Chapter 1913

When Cyclops saw the three foreign aids from the poisonous dragon mercenary group invited by Huo Wendong, his expression changed, and he was no longer as calm as before: "Huo Wendong, you bastard... you are really willing to spend money to deal with me, please come to this place in front of you." The three of you should have paid a lot!"

You must know that the three foreign aids of the Poison Dragon Mercenary Corps are all high-level fighter-level martial artists. One-eyed has been in the Sanhe Gang for so long, and it is not ignorant. These three high-level fighters have all been reported to the official, and they can be regarded as generous ruins A master with a surname.

Although the Sanhe gang has a few mid-level fighters, there are none of the high-level fighters. Cyclops did not expect that Huo Wendong would be so willing to spend money to deal with a person under house arrest who had no power to fight back, and would ask the poison group to hire him. Master of the Corps.

In fact, he also guessed that it is very likely that Huo Wendong invited these three masters not only to deal with himself, but to prepare to deal with Qin Lang. Huo Wendong is a sinister and cunning person, and he is cautious. He is afraid of Qin Lang, who doesn't know the details. The guy was persuaded by himself, so he paid extra to hire people from the poisonous dragon group.

In addition, Cyclops did not know the real relationship between Wendong Huo and the deputy head of the Dulong Mercenary Corps. Know that the deputy head is actually Huo Wendong's relative.

At that time, when Cyclops knew that Huo Wendong was a peripheral member of the Poison Dragon Mercenary Corps, he just lamented Huo Wendong's good life. After all, even peripheral members of the Poison Dragon Corps can join without casualty. They must have certain strength and the recommendation of internal members , and there is a quota limit. Whenever there is a gap in personnel, it will be added temporarily. You must know that the entire Dulong group is full of only 200 people, 150 official members, and [-] peripheral members. It can be said that all of them are elites. , Among these people, there is no existence below the strength of a mid-level fighter.

Over there, although Huo Wendong was sealed by Qin Lang, he was still able to speak. Otherwise, he would not have led three outsiders to come here to take people. At this time, he said with a sinister smile: "The pickle jar also wants to turn over , Chief Kun, your time has long passed... Now you should obediently give me the position of chief, and I can also send you a good death."

Although Cyclops moved Qin Lang and caused great changes in his plan, he didn't think Qin Lang had the possibility to turn the whole thing over.

Like the three high-level fighters of the poisonous dragon group, Huo Wendong does not think that Qin Lang's strength will surpass the high-level fighters. Even if Qin Lang's method of sealing his own veins is very unique, the three masters of the poisonous dragon group cannot untie his sealed meridians for the time being , but this does not mean that the three masters of the poisonous dragon regiment can't defeat Qin Lang, it's just that Qin Lang's vein sealing technique is too special.

"Hmph, the kid you invited really has a way of sealing his own meridians. Before killing this person later, he has to find a way to find out the way of sealing his meridians. After all, this can be regarded as a meridian. It's a very unique martial art."

While Huo Wendong was thinking like this, he also said to the three foreign aids invited by him: " careful when fighting later, it doesn't matter if the one-eyed man lives or dies, don't kill the young man all at once. Find a way to ask him about his pulse sealing technique."

"That's exactly what we mean."

The three official members of the poisonous dragon regiment nodded. Qin Lang's weird vein-sealing technique actually attracted the three of them equally. After all, most of the martial arts inheritance in this world is self-preservation. Practicing exercises is undoubtedly the same as picking up treasures.

At this time, Qin Lang held his hands behind his back, just sneered for a while, all this is actually just a farce, so what if Huo Wendong invited foreign help?So what if the official members of the three poisonous dragon group's employment organization are high-level fighters?

In front of a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, that little combat power is nothing more than playing house with a child.

Therefore, when the three foreign aids shot at him, Qin Lang also just waved his hand. Of course, his gesture of waving in the eyes of others is actually a small Zhou Tianyun ban, which is very simple in this cultivation world. Under it, three high-ranking fighter-level martial practitioners were immediately unable to move.

"Demon... demon law."

The three mercenary members of the poisonous dragon regiment who were restrained were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect this situation to happen. The situation in their bodies now was something they had never imagined before. They saw it clearly just now. Qin Lang just waved He waved his hand, and then his body seemed to be subject to invisible restraints, which was no different from demon magic.

You know, the three of them are high-level fighters, and they are almost elite-level figures among the martial arts practitioners in the entire Dafang City. It can be said that there are almost no people in the entire Dafang City who can easily subdue the three of them with their own skills, even if there are a few. It's impossible for a few martial arts masters to stop them with a snap of their fingers.

What's more, Qin Lang didn't have direct physical contact with them just now, so he can be sure that the method he is using now is different from that of Huo Wendong and Brother Jie who sealed the pulse before, and even if they are banned now, the circulation of true energy in the body But it wasn't cut off, so the three of them didn't believe it when the person in front of him said that he didn't use the magic method.

"This kid has demon skills... I actually forgot to explain, this is too bad!"

Seeing this situation, Huo Wendong's face on the ground also changed drastically. The biggest warrior he had invited was subdued by the opponent so easily, which also made him lose his size for a while.

And the poisonous dragon on this side saw that Qin Lang subdued the three high-level martial artists of the poisonous dragon group with a wave of his hands. , said: "Those who have taken refuge in me again... the time for you to make amends has come, there is no need for me to act again, you all understand."

When the twenty original Huo Wendong subordinates who took refuge in Cyclops just now heard it, they immediately understood that this was the certificate that Cyclops asked them to vote for. If they could directly kill the five in front of them now, it would be equivalent to submitting the certificate. Cyclops should really re-accept them from the bottom of his heart.

But if you act hesitant, I'm afraid that in the future, you will have to prevent Cyclops from wearing small shoes for you. After all, they used to be Huo Wendong's confidantes.

So after thinking of this, the [-] or [-] subordinates immediately started to walk towards the five people who were trapped. Although they still hesitated in their hearts, the current situation forced them not to take action.

At this time, Huo Wendong saw that all his subordinates had been instigated, and under the order of Cyclops, he was about to kill the five of him, so he couldn't care less about concealing his identity, and shouted: "Cyclops, you dare to kill me, you know Who am I... You can't afford to mess with my identity, the deputy head of the poisonous dragon mercenary organization, the glasses are my uncle!"

Hearing this, Huo Wendong's subordinates suddenly panicked. If Huo Wendong is really the nephew of Glasses, the deputy head of the poisonous dragon group, they have made a move now. If Glasses, the deputy head of the poisonous dragon group, investigates them in the future, I'm afraid none of them can escape.

After all, although the Sanhe Gang is a big force in the civilian area of ​​Dafang City, it is nothing compared to the Dulong Mercenary Corps. Now they are all suffering in their hearts, the gods are fighting, and the little ghosts are suffering. They now feel that they are little ghosts.

When Cyclops heard the news, his complexion changed, and he frowned as if he was also thinking. The three members of the poisonous dragon group who came to help fist were put under house arrest, and then they thought about how to deal with it.

But now... Huo Wendong is actually the nephew of the poisonous dragon group glasses. This matter may be difficult. He knows that even if he lets Huo Wendong go, Huo Wendong will probably not let him go, and he will still deal with him in the end.

And if Huo Wendong is killed now, it will definitely arouse the thunderous wrath of the poisonous dragon group. After all, he killed all the nephews of the deputy head glasses, and it is impossible for the glasses not to make trouble for him.

Knowing these things now, Cyclops felt a little embarrassed, he couldn't let it go, and he couldn't kill him!However, he is also a decisive person, otherwise he would not be the leader of the Sanhe gang. At this time, he said directly: "Kill Jiezi for me! Huo Wendong, this bastard, abolished my cultivation base, and the other three Put them all under house arrest!"

In his mind, this is already the best way to deal with it. Since Huo Wendong can't decide whether to kill or not for the time being, he should abolish his cultivation base first to reduce the threat of this guy to himself. Huo Wendong...the threats to him are not the same.

Since these three members of the poisonous dragon group appear here, they can be regarded as their own enemies. For the time being, Cyclops does not dare to offend the poisonous dragon group too hard, so he has to be placed under house arrest first, and then think about how to deal with this matter. This is really troublesome.

"Ah..." Afterwards, Brother Jie, who was the most insignificant in the field, was directly killed by Huo Wendong's original subordinates who had surrendered, and Huo Wendong was also abolished as a warrior.

A warrior who lost his cultivation base would be like a tiger without teeth. Huo Wendong's current appearance is also normal. If another warrior's cultivation base is abolished, this situation is actually no different from death.

On the other side of the poisonous dragon group, in the eyes of the deputy head, a dead nephew—compared with a nephew whose cultivation level has been abolished... Even if he knows about this at that time, the anger in his heart will definitely be different. Maybe he will be able to find some way to deal with this crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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