Chapter 1920 Beast Slaying
The Radiant Beast Overlord Lizard is five feet tall, more than 20 feet long, and weighs more than 100 tons. It is definitely a giant.

However, Qin Lang saw many monsters of large size in the cultivation world, so he was not too surprised.

When he saw the Radiant Beast Overlord Xi, he was just a little puzzled. He didn't know if there was an inner alchemy in the body of this big guy who was similar to a sixth-order monster in the cultivation world. The inner alchemy was a good thing in the cultivation world, and it was also the life essence of monsters. As for whether the Radiant Beast has inner alchemy...Qin Lang doesn't know, after all, he threw away the corpses of the Radiant Beasts he killed before.


The Radiant Beast stayed in the ruins of the former ancient abandoned factory, blocking the entrance of the abandoned factory. It seemed that it was planning to stay in this place and regard it as a new nest.

However, this place is where more than [-] mercenaries from the poisonous dragon mercenary organization fought with Qin Lang, and neither side wanted this big guy to stay here.

With a smile, Qin Lang made a move. After jumping a few inches, he hit a few Dragon Elephant Fist. Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist can actually be regarded as a martial art, and it should be a relatively advanced martial art.Qin Lang's Dragon Elephant Fist was able to strike a force of one or two hundred tons in the Nascent Soul Stage, but now in the middle stage of Transformation God, a casual blow may have a force close to a thousand tons.

Even a stone with this kind of power can be thrown into outer space. The sixth-order monster was only hit by Qin Lang's seemingly light blow, and it was immediately thrown into the air like a puppet. There was a miserable scream in the air. With a loud bang, it hit the ground with a heavy bang, and the ground trembled.

Depend on!
All the lurkers in the abandoned work stone were shocked, this young man is so awesome, I am afraid that even a master of martial arts does not have the strength to fly the king lizard lightly!Could it be that the strength of this young man has surpassed that of a martial arts master?This is impossible, absolutely impossible!
Although this is indeed the case, none of them believed it. Qin Lang is really too young, even if he cultivated from the womb, he is not so good!I'm afraid that the strength of this young man lies more in the martial arts he has mastered. These martial arts must be martial arts of the secret skill level, and only the martial arts of the secret skill level can be so powerful.

Thinking of the fire in the eyes of these martial artists, if they can take down Qin Lang and get the inheritance of Qin Lang's skills, they can be so powerful... definitely.

The overlord lizard was not injured after landing. The physical strength of this radiant beast is not much different from that of the sixth-order monster, and its recovery ability is stronger. What's more, Qin Lang didn't use his good skills in the blow just now, nor did he use his strength. All the strength, so after struggling to stand up, its head was a little bit circled, and after shaking like drunk for a while, it wobbled away.

The overlord lizard was scared away, and this radiating beast actually knew that Qin Lang was powerful and not easy to mess with, so it didn't dare to fight against Qin Lang anymore. It had already admitted that this area was Qin Lang's territory, and it probably would never come back again for the rest of its life. Step into this area for half a step.

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus escape in such a panic, the high-ranking warriors of the poisonous dragon regiment lurking in the abandoned factory were even more astonished. Even if they were killed, they would not believe that such a beast that could easily kill high-ranking warriors would be so unbearable. , but the fact is before our eyes, that a radiating beast as powerful as the overlord lizard also has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. After sensing Qin Lang's strength and not easy to mess with, it is the instinct of this animal that allows it to avoid conflicts with Qin Lang Head to head.

Step, step, step.

At this time, Qin Lang walked into this former ancient abandoned factory, which was a dilapidated building in the ruins of Dafang that had been abandoned for an unknown number of years.

I don't know how many years ago, when humans ruled the whole world, the biochemical humans were not as powerful as they are now, and the number was not as large as they are now. The Dafang ruins were not ruins at that time, but a large area of ​​emerging cities. There are all kinds of buildings here, and of course, this big factory that was very modern at the time.

The former ancient abandoned factory covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres. At that time, it was a high-tech machine tool assembly factory. When the crisis between humans and biochemical humans emerged, war inevitably occurred. Dafang ruins were destroyed by that war, and the whole world seemed to be The sky changed overnight and was captured by biochemicals.

It can be seen that the accident was premeditated, and human beings were the losers of that war.

The two sides used large-scale prohibited weapons, and the environment of this world suddenly became very harsh, and it was no longer suitable for ordinary people to survive. However, biochemical humans with special physical conditions can still survive in this environment, but human beings cannot. Shooting is too harmful to the human body.

After that, after the failure of human beings, they did not give up the idea of ​​fighting for the control of this world, but the subsequent battles were moved underground.

Humans in this world began to look for ways to resist radiation, that is to practice martial arts, strengthen their physique, and make themselves stronger, so human beings gradually experienced the prosperity of martial arts.The emergence of martial arts martial arts is not accidental. In fact, there were practitioners in this world thousands of years ago. After all, the aura in this world is not bad, and it is much better than the environment of the doomed world like the earth.

In such an environment with sufficient spiritual energy, it is really impossible if some practitioners do not appear, so martial practitioners appear in this way. Before the war between humans and biochemical humans, there were not many such martial practitioners, but in the war After that, martial arts and martial arts began to spread to all human beings, forming a prairie fire like a single spark.

However, martial arts practitioners consume a lot of cultivation resources, so not all martial arts practitioners can grow quickly, so there is a state of polarization, and martial arts practitioners with qualifications and sufficient cultivation resources grow faster , and martial practitioners with poor qualifications and insufficient training resources will naturally grow much slower.

As a result, many martial arts families and martial arts forces appeared in various human ruined cities to integrate their cultivation resources. This is also the evolution process of the entire world.

In the ruined city of Dafang, the poisonous dragon mercenary organization is such a force. The poisonous dragon mercenary organization has existed for decades, and it was actually only a small organization decades ago. Although there are one or two hundred people, of course the high-level Warriors may not have more than five fingers.

But at that time, the head of the group, Black Dragon, and the deputy head, Glasses, were very capable and skillful people, and abruptly developed the entire poisonous dragon group into what it is today. In addition to the official power patrol team, the underground city is the leading power among the people.

The past few decades have not been easy, and it is also the bloody road of the poisonous dragon group's continuous struggle in the wilderness. The current members of the poisonous dragon group can stand up today by stepping on the blood and sweat of countless senior members.

Step, step, step.

At this time, Qin Lang entered the former ancient abandoned factory. There was a row of collapsed assembly lines in front of him. The scattered machine tools had corroded and rusted and turned into a large pile of scrap steel. If this abandoned factory were placed on the earth , It is definitely a large enterprise in the top [-] of the world's top [-], but it is a pity that it is abandoned like this.

It is said that before the World War, almost half of the people living in the Dafang ruins were closely related to this former abandoned factory. This former abandoned factory solved the employment problem of the entire Dafang ruins.

Whoosh whoosh!
Just when Qin Lang stepped into the factory, the martial practitioners lurking around all popped up at this time and began to surround Qin Lang. The members of these poisonous dragon groups are old partners who have cooperated for many years in the wilderness, so the relationship between each other The coordination between them is very methodical, and there is a faint feeling of forming a formation.

However, more than 20 high-ranking fighter-level martial artists are not enough in Qin Lang's eyes. These martial artists are only cultivators in the alchemy stage in the cultivation world. I am a cultivator in the mid-stage of transformation , even if these martial practitioners stand on the sidelines, I am afraid that these people will not be able to do anything to me.

It feels like a giant is looking down on the ants. Qin Lang can't help but have a strong sense of superiority. He didn't expect that he has become so strong now. If he goes further, he may be able to truly become the legendary fairy. It can be said that my dream is getting closer and closer.

And at this time, Qin Lang seemed to smell a very strange pungent smell, the smell was very light, and he sniffed his nose a few times at first, but the smell disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if the smell had never appeared before.

Qin Lang doesn't care either, his body is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, except for several kinds of poisons in the cultivation world, the poisons of other secondary worlds really can't poison him, before Sanhe gang Huo Wendong wanted to poison him. Failure to succeed is proof.However, the pungent smell should not be toxins, but an inherent smell inside the factory. Perhaps it is the volatilization of disinfectant that has not dissipated many years ago.


More than 20 high-ranking fighters directly attacked Qin Lang at this time. In their eyes, Qin Lang is a brilliant master of martial arts, so even if everyone joins forces, it is not a shame. As long as Qin Lang is taken down, these people That's it.

At that time, the exercises and a lot of resource rewards promised by the deputy head will be fulfilled for them. Although the deputy head of the glasses is a greedy person, he is very credible. Although there are many mercenaries who secretly curse the glasses, they have always obeyed the discipline obediently.

Heilong, the head of the poisonous dragon group, has been doing nothing for many years, and the glasses have been able to take care of the entire mercenary organization properly. This guy is indeed a capable person.

bang bang bang!bang bang bang!These twenty high-level fighters each displayed their own special skills. Those with martial arts skills performed martial arts skills, and those without martial arts skills directly smashed them with weapons. If you can win Qin Lang, you will be rewarded whether you live or die.

Of course, there are more rewards for being alive, and much less for being dead. After all, the glasses are also very interested in the inheritance of martial arts from Qin Lang, a master of martial arts. Only living people can find out about these inheritances.

(End of this chapter)

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