Chapter 1908 Missing home

Quick, too fast, the gangsters didn't even see clearly how Xiao San'er fell down just now, "Demon method?"

Most gangsters have doubts in their hearts. In fact, although Xiao San'er only knows a little about martial arts, he seems to be at the level of a beginner fighter. Man is really a high-level fighter.

"This kid hurt Brother Ma, dare to provoke our Sanhe gang, let's go together and beat him!"

The gangster with the tattooed face shouted at this time, you have to show loyalty when you come out to gangsters, brother is injured, even if the opponent is very strong, these gangsters like them can't lose their momentum.

Moreover, there are more than a dozen on my side, several who have learned martial arts, and only one opponent, even if it is a high-level fighter, it is not uncommon for me to beat my teacher to death with random punches.

boom!At this time, the wine bottles in the hands of the gangsters began to show their power, and they rushed towards Qin Lang with Hulala.

"It's really noisy!"

Qin Lang, who was eating, frowned, a little dissatisfied that these gangsters scratched his interest in eating, at this time he waved his hand directly, and threw all these gangsters out of the restaurant gate with his little Zhou Tianyun's forbidden silk hand, throwing them one by one. After more than ten feet away, it landed on the street.

Fortunately, although there are many cars and horses on the street, they are all flying cars, flying in the air. Otherwise, these gangsters would have died in a car accident.

"Demon... Really demon skills." The gangster fell with a bruised nose and a swollen face, but at this time he was even more convinced that the young people in the restaurant had the possibility of demon skills. People lift up.

However, this is also the reason why these bastards are too low-level and have too little experience. In fact, high-level martial arts practitioners in this world can still achieve this level.

"I fought with you!"

Among the gangsters, there was a fish that slipped through the net, but it was the yellow-haired Ma brother who was beaten by Qin Lang with a piece of food and a bone before, and a row of dies was missing. The anger was getting more and more stuffy, knowing that Qin Lang was very powerful, he still picked up a stool and smashed it over.

And Qin Lang was still sitting in front of the table, and he used his chopsticks to pull it randomly twice. Two bursts of energy appeared, and the stool flew away, and Brother Huang Maoma was sent out of the restaurant. At the same time, the aftermath of that energy Unexpectedly, a magic pen appeared and brushed directly under his crotch, and there was a burst of screams like killing a pig, Ma Ge immediately passed out in the air.

It turned out that Qin Lang was afraid that this pervert would do bad things again in the future, so he castrated this kid in advance.

"Brother Ma..." The group of gangsters with bruised noses and swollen faces exclaimed again. The blood stains on the feet of the yellow-haired gangster were shocking, and they were also taken aback.

And the gangster with the tattooed face knew how powerful Qin Lang was, so he didn't dare to rush into the restaurant again, he just shouted at Qin Lang: "Which way are the friends inside, dare to go to the headquarters of our Sanhe Gang!"

"Get out..." A voice in the restaurant snorted coldly, and then another broken bone of a spiritual clam flew out and hit the bastard with the tattooed face on the head. Dragons are no different.

"Okay... You are ruthless, you are waiting if you have the guts, we are endless."

After uttering a harsh word, the gangster with the tattooed face led the remnants of the army and retreated in a desperate manner. It seemed that he had gone to the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang to rescue the soldiers.

However, for this farce, Qin Lang, who is the person involved, doesn't care. He just came to Dafang Ruin, and he is short of some errand runners. If these three-in-one gang can recruit some local snakes, it should be helpful to him.

Of course, most of these gangsters just now are useless, Qin Lang will not be recruited, he just wants to see if there are other masters in the Sanhe Gang.

"Guest, hurry up and go!"

At this time, the hostess MM Xiaoju who was rescued by Qin Lang not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became more nervous: "The Sanhe Gang is a powerful force in this block, and they are very troublesome."

"It's okay, it's okay." Qin Lang waved his hand. As a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, he would be afraid of a group of gangsters. I'm afraid even if the world's high-level martial arts come, he doesn't need to be afraid.

This is a question of strength level. Since Qin Lang came to this world until now, he has not seen a martial artist above the alchemy stage in this world. Kyle who greeted him before is a martial artist at the alchemy level. He is the strongest person I have ever seen. The gangsters I repelled just now, those who have martial arts methods in them are actually not at the level of Qi refining. They are really not ordinary dishes.

"By the way, do you have wine in this restaurant? It's better to have a higher alcohol content! Don't be like me, it's too boring to drink!" Qin Lang lit up the wine bottle in his hand.

"The guest still eats?" Xiaoju, the hostess, was speechless. The guest in front of him didn't listen to her. However, the guest seemed to be very powerful, and he might have a backer, so maybe he was too worried.

Thinking of this, executive MM Xiaoju nodded, and went to arrange drinks for Qin Lang.

While turning around, Qin Lang's handsome face was still in front of his eyes, and his heart was suddenly in a trance: "Curious man, if I, Xiaoju, can find such a person to entrust my life to, it will be worth my life." After the series of accidents happened just now , Qin Lang's self-confidence and strength have already carved a brand in the heart of the hostess, so the host unconsciously developed a good impression of him.

At this time, the wine came up: "This is our store's special dark brown wine. It has a high alcohol content. Customers should drink it leisurely. Even martial arts practitioners can drink this wine down!"

"Oh..." Qin Lang looked around. It was a small black pottery jar that weighed two catties, and it was covered with exquisite patterns. Full of modernity, this small black pottery jar is like a perfect work of art.

And Qin Lang is also full of expectations for the dark brown wine contained in such an exquisite wine jar. After all, Buddha depends on gold clothing, and people depend on clothing. The better the packaging, the more it can highlight the content and quality of the wine.

"Dark brown wine is 72 degrees. It is a spirit wine extracted by the latest technological means from the Dafang ruins. Guests, please use it slowly!"

The hostess Xiaoju smiled sweetly, and didn't walk away after speaking, just watched Qin Lang eat quietly from the side.

In fact, there is one thing she didn't say. The dark brown wine is also the treasure of this restaurant. The entire outer hall has no more than ten jars. This kind of wine is not actually supplied to the outside world, but it has been kept as a collection.

But the waiter MM, Xiaoju, has a special identity. Although he is the waiter of the restaurant, he also has another identity... This restaurant is actually hers, and she is the owner's daughter, so she has the right to let the kitchen staff give the treasure of the restaurant to her. Take it out to repay Qin Lang's previous help.

Dark brown wine...

Qin Lang patted open the wine seal at this time, the wine jar, like his daughter's wine, seemed to be buried in the ground on weekdays, and there was a thick earthy smell on the wine seal, the smell was still very new, it should have been taken out from the ground not long ago.

As soon as the wine seal was opened, a strong aroma of the wine wafted out. The wine was actually of the kind that wafted across the sky. After smelling it, all the diners in the restaurant were intoxicated: "Wow! What a great wine, How did we not know that Little Bean Restaurant still has this kind of good wine... This kind of wine may not be cheap, but no matter how expensive it is, it is worth it, and we want it too."

In life, eating and drinking always come first. These diners are a little agitated by the wine.

And the name of this restaurant is "Little Bean Restaurant". It is very homely and considerate, so most of the diners who come here are very knowledgeable about life.

However, the receptionist Xiaoju held a Weiwei pen. She couldn't provide such spiritual wine to every diner. After all, the entire Xiaodouzi restaurant only had ten jars of dark brown wine. In order to repay Qin Lang, she gave Qin Lang a jar. Now there is one less altar, only nine altars.

At this time, Qin Lang was tasting this kind of dark brown wine happily. He has also drunk wine from several worlds. Whether it is on the earth or in the cultivation world, they all have their own characteristics.

The spiritual wine in the cultivation world is better than the ordinary wine on earth, but the unique characteristics of this dark brown wine in this high-tech world are indelible, not only because of its high alcohol content, but also because of its high alcohol content. Because it is spirit wine.

Dark brown wine, slightly black in color, somewhat like the color of cola.

The alcohol content is 72 degrees.

When tasted in the mouth, the taste of this wine is actually extremely bitter, and it is not ordinary bitter, but very, very bitter. It is brewed from a fruit called black palm fruit in this world, and black palm fruit is A kind of poisonous fruit, although the fruit has a lot of aura, but it lives in the area with severe radiation, basically it cannot be eaten directly, and the dark brown wine completely extracts the beneficial ingredients in the fruit by high-tech means, which will harm the The ingredients are completely stripped out.

Dark brown wine is steamed seven times and brewed seven times, so after the bitterness, it will return to sweetness, and there will be seven different flavors. After tasting this wine, it is like tasting life.

Drinking this kind of wine, Qin Lang's eyes were in a daze, and familiar and distant shadows appeared in front of his eyes. His parents and lovers who were far away on the earth seemed to come back to him in an instant, but suddenly disappeared, like bubbles .

After drinking this wine, he suddenly felt a little homesick for some reason.

On the other side of the earth, whether it is the provincial capital or Yunhai City, there are girls that I have never forgotten, such as Tang Xue, Liu Zhenzhen, Ye Xiaorui, Jiang Yingying, etc., the relationship is always parting, and the love is always connected.

Although, in this extraterritorial battlefield, and even in the Qinghe Continent, the flow of time is very different from that of the earth. I have lived in this cultivation world for a long time, and there should not be a long time on the earth. The girls should still be very young, and With the Zhuyan Dan provided by me, the faces of the girls will not age at all, so as long as they go back, they will definitely be able to continue their relationship.

However, if you want to go back, you must open up the connection channel with the earth, but the connection channel between Qinghe Continent and the earth has already been destroyed, and the difficulty of re-opening the two domains is much more difficult than returning to the battlefield outside the domain from the current world .

Immediately, his eyes became clear again: "What I pursued was strength, and now my cultivation has not fallen. One day I will accumulate enough strength, and then find the space coordinates back to the earth, open up the space, and return to the earth." Gathering with all the girls, and now, I don't have to worry too much about the safety of the girls, my relatives and lovers should be living well now, what I need is cultivation..."

Of course, Qin Lang has to take good care of it. He believes that one person can ascend to heaven, and when he has enough strength, he can accomplish many things he dreams of.

(End of this chapter)

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