Chapter 1921 Strange Gas

However, when their attacks were about to hit Qin Lang, they were all blocked by an invisible shield on Qin Lang's body, and stopped less than an inch or two away from Qin Lang's body.

"What a powerful defensive aura!"

These high-level martial arts practitioners were surprised but did not stop attacking, and continued to work hard one by one.

After all, even a master of martial arts, it is impossible to sustain for too long under the strong attack of so many high-level fighters. Although the defensive aura of a master of martial arts is strong, it is actually only a big realm higher than that of high-level martial artists. Three or five high-level fighters are okay, and it is not enough to deal with so many high-level fighters.

After all, masters of martial arts are not gods. A master of martial arts is not a god against high-level martial arts masters, just like monks of the Nascent Soul Stage are against monks of the Core Formation Stage.

It's a pity that they still miscalculated Qin Lang's real strength. Even a martial arts master is just a side dish in Qin Lang's eyes. How could Qin Lang's real strength be only at the level of a martial arts master, so don't look at the attacks of these high-level martial artists. Then one or two inches can break through Qin Lang's defense.

But this two-inch gap is a false appearance. In fact, it is impossible for Qin Lang's defense to be broken by them. Even if they stand here for three days and three nights and let them fight, the result is the same.


At this time, red arc-shaped gamma rays hit Qin Lang's body, rolling on Qin Lang's defensive shield like ripples, and some of the high-level fighters of the poisonous dragon group actually used gamma ray guns.

Qin Lang felt that his body was slightly numb and crisp. The rays emitted by the gamma ray gun had a conduction effect similar to that of electric current, so the body reacted slightly.However, he was safe and sound under the gamma ray guns of hundreds of cyborgs in Dafang City. The power of the gamma ray gun in front of him was too childish for him. Everything is bigger than this damage.

When Qin Lang frowned, at this time several high-level fighters also took out gamma ray guns to deal with Qin Lang. This kind of high-tech is also a hot weapon unique to this world. The power of attack is the same as that of high-level fighters. The hit is almost the same, and it also has its own paralysis effect.

However, this kind of paralysis effect is fine against ordinary martial arts practitioners, but it is completely useless against Qin Lang, a cultivator whose strength far exceeds that of a martial arts master.

Therefore, although half of the twenty high-ranking fighters in front of them took out their weapons, Qin Lang couldn't help it.

And after these high-level fighters took out the gamma ray gun and shot it for a while, seeing the poor effect, they also felt a little distressed about the energy consumption of the gamma ray gun. You must know that the energy consumption of this gamma ray gun is particularly large, and one piece is worth five dollars. The energy spar with a thousand credits may be shot ten times before it is completely gone.

In other words, each hit of this gamma ray gun is worth [-] credits.And the purchasing power of [-] credits in the underground city of Dafang ruins is also very large, and the living expenses of ordinary people are estimated to be only this amount for a month.

Therefore, even if members of the Poison Dragon Squad can buy weapons such as gamma ray guns from the black market in Dafang Ruins, they do not often use such hot weapons when they go out on missions in the wilderness. Combat methods, after all, the consumption of one's own vitality by martial arts can be replenished after the battle, while the consumption of energy crystals by thermal weapons such as gamma ray guns needs to be purchased with money, which is not cost-effective.

What's more, the power of the gamma ray gun is not necessarily more powerful than the martial arts of the martial artist, so this kind of gun is more used as a means of life-saving in the hands of the martial artist. When the consumption is too large, it may rely on the role of guns.

Even the energy spar of the gamma ray gun is actually produced in the radiation beast, but not all radiation beasts can be produced in the radiation beast. The inner alchemy of monsters.However, the energy spar in Radiant Beast is rarer than that of Monster Beast. After all, if the hunting team in the wilderness is unlucky, even if they hunt a sixth-order Radiant Beast, it will be nothing in the end. There was no energy spar in this radiant beast.

The energy spar is also the most valuable thing in a Radiant Beast's body. Other materials in the Radiant Beast's body are also very valuable, but they are much worse than the energy spar.

However, the energy crystals in Radiant Beast's body are not only used for weapon energy such as energy ray guns, but can also be used for the cultivation of warriors. They are one of the important resources for warriors to practice. However, these energy crystals must pass Some special means can be used.

After the high-level fighters of the poisonous dragon group attacked for a while, Qin Lang made a move at this time, beckoning, and a fire ball appeared in the palm of his hand.

"go with!"

As Qin Lang's fire ball flew over, when it exploded in the air, at least five high-level fighters were affected. Although it was just a small and inconspicuous fire ball, it was a four-level compressed fire bomb. It is also the fireball technique that Qin Lang has repeatedly improved, and it is not an ordinary skill.

Once in the martial arts space in the East China Sea, Qin Lang used this targeted compressed fire bomb to beat the Evil Buddha Wukun so much that he couldn't even raise his head. On the battlefield outside the territory, he also let the Evil Buddha Wukun eat the turtle. You must know that the Evil Buddha Wukun Kun is not an ordinary monk, this guy is the suzerain of the Evil Buddha Sect in the Eastern Sea Region. Although he is only at the early stage of transforming into a god, he is an existence capable of leapfrogging challenges.

Such characters have all suffered losses in Qin Lang's hands, so although Qin Lang's compressed fire bomb is just a casual blow, it is a condensed spell refinement.There was a bang, and after the explosion, the five high-level fighters were immediately surrounded by flames. The explosion of this fire bomb was probably no less powerful than the explosion of the high-level spell bursting talisman.

Amidst the screams, five humanoid flames were thrashing, and within two seconds they were reduced to ashes, leaving only a scorched black mess on the ground.

"Demon... Is this a demon technique, or a martial art..."

The rest of the martial arts practitioners were stunned. The mercenaries of these poisonous dragon regiments were well-informed, but martial arts practitioners, even the masters of martial arts, seemed unable to cast the spell of flame attack. Attacking is basically similar to physical training, and when can you control the five elements.

Therefore, at this moment, all the mercenaries of the poisonous dragon group were blinded. Human beings have an innate fear of the unknown.

However, a member of the poisonous dragon group reacted at this time and shouted: "This martial arts skill is so special... I have seen the head of the group perform similar martial arts skills. At that time, a large lump of ice appeared in the hands of the black dragon master. Woolen cloth!"

"Oh so..."

After hearing the explanation, the other team members realized that Qin Lang should have some very special martial arts skills in his hands. At this time, they suppressed their fear again and launched a new wave of attacks against Qin Lang, but this time they were much more cautious , each of them is unwilling to be a leader again. ,

After all, Qin Lang's strength is obvious to all. Just now, he just killed five of them with a single blow. If the remaining fifteen rushed over first, they would probably follow in the footsteps of the former teammates who were wiped out.And everyone has a heart of fear, and they don't want to die. If it wasn't for the fact that this mission was a mandatory mission assigned by the deputy head of the glasses, they might all turn around and run away now.

"Hmph! You guys are here to challenge me too... You're really overwhelmed. Where's your team leader? I heard he's a master-level martial artist, so I thought he was here!"

Qin Lang snorted. The high-level fighters in front of him might be very powerful in the eyes of others, but in his eyes they were similar to minions. If he hadn't come here to accept the challenge, he really had no interest in making a move.

However, since the poisonous dragon group and the others are his enemies, Qin Lang is still reluctant, and since he has come, he will clean up all these minions.

The remaining fifteen high-level fighters of the poisonous dragon group heard Qin Lang's arrogance and wanted to refute, but they had no room to refute. In fact, it was exactly what Qin Lang said. Although there were many of them, But Qin Lang couldn't do anything about it at all. Instead, Qin Lang was directly wiped out by a quarter after Qin Lang's casual blow just now.

At this time, the members of these panic-stricken members of the poisonous dragon group exchanged glances. Qin Lang had sharp ears and eyes, and vaguely heard them talking about the second plan. Although he didn't understand what the second plan meant, Qin Lang could still guess the poisonous dragon. In order to deal with him this time, Tuan Glasses did not show any hidden means, and this second set of plans was related to those hidden means.

And as the members of the poisonous dragon group reached a consensus, all the members retreated in one direction at this time, and none of them had the intention of fighting Qin Lang.

Just as Qin Lang felt strange, at this time, there was a sound of clicking around the abandoned factory. This small area was directly closed, and the poisonous dragon group actually took control of the small area of ​​the former ancient abandoned factory. , it is likely to transform this place, and now Qin Lang is trapped.

Looking at the sealed space around, Qin Lang smiled slightly. It's okay to trap ordinary high-level martial arts practitioners with such a sealed structure wall similar to alloy materials. It's just nonsense to trap him, a cultivator of the transformation stage, I'm afraid When I was still in the Yuanying stage, I had several ways to get out of trouble, and now it is even less of a problem in the mid-stage of transformation.

However, at this time, a large amount of pungent gas suddenly spewed out from the entire sealed space. Qin Lang is very familiar with this gas. He had smelled it before, but at that time, if there was no smell, of course he thought it was inside the abandoned factory. There is no volatile disinfectant, and now he finally knows... This weird gas is actually one of the methods used by the poisonous dragon group to target him.

(End of this chapter)

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