Chapter 1907
Qin Lang went to the countryside and said that he took a hot bath, and then the vending machine in the room delivered today's dinner, and he could take it with a swipe of his ID card. It turned out to be some synthetic food, which tasted good, but the value of aura was not is so-so.

After dinner, Qin Lang was going to go out for a walk to familiarize himself with the surroundings.

Kaiser is a member of the city guard, and he may have less work at ordinary times. He doesn't know whether he is resting or practicing at this time. Qin Lang didn't see him at this time.

The residence that Kaiser found for Qin Lang can be the top-level residential area of ​​the Dafang ruins. The residents in this area are all the elites in the ruins.

Qin Lang walked around the top-level residential area, only to find that there are three or five steps and one post at the top of the land, and ninety uncles have one post, and the patrolling security force is very tight. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion. up.

"Please light up your badge!"

When Qin Lang was about to walk out of the top residential area, an electronic composite sound sounded, which was from the electronic access control at the gate of the top residential area.

Then, Qin Lang took out his ID card, and the access control office directly scanned the ID card, and a voice sounded: "No. 1581, pass out of bounds!"

Qin Lang was released and walked out of the top-level residential area. After leaving the top-level residential area, he really saw the streets inside the Dafang ruins. The Dafang ruins are actually quite lively, with a population of at least 50.

The streets are filled with traffic and horses and carts. Although it is an underground city, there are also many flying cars here. There are also high-rise buildings underground, but the height is not as high as the Dafang City owned by the biochemical people outside. The tallest one is only [-] or [-] stories high. If it is higher, it will be exposed to the ground.

Synthetic food is not very hungry. Qin Lang found that after he came to this strange environment, besides the fact that his consciousness could not be separated from the body, he also felt hungry like a normal person. Too much sake.

There are actually many kinds of pills in Qin Lang's storage ring that can solve the problem of hunger, but he prefers to follow the Romans, try more food from this world, and experience the life of ordinary people at that time, but the synthetic food of the Dafang ruins is fine. , He had communicated with Kaiser before and knew that there are farms in the city, so there are also consumption places similar to restaurants and restaurants, where you can buy some ecological food.

When Qin Lang's identity card was registered, he directly gave [-] credits. The management of the ruins is quite generous. The [-] credits should be able to buy a lot of things, so Qin Lang is not worried about the lack of consumption.

The underground city of Dafang Ruins is well planned, and there is a restaurant street. After Qin Lang entered, he walked directly into a restaurant and started ordering.

"Dear guest, what would you like?"

The person in charge of the reception was actually a very beautiful little girl, who may not even be young, and looks like a Chinese-Western mixed race, with a height of about 1.7 meters.

The little MM’s voice is very sweet. It is estimated that the customers who ordered in the restaurant have not eaten yet, and their bodies will be half crisp when they hear this voice. It is really a blessing.

"Is there any special food?"

Qin Lang asked with a slight smile, since he cultivated in several worlds, he has never seen any kind of beauties, so his immunity is very strong.

"We have guinea fowl, big lean fish... and so on eighteen different kinds of delicacies. Of course, if the guest is a martial artist, it is recommended to eat more food that replenishes energy and blood, such as spiritual energy clams, phoenix eggs..." The entertainer MM introduced.


Qin Lang was slightly taken aback. This should be the mainstream cultivation system in this world. Then, the former warrior Kyle is also a martial artist. A martial artist is equivalent to a physical cultivator in the cultivation world. I just don’t know if there are any Dafang ruins. For other types of cultivators, you should know that the cultivation system in the cultivation world is full of flowers.

Qin Lang's slightly dazed look naturally couldn't escape the eyes of the little girl who was serving her. She was very surprised that the guest in front of her didn't know the martial arts practitioner. It seemed that she was an ordinary guest.

However, what was unexpected was that when this ordinary customer ordered food, he ordered the food ordered by the martial artist: "Well, let's have a portion of Lingqi clams and phoenix eggs!"

"Guest, if you're not a martial artist, you might be exhausted if you take these nourishing foods!" The host MM was a kind person, and reminded directly.

"Hehe, it's okay, let's serve!"

Qin Lang smiled slightly. He is a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, and he is estimated to be the top existence in the whole world. It should be no problem to eat a little food of ordinary martial arts practitioners. Now he is only worried that the concentration of aura in the food is not high enough. Otherwise, it would be better to take a few pills directly, but he was tired of taking pills these days, and he wanted to change his taste.

"Okay." The receptionist didn't say anything, and went directly to declare.

Qin Lang sat near the door and waited while looking at the restaurant.This restaurant is actually not big, with a rectangular structure, only about [-] tables, outside the glass door, Qin Lang can enjoy the night view of the street while eating, although the night view of the street in the underground ruins is artificially designed, but there is also a special smell.

The catering business in the evening was so-so, half of the twenty or so tables were filled with customers, and soon Qin Lang’s food was served, and he was about to ask the waitress if he had any wine, when a gang of hooligans broke in from outside. The guys, all smelling of alcohol, about a dozen of them, almost blocked the door of the restaurant.

"Hey hey hey! Xiaoju...the brothers are here to see you again..."

The leader is a yellow-haired boy, about 20 years old, as thin as ribs, but his appearance is a bit unorthodox.

This yellow-haired boy is eyeing the waiter, it seems that he really knows the waiter, so he came over to tease him with the strength of wine.

"Let go of me." The hostess MM named Xiaoju directly resisted, but one of her hands was tightly held by the yellow-haired boy who looked like ribs, and she couldn't break free.

"Let go of this girl!" Several diners in the restaurant stood up at this time, and they were all men. Little beauties like the waiter MM, who I still feel pity for, are naturally worthy of bravery.

However, the yellow-haired boy and his gang are full of people, so the aura is naturally full. At this time, the yellow-haired boy glared over there: "Brother, I'm making out with my girlfriend... Anyone who doesn't have eyes, just come and try!"

"Who doesn't have eyes and dares to provoke our brother Ma... Come here!"

A group of gangsters also laughed and booed, looking at the few men who stood up, they were all gearing up, and they seemed to be afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

Although these hot-blooded men wanted to be heroes to save the beauty, but seeing how powerful the other party was, and comparing themselves to themselves, they wisely shut up. They also knew that even if they wanted to save the beauty, they had to do what they could.

"He...he's not my boyfriend..."

The receptionist, Xiaoju, was so anxious that she was about to cry. Recently, this yellow-haired brother came and harassed her one after another. This evening, she didn't know where she was drunk, and she came here to go crazy again.

"Who said... you... Xiaoju, you... are my girlfriend."

Seeing the hostess Xiaoju denying it, the yellow-haired boy turned around and wanted to kiss her.

"Let go of me!" The waiter MM struggled even harder, she was really sick to death when she was really going to be kissed by this brother pig.

"Let her go!" The male diners were also anxious, but they didn't dare to come over, they only heard the sound of thunder but no rain fell.

"Hey, I'm going to... want her tonight... what can you do..."

When the yellow-haired Ma brother plunged down, a vague voice appeared.

But at this time, he suddenly let out a scream, and fell down covering his mouth, "Who...who is plotting against your Mayor..."

"What's the matter, Brother Ma..." "What's the matter, Brother Ma..."

The gangsters on the side were all surprised, this style of painting is wrong.

At this time, they found that their Brother Ma had changed a lot, and a row of dies in his mouth had collapsed, but what was certain was that it was not caused by a kiss, and Brother Ma hadn't kissed the mouth of the entertainer at that time.

Who... who is so wicked?They looked left and right, and the executive MM Xiaoju is an ordinary person who must not be able to do this. The one who has the ability to turn Ma Ge into this must be a martial artist.

Looking around, they soon found Qin Lang who had been sneering at them all the time, so they came up together: "Boy, are you playing tricks and hurting our Brother Ma?"

In fact, some of these gangsters have obtained the fur of martial arts and have practiced, so even if they meet one or two martial arts, they are not afraid.

And Qin Lang didn't answer them, he was chewing the aura food he ordered. The food of these martial artists does contain a lot of aura, which can already be compared with the ordinary ingredients in the food workshop of the cultivation world. If it is a practitioner in the alchemy stage Eating these foods is definitely a great tonic, but the effect of these foods is much worse for practitioners above the alchemy stage.

Qin Lang eats these aura foods now and he only eats one flavor. There are not many auras that can really replenish himself, but it is better than taking pills, at least it can satisfy his appetite.

"It's a pity that there is no wine..." Qin Lang shook his head. Before he had time to order wine, this situation happened in the restaurant. At this time, he noticed that several gangsters were holding wine bottles in their hands. He hadn't opened it yet, so he waved his hand, and the wine bottle flew over, and Qin Lang grabbed it in his hand.

Then, he directly opened the wine, took a sip, and frowned: "This wine is so sour, why is it like swill... Beer? It doesn't seem like it?"

Qin Lang found that it was not his favorite liquor, but it was better to have wine than no wine, so he was not willing to throw it away, and just took a sip of wine and vegetables, which tasted much better than before, after all, there is wine now.

"Bastard... bastard, he stole my wine." The bastard whose wine bottle was taken away shouted.

"What a martial artist!"

The other gangsters can see very clearly, and they can snatch things from a distance... This is not something a simple martial artist can do. No wonder the young man sitting on the table eating in front of him is a high-level fighter?
"Little San'er, go try that guy's strength."

A gangster with a tattooed face said, this guy and brother Huang Maoma are actually the bosses of gangsters.

"Okay." The gangster named Xiao San'er seemed to have learned a few martial arts skills, and he grabbed Qin Lang directly: "Look at my eagle grasping skills."


Xiao San'er hadn't started his own kung fu, but was hit by Qin Lang directly with the tip of his chopsticks, knocked unconscious, and fell straight down, while Qin Lang was still eating his own food, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

(End of this chapter)

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