The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1915 This Is the Second Soul Avatar

Chapter 1915 This Is the Second Soul Avatar

Refining the second primordial avatar actually requires more spiritual power, that is, Qin Lang's spiritual power. As a cultivator in the mid-stage of transformation, Qin Lang's primordial spirit is extremely solid, so naturally it will not be too weak, but this world It's strange that Qin Lang's consciousness cannot be separated from the body under the restraint of a rule.

So Qin Lang found that if he used conventional means to sacrifice this gold yuan bead, it would be impossible to succeed. After all, his consciousness could not be separated from the body, so how could he sacrifice this special treasure.

But this is not difficult for him. After communicating with the divergent thinking of the super system, Qin Lang came up with a new method. First, he used the real energy instead of the spiritual force to sacrifice the golden yuan bead again, and then tried to see if he could collect the treasure. Go to the sea of ​​consciousness, and perform a second sacrificial exercise in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The experiment started. Qin Lang first injected the true energy into the gold yuan pearl. In fact, he didn't know if he could succeed in this attempt. It is inseparable from spiritual consciousness, that is to say, without the help of divine consciousness, a magic weapon will not be sacrificed successfully at all.

But the rules of this world are a bit special, and the consciousness cannot be separated from the body at all, so Qin Lang can only try this way now, after all, there is no loss even if it fails.

He held the bead tightly in the palm of his hand, and began to inject the true energy bit by bit. The true energy of the cultivators in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods is very huge, and the true energy is endless. One point may not be outstanding, but cultivators above the stage of transforming gods can drive the power of heaven and earth, and every blow is nothing to worry about. You can know the extent of your own true energy, but you must know that there is no such thing as a huge true energy With power as the foundation, no matter how thorough the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth is, it cannot achieve this level.

So Qin Lang just injected a small part of his true energy into the Jin Yuanzhu, and then tried to communicate with the Jin Yuanzhu with his spiritual consciousness, but he failed to form a resonance, but he was not in a hurry. At this time, he slowly lifted the Jin Yuanzhu and pressed it on the Yintang between his eyebrows this location.

Then, the spiritual consciousness began to gather towards this acupuncture point. Although it could not be separated from the body, it gathered more and more. Qin Lang silently practiced his kung fu to visualize, and suddenly loosened his hand, and the bead had already been released from his hand and disappeared in front of his eyes. Under the invisible suction of a large amount of spiritual consciousness, he followed Yintang and entered Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness.

The most critical step is successful!Sure enough, I didn't let myself down...

Qin Lang was overjoyed. At this time, he calmed down and swallowed a few pills to restore and replenish his consciousness. Of course, the monks in the stage of transforming gods took the best pill. The effect of the divine pill is not bad, and it is as famous as the Tianyuan pill that supplements the true energy, and it is a pill that only monks in the transformation stage are qualified to use.

The state of his own consciousness is already very good, coupled with the medicinal effect of Shenyuan Pill, so Qin Lang no longer has to worry about changes due to lack of consciousness during the sacrifice process. He is now trying to split part of his soul.

Since it is now in the middle stage of transforming gods, Qin Lang only needs to divide a quarter of the primordial spirits, and this part of the primordial spirits is far more powerful than the primordial spirits of his quasi-transformation time.

However, the pain of splitting the primordial spirit does not decrease because his cultivation strength has improved to the middle stage of transforming the gods. On the contrary, the higher the strength and condensed degree of the primordial spirit, the greater the pain and backlash suffered by the splitting primordial spirit. Qin Lang at this time There is really a kind of pain of life and death, but I can only bear it.After all, in the process of splitting the soul, one's consciousness must be kept extremely clear, and the process of splitting the soul must be accurately grasped without deviation. .

Because this is the split second soul, which is generally the second soul body with independent consciousness, which is different from the puppet body. Although it is connected with the body consciousness and controlled by the body, it has automaticity in many aspects. So a lot of spiritual consciousness is needed as the cornerstone.

The primordial spirit of a cultivator in the mid-transformation stage is split into a quarter, and in terms of quality, it has little to do with a cultivator in the stage of transformation, and it is more than enough to sacrifice a second primordial avatar.Qin Lang's current practice of splitting the primordial spirit is actually not very risky, no more than the first time he entered the Qinghe Continent, when he was only in the alchemy stage, he was afraid of accidentally aggravating the trauma of the spiritual consciousness when splitting the primordial spirit , afraid of suddenly becoming an idiot.

At that time, I was really daring to try to refine the second soul avatar. The key to not becoming an idiot was because what I refined was not a pure second soul avatar, so I was lucky enough to succeed.

This process of narrowing and splitting the consciousness is like tens of thousands of ants burrowing into one's own sea of ​​consciousness, gnawing on one's own primordial spirit. It's really uncomfortable to bear.

Time passed little by little, and the sky outside the Dafang ruins gradually became brighter, and the human activities inside the underground city became more active, and everyone was ready to start a new day of work.

And Qin Lang, who was hidden inside the restriction, isolated all the voices from the outside world, and he didn't know how long it took before he began to slowly move that part of the split consciousness and inject it into Jin Yuanzhu.With a beep, the Sea of ​​Consciousness sounded like a clear voice, and then the Jin Yuanzhu lit up with a brilliant golden light. This bead was suddenly connected with the consciousness of the body. The two consciousnesses were independent and influenced by Qin Lang's main consciousness. control.

At this time, the golden yuan bead floated up, and gradually floated out of Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness, floating in the air. Qin Lang clearly felt two visions in a blur, one was his own body, and the other was seen from the gold yuan bead , two split divine consciousness, one in the body consciousness sea, one in Jin Yuanzhu.


With an order from the main body consciousness, the second soul, Jin Yuanzhu, gathers a large amount of aura at this time, directly manifests the physical body, and becomes another Qin Lang, and the strength of this Qin Lang is very close to that of the main body, although weaker, but it is almost the same as the early stage of transformation. Peak strength.

The reason why the second soul clone is so strong is mainly because Qin Lang's body is strong enough. After all, the body is closely related to the second soul. It can't be too weak.

After Qin Lang split the second primordial spirit, although his own background is strong enough and there is no accident to hurt the main primordial spirit, after all, he split part of the primordial spirit and went out. At this time, there is also a feeling of weakness, this feeling Even the medicinal power of the Shenyuan Pill cannot be replenished in a short while.

At this time, the mother-child gourd in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly lit up, swallowing a large amount of the medicinal power of the Shenyuan pill in the body, absorbing a large amount of seawater power in the sea of ​​consciousness, absorbing all the medicinal power in an instant, and then feeding back Qin Lang Yuanshen's last Pure nutrition, this kind of nutrition can be directly absorbed by the primordial spirit, and there is even a trace of primordial purple energy on it.

Immediately, Qin Lang's main body soul grew vigorously again, and returned to its original appearance a little bit, even stronger than before.

This accident of mother-child gourd also surprised Qin Lang, and at the same time, he was overjoyed. He originally thought that after splitting the second soul this time, he would need at least half a year to recover. He did not expect to recover so soon. Well, this set of gourds at the level of Xiantian Lingbao is really not the same treasure.

At this time, the main body was full of energy, and Qin Lang opened his eyes, and regained his dazzling brilliance.

Although restricted by the rules of this world, the consciousness cannot be separated from the body, but the induction between Qin Lang's body and the avatar exists. After the avatar manifests, it has the same 360 ​​acupuncture points as the body. Of course, if the acupoints of the human body If it is subdivided, [-] can be produced, but there are really only so many main orifice points.

After all, if there are too many acupoints, it will be a heavy burden on the body. Although Qin Lang is a monk in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, this avatar also has the peak strength of the early stage of the transformation of the gods. necessary.

After all, the development of each acupoint must be carefully crafted, it is not easy, and no flaws can be left, so that the ability of each acupoint can be perfectly stimulated.

Human beings are the spirits of all things, if these 360 ​​main orifice points can be well developed, it will be very good.

There is a saying that is good, soldiers are expensive and fine, not expensive, so the acupoints are currently underdeveloped, and it is necessary to work more carefully to make these acupoints perfect, run the speed of true energy faster, and store the true energy. The force capacity is also greater.

Of course, the most important acupoints of the human body should be the upper, middle and lower dantians, namely Baihui, Shanzhong, and Qihai. This is the key to a monk's cultivation. The sea of ​​harmony is an important place to store true energy, and it is also a place where monks need to work hard.

Of course, the realm of self-cultivation is not static, and there are some cultivators who take a slanted approach. The storage places for cultivating true energy are not important acupoints such as Shanzhong and Qihai, but are directly stored in some scattered orifice points, or other parts. , this is actually not impossible.

But in terms of the transfer speed of the true energy, it is actually the most suitable place to store the true energy in Shanzhong and Qihai. This is also the result of many years of repeated practice and demonstration by monks in the cultivation world.

In addition, the upper dantian Baihui is located on the top of the head, which is the gate of the sea of ​​consciousness. Of course, the gate of the sea of ​​consciousness is not only a hundred points. In fact, it is a person's sea of ​​consciousness.

Not to mention the middle dantian and the mutton, the lower dantian perineum is the position below the lower abdomen. This part is also the location where the doctor said that the hernia is actually caused. However, the sea of ​​​​qi of the monks in the cultivation world is so solid that it will not cause hernia at all. It is a strange disease that common people often suffer from. After all, besides the congenital lack of blood, hernia usually occurs due to overwork, while monks are full of energy and blood. Naturally there will be no disease.

(End of this chapter)

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