The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1918 Challenge Book

Chapter 1918 Challenge Book

At this moment, another direction of the underground city, the headquarters of the poisonous dragon mercenary organization.

The headquarters of the poisonous dragon group has a whole building in the city. Although the building is not high and only has [-] floors, basically every member of the group has its own separate room, and the various training facilities of the poisonous dragon group are very complete. In the building, there are simulated war rooms, strength training rooms, gravity rooms, martial arts rooms, retreat training rooms, etc.

In such an environment, coupled with the sufficient supply of training resources in the regiment, the strength of the members of the regiment improved very quickly, and the entire poisonous dragon mercenary organization did not exist below the middle-level fighters.

In a secret room, a middle-aged man who looks like a telegraph pole is sitting in the middle of the secret room, and a dwarf is standing in front of this middle-aged man. Although the dwarf is standing, even if he is standing, he is still a middle-aged man who looks like a telegraph pole. The height of the man, this dwarf is at most about 1.3 meters, and the middle-aged man who looks like a telephone pole is at least 1.6 meters when he is sitting, and if he stands up, he is probably more than two meters.

And this middle-aged man, who looks like a telephone pole, wears a pair of glasses on his face. These glasses are different from ordinary glasses. From time to time, there are flashes of light like red rays. They should not be ordinary glasses, but a high-tech product in this world.This middle-aged man who looks like a telegraph pole is the deputy head of the poisonous dragon mercenary organization, Glasses.

This guy is a high-level fighter, and he is in the peak state of a high-level fighter, and he may break through to a martial arts master at any time.

The dwarf in front of him was a peak-level mid-level fighter.

"Gnome, the three sent out have not heard from them for so long, what did you find out?"

The deputy leader of the Dulong Group, glasses, made a sound at this time. He frowned very much. He was lurking in the Sanhe Gang and begged his nephew to come to the door. He wanted to kill the original leader of the Sanhe Gang. He needed to help clear the obstacles, so he sent three High-level fighters went to support, but there was no news after waiting for more than a day, which is a bit abnormal.

So, Glasses sent his confidant, the dwarf, to inquire about the news. Although the dwarf is only a peak-level mid-level fighter, he has a special martial arts skill of concealing aura, which can be regarded as a kind of auxiliary skill. It attracts attention, so it has a natural advantage to inquire about intelligence outside, and has always been an important eyes and ears of glasses.

"Deputy...deputy head, something is wrong! I sneaked into the Sanhe gang and got the news that your nephew and the three high-ranking fighters sent out were all captured by the poisonous dragon group and died... No, there is another one It's alive, but it's not your nephew, it's a high-ranking soldier sent out." The dwarf said hastily.

"Oh, what's going on? Besides, which one is alive? Why hasn't he come to see me..."

Glasses asked with some displeasure. Although Huo Wendong is only his nephew from afar, and he doesn't value this nephew very much on weekdays, since his niece was placed under house arrest, Cyclops, the former leader of the Sanhe Gang, took over the affairs of the Sanhe Gang for more than half a year. The filial piety has never been broken, and at least 100 million has been given away.

Now that his nephew has been killed, and this filial piety has been cut off, he still feels a little uncomfortable.In addition, although the three high-level soldiers I sent out to help were not my confidantes, they were also key members of the regiment. Now two of them died directly, and only one came back alive. This is also a loss.

"Deputy head, it's Bai Jufei who is alive, but this guy has been abolished now, he is a useless person." The dwarf replied cautiously as if looking through his glasses.

"It's that guy... I remember that he still owes me a debt that he hasn't paid off. Originally, after the mission was successful this time, the debt could be forgiven for him, but now he has failed the mission!"

He touched his glasses and said, "Since the mission failed, the debt cannot be forgiven. Let him continue to pay it."

"Deputy head, although Bai Jufei's cultivation base has been abolished, he has an adopted son of a mid-level fighter. I think he can recruit his adopted son to help the poisonous dragon group and pay off your debt at the same time."

suggested the dwarf.

"Well, let's do it like this!" Glasses nodded.

"Speaking of which, this time it was Bai Jufei who ordered your attention. If his adopted son used the normal way to enter the poisonous dragon group, it would cost a lot of money."

The dwarf said, as if Bai Jufei really took advantage of the sky, he didn't know that Bai Jufei was actually exploited by the vampire with glasses and wanted to leave the poisonous dragon group long ago, he was so tired of the poisonous dragon group.

"Oh, that's right..." Glasses remembered something at this time, and asked: "I remember that the Sanhe Gang doesn't seem to be a great force, how could it be possible to easily take down the three high-level fighters I sent? what happened?"

The glasses don't feel sorry for the loss of three high-level fighters of the poisonous dragon group. As long as the resources are sufficient, it is not difficult to train high-level fighters, and the backup background of the poisonous dragon group is still very good. Later, we will increase the resources for a few middle-level peak fighters Speed, it should be able to quickly replenish the vacancies of these high-level fighters.

After all, the Poisonous Dragon Group is not an ordinary force. The group has mastered a complete set of martial arts practitioners' spiritual practice inheritance. Relying on this set of mental methods, basically there is no obstacle for martial arts practitioners to advance to high-level fighters. As long as the resources Enough is enough to break through all the way and break through the level of cultivation.

However, this set of martial arts practitioners' spiritual cultivation inheritance cannot be obtained casually, otherwise they will become mainland products. There is a strict reward and punishment system in the regiment. There are nine levels of martial arts mentality. To get the first three layers, only those who have made outstanding contributions to the regiment, or members of the regiment who are appreciated by the head and deputy head of the regiment, can obtain the next few layers of mentality.

Although Huo Wendong is only a distant nephew of himself, and although losing a few high-ranking fighters will not consume much of the regiment's foundation, the deputy head of the glasses still feels a little uncomfortable. In addition, he has also cut off a source of income, so he has to figure out this matter after.

"It's like this... Cyclops, the former leader of the Sanhe Gang, invited a powerful foreign aid. I heard that he is a young man at the level of a martial arts master." The dwarf told the glasses exactly what he had found out at this time.

When the glasses got the news, a red glow appeared on the lens, and they said coldly: "A martial arts master? Even if he is a martial arts master, he will die if he dares to interfere with my poisonous dragon group. Hmph, I am going to avenge Xiao Huo." .Dwarf, prepare yourself."

"Deputy head, are you going to do it yourself?" The dwarf raised his head, then quickly lowered his head. The head of the poisonous dragon group has been busy cultivating regardless of the specific affairs of the group, so the glasses are the real masters of the entire mercenary group. The power is still not small.

"No, I'm going to send a few more people to kill this young man at the martial arts master level first, and cut off the backstage of the Sanhe gang... Although the martial arts master is powerful, many high-level fighters may not be able to fight together, but But I have a way to make that guy die without a place to bury him."


On this day, just after Qin Lang finished training in the top residential area, an electronic message came from the smart butler in the room. Qin Lang opened it and saw a voice, which came from the Sanhe Gang: "Senior Qin Lang, the Poison Dragon Group is here You sent a letter of challenge and asked if you dare to accept it."

"Challenge letter?" Qin Lang wondered, and continued to read, but there was no text in the electronic message.

So, he went out and went to the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang.

And Cyclops, the leader of the Sanhe Gang headquarters, has entered a state of retreat, and this time he did not appear again.

Currently, one of his confidantes, Yao Jian, is handling the help. Although he has no cultivation, he is a copywriter. He is one of the few people in the city who has drunk a lot of ink, so he has organized the help in an orderly manner in the past few days. business, and nothing went wrong.

Yao Jian looks gentle and gentle, he doesn't look like a gangster at all. In fact, before the Sanhe Gang broke out, he was just the manager of a property in the gang, and after Cyclops regained power, he was promoted immediately.

Seeing Qin Lang's appearance, Yao Jian also knew that Qin Lang was the real backer of the entire Sanhe gang, so he didn't dare to neglect at all, and directly told Qin Lang the whole thing.

It turned out that the glasses of the poisonous dragon regiment led several high-ranking fighters in the regiment to jointly write a war letter, asking Qin Lang to go out of the city to fight, and the place was a former abandoned factory in the wilderness of Dafang ruins.Yao Jian showed Qin Lang the letter from the Poison Dragon Group. The wording in it was very aggressive, which made people very angry, but Yao Jian advised Qin Lang not to go, maybe there was an ambush there.

However, Qin Lang just smiled. With his strength as a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, I am afraid that even the challenge of a martial arts master is nothing!Besides, I also have a lot of trump cards and tricks, even if the poisonous dragon mercenary organization does some small tricks, I have no fear at all, and all conspiracies and tricks are child's play in the face of powerful strength.

"The leader of the poisonous dragon group... that is called the Black Dragon, right? Is this the strongest member of the poisonous dragon group?"

Qin Lang thought for a while, the entire poisonous dragon group may only have black dragon as a master of martial arts, and the confidence of the poisonous dragon group may be on this black dragon. Could it be that the deputy head's glasses said that he moved the black dragon to deal with him... It is very possible.

What Qin Lang didn't know was that Hei Long, the strongest member of the Poison Dragon Group, had been in seclusion for several months and had never been out. He didn't even know what happened to the entire mercenary organization in recent months. All affairs are handled by the deputy head glasses.

Therefore, this time Glasses wanted to deal with Qin Lang with other methods, and did not dispatch the retreating boss Heilong.

Seeing that Qin Lang could not be persuaded, Yao Jian did not persist. In the eyes of all the members of the Sanhe Gang, Qin Lang is a super master, and the leader Cyclops said that Qin Liang's strength is unfathomable, and it seems that he has mastered a few sects. I am afraid that the martial arts masters are all strong among the martial arts masters, so they don't need to worry about the strong.

(End of this chapter)

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