housheng be easily swallowed by these whirlpools after obtaining the silver cudgel and his strength increased greatly.

After the vortex passed, the world calmed down a little, and Jiaolong suddenly found that Qin Lang and Housheng were doing well, and couldn't help being furious.

"Damn it, are you all right? Then look at how good I am!"

It spewed a breath of natal energy into the black bead, and in an instant, a dozen black arms stretched out from the black bead. These arms were powerful, just like the tail of a flood dragon, but they were formed by mana, and they all pointed towards the black bead. The two whipped over.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Qin Lang was not afraid, and simply activated a large number of Kanli fires, allowing the flames to contaminate the black arms one by one.

All of a sudden, these black arms burned, and Jiaolong was shocked when he saw it.

What kind of flame is this, the ability to incinerate is so terrifying!

Qin Lang greeted Hou Sheng.

Now, it was time for him and Hou Sheng to start a real counterattack.

Previously, Jiaolong had been attacking, but their attack power hadn't been brought into full play.

Hou Sheng was very excited, roared and waved the silver cudgel, and rushed up following Qin Lang.

Not far away, the three monks only dared to watch and did not dare to participate in the battle of the God Transformation masters, but they still believed that the Flood Dragon King would end the battle and kill the two opponents.

Qin Lang put away his sword and punched Jiaolong directly behind him, and Hou Sheng did the same, both of them used violent and direct blows.

Jiaolong relied on its huge body to fight back continuously. It was physically strong, so it was not afraid of this kind of battle at all. For a while, the battle between the three masters of the mid-stage Huashen entered the fierce battle stage, and they refused to give in to each other, and the momentum was magnificent.

But after half an hour of the battle, Jiaolong himself felt that his strength had lost a lot, but he was shocked to find that Qin Lang and Housheng's attacks were still so fierce.

It almost shouted wildly, thinking that Qin Lang and Hou Sheng are masters in the late stage of Huashen.

Because how can a master in the middle stage of Huashen have such powerful physical strength, which can last for such a long time without showing signs of wear and tear?

But soon it understood that Qin Lang and Hou Sheng were not ordinary masters in the middle stage of transforming gods. Compared with this monster, these two opponents were also extremely powerful.


The body was hit by the silver cudgel again, and the scales were lifted off. Under the pain, Jiaolong was furious, and suddenly shrunk the body by a circle, and did not hesitate to use the power of the natal pill to make the body move faster.

It wants to fight back and overwhelm the opponent with speed and strength.

After all, if the head-to-head confrontation continues, the two opponents will not be tired, and it will suffer.

"It's useless, we have figured out your strength, it's almost the same."

Qin Lang looked confident.

He suddenly took out a set of magic weapons.

It is the mother-child gourd, the innate spiritual treasure.

As soon as the treasure appeared, Jiaolong felt inexplicable fear, and the secret path was not good, but before it had time to respond, Qin Lang sacrificed the mother-child gourd and urged it to move.

Immediately, large strands of green brilliance sprayed out from this set of mother-in-law gourds, covering the entire body of Jiaolong in an instant, and Jiaolong suddenly felt that his movement was restrained, as if those green brilliance were entangled like silk threads. Myself, let my movement be restricted!
"What kind of treasure is this? It's so powerful. Could it be an innate spirit treasure?"

Realizing this, Jiaolong was not well at all, and even thought of quitting.


Qin Lang and Hou Sheng rushed forward, taking advantage of the disadvantage of Jiaolong's limited movement, and launched various fierce attacks.

Soon, there were many more wounds on Jiaolong's body, all of which were smashed out.

Later, Hou Sheng waved his huge and strong arm with his body, grabbed the dragon by the tail, forcibly dragged the dragon from above the lake to the flat ground, and slammed the dragon like a rope.


Jiaolong was thrown heavily to the ground, and was immediately beaten by Qin Lang and Hou Sheng again.

Now, no matter how strong Jiaolong is, no matter how much he uses his innate secret technique, it is useless.

Although Qin Lang and Hou Sheng also faced a lot of pressure and were both injured, they seized the initiative, and after a fight, Jiaolong was dying.

"Damn it, I will remember this deep hatred!"

In the end, Jiaolong had no choice but to abandon his precious body, wrap the black bead with absolute power, which is his own life pill, tear apart the sky and fled in a hurry.

Qin Lang and Hou Sheng couldn't stop it. After all, the other party was a monster in the middle stage of transformation, and its strength was actually very powerful. If they just wanted to escape for their lives, it would be difficult for them to kill it.

But Jiaolong abandoned his body, and his natal core was severely damaged. Among other things, if he just wants to restore his strength to the mid-stage of transformation, he can't even think about it without 1 years of recuperation!
This can be regarded as severely torturing the dragon.

Then, without any effort, Qin Lang captured the three monks who were with Jiaolong. After a short interrogation, he unexpectedly learned that it was this Jiaolong who sneaked into Liu's house and stole three elixir three months ago.

"Actually, I guessed it before."

Qin Lang already had this guess. After all, after the dragon transformed into a human form, he appeared in the Realm King City directly as a hunting team with these three monks.

Then Qin Lang used magic power to abolish the cultivation of these three people, making them crippled, but he couldn't commit suicide. Then he took the three people to Tianxing City, completed the escort task of Linguo, and then returned Realm King City.

At the City Lord's Mansion, the two received the reward for this escort mission, but this reward was nothing compared to what the Liu family had promised.

After seeing Liu Zhen, Qin Lang handed over the three monks under control to each other, and explained in detail what happened.

"Brother Liu, we didn't kill that dragon, the matter is not completely settled, and we are embarrassed to take the full reward you promised."

Qin Lang said, the implication is that he must ask for a certain reward.

Liu Zhen smiled and said: "That dragon was miserably abused, and it will take a long time to recover. At that time, when my Liu family has all the people, I can organize a crusade. It is not difficult to kill it. So speaking of it, the two You have done my Liu family a great favor."

He didn't break his promise and gave the reward.

"This is……?"

Seeing the two green fruits on the table, Qin Lang asked suspiciously.

The appearance of these two fruits is unremarkable, but the breath is extraordinary, which makes people's heart beat. At first glance, they are not ordinary spiritual fruits.

"This is the God Transformation Pill Fruit. Although it is the lowest level, it bears one every 1000 years, but it still has a small effect on improving the cultivation of the two of you."

Liu Zhen introduced it.

It turns out that this Huashen Danguo is a special product of Wukong Star. It is divided into 1000 years, 2000 years, 3000 years... and even 10 years, 1 years. Huashen Danguo will definitely make Qin Lang His cultivation base has been directly raised to the peak of the middle stage of Huashen. Although the effect of this 1000-year knot is much worse, it can also improve Qin Lang's strength by about half.

Calculated, this is equivalent to saving several years of training time!

Qin Lang and Hou Sheng were very satisfied, and felt that this time they entered Wukong Star by mistake, it was not in vain.

Although they also know that it is impossible for them to obtain other God Transformation Pills through channels, they are very satisfied if they can improve their strength a little and save a lot of training time.

In the end, Qin Lang asked Liu Zhen for a map of the starry sky. Of course, the map mainly focused on Wukong Star and its surrounding starry sky, and found the detailed route back from it.

"Elder Qin, are you leaving the Realm King City?"

Seeing that Qin Lang and Hou Sheng had finished their research and marked a route on the map of the starry sky, Liu Zhen couldn't help asking curiously.

Qin Lang didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "Well, we are not people who control the star field, but we just happened to come to Jiewang City, and now we are going to return to the specific starry sky area of ​​the outer battlefield."

Liu Zhen couldn't help but looked at Qin Lang and Hou Sheng with some admiration: "The two really have a lot of background, and they can fight on the battlefield outside the territory. Liu admires such courage."

Realm King City, and even his Liu family, of course, there are masters fighting on the battlefield outside the territory, or they are looking for opportunities to improve their cultivation and strength, or they are fighting for the family, hoping to obtain resources to help the family prosper, but without exception, those who set foot outside the territory The strong on the battlefield are all people with great courage.

The extraterritorial battlefield is full of dangers. If you don’t pay attention, you may get lost, or even never come back. In addition, there are many races in the starry sky, and the battles are frequent. The danger is extremely high, and the risk of falling is very high. Perseverance, ordinary people dare not even have the idea of ​​​​entering an extraterritorial battlefield.

Take him as an example, he has never entered an extraterritorial battlefield in his life.

Therefore, he still admires Qin Lang and Hou Sheng.

"Thank you, Brother Liu, we will talk about it later, and we will leave first."

After Qin Lang greeted Liu Zhen politely, he left the box.

Liu Zhen sent them off enthusiastically, and sent Qin Lang and Hou Sheng to the outside of Zuixian Tower.

"Two, take care all the way."

Liu Zhen shouted.

Qin Lang helped him repel the dragon, and he had a good impression of Qin Lang.

After Qin Lang and Hou Sheng left, they found Lin Shan and told him about their plan to leave the King of the Realm City.

Lin Shan had no choice but to respect this. After all, both of them were just elders of Ke Qing, and they were free to come and go, so he had no reason to stop them.

However, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng still stayed in the rented courtyard for a day.

Not for anything else, but to take the pill of transforming gods and refine the medicinal power of this precious fruit.

These two pills of transforming gods both bear fruit every 500 years. Even though they are both in the mid-stage of transforming gods, after the medicine power is fully absorbed, both of them still find that their cultivation has improved significantly.

Qin Lang estimated that his mana had increased by about half.

Although he didn't even increase his strength by [-]%, but he had to know that at the stage of transforming gods, every time he wanted to improve his strength, it would be extremely difficult. It would take a long time to achieve it by purely practicing meditation.

Therefore, Qin Lang is still very satisfied to be able to improve his strength by repelling a flood dragon this time without paying any losses.

In short, it was not in vain to enter Wukong Star by mistake and come to Realm King City this time.

A day later, the two made a handover with Lin Shan, then simply packed up and started to set off.

After all, the two of them didn't stay in Jiewang City for a long time, and they didn't stay for a full month. After setting off, the two of them sat in the magic treasure house and started to return.

(End of this chapter)

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