The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1924 Snake Elephant Crystal Nucleus

Chapter 1924 Snake Elephant Crystal Nucleus

Bai Xiaotian is also a clever person, the moment his foster father opened his mouth, he immediately kowtowed to Qin Lang.

But Qin Lang smiled slightly, he was going to teach this kid something, no matter whether this kid is a teacher or not, he will teach, after all, this is also one of his promises.

However, if this kid has learned what he taught, he is indeed his apprentice worthy of the name, so it is not a bad idea to accept this obeisance now.

Qin Lang has never been a twitchy person, so he pulled Bai Xiaotian up at this time and said: "It is not impossible for me to accept you as an apprentice, but you can only be regarded as my registered disciple now, and I will teach you something , to see how your absorption and digestion ability is doing."

"Okay, Master."

Bai Xiaotian was overjoyed, he never expected to be able to worship such a super master as Qin Lang as his teacher this time, it seems that his road to becoming a top martial artist is getting closer and closer.

"Let me see your roots and qualifications first."

Qin Lang nodded, and said to Bai Xiaotian at this time, although he knew that Bai Xiaotian's qualifications as a martial artist might be very good, but he didn't check it carefully.So at this time, I started to touch Bai Xiao's bones and check the body's cultivation qualifications.

After touching this, he found that Bai Xiaotian's cultivation aptitude is indeed very good. Bai Xiaotian is a rare powerful real martial arts body, which is indeed very suitable for the cultivation path of martial arts practitioners in this world. However, although he has extraordinary aptitude, he lacks the ability to cultivate Resources, so Bai Xiaotian's physical development is a bit deformed. Originally, the body with a strong real martial arts body is extremely strong and tall, but it is rare for Bai Xiaotian to be so thin.

Therefore, if Bai Xiaotian wants to practice with Qin Lang, he must first replenish his own blood and nutrition, and grow his own blood to a certain level before he can practice martial arts.After thinking about it, Qin Lang prepared to refine a pot of low-level cultivation pills for his newly recruited apprentice to replenish his blood.

However, Qin Lang himself has not fully recovered yet, so there is no rush to refine the elixir. He directly nodded to Bai Xiaotian's brow, and passed on to Bai Xiaotian a set of mind methods for cultivators to refine Qi and build a foundation, so that Bai Xiaotian Strengthen meditation for a few days to consolidate your foundation, and after two days, go to the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang to find him. Qin Lang said that he will be in the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang for a while.

After bidding farewell to Bai Jufei and Bai Xiaotian, Qin Lang returned directly to the top residential area. Fortunately, after recuperating for a long time, he finally exhausted the residual poison of kapok in his body, and at this time he finally felt much more comfortable.

With a sneer, Qin Lang looked in one direction and said: "Glasses of the deputy head of the poisonous dragon group...Since you have tricked me once, then I will have fun with you."

If Qin Lang wasn't a martial artist in the mid-stage of transformation, he might have really been tricked by the martial artists of the poisonous dragon group during the battle in the former ancient abandoned factory. He never thought that the deputy head of the poisonous dragon group would prepare glasses for himself. In the luxurious feast, there is also such a special thing as kapok poison, this time it really almost caught me.

But right now he doesn't have the time to deal with the poisonous dragon group. He is going to help his newly recruited apprentice refine some cultivation pills first. Looking at the resources on his body, it seems that they can only be used if they have practiced at the Nascent Soul stage or above. Yes, there are not too low-level materials that can be used for alchemy.

And Bai Xiaotian is currently a mid-level fighter, equivalent to a cultivator at the foundation-building stage in the cultivation world. However, due to poor physical development, Bai Xiaotian's blood can't be compared with the normal body cultivation at the foundation-building stage.Therefore, Qin Lang is going to the Sanhe Gang to find some materials for refining low-level elixir. After all, the Sanhe Gang industry has half of his shares, so his request cannot be dissatisfied.

When he came to the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang, Cyclops was still in retreat, and his confidant Yao Jian was still in charge of the affairs. Knowing that Qin Lang wanted to get some resources, Yao Jian didn't say much, and directly brought Qin Lang to the Qin Lang asked Qin Lang to choose the inner treasury, but although there are a lot of resources in the inner treasury of the Sanhe Gang, Qin Lang felt that there were not many suitable alchemy materials. .

At this time, Yao Jian saw Qin Lang frowning, and couldn't help asking: "Senior Qin Lang, I don't know what else is lacking... If you can't find it in the internal treasury, I can ask people to look for it on the black market."

"black market?"

This is the second time Qin Lang has heard of this term, and he is also curious about the black market in the underground city of the Dafang ruins. At this time, Yao Jian explained: "The black market in the Dafang ruins has existed for many years. It is as big as supplies and arms, as small as Rare ingredients and the like are all available, this is also a paradise for wild scavengers, adventurers and mercenaries to deal with supplies, and it is also the most popular trading market in the underground city of Dafang ruins. Although it is a black market, it is actually protected by the government."

"Okay, then take me to the black market."

Qin Lang nodded. Others may not know the alchemy materials he wanted. After all, the alchemy products in this world are not the same as those in other worlds. Qin Lang also temporarily matched the materials of the world with the king, minister and subordinates according to the specific properties of the materials in this world. the elixir.

And he has never seen all kinds of resources and materials in this world, so if he wants to make temporary preparations, he needs to personally look at them, otherwise, others are not alchemy masters like him, and it is impossible to match the materials well This is also the unique ability of alchemy masters.

The black market in the Dafang ruins underground city is actually not in a remote place, but in the most prosperous area of ​​the city, in the middle of the civilian area and the rich area. The black market was originally just a small real estate, but it has developed rapidly in recent years and has expanded. It has become an urban trading center covering an area of ​​[-] acres. Although the black market transactions are based on the principle of freedom and fairness, the transactions are paid for with one hand and delivered with the other. confessed.

The previous black market was actually a prosperous underground market, which was not officially protected. However, there was a vicious wounding incident in the black market more than ten years ago, which recently turned into a group brawl. At least a thousand people died in the black market that time. It aroused the serious attention of the authorities, and then the black market was directly controlled, and a patrol team was sent outside to patrol.

When Qin Lang walked to the black market, he found that the building of this black market was definitely the most prosperous place in the whole city. People came in and out. It is estimated that the daily livelihood of a quarter of the population of the whole city is related to this black market. There are about 10 people in the whole city. With a population of 10,000, this black market has at least [-]+ people coming in and out every day, which shows how prosperous it is.

The entire black market is divided into five parts: Area A, Area B, Area C, Area D, and the central area. Here, common resources, ores, medicinal materials, ingredients, and substances cultivated by martial artists are divided into areas, and each area is very large. , Qin Lang followed the guide of the Sanhe Gang to the central region, which is the distribution center for martial arts practitioners' cultivation resources.

Qin Lang noticed that there are not many high-level martial arts practitioners in this central area. I heard that the total number of high-level martial arts practitioners in the entire city will not exceed 500, so most of the martial arts practitioners who come and go in the central area are middle-level and Low-level martial cultivators, most of them are low-level martial cultivators. However, the base of middle-rank martial cultivators in the whole city is still very large. At least a hundred times that of a high-level martial artist.

The bustling crowd along the way, Qin Lang and the guide of the Sanhe Gang are not conspicuous here, but there are also a lot of three hands along the way. It is better for the guide of the Sanhe Gang to wear gang uniforms. At least people still know the power of this local gang. It's easy to provoke, and Qin Lang is dressed in casual clothes, and he has the aura of a local tyrant, so there are quite a few three hands playing Qin Lang's idea.

However, when Qin Lang snorted softly, directly twisted the hand of a guy without eyes, and exuded an aura that only a strong man could have, these guys with ulterior motives lurking in the dark completely turned off their flames.

Depend on!Hit the iron plate, this is definitely a high-level martial artist, possibly even a master of martial arts, this unlucky guy can only be regarded as justified.

The Three Hands lurking in the dark are very thankful that it was not me who shot just now, the screams of that accomplice may have been heard in this area, but as long as there is no fatal case, other people around will pretend not to hear , and the city patrols patrol the market, but they don't care about these trivial matters at all.

Afterwards, Qin Lang exuded some strong aura, and the three hands around him became much more honest. Even when Qin Lang's strong aura passed by, many normal passers-by nearby avoided, for fear that they would offend this powerful martial artist .

And Qin Lang didn't care about these at this time, he just went shopping in the market, looking for the alchemy materials he needed, what he wanted to refine was the low-level elixir Jingyuan Dan, although this low-level elixir is one lower than the blood yuan pill It is of the same level, but it is the best medicine for monks in the foundation building and alchemy stages. It is very good for regulating qi and blood and replenishing true energy.

Although the materials chosen are different, the refining method of Jingyuan Pill is similar, as long as the proportion of the elixir, monarch, minister and genus is matched, it can be directly refined.

And Qin Lang found most of the materials for refining Jingyuan Pill in the internal library of the Sanhe Gang. Now there is only one main material missing. The spar in the body of the Radiant Beast in this world is the best choice.

However, the spar of Radiant Beast has different grades because of the different grades of the source beast. Qin Lang compared it and felt that the energy intensity of the spar of the third-order Radiant Beast was just right.

After walking around the market for a while, Qin Lang finally picked out a third-order radiant beast inner alchemy called Snake Elephant, and purchased ten of them. The value of this radiant beast inner alchemy is not cheap, and the ten inner alchemy were directly spent. Qin Lang has a credit line of [-].

(End of this chapter)

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