Chapter 1904 Asgard
With the star map from Wukong Star directly to the Gunuo Star Clan, things will be easier, Qin Lang decided to return to the Gunuo Star Clan.

After all, he was chased by the evil Buddha Wukun there, and then he came to Wukong Star by chance. Now that he returns to the original place, one is that he may encounter the evil Buddha, and the other is that he has been to that place himself. It is familiar.

This is better than casually entering unknown places from Wukong Star with a black eye.

So Qin Lang and Housheng sat in the magic treasure house, and controlled the magic treasure house to fly regularly in the starry sky according to the guidance of the star map.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the Magic Treasure House flew all the way, kept shuttling, and finally arrived at the destination.

Fortunately this time, nothing happened during the shuttle.

After the Magic Treasure House landed, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng observed it and confirmed that they had returned to the Gu Nuo Star Clan this time.

After coming down, Qin Lang directly created a large concealment formation to cover the surroundings, and then he and Hou Sheng took the opportunity to recover mana.

After all, returning to the Gunuo Star Clan once again may face unknown dangers. He and Housheng must find a way to fully restore their mana to deal with possible dangerous situations.

At this time, there was a sudden violent shock between the heaven and the earth, and the hidden formation arranged by Qin Lang was almost collapsed by the violent shock. Such a big movement also surprised the two of them.

At this time, Qin Lang quickly released his consciousness, only feeling that the aura fluctuated violently in the surrounding world, as if a huge explosion had occurred in the whole world.

what happened……

At this time, there was a whistling sound in the distance, Qin Lang looked far away, and found that there was a group of dark shadows in the distance, and some things that could not be seen clearly were moving.

"Go and have a look!" After thinking for a while, Qin Lang said to Hou Sheng.

The two of them boarded the flying boat and headed straight towards that direction. That place should be the source of this turmoil. Although we don't know what happened there, it is very likely that there will be treasures born in such a huge phenomenon. This star field battlefield is definitely not an ordinary treasure.

When Qin Lang and Housheng flew in that direction, they also saw some monks surging in that direction like a tide, and they were not human monks. Most of them were tall giants with fiery red skin. All of them are wearing armor, and each one is more than two feet tall.

"Gunuo Star Clan!" Qin Lang understood that this is the site of the Gu Nuo Star Clan, and these giants are naturally the Gu Nuo Star Clan.

However, besides the Gu Nuo Star Clan, there are other alien races here. Qin Lang saw a large wave of the Mara Star Clan rushing in that direction, the number of which was at least [-]. Members of the clan branch appeared in the territory of the Gu Nuo Star Clan. In addition, a giant dragon with a length of forty or fifty feet invaded this star field. The blood of this giant dragon is a pure descendant of the ancient dragon clan. The Dragon Clan of the Qinghe Continent is a protozoa that has lived in a certain starry sky in an extraterritorial battlefield for many years.

The giant dragon rushed in that direction, and there was a sound like firecrackers all the way in the space. This is the sound of the giant dragon breaking through the sound barrier. The strength of this giant dragon is unfathomable. Together every time, it is estimated that they are not the enemy of the other party.

"Hey, this giant dragon is so strong... the aura is already close to the ancestor of the ancient five-element true dragon!"

While Qin Lang was surprised, he also became a lot more cautious. It is better to keep this terrible dragon away, so as to avoid conflicts.

This place is at least a thousand miles away from where Qin Lang stayed before. When Qin Lang arrived, several races had gathered in the starry sky here, but it seems that only Qin Lang arrived here in advance for the human monks.

But at the origin of the turmoil, there is a black hole at this moment. This black hole is very large, [-] miles long, and there are faint lightning and thunder all around, and the sound is very dull. Qin Lang is also thinking hard when he sees this vision. He feels This kind of situation is somewhat familiar. It has been described in the classics of Tiandaomen. This kind of similar phenomenon should be similar to a super big secret realm like an enchantment. It may be the relic of the ancient gods or the incomplete fairy palace. If there is a treasure, it is definitely a super treasure.

"Good guy... What a big secret realm, it was born, what luck... Now let's work together to break the outer black hole barrier and let this secret realm reveal its true colors!"

A monk from the Gunuo Star Clan yelled that the language this guy spoke, Qin Lang, could understand it, which was similar to the common language of Qinghe Continent.

"Okay!" A large number of monks around responded, including the Sea Clan and other races, but it turns out that the human language of the Qinghe Continent is the common language of the battlefield outside the territory. This habit has been passed down for tens of thousands of years and has not changed.

The energy needed to break through the secret black hole barrier in this extraterritorial battlefield is not a star.

A large number of monks have tried it before, and I am afraid that even tens of thousands of late Nascent Soul Dzogchen monks may not be able to blast away.

Therefore, this requires more manpower and effort, which is why the Gunuo Star Clan did not drive away many foreign races when they rushed to their own territory.

The entire race of the Gu Nuo Star Clan is sparsely populated. Although one member of the Gu Nuo Star Clan is very powerful, the number of people entering the outer battlefield this time is no more than a thousand people. , is not enough to open the black hole enchantment in front of him, and let the secret realm on his own territory reveal its true face, so it is necessary to rely on the power of other clans.

At this moment, surrounding the area near the 800-mile-long black hole, there are nearly [-] Mara Star Clan, nearly [-] Sea Clan monks, and more than [-] Gunuo Star Clan, as well as the two human races Qin Lang and Hou Sheng. , or that pure-blooded dragon.

It is rare for so many races to mix together without fighting with each other, and they actually cooperate with each other. If this situation is revealed, it will definitely make people stumble. You must know that several races are hostile. In addition, no matter where the Mara Star Clan appeared, they were the targets of other races, and this time the Gunuo Star Clan did not expel them.

The Gunuo Star Clan is a natural body builder, possessing power comparable to the great witch of the ancient Wu Clan. At this time, the more than 800 Gunuo Star Clan united and formed a formation, and began to attack the black hole barrier.

At the same time, members of the Mara Star Clan and those members of the Sea Clan also attacked a certain point in the black hole barrier.

This black hole enchantment area is tens of thousands of miles long. Although it is very long, the barrier's defense strength does not decrease because of its size. If everyone's attacks do not gather in one place, I am afraid that they really cannot break through the barrier defense.

boom!boom!Boom... Tens of thousands of monks attacked at one point, and the black hole barrier produced a huge shock, no less than the moment when the aura of heaven and earth was turbulent at the beginning of the black hole barrier.

However, although the black hole enchantment looked like it was about to shatter, it just didn't shatter. The power of so many monks gathered together was still not enough.

"Let me come!"

A huge sound in the air was deafening, and the forty to fifty-foot-long dragon also moved, and began to launch a magical attack on the black hole barrier, and a large number of flames similar to dragon's breath sprayed directly on the black hole barrier.

This giant dragon is very strong, and its combat power is definitely above the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of the transformation of the gods. It can be said that none of the monks of all the races present can match it, just like the few strong men in the Gu Nuo star clan are only in the late stage of the transformation of the gods. Xiuwei.

Like a straw that broke the camel's back, a giant dragon made a move, and the barrier of the black hole finally collapsed, shattering like an egg shell, revealing the true face inside.

A large amount of golden light appeared, and after the barrier of the black hole was broken, the secret realm inside also revealed the true face of Lushan Mountain. Although only a corner was exposed, all the monks also showed excited expressions.

Inside is a glittering golden palace. This palace seems to be constructed of precious metals. The gold material used in the main hall exposed in the gap in front of me is at least thousands of tons.

And this hall is just an inconspicuous room in the secret realm building complex, and there are actually many halls like this in the building complex.

"Go in and see!"

At this time, the giant dragon flashed directly and turned into a human monk. He was still very handsome, but he was just a little boy.This little boy was the first to enter the palace, and then disappeared after shaking his figure. It seemed that he had penetrated into the depths of the palace.

The giant dragon entered the mysterious secret realm of the extraterritorial battlefield, and the monks of other races behind him also became excited, and at this time they crowded into the secret realm one after another.

This should actually be a dilapidated fairy palace. After looking at the environment, Qin Lang nodded and followed the monks of various races. The interior space of this dilapidated fairy palace is larger than imagined. Among them, it is just like a drop in the ocean.

Swipe... Entering the main hall, Qin Lang felt as if he had passed through a light curtain. The next moment, his figure had shifted to the interior of the large group of buildings. This is a very empty place. The hall is at least [-] square meters. From the hall It takes half a minute to walk from one end to the other.

Qin Lang is a careful person, and soon discovered that there are stone gates on the walls of the main hall, which should lead to different places. If you push these stone gates, you may enter another room and the main hall.

He is an array mage, and after discovering these stone gates, he decided to divert his attention, which was better than staying where he was and gaining nothing.

Whoosh, after pushing open the door of a stone room, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng were directly sucked in by a powerful force of absorption, and then they seemed to have entered a mirror-like world, the surrounding air resistance was very large, the two wanted to It takes a lot of effort to move.

In this mirror-like world, it is no longer the environment of the main hall, but flowers, grass, mountains, water, and even small running animals. There is forbidden light in the sky, and the forbidden The light looked familiar, but seeing this situation, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng were startled.

This is a world of its own, just like a domain. Could it be a secret world formed by a fallen powerful domain?In such a large domain world, I am afraid that the fallen powers are at least at the level of gods and demons. Even if ordinary Dzogchen monks fall in the late stage of transformation, it is estimated that they will not be able to form such a large domain.

After Qin Lang and Housheng entered this realm of gods and demons, they explored all the way, but they didn't find anyone else, and they didn't know which stone gate the foreign monks who entered the hall had chosen. If they chose other stone gates, it's a pity that they are in another realm at the moment inside the space.

But now, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng don't know if there are other monks from other races who have entered the world in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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