The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1923 Desire and Chance

Chapter 1923 Desire and Chance

Qin Lang felt that his vitality had recovered a little, and now that he had recovered some strength, he finally had some self-protection power, but if he wanted to fully recover, maybe an Anding dissolving agent was not enough, and Bai Xiaotian only had one injection on his body. Ding dissolving agent is still very precious.

Qin Lang, who has a little self-protection power, is not very impatient. Since this kapok poison is a toxin that is harmless to the human body, even if he does not detoxify himself, the human body still has a process of detoxification. After this time, it is estimated that The kapok poison in the body will gradually lose its effect.

In order to fulfill Bai Xiaotian's two wishes, Qin Lang first followed the young man to a place where he lived in a civilian area. Bai Xiaotian's living environment was extremely poor, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a slum. This kind of place is full of mess, almost all the living areas in this area are shack structures, which are built in disorder, which is completely different from the top-level residential area I live in.

This is a dark corner of the underground ruined city. There are no street lights in the slums. At the same time, it is also a place that city patrols cannot reach. Many people bring their own lighting tools when walking on the road.

Such an environment is also a dead corner of law and order. Along the way, Qin Lang found many decadent figures on street corners and alleyways, some leaning against the corners, or lying on the side of the road. These are poor people with no source of income, not even a shack , are some ordinary people.

The law and order in the slums is bad. When Qin Lang walked by, he even smelled some faint smell of blood. This smell is very light and not very fresh. It should be that someone died a while ago. This appearance is definitely not a natural death. But he killed.

The house of Bai Xiaotian's family is in a corner of the slums, and it is also a shack. Hearing that he has lived there for many years, Qin Lang feels very strange. Bai Xiaotian's adoptive father, Bai Jufei, is also an official member of the famous poisonous dragon group. How could a high-ranking fighter be so confused Miserable, living in such a dirty and messy environment.

But when he opened the shack and saw a litter of adopted children, Qin Lang realized that most of Bai Jufei's income in the regiment was spent on these adopted children.

At least seven or eight children were adopted in this not-so-big shack, and Bai Xiaotian was actually one of Bai Jufei's adopted ones. Bai Xiaotian was the eldest, 16 years old, while the other children were only 14 years old the oldest and four years old the youngest.

"These younger brothers and sisters are all abandoned children in the slums. They have no one to rely on. After being adopted by their adoptive father, they have been taken by me."

Bai Xiaotian said: "The adoptive father is a very good person. Without him, there would be no me, Bai Xiaotian. If there was no adoption, it is very likely that I, Bai Xiaotian, would have died on a corner of this block more than ten years ago. The foster father brought me up , also taught me some methods of cultivation as a martial artist, and made me unique like him, no longer an ordinary person, but a martial artist."

"Father is an official member of the poisonous dragon regiment, and his income in the regiment is indeed good, but he often cannot make ends meet to adopt these children. Even when the plague hit the slums a few years ago, he even borrowed the usury goods of the deputy head's glasses to defuse it. This plague... that usury interest is really hard to repay, and the adoptive father has not paid it back until now..."

Bai Xiaotian sighed like a little old man, and then walked into the shack while being greeted by his brothers and sisters.

And now that an hour or two has passed, Qin Lang feels that his qi and blood are stronger than before. This should be because the toxins in his body are slowly disappearing. It seems that there is no need for Anding dissolving agent anymore. It is estimated that it will take another three months at most In an hour, he will return to his original state.

Seeing that Bai Xiaotian brought a stranger, these children were a little shy, they only interacted with Bai Xiaotian, but kept away from Qin Lang.

Qin Lang looked casually, except for one or two older ones who seemed to have also practiced, the rest were ordinary children, most of these children looked a little malnourished, and they were similar to the thin and weak Bai Xiaotian. For the same thing, Qin Lang couldn't imagine why such a thin Bai Xiaotian could cultivate to the level of a mid-level fighter. You must know that if a martial artist does not have enough training resources, the training process will be extremely slow.

And in such an environment, it is estimated that the cultivation resources that Bai Xiaotian can get from his adoptive father will not be very many, so Bai Xiaotian should be a very talented person in martial arts, especially suitable for cultivation. If the cultivation resources are sufficient, at this age The growth potential is definitely not limited to the current point.

However, this boy is lucky to meet Qin Lang now, and has an intersection with Qin Lang.

Since Qin Lang promised to fulfill his two wishes, he will do what he said. Bai Xiaotian wants to become stronger, and he will definitely help Bai Xiaotian realize this wish.

After entering the shack, Qin Lang found that Bai Jufei, who was released by him two days ago, was lying on a bed in a corner. It turned out that this guy fell ill after being abolished by the Sanhe Gang and hadn't gotten up for the past few days.

Seeing Qin Lang appearing here, Bai Jufei forcefully opened his eyes and said, "Yes, I'm sorry, there isn't even a place to sit."

Bai Xiaotian went to rescue Qin Lang without telling Bai Jufei, after all, this matter is very dangerous, but now Bai Jufei saw Bai Xiaotian and Qin Lang appearing together in this shack, and he also knew the whole story.

However, he didn't blame Bai Xiaotian. Although Bai Jufei worked in the poisonous dragon group, he was very kind-hearted. Otherwise, he would not have adopted so many children from the slums. He knew that Qin Lang was also a good person. Such a good person should not be the deputy head of the group. If he knew that Bai Xiaotian was going to venture into the ruins, he would have stopped him from being entrapped by someone like glasses, but now that the two of them have returned safely, he will not say anything more.

"Father, Brother Qin Lang said that he can help you restore your cultivation."

At this time, Bai Xiaotian stood by the bed and looked at his adoptive father with concern. Since his foster father was abolished in the Sanhe Gang a few days ago, his body resistance suddenly became very weak, and he suddenly contracted a cold. Unfortunately, this probably has something to do with his heart disease. After all, a high-level fighter who has been practicing for many years suddenly becomes an ordinary person, and no one can accept it. For some people, this is almost more painful than death.

"Ah...really." When Bai Jufei on the hospital bed heard this, his cloudy eyes suddenly showed a gleam of light, and his sick face seemed to recede a little. The root cause of his cold infection this time was actually a knot in his heart. Worry about himself, but worry about how to support the children in this house after he loses his cultivation base. In addition, he has not paid off the debt of the deputy head of the poisonous dragon group. The profits go up.

It was these troublesome things that made him lose his mind, and he fell ill easily, and it seemed that his condition was getting worse in the past two days.

But now that Bai Xiaotian came back with Qin Lang, he actually gave him the light of hope again, and his spirit suddenly cheered up a lot.

"Well, there's no problem." Qin Lang nodded, and the trivial matter of restoring a martial artist's cultivation base is not difficult for him. After all, he was born in the heavenly medical school of the cultivation world, and he is at the top of the cultivation world in terms of medical skills and alchemy skills Yes, it's really nothing to solve the small troubles of a low-level world martial artist.

If it is this world, it may not be possible for the martial artist's cultivation base to be abolished and restored. Most of the doctors in this world may be helpless, but it is really not a big deal here in Qin Lang. The martial arts practitioner's cultivation base is abolished. what?It's nothing at all... He can find a way to repair those broken meridians, and he can use pills to replenish the lost cultivation base.

Qin Lang is also quick-tempered. Next, he directly gave some diagnosis to Bai Jufei. The Cyclops of the Sanhe gang is also a ruthless person, and he directly destroyed almost all the main meridians in Bai Jufei's body for cultivation. If this situation were not Qin Lang, there is really no way to fix it for him.

Qin Lang has the top elixir in the cultivation world, Xumai Pill. This elixir is on the same level as the Good Fortune Pill. At this time, he directly gave Bai Jufei one, and then took out the guy who was eating as a doctor, and used the golden needle to cross the acupoints The method is to re-bridge the meridians for Bai Jufei, and then pass the qi through the acupoints.

With Qin Lang's help, Bai Jufei's broken meridians were reconnected inch by inch, and he gradually felt aura.After about an hour, Qin Liangyi reconnected those meridians for him, and said at this time: "Well, it's already half healed. If you recover from this state, your strength may be lower than before, but it doesn't matter, your meridians are like this now. I haven't fully recovered yet. After fully recovering, I will give you a few pills to replenish vitality in a few days. After you take it, you can practice immediately and you will be able to recover... No, it should be better than before you were not injured. "

"Thank you benefactor, I, Bai Jufei, are already very satisfied."

Bai Jufei on the hospital bed could already sense the flow of true energy in his body, and he also knew that his injury had healed more than half, so he was so pleasantly surprised that he didn't know what to say.And as the true essence circulated in the body again, his typhoid fever was gradually disappearing. After all, martial arts practitioners still have a strong resistance to diseases.

"Father, are you really well?!"

Bai Xiaotian on the side is also very happy. It can be said that his adoptive father is the most important person he has ever met in his life. He is happier than anything else to see his adoptive father recover.

"Okay, your first wish has almost come true. Then, regarding your second wish... I will grant you as well."

Qin Lang looked at Bai Xiaotian and said.

"A second wish?"

Bai Jufei, who was sick and looking much better, was a little confused, not knowing what Qin Lang was talking about.

"Father, it's like this... Brother Qin Lang knows that I want to become a powerful high-level martial artist like him, and is going to teach me how to practice."

Bai Xiaotian explained at this time, and when Bai Jufei heard that Qin Lang was actually a master of martial arts, he was also in awe, and hurriedly said to Bai Xiaotian: "Boy, quickly kneel down and kowtow."

He saw that this was the opportunity for his adopted son, so he quickly asked Bai Xiaotian to kowtow to his teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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