The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1906 Unfriendly Life Species

Chapter 1906 Unfriendly Life Species
After going around for a while, these fighting third-level biochemicals were not able to get Qin Lang. The main reason is that Qin Lang's power level has exceeded the level of this world. After traveling back and forth for so long like a long-distance marathon, Qin Lang didn't consume anything at all. Don't feel tired and hungry.

Of course, these third-level combat biochemicals are not ordinary humans. They have a lot of physical strength. After chasing for so long, I haven't seen any fatigue. After three to five hours, I'm afraid I'd be too tired to vomit blood and die.

And from the strict hierarchy of these cyborgs, it can be seen that the cyborgs have ruled the city and everything around them, forming a kingdom.

However, these biochemical genetic people regard themselves as invaders. There is no reason for this. After thinking about it, Qin Lang thought that there should be human beings in this world, or life forms that do not belong to the biochemical human camp, and this does not belong to The life forms of the cyborg camp are hostile to the cyborgs in the entire high-tech city.

In this case, it can explain why the word "invader" frequently appears in these biochemical populations.

In addition, what the biochemical population refers to as "subterranean invaders" should be a way of saying, that is to say, this population of life forms that are opposed to the biochemical camp should be at a disadvantage in the contest with the biochemical humans, and can only avoid them secretly. The pursuit and suppression of Kai Biochemical Man is usually not visible.

After owning the super system, Qin Lang's brain's analytical ability is very powerful, and he got a lot of useful information from the brief contact with the biochemical person. Of course, a lot of this information has not been confirmed, it is just a guess, and there may be some discrepancies .

Just when Qin Lang was about to evacuate, all the combat biochemicals chasing him shouted in unison, and in the distant city center, something that looked like a large aircraft began to fly towards this direction. Qin Lang's consciousness Unable to retire, but as the aircraft got closer and closer, he actually felt a slight palpitation in his heart. This was a sixth sense that there should be something in the aircraft that could threaten him.

Since these biochemical humans in front of him are so unfriendly, of course it is impossible for Qin Lang to entangle with them any longer, so he directly started to withdraw from the city. As for Qin Lang's escape, the fighting biochemical humans around him would be powerless even if they wanted to stop them. The gap is too large, even with gamma ray weapons, it is useless.


Qin Lang walked out of this high-tech city. Surprisingly, the wilderness of the city is extremely barren. It seems that there are ruins and traces of radiation everywhere after the end of the war. This kind of environmental pollution is very strong. If It is difficult for normal human beings to survive in this environment. Even if the concentration of aura in this world is high, ordinary human beings may not be able to withstand such severe radiation pollution.

Qin Lang got rid of the pursuers behind him, and entered into the large ruins in the wilderness at this time. At this time, even if the large flying machine in the center of the high-tech city chased him, he could not locate Qin Lang from the jungle-like ruins Therefore, after wandering in the air on the edge of the ruins for a while, I had no choice but to go back.

As soon as Qin Lang entered the ruins of the wilderness, the front lid similar to the trash can was opened, and something came out of the trash can. Thank God, what came out was not a strange creature, but a human being, a real human being.

The human beings that appeared in front of us could live in these ruins, so they are not ordinary people on the earth. This guy is very strong, he is a big guy, at least [-] meters tall, and his whole body seems to have been strengthened , more like genetic warriors than those cyborgs in high-tech cities.

And Qin Lang's spiritual sense can't sense the opponent's strength, so he can only rely on visual inspection to judge. The guy in front of him should be as strong as the body cultivator at the alchemy stage. The reason why he is so tall and strong may be due to the practice of some special skills. Sincerely.

Squeezed out of the trash can, the big man stretched his limbs: "It really squeezed me to death! The design of this exit is too small, I really want to slap that old Ellen... How did you come up with this kind of shit? The design was actually passed by the committee collectively.”

Hearing this guy's voice, although Qin Lang couldn't detect the surroundings with his spiritual sense, he was still very keen to find that although the ruins were messy, they were deliberately designed. Those things that looked like trash cans were actually entrances and exits. It's going underground.

The underground invaders mentioned by the biochemical population... should refer to the human beings living in these ruins, and the two sides are in hostile camps.

Seeing Qin Lang's appearance, the big guy didn't have any surprise expression on his face. He directly said to Qin Lang, "Friend, which gathering point are you a master... You can get away with such a big fuss in Dafang City. Your strength is really good." Not bad! My name is Kaiser, a third-level fighter, and welcome to Dafang Ruins Gathering Point."

The big man stretched out a hand, which was heavily callused. It could be seen that the big man should have practiced a technique similar to hard work.

Qin Lang smiled and shook hands with the big guy. He is not from this planet, and he doesn't know how he was teleported here before. Now he can be sure that everything in front of him is not illusory. The ancient power should be proficient in space Only by transferring spells can I teleport myself to this strange world without anyone noticing.

But now that he wants to return to the battlefield outside the territory, he may have to spend some effort. He believes that if he tries hard to find, he will always be able to find clues and traces to go back.

"Qin Lang!" Qin Lang answered him at this time, but he didn't say where he came from. He couldn't say that he was not from this world. If that was the case, he might be questioned endlessly by Kaiser and others.

Qin Lang intends to integrate into this Dafang human ruins gathering point first, to have a shelter, and then explore around Dafang City to find a passage back to the battlefield outside the territory. He believes that the traces of the teleportation node are near this Dafang City, and it is very It might be in Dafang City.

After all, I had directly appeared in the high-tech Dafang City before, and the passage's landing point was likely to be that area, but due to the rules of this world, my consciousness cannot be separated from the body, so I can't determine the location of the teleportation node for the time being.

He plans to stay in the Dafang ruins for a while, communicate more with the humans in the Dafang ruins, fully understand the human cultivation system of this world, and the rules of the world, and then try to see if the spiritual consciousness can enter the teleportation node from the body. After all, if you want to find the teleportation node and go back, you can't do it without the help of your spiritual consciousness.

As for conflicts and conflicts between humans and cyborgs, he is not prepared to get involved. This is a trivial matter between humans and cyborgs in this world. As an outsider, he doesn't need to get involved, after all, he is just a passer-by.

The two sides communicated for a while, and Qin Lang realized that Kaiser was here to pick him up. This world has a high level of technology. Both the human side and the biochemical side have mastered very powerful technological capabilities, so Qin Lang made a fuss in Dafang City before. The human beings in the ruins also knew about the movement. They were not surprised by Qin Lang's power, thinking that Qin Lang should be a human master wandering from the ruins of another city far away in this world.

In fact, human beings in this world have practice, but most of the cultivation methods of human beings are very rough and primitive, and they tend to be in the line of physical cultivation, so most of the human beings gather here are big men like Kyle who are more than [-] meters tall. The height of a normal human like Qin Lang is not common. Only when he gets older, his cultivation base shrinks, and those old guys become weak, will his physical fitness be returned to its original form.

Qin Lang followed Kai Ze into the ruins from the entrance of the trash can-like passage, only to find that there is something hidden inside. This underground ruins is a large underground city that has been established for many years, and its scale is even more generous than that owned by biochemical people. The city is small.

Because it is an underground ruined city, the environment is a bit dark, and even if there are street lights on the street, there is only one light for tens of feet away, so the lighting is not very sufficient.

If it is an ordinary person, living in such an environment is probably very depressing, but the human beings in this generous ruin are not ordinary people, they are all practitioners, and their ability to capture light is many times stronger than ordinary people. For them, it was actually no different from broad daylight.

Kaiser is one of the guards of this ruined city. He was sent to pick up Qin Lang. After all, a human master like Qin Lang is worth wooing for every city ruin.

In this world, the war between humans and cyborgs and Mao Dun have been around for a long time. It has existed since Kaiser was a baby. Qin Lang asked, Kaiser is at least [-] years old.

"Brother Qin Lang, welcome to the Dafang ruins... Now I will take you to register your identity, and then you can settle down in the ruined city. I hope you can live happily in the ruins."

Although the battle between humans and biochemical humans has always been at a disadvantage, the conditions of this generous ruin are not bad, and there are all that human life should have. With the help of Kaiser, Qin Lang registered his identity in the center of the ruined city, received an identity card, and then assigned to a residence.

Since Qin Lang's skill has long been seen by the city management, the authority of Qin Lang's identity card given by Dafang Ruins is very high, and Qin Lang got a room similar to the presidential suite to live in.

Of course, the interior is very technologically furnished. This suite is even better than hotel suites on earth. If the owner wants to do something, he can directly summon the smart housekeeper. With a single command, all the shower water and shower heads can start working automatically. As long as they are comfortable One stop, not long, you can take a pleasant hot bath.

(End of this chapter)

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