Chapter 1916 Class B World

At this point, the refinement of the second soul has been successfully completed, and Qin Lang's main body consciousness has also returned to its original state. Although it seems that it took a lot of time to sacrifice the second soul this time, it actually didn't take much time. It's probably about an hour or two.

The reason why it is so easy is also related to Qin Lang's current level of cultivation. After all, Qin Lang only refines the second soul in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods. .

Now the second soul manifests the clone after leaving the body, but the electrocardiographic connection with the main body still exists, and is not bound by the rules of this world.Qin Lang can control this avatar to do some things, or let the avatar act alone. Although the main body and avatar are separated, they are actually one.

In other words, both the main body and the avatar are Qin Lang, which means that he now has two bodies.

However, compared with the avatar, the importance of the main body is still much stronger. The growth potential of the main body in future cultivation is far greater than that of the avatar, and the physical body can eventually be sanctified, but the physical body manifested by the second avatar is not the real physical body, even if it is cultivated. You can only become a Sanxian, which is actually not much different from those primordial spirits who have lost their bodies.

Sanxian is actually a Bingjiexian, not as good as a human immortal who was promoted after the physical body survived the catastrophe. Sanxian can only practice at the end of the ninth level, which is comparable to the legendary celestial immortal, but he cannot grow into a golden immortal.

Qin Lang collected some information from the battlefield outside the territory before, and also knew that the immortals above the stage of transformation into gods also have layers, namely human immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals.

And above the celestial immortals, there is even the level of golden immortals. This is the information left over from the ancient war of gods and demons, but these materials are just a few words, and it is very likely that there are no immortals in the entire universe now.

After all, even in the battlefield outside the territory, it is rare for Qin Lang to meet monks above the late stage of deification of various races, and the existence of immortals... Maybe only the descendant of the ancient dragon and five-element true dragon that Qin Lang saw may be of this level , and most likely did not reach this level.

As for the high-tech world that Qin Lang entered from the Immortal Realm, although the world in front of him is full of aura, the level of the world is not very high. He doesn't know what level the martial artist with the highest force in the world is, but the main body is only high-level. At the level of a super warrior, this level is only equivalent to a practitioner in the alchemy stage of the cultivation world.

Ranked by ABCDEF, if Qinghe Continent is an A-level world, then this high-tech world is one or two levels lower, at most it can only be regarded as a B-level or C-level world.Of course, if we compare it with the earth in the Dharma-ending world, then the earth can only be regarded as E or F level, and it is even worse.

Of course, the world level of the Demon Realm, which is parallel to the Cultivation Realm, is actually about the same as the Cultivation Realm, which is barely A-level.

To verify the level of a world, it is necessary to examine the concentration of aura, the inheritance of the world, and the ability level of the practitioners.


"There is a visitor! There is a visitor!" Qin Lang just lifted the restriction of the formation, and the voice of the smart housekeeper sounded in the room.

"Open the door." Qin Lang said.

Under Qin Lang's voice command, the electronic door opened automatically, and then saw the big man Kaiser waiting behind the door.

"I'm sorry, I've been practicing, so I didn't notice you ringing the doorbell." Qin Lang apologized.

"Haha, it's okay."

Kaiser walked into the room stooping. This guy was [-] meters tall, and the door of the room was too short for him. After entering the room, the guy looked around and asked, "Brother Qin Lang, Are you used to living here?"

Although this burly man looks stout, he is actually a very careful person.

"It's okay, thank you for arranging such a good place for me."

Qin Lang is really satisfied with the living environment here.

"That's good, that's right, I have something to inform you... One month later, the underground city will hold a martial artist competition. This kind of competition is organized by the government, and it is held every ten years. I don't know if you have it, brother Qin Lang." Not interested in participating?" Kay asked.

"Oh?" Qin Lang looked up at him.

"It's like this. The ranking of the martial artist competition determines the official ranking of the martial artist level of the participants in the entire city, and there are rewards for the top [-]. Those who can participate in this martial artist competition are basically the entire underground city. elite, so I would like to ask you if you want to participate...because I am going to sign up this time, and I am going to get a good ranking and become famous."

Kaiser is a high-level fighter and a member of the city patrol team. Although he usually has official support and is not short of cultivation resources, if he can get a good ranking in the martial artist stage competition, it will still be very helpful to improve his status in the patrol team. Helpful, so this time I'm going to have a big fight.

"What rewards are there?" Qin Lang asked casually.

"No. 1 has a credit point reward of 100 million, and an official medal of honor; No. 2 is 80, and also has a medal of honor, and No. 350 million... When it is named, it is [-]."

Kaiser said. "The level of the contestants is not limited, but most of them are mid-level and high-level fighters. Basically, there are no martial arts practitioners above the master level, and it is estimated that there are no more than [-] high-level martial arts practitioners in the entire city, so it is still very difficult to get a ranking. Easy to get."

"Is there no martial arts master participating in this kind of competition? Forget it, I won't participate."

After Qin Lang heard it, he immediately lost interest. After all, although the rewards of the martial arts competition are not bad, he is not short of money and resources. The Cyclops of the Sanhe Gang still has about 200 million credits to give in two days. Myself, and the level of practice in this world is too low, if the martial arts masters don't participate in such competitions, it doesn't make sense for him to participate in the abuse.

After all, martial arts practitioners at the high-level warrior level are still too low for him, even if they are martial arts masters, they may not be much stronger, but he still wants to experience it, because he has never seen martial arts masters. Master, so I don't know how strong the martial arts master's specific ability is.

"Well, okay!" Kaiser just informed Qin Lang routinely. After all, he knew that Qin Lang was also a high-level martial artist, so he might be interested in such a competition.After chatting with Qin Lang for a while, Kaiser left in a hurry.

He said that he will be very busy for a while, besides the usual routine work, he will spend most of his time on cultivation, actively preparing for the martial artist competition, Qin Lang first came to the underground city of the ruins of Dafang, if there is any need for help , just go directly to other people in the city patrol team for help, he has already said hello.

And Qin Lang congratulated Kaiser in advance for a good ranking in the ring competition. Kaiser smiled, stooped and exited Qin Lang's room again, and left.


Qin Lang walked out of the top-level residential area, and walked directly to the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang. He wanted to see how Poison Eye Dragon had sorted out the gang's affairs after a night. After all, he would still need this for a while. Guy helps himself with errands and stuff.

When he arrived at the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang, Qin Lang smelled a faint smell of blood. It seemed that there was a big change in the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang this night. Poison Eye Dragon probably used extraordinary means, but he didn't know how many people died.

In the civilian area, the Sanhe Gang is a big gang with more than 3000 members, but the real inner gang members do not exceed 300 members. After a night of bloody storms, Dulongyan probably has already put the iron rod that Huo Wendong had originally planted. The subordinates have already won, and a big change of blood has been carried out.

There are more than 300 people, and it is estimated that at least one-fifth of them will die. Qin Lang can see that Cyclops is not a soft-hearted person, otherwise he would not sit in this civilian area.

Now that this skinny skeleton man has turned around again, he naturally has to deal with those people who made things difficult for him during his troubled days.And the elite backbones placed by Huo Wendong in those gangs probably never imagined that the one-eyed dragon who had been almost knocked down would still have time to stand up again, so all of them were unlucky.

Therefore, the world is full of variables, and it is useless to regret now.

"Brother Qin Lang, please sit down, please sit up."

In a study-like room at the headquarters, One Eye warmly entertained Qin Lang. Qin Lang is now like his reborn parents. Although he looks much younger than him, he has decided to treat Qin Lang as his own father from now on. .

"Tea, serve tea, serve good tea!" Cyclops waved his hand and asked a newly recruited confidant to implement the tea.

The two sides sat down, and Cyclops arched his hands and said: "This time, I would like to thank Brother Qin Lang for your help. I am very grateful. Now that the Sanhe Gang is back in my hands, things have developed in a good way. I promised with Cyclops that after everything is done, except for me In addition to part of the private property, half of the gang's property should be handed over to Brother Qin Lang. This is the account...I don't know if Brother Qin Lang wants to discount it, or directly take over half of the shares and receive monthly dividends? If it is discounted, The Qin Lang brothers can get nearly 400 million property, and if they accept the monthly dividend, the monthly dividend will be about [-]."

Cyclops looked at Qin Lang and said sincerely: "My personal wish is to hope that Brother Qin Lang accepts the option of dividends. A golden rooster that lays eggs, chickens lay eggs, and eggs lay chickens. In this way, ten years later, or even 20 years later, Qin Lang's income will far exceed 400 million times, and direct discounting will not be such a good benefit. The Qin Lang brothers choose In the case of a shareholding system, our Sanhe Gang seems to have lost some money, but we can get the protection of Brother Qin Lang. I can’t be wrong with my one-eyed eyes. Brother Qin Lang is a big man with a deep background, and he also has cultivation skills far surpassing those of high-level martial arts practitioners. Because, if such a person is cured well, it will also benefit the development of the Sanhe Gang."

(End of this chapter)

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