The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1922 Bai Xiaotian's Two Wishes

Chapter 1922 Bai Xiaotian's Two Wishes
However, Qin Lang didn't care about this kind of weird gas, his body was already invulnerable to all poisons, except for several kinds of poisons in the cultivation world, the poisons in other secondary worlds were really poisonous He, Huo Wendong of the Sanhe gang tried to poison him before but failed, which is a clear proof that it is absolutely whimsical for the poisonous dragon group to use poison to deal with him.

However, Qin Lang's face changed after that. After smelling this very strong and pungent gas, he felt that his body strength was constantly losing, and his whole body began to weaken gradually.How is this going?Is it a toxin that you can't resist?It does not seem……

Qin Lang tried his best to communicate with the super system and analyze the current condition of the body. The electronic synthesis sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "The red blood cells in the target's blood are being eroded by a strong chemical substance, and the energy in the body is being used to fight against this chemical substance. A large amount of loss, 30.00% has been lost at present, it is recommended that the target leave this environment full of chemical gas as soon as possible, there are still 3 minutes before complete paralysis..."


Qin Lang was startled. He didn't expect that this stimulating gas was actually a highly corrosive chemical substance, and his body in the middle stage of transformation couldn't resist it. Now he only has 3 minutes for himself to act. I still stay in this sealed environment, I guess the situation will be very bad, when I am paralyzed, I will probably be similar to an ordinary person, and the poisonous dragon mercenaries who are ambushing outside can be easily killed by sending out one at random Own.

Is this the second plan for the deputy head of the poisonous dragon group, glasses, to deal with him?Sure enough, a good method.

At this moment, Qin Lang couldn't help but feel admiration in his heart. The Poison Dragon Group was able to become the number one civil force in the underground city of Dafang ruins in just a few decades. Sure enough, there are still a few brushes, and he underestimated them.

Although he was in such a situation that was very unfavorable to him, Qin Lang didn't panic. After all, he was a mid-stage cultivator with so many treasures. Cultivators are too worthless.

"My two mutant avatars and the second soul body are not real bodies, so they should not be afraid of the erosion of this kind of god-forming substance. However, the manipulation of mutant avatars requires the power of consciousness and is subject to the rules of this world. Restrictions cannot be summoned, and the body of the second soul has independent consciousness, allowing it to lead itself out of this sealed environment first."

Qin Lang was about to release the body of the second soul from the sea of ​​consciousness, but at this time, he heard a special noise coming from the inside of the sealed space, which came from a corner not far away.

At this time, Qin Lang saw a hole in the breakthrough room in the corner full of sundries, and a small figure appeared. It was a guy wearing a mask similar to a gas mask. He trotted over and held his body Qin Lang, who was a little weak, said in his ear: "...Follow me, there is an exit over there."

The voice was a little familiar, Qin Lang had a good memory, and soon a face appeared in his mind based on the voice. This guy should be the adopted son of Bai Jufei, a member of the Sanhe Gang who was let go by himself in a moment of soft-heartedness.

This kid is really interesting, I don't know where he got the news that the poisonous dragon group is going to deal with him, but he has made preparations here in advance and came to repay his favor.

"My name is Bai Xiaotian. Brother, you released me and my adoptive father at that time. Since I was a child, my adoptive father taught me that Bai Xiaotian should repay you with kindness, so this time I heard the news that the poisonous dragon group was going to deal with you, elder brother. I quietly found a few The friends in the regiment who have a good relationship with the adoptive father asked about this time and made some arrangements in advance."

When pulling Qin Lang to run towards the pile of debris, Bai Xiaotian also briefly explained the whole story of what he knew about this matter.

Sure enough, Bai Xiaotian was well prepared, and I don't know how this kid did it. He actually dug an underground passage under the pile of debris in this abandoned factory. Although the underground passage is crowded and only allows one person to crawl, it can be seen that Bai Xiaotian This time, he really put in a lot of effort to repay his kindness. After all, he is only a mid-level fighter, and it is not easy to dig out such a special escape channel in advance.

Since Bai Xiaotian wanted to repay his kindness, Qin Lang didn't waste any more effort. Although even without Bai Xiaotian, he could use his second soul avatar to force himself to break through, but now that he was kind enough to repay his favor, Qin Lang took advantage of the situation The underground passage leaves here.

The tunnel that Bai Xiaotian dug through from the former abandoned underground factory was not long, only about 300 meters long. When Qin Lang followed Bai Xiaotian out from the exit at the other end of the passage, he found himself still beside the factory.

But at this time, he didn't have the heart to continue to trouble the members of the poisonous dragon group. His body is in a very bad state now. He has to find a way to remove the residual chemical gas absorbed in the blood of his body. This thing is very weird, and it is very stubborn after entering the body. , I can't expel the true energy of a cultivator in the mid-stage of transformation. It is estimated that after absorbing this chemical gas, the martial practitioners in this world will behave even more unbearably, and they may have fallen down by now.

However, although his true energy could not expel these chemical gases, after leaving the sealed environment before the abandoned workstone, those harmful gases could not further erode Qin Lang's body. Although Qin Lang felt that his body was soft, but now with Walking like a normal person is no problem.

At this time, Bai Xiaotian took Qin Lang and ran quickly. When he left the former ancient abandoned factory for about four or five miles, he found a hidden place in the ruins and stopped, and at the same time gave Qin Lang an injection.

"Brother, this is the antidote for that kind of gas. You should inject one first, and the situation should be much better by then."

"Oh..." Qin Lang took it. He knew that Bai Xiaotian would not harm him. After looking at it, he directly pricked his arm and pushed the whole injection into his blood vessel.He also miscalculated this time. He didn't expect that this high-tech world still has this special chemical substance, which is neither a toxin, but can make himself a dignified mid-stage cultivator helpless. It seems that every world in the universe is of different levels. They are the same, but they are not to be underestimated, and each has its own characteristics.

"This special injection is called Anding Melting Agent... It is a special antidote for dissolving Kapok poison." Bai Xiaotian said.

"What... the gas just now is poison?"

Qin Lang was stunned. The super system analyzed it for him. Although this special gas can paralyze him, it has no harmful components, so it is not a toxin.

"Kapok poison is indeed a toxin, but it is harmless to the human body, but it can make martial practitioners stunned for three days and three nights. It can also be used to deal with radiation beasts. However, the premise must be in a sealed environment. Kapok Poison is a highly volatile gas. If it is directly exposed to the air at a low concentration, it will have no paralyzing effect at all. The antidote for this toxin, Andin Melting Agent, is very rare in the underground black market. I have been working for many years, so I still have a few in stock at home."

After listening to Bai Xiaotian's explanation, Qin Lang nodded: "This should be a synthetic toxin."

He realized now that the super system may report an error this time because the toxin is harmless to the body, but although the kapok poison is harmless to the body, it can make him lose combat power under the action of the toxin, which is not the same as being poisoned. different.

After the Anding dissolving agent was directly injected into the body, the medicine quickly took effect. Qin Lang felt that his body gradually regained its vitality. The reason why he was able to respond so quickly was actually related to his strong physique as a cultivator. Otherwise, Even if there is an injection, it will take half an hour for an ordinary martial artist to react.

Qin Lang felt that his strength was gradually coming back, and he couldn't help but sighed. This time, he was actually rescued by a mid-level fighter who didn't like him very much. It was really unexpected. He said: "Bai Xiaotian, thank you You! You helped me a lot this time, I, Qin Lang, recognized you as a little brother, tell me, what wish do you have, maybe my big brother can help you."

"Wish?" Bai Xiaotian was startled, and then said: "My wish is that my adoptive father's body can return to normal, and there is another... that is to become a high-level martial artist, um, I want to become a powerful martial arts master like Brother Qin Lang. "

Bai Xiaotian also took a deep look at Qin Lang's battle in the abandoned factory. Apart from being envious of the fighting power of a powerful figure like Qin Lang, he still envies him, so it is normal to have this wish.

"Oh, neither wish is difficult."

Qin Lang nodded. After accepting Bai Xiaotian's help this time, he also had the idea of ​​repaying Bai Xiaotian.

Although he helped speak in the Sanhe Gang before, and asked Cyclops, the leader of the Sanhe Gang, to let Bai Jufei and Bai Xiaotian go, this time Bai Xiaotian came here to repay his kindness and never thought of repaying, but Qin Lang didn't think so.

In his opinion, the value of one life of a dignified mid-stage cultivator is naturally more valuable than two low-level mid-level and high-level martial practitioners, so he feels that he must give some extra rewards as a thank you, which can be The gratitude in money and materials can also be other requests made by the other party.

Now that Bai Xiaotian has these wishes, Qin Lang naturally wants to help him realize these two wishes. The first wish is easy to do, to restore the abolished cultivation base of a high-ranking warrior, for those who have superb medical skills and alchemy skills It's not a big deal for Qin Lang at all, when the time comes to reorganize the opponent's meridians, a few pills should be able to recover.

And Bai Xiaotian's second wish is to become a strong man like himself. Although it is somewhat impossible, it is still possible for Qin Lang to promote this guy from a mid-level fighter to a high-level fighter, or even a martial arts master in a short period of time. However, the premise It is necessary to see whether this guy's cultivation aptitude is strong or not.

(End of this chapter)

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