The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1919 Accepting the Letter of War

Chapter 1919 Accepting the Letter of War
"Okay, Yao Jian, send someone to reply to the Poison Dragon Group. I will accept this gauntlet! In the early hours of this morning, I will be ready to appear in the former abandoned factory in the ruins of Dafang."

Qin Lang smiled and said to Yao Jian.

"Alright! Senior Qin Lang, be careful."

Yao Jian nodded, he was just a small person, since Qin Lang gave an order, he had to carry it out.

And in the Poisonous Dragon Group, the dwarf in charge of the gauntlet rushed to the deputy head glasses at this time, "Vice head, good news... the young martial arts master from the Sanhe Gang took over our gauntlet." Already!"

"Oh..." Hearing the news, the glasses that kept their eyes closed stood up straight from the gold silk big back chair. Good guy, the height of the glasses almost reached the roof of the room, and the height was at least [-] meters. , taller than Kyle, a member of the city patrol team that Qin Lang has seen.

He has a body like a telephone pole with glasses, but he is thin and thin, as if he will fall down when the wind blows, and he is far less sturdy than Kyle looks.

Although thin, the aura of a martial artist in the glasses is extremely solid. It seems that he may break through at any time, and advance from a high-level fighter at the peak to become a master of martial arts.

However, the glasses knew his own situation. It seemed that there was only a layer of membrane between him and the master of martial arts, but it was extremely difficult to break through this layer. After all, he had already passed the level of this peak high-level fighter It has been six years, and this hurdle is not easy. It can not be broken through the accumulation of resources alone, but also requires a little chance and understanding, and he has always been a little bit less lucky in this regard.

In fact, Glasses also knows that he is a person who is passionate about power and worldly affairs. Hei Long is the leader of the poisonous dragon group. Hei Long is a real genius in cultivation. Wealth and beauty are not very tempting. When such a person cultivates, his progress is unmatched by others.

In fact, Glasses is the same age as Black Dragon, they are both 45 years old. Glasses is currently a high-level fighter at the peak, while the leader of Black Dragon is now retreating to find an opportunity to break through to the peak martial arts master. There is really no comparison between people. .

And the black dragon is also the number one expert in the entire underground city of the ruins of Dafang. Even though the owner of the dungeon of the ruins of Dafang is also a peak martial arts master, he is probably not as good as the head of the black dragon. After all, the black dragon is worse than the underground city of the ruins of Dafang The owner of the city is 20 years younger, and his current physical condition and blood vitality are at the peak of his life, while Bi Fang, the owner of the Dafang Ruin Dungeon, is a 70-20-year-old old man. [-] years younger than Black Dragon.

After all, the training mode of martial arts practitioners is very similar to that of physical cultivation, and they still pay more attention to the strength of the body's energy and blood. Although the martial arts practitioners in this world are practitioners, it is strange that even martial arts practitioners at the level of martial arts masters He is only two hundred years old, far less longevity than practitioners in the cultivation world.

This reason is likely to be due to the rules of the world and the relationship between the cultivation system of martial practitioners. There must be a problem with the sleeping system of martial arts in this world. If compared according to the normal method, a high-level fighter is equivalent to the alchemy realm of cultivation. If you are a long-term cultivator, then at least you should have a lifespan of nearly 1000 years.

In fact, the life expectancy of high-level fighters is not much different from that of ordinary people. At most, they can live to be 40 years old. In this world, high-level fighters who can live past 150 years old are considered long-lived.

However, when a martial artist is promoted from a high-level fighter to a master of martial arts, his life expectancy is only increased by 60 or 60 years, and he lives an extra [-] or [-] years, reaching the level of about [-] years old.

However, although the strongest martial artist in the underground city of the Dafang ruins is only at the peak level of a martial arts master, there are still higher-level martial arts practitioners in cities in other parts of the world. I heard that after a martial arts master is a martial arts master, After the martial arts master was promoted to the martial arts master, it seemed that the shackles of life were suddenly released, and the life expectancy almost doubled, at least four to five hundred years old.

After five or six years, the glasses have also gotten used to this situation where their cultivation base has not improved by an inch. While waiting for the opportunity to break through to high-level fighters, they are more enthusiastic about handling the affairs of the poisonous dragon group.Of course, it is very normal to open accounts privately and secretly transfer some oil and water to one's own small private treasury while handling the help.

It can be said without humility that the wealth in Spectacles' private coffers is now almost equivalent to the total income of the entire Dulong Group for three years, which is the result of continuous accumulation over the past 20 years.

The amount of resources in Spectacles’ private small treasury exceeds at least 1000 million. I’m afraid that this wealth can’t be compared with the sum of all the members of the Sanhe Gang. After all, the poisonous dragon group is different from the Sanhe Gang. The Sanhe Gang is just a small trouble in Dafang City Although gangs have some small industries, they usually only rely on collecting some protection fees for a living. How can they accumulate wealth faster than mercenaries who often go out to the wilderness to fight to the death.

You know, if you kill a weak Radiant Beast in the wilderness, you can exchange at least tens of thousands of resources. Under normal circumstances, mercenaries work hard for a day and kill a few or a dozen of them. Radiant beasts are not a problem.

Of course, the wilderness is full of dangers, and the mercenaries must make sufficient preparations every time they go out on a mission. Will implicate his teammates.

You know, even high-ranking fighters can swallow some radiating beasts in one gulp, and martial arts masters can't please them in front of such radiating beasts, it's terrifying.

And mercenaries in the wilderness are also a high-risk occupation. In this line of work, people die almost every month. Since the establishment of the poisonous dragon mercenary organization for more than 20 years, it has almost gone back and forth four or five times. Well, there are really not many old members who can really live for a long time. Of course, the head and deputy leader Heilong and glasses count as one.

In the past two days, glasses, the deputy head of the poisonous dragon mercenary organization, have been asking the dwarf to inquire about the news about Qin Lang. Qin Lang is really too mysterious. This martial arts master seems to be completely parachuted into this city, and he doesn't know the details at all. .

The dwarf inquired about it, and only knew that Qin Lang was a wandering martial artist picked up from the wilderness outside the ruins by Kyle, the city patrol. He probably came from other ruined cities in this world. He is a capable person and cannot be underestimated by others.

The management of Dafang City seems to value this young man very much, and arranged a house in a top-level residential area for this young man, and gave him a credit of [-] for daily expenses, probably out of the desire to attract talents.However, now that he has offended the Dulong Group's glasses, the young man will have no place to stay in the Dafang Ruins Dungeon and must die.

Compared with Cyclops, the leader of the triad gang who is like a hero, Glasses is even more ruthless. This time, nearly half of the official members of the Poisonous Dragon Squad were mobilized, and more than 20 high-level fighters formed a mighty hunting team. There has never been such a big battle to kill the Wilderness Radiation Beast. After all, the members of the Wilderness Radiation 0 are usually hunted in groups of five or six, seven or eight, and they are scattered. If it is not a particularly powerful Wilderness Radiation Beast, There is simply no need for such a large-scale gathering of manpower.

After all, the 20 people in front of them are all high-level fighters, and they are already the top elites in the underground city of Dafang Ruins. With so many people working together to deal with a martial arts master, I am afraid that even the martial arts master will not have the confidence to fight.

What's more, Glasses has made two-handed preparations for this attack. The people on the bright side are just the first-hand preparations, and the secret preparations are a trump card. This is the biggest killing move.


It was night, when it was almost morning, Qin Lang left the underground ruined city and got out from the entrance of the passage.

Before leaving the underground city of ruins, Qin Lang found a map of the entire Dafang ruins from the Sanhe Gang, and he also had a good understanding of the surrounding terrain. The Dafang ruins are very large, next to the Dafang City controlled by biochemical humans, and the surrounding wilderness is also Intricate, mostly hills, peaks and ridges.

The former abandoned factory is located in the center of the ruins of Dafang. In fact, the city patrols have cleaned up the Radiant Beasts over and over again in the surrounding area every year. There is no guarantee that there will be no new radiation beasts.

However, with the strength of a cultivator in the middle stage of Qin Lang's transformation into a god, even if he doesn't need to use his spiritual sense to detect danger, he doesn't need to worry too much when encountering these radiating beasts. He encountered two or three radiating beasts along the way, which are only equivalent to those in the cultivation world. The third and fourth rank monsters were easily killed, because these radiation beasts were too low-level, and he didn't even bother to collect the materials.

When approaching the former abandoned factory, Qin Lang heard the roar of a radiant beast. A radiant beast that was five feet high and similar to a Tyrannosaurus rex appeared in front of his eyes. This should actually be a mutant of a lizard. Under the dual effects of radiation and radiation, a huge mutation occurred, and it became a huge body similar to Tyrannosaurus rex.

Good guy, I finally met a more advanced radiant beast. This tyrannosaurus-like lizard mutant should have the level of a sixth-order monster. It is definitely the existence of killing high-level fighters in seconds. After all, the combat effectiveness of high-level fighters is only comparable to that of alchemy monks.

At this moment, all the people lurking in the Dulong mercenary organization are also secretly suffering. They lurked in the former ancient abandoned factory for a long time, but they didn't expect a king lizard to come suddenly. This thing is very rare in this ruins. Absolutely It is the existence at the top of the food chain, and I don't know why it suddenly left the original site and appeared here. You must know that the Tyrannosaurus lizard's sense of smell is not keen, and it is also blind. It is impossible to find them hiding here in advance. .

(End of this chapter)

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