The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1905 Underground Intruders

Chapter 1905 Underground Intruders

After entering this domain space, Qin Lang and Hou Sheng began to explore in this domain space. This domain space is much larger than the domain space of ordinary monks in the stage of transforming gods. Down.

The strange thing is that although the aura in the field is very strong, there are only some ordinary trees and flowers growing in it. Although these trees and flowers are very old, they are not spirit flowers, grass, and trees. Qin Lang wandered around with Housheng , did not find any particularly valuable things in this field, such as elixir, and treasures left by ancient powers.

Just as he was thinking this way, the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and the entire field suddenly changed again. Qin Lang turned around and saw that Hou Sheng had disappeared by his side, and he suddenly appeared in a high-tech city .

"This... what is this place..."

Qin Lang was a little dazed and turned left and right.

This should be a new world.

People come and go in this city, it is a bit like the earth, but there is a hovering speed car in the sky, this technology is much higher than the earth, so it is absolutely impossible to be the earth.

Suddenly appearing in such a high-tech city inexplicably, Qin Lang was surprised, but also thinking: "What's going on... Could it be that the ancient powers in the field arranged a teleportation formation to teleport me directly?" Have you come to such an unknown planet? Something's wrong, I didn't sense the aura fluctuations of the teleportation restriction at all just now... Could it be that these are all illusions?"

Qin Lang unfolded his divine thoughts at this time, but he found that the rules of this space are very special, and his spiritual consciousness can't be separated from the body, so he can't use his spiritual consciousness to sense whether this strange environment is real or an illusion generated by illusion .

However, although the consciousness cannot be separated from the body, Qin Lang still has other ways to judge these.

So, next, he started to move forward, touch some objects around him, and perceive them with his own sense of touch. The metal guardrail of the street feels cold to the touch, cool and swishing, very real, and the walls of the building are It is a very special stone composition. This stone is very hard, comparable to diamond. Qin Langdu scratched it with his fingernails, but failed to leave any traces on this stone. You must know that the hands of monks in the transformation stage Nails are different from ordinary people, their hardness is almost comparable to a magic weapon level knife, which shows how special this stone is.

This kind of stone is used to build buildings, and the buildings built are naturally extremely strong and durable. In fact, the row of buildings in front of Qin Lang are very tall, each with hundreds of floors, and there are many flying cars in the air. Building voids come and go.

And there was hardly a pedestrian on the street, Qin Lang really wanted to find someone to ask about the situation, but he couldn't find it after searching for a while.At this time, he saw a big speeding car stopped on the street ahead. There was a stop similar to a bus stop. This big speeding car should be a bus speeding car or something. Once it stopped, several of them got off.

"Excuse me... where is this place..."

Qin Lang went over to ask at this time, and suddenly came to such a strange alien city, Qin Lang was of course very curious, because everything in front of him did not seem to be an illusory world, that is to say, he did not know that he was captured by the ancient power. What method was used to directly teleport to this place.

And when they saw Qin Lang, the people who got out of the car all stared at him with empty eyes, which made people feel hairy and very abnormal.

Qin Lang frowned. Of course he could feel this strange atmosphere. He asked the other party for directions, but the people who got out of the car in front of them didn't answer, but stared at Qin Lang, and the two sides were deadlocked.

"It's not right..."

Qin Lang muttered in his heart, the expressions of these people who got off the car were very stiff and dull, just like the mutants researched on the earth, they had no special emotions, and they all looked like puppets being manipulated.

Just thinking of the puppets, Qin Lang couldn't help but get excited: "In this situation... these people, or the people in this whole city, shouldn't they be puppets? How much ability is needed to do it... Anyway, in the stage of transforming gods Cultivators can't do it. Although the spirit of a monk in the transformation stage is powerful, it's okay to control 2000 people, and they must be mortals with little cultivation. The entire city has a population of hundreds of thousands or more than a million, and only ancient gods Demons have such terrifying power."

Just as he was thinking, a guy in front of him spoke in a cold electronically synthesized voice: "I found the underground invader... I found the underground invader..."

Just as Qin Lang thought, this guy is not a human being, but a biochemical genetic person similar to his own species. Although I don't know what these biochemical genetic persons mean by summarizing themselves as "underground invaders", they are not what a good thing.

These biochemical gene people also speak the lingua franca of the extraterrestrial starry sky, so there is no language barrier in Qin Lang's ears.

At this time, the surrounding streets sounded alarms, and the nearby speeding cars also began to gather in this direction at this time. These speeding cars seemed to be under the control of a mysterious force. Although they were busy, they were not chaotic at all. Surrounded by a watertight.

Then, a large number of biochemical genetic people holding strange weapons rushed towards him, and a voice like a broadcast sounded in the air at this time: "Underground invaders, please give up resisting... capture it with your hands, please give up your resistance, and capture it with your hands. Say it again , please give up resisting... let's get caught, please give up resisting..."

Seeing so many biochemical gene people's congresses surrounded, of course Qin Lang will not give up resistance as said in the broadcast, and let the other party catch him as a guinea pig...God knows what will happen after he gives up resistance, so now naturally Run away.


Afterwards, without saying much, Qin Lang rushed directly in one direction. He has a cultivation level, and these densely packed biochemical genetic people are not ordinary humans, they are all equivalent to extraordinary mutants on the earth, and each of them has a Nascent Soul period of power.

And the weapons in the hands of these biochemical genetic people, if you guessed correctly, should be thermal weapons similar to laser weapons.

This thing emits energy waves similar to lasers. Although I am not very afraid as a mid-stage cultivator, those laser energy waves hit the defensive shield, which is still very annoying, and it will quickly consume my energy shield. .

After all, there are too many biochemical gene people surrounded now, Qin Lang glanced at it, and there are at least several hundred of them holding weapons.

Qin Lang started to sprint in one direction, and the cultivator in the transformation stage opened the defensive force field and slammed in one direction, even the biochemical gene people couldn't stop it.

Boom boom boom, Qin Lang felt like an armored vehicle, rushing forward all the way, everything that blocked him along the road was hit by him, if it was an ordinary person who was hit by himself like this, he would have already been smashed to pieces, but these biochemical gene people have physical strength It's much better, and the recovery ability is also strong, so none of them were killed by Qin Lang.

Of course, this is because Qin Lang didn't intend to kill these biochemical gene people, otherwise, he should be able to kill them with a big move.


"Gamma ray gun! Shoot..."

Seeing that Qin Lang was unimpeded all the way, those biochemical genes with weapons finally launched an attack. The thermal weapon similar to a laser gun sent out a circle of corrugated curves and shot towards Qin Lang.

This is a weapon called a gamma ray gun. Unlike lasers, the gamma rays emitted by this ray gun are curved. The energy can be absorbed by the heat of a living body, and then the gamma rays are as tight as chasing bullets. Keep chasing, it won't disappear if you don't hit the target.

The speed of gamma rays is very fast, and it has a tracking effect. At this time, dozens of rays hit Qin Lang's defense mask, causing Qin Lang's defense mask to fluctuate. Fortunately, the attacks of these gamma rays are not very Strong, but the speed of self-generating true energy is the same as the speed of replenishing the energy of the defensive mask.

Of course, this is also because Qin Lang is a cultivator in the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, and his true energy is endless. If it is replaced by a monk of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen, I am afraid that his own defensive shield will be destroyed by these gammas. The rays were broken.

Although the scientific and technological power of the biochemical gene people in this high-tech city is very strong, it is helpless that Qin Lang's comprehension power is even better. As a mid-stage cultivator, Qin Lang is invincible even in this high-tech world.

It was easy to get rid of the siege, and those biochemical gene people were chasing after him. Qin Lang went around in the high-tech city and played hide-and-seek with these biochemical gene people, so the whole city was boiling, and more biochemical gene people Joining the hunting army, the number of biochemical gene humans who finally hunted down Qin Lang has grown from two to three hundred to four to five thousand now, and there are nearly [-] of them holding gamma thermal weapons.

The whole city is almost in chaos, and Qin Lang gradually got some information in the process of hunting and anti-hunting, that is, these biochemical genetic people have a clear concept of hierarchy, which are first-level ordinary biochemical people and second-level biochemical people , a third-level combat cyborg.

Ordinary first-level biochemicals are not strong, maybe even foundation-building monks are stronger than them, and they are mainly engaged in life and production services in this high-tech city, similar to ordinary people.

The second-level biochemicals are mainly engaged in a kind of labor-intensive work, such as piling on construction sites and mining. Therefore, the second-level biochemicals are stronger than the first-level biochemicals, but they are not too strong. They have about the combat power of the foundation-building level.

Those who came to chase Qin Lang were basically third-level combat biochemicals. Those ordinary first-level biochemicals and second-level biochemicals were just spectators. The few who came down from the bus similar to the flying car were actually first- and second-level biochemicals. .

The fighting strength of the third-level biochemicals is between that of Jiedan and Yuanying. If you add the gamma heat weapon in your hand, the combat effectiveness of the third-level biochemicals will be doubled. Even if you challenge the monks in the late Yuanying stage, there should be no problem. Qin Lang feels that. Gamma ray guns are highly technological, at least there is absolutely no such capability on Earth, and they should be no worse than a mid-to-high-grade magic weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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