Chapter 1914 Kun Lingzi

Knowing that Cyclops is now regaining the leader of the gang leader, there must still be a lot of miscellaneous chores to be dealt with in the gang, so Qin Lang decided not to scratch him now, just laughed and left the Sanhe gang headquarters.

He is now holding the key to the private house that Cyclops gave him before, and he is going to visit Cyclops' private house first, and get the personal belongings that Cyclops donated to him first.

It's not that Qin Lang is greedy for money, other property is fine, in fact, Qin Lang is not very tempted even for general cultivation resources, but the gold yuan bead is an exception.

After all, although helping Cyclops this time is based on a moral starting point, this gold yuan bead is also the key to Qin Lang's determination. You must know that the gold yuan bead is rarely entrusted by the second soul in the cultivation world.

Besides, Qin Lang is also a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, how can he help others without appearance fee.

Cyclops' private house is a few miles away from the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang. Ten minutes later, Qin Lang came to this community. This is a three-bedroom, two-living house. No, this house looks like an ordinary civilian residence from the outside, but after opening the electronic lock, there is another mystery. The inside is actually installed, and the walls are all poured with thick steel plates. Inch, I am afraid that even grenades and bombs will not be able to penetrate.

In the safe of the room, Qin Lang got the property worth 50 credits left by Cyclops in this house. In fact, the value of the gold yuan bead alone has exceeded 50 credits. The world of cultivation is so deep, Cyclops only thinks that this bead is just a general cultivation resource, although it is very rare, but it doesn't have much use, so he just estimated the price hastily.

He didn't know that the beads formed from the source of the five elements in the realm of comprehension had so many uses, they could be used to enshrine the primordial spirit and to cultivate the second primordial spirit avatar.

However, even if he knows, there may be no one in this world who knows the goods. After all, there are only martial arts in this world, and there is no real cultivator like Qin Lang who is above the stage of transformation of the gods, and those martial arts are too different from those of the stage of transformation , Most of the usual practice is body training, and they don't know how to develop and utilize spiritual consciousness.

It is worth mentioning that the true energy cultivated by martial practitioners in this world is actually not much different from the true energy cultivated in the cultivation world. They are all formed by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. The understanding is very narrow. Apart from being used for body training, it is a simple spell that can make the inner strength of a few practitioners know. In this world, these spells are called martial arts.

Although Qin Lang is not short of money, and he does not look down on the other properties left by Cyclops, but these properties worth 50 are his own rewards anyway, and if he does not take them for nothing, Cyclops may feel panic afterwards, after all My kindness to him is far from being repayable with these properties.

After collecting the belongings and the gold Yuanzhu, Qin Lang was about to leave the private house, when he suddenly felt a special movement in the private house, as if someone was hiding, and he heard a strange noise in his ear just now.

At the wall near the toilet, Qin Lang finally discovered the source of the movement. He pushed away a row of wardrobes next to the wall, and lifted a piece of wallpaper on the wall. There was actually a mezzanine inside the wall, and there was a small space similar to a basement inside. The one-eyed dragon's daughter who sent him a letter before was hidden in this small space.

"Yes... it's you..."

The woman was very nervous at first, and she didn't know who opened the room, so she fled to the secret room in a hurry, but now after being discovered by Qin Lang, she was relieved, as long as she was not discovered by Huo Wendong's people Well, if it is discovered by Huo Wendong's people, then she will die.

She didn't know that her father, with the help of Qin Lang, had successfully turned the tables and Huo Wendong had become a prisoner.

Her thoughts were still stuck a few hours ago. After all, the situation was urgent at that time. She was sent by her father to ask for help from Qin Lang. In fact, she was sent out of the danger zone by her father to let her escape as soon as possible.

But in the middle of the night, she doesn't know where to escape, don't look at the underground ruins, Dafang City is very safe, but if she appears in the wilderness late at night, with her ability not at the level of a mid-level fighter, she is definitely looking for death. After the biochemical human race war, the wilderness was full of radiant beasts, and some powerful beings could even tear high-level martial practitioners alive. If she appeared in the wilderness at night with a little strength, she would not be able to walk three or five miles away.

After all, these radiant beasts are okay to say during the day, lurking in ruins or caves, or in a corner of the wilderness, but at night they are most active. Compared with the lazy look during the day, each one is completely two extremes.

So at night, the strength of each Radiant Beast increases by at least two or three times, and even the weakest Radiant Beast can instantly kill mid-level fighters.

In recent years, the official organization of Dafang City to eliminate Radiant Beasts, as well as private hunting teams similar to the Poison Dragon Mercenary Corps and various families, are basically active during the day to deal with Radiant Beasts that may appear around Dafang City.

Although Cyclops' daughter wanted to escape Dafang City, she had to wait until daytime to find a way out. Now she could only go to this private house in a civilian area to avoid the limelight, but what she didn't know was that her whereabouts were actually The eyeliner sent by Huo Wendong has already discovered and kept staring at this private house. In fact, this private house has already been discovered. If Qin Lang from the Sanhe Gang hadn't acted quickly enough to resolve this crisis early, I am afraid that she has already been caught by Huo Wendong at this moment. The people sent were killed.

Only then did Qin Lang realize that although Cyclops' daughter was petite, she was very pretty. In terms of appearance, she could almost compare with the waiter MM Xiaoju he met at Xiaodouzi restaurant before, but this girl's temperament was of the cool type , not very good at communicating with people. When Qin Lang asked her questions, she answered honestly and blushed. She should have been spoiled by the one-eyed dragon in the deep boudoir. She should rarely have contact with men. In addition, Qin Lang is a very attractive opposite sex, so he is still very attractive to women.

"What's your name?" Qin Lang asked, he only knew that Cyclops' guy's surname was Kun, but he was just asking casually now.

"I... My name is Kun Lingzi."

The shy girl was a little incoherent. She was not so nervous when she was delivering letters on the street because she was focused on running for her life. Now when she saw Qin Lang for the second time, she actually trembled a little.

Hehe... It seems that during the days of cultivating in the cultivation world, my charm has increased a lot!Qin Lang is a little proud, of course, he knows that this is also the nature of other girls, probably because apart from his own father, he doesn't talk to men outside too much, that's how girls raised in deep boudoirs are.

Qin Lang suddenly became narrow-minded, and deliberately stretched out his hand to pat her on the shoulder. At this moment, he heard an exclamation of "ah", and Kun Lingzi was almost slapped to the ground by his slap. The slap was useless at all, the other party was just not used to a strange man touching his body.

"What a sweet little virgin."

Qin Lang didn't intend to tease her at this time, and directly told her the current situation of the Sanhe Gang: "Kun Lingzi, I have good news for you, Huo Wendong, who persecuted your father, has fallen, and now your father has taken over again Sanhe Gang, that is to say, now you don’t have to run away anymore.”

"Really?" Kun Lingzi was pleasantly surprised for a moment, and actually forgot to be nervous.

"Of course it's real, more real than real gold." Qin Lang smiled slightly.

Sensing that Qin Lang was staring at her, the little girl Kun Lingzi blushed again, lowered her head, and started fiddling with the corner of her clothes: "That... thank you, Brother Qin Lang, thank you for saving me and my father. "

"It's nothing, your father paid me a lot, I should go." Qin Lang smiled.


When we returned to the top residential area of ​​the ruins of Dafang City, it was already approaching dawn. At night, the top residential area of ​​Dafang City was still patrolling and guarded with sufficient strength. The management of Dafang City spent a lot of money to protect it.

Although there is no distinction between day and night inside the underground city of the ruins of Dafang City, there is still more than an hour before dawn in the outside world, and the underground city of the ruins of Dafang City also adopts a normal work and rest system, so basically most residents have not woken up at this time. The entire city has not reached normal operating hours.

Qin Lang closed the electronic door of the room at this time, and didn't know if the room was monitored, so he directly arranged a hidden formation to cover himself, and then began to practice.

Of course, this time the practice is mainly to refine the gold yuan bead, and make this bead into his second soul sustenance.This is the refining of a real second soul, not a clone of a mutant like the first and second species. The clone of a mutant is actually a puppet manipulated by the main body. It's the same as the double god, but it's not like that.

The second soul can be said to be another real body of the main body, and also the carrier of consciousness. There is actually a difference between the two.

Because if the second soul is immortal, Qin Lang is equivalent to one more life, and the mutant avatar like a puppet cannot do this at all, which is equivalent to being passively controlled. It is impossible for Qin Lang's main consciousness to survive on the mutant avatar Well, what controls the mutant clone is only the thread formed by mental power.

(End of this chapter)

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