Chapter 2023 Ugly Girl
The industry of the Qingmu Merchant Group suffered a devastating blow overnight, and the headquarters of the Black Sleeve Mercenary Organization, an underground force in Tongcheng, was also abolished overnight. sensation.

After all, neither the Qingmu Merchant Group nor the black-sleeved mercenary organization is considered a small force in Tongcheng, and they all have certain influence. Now that such a change occurred overnight, all forces are also inquiring about the inside story.

The guys who knew some clues also lamented the experience of the Aoki Merchant Group. The Aoki Merchant Group was obviously attacked by several forces. There were inside information that these forces were one of the three major business groups in the city. Iron Horse Merchant Group, a large Underground forces Black Leaders and Canglang bandits.

Although this news is just hearsay, it is highly credible. Anyway, the Iron Horse Merchant Group’s reputation in Tongcheng has never been very good. As a white organization, it has always had unclear connections with underground forces. The business group has always been in style.

However, this time, the three forces of the Iron Horse Merchant Group seemed to be kicking their feet. It was reported that there was an ancient cultivator in the Qingmu Merchant Group who was very strong, and at the same time that several industries of the Xue family were devastated, he managed to keep the merchant group.

After saving the Aoki Merchant Group, they also launched a counterattack. As one of the three forces that launched the attack, the Black Sleeve Society was also the target of revenge, so the Black Sleeve Society mercenary organization was also destroyed overnight.

Although the mercenary organization of the Black Sleeves is only a quarter of the industry of the entire underground force, the Black Sleeves, such a blow is also very big. The other three quarters of the Black Sleeves are black and gray industries that cannot be seen. The official admits that if the legal industry is pulled out, it will definitely be rebuilt again, but the cost of this reconstruction is definitely not small, and it is quite exhausting.


In the city, at a secret location, the steward of the Iron Horse Merchant Group once again met with the other two forces.

"Steward Li, you are the representative of the Iron Horse Merchant Group, you should know that our black sleeves will suffer a great loss after participating in this operation...

The ancient cultivator of the Aoki Merchant Group stared at our Black Sleeve Club like a mad dog, and directly pulled out the bright side of our Black Sleeve Club. The prepaid rewards you gave before were not enough to cover half of the reconstruction cost. We also lost a lot of personnel..."

The representative of the Black Sleeves Association was complaining, but he didn't say anything, that is, the president has been in retreat since the battle with the ancient cultivator, and he must have suffered a lot during that battle. deficit.

However, the president will not tell his subordinates how much he has suffered, so the representative of the Black Sleeves Association cannot know the specific situation.

After all, Qin Lang's battle to eliminate the Gorefiend incarnation that night was not very long. When Qin Lang used Kanli's fire restraint net, although the Gorefiend incarnation turned into a blood mist and escaped partly, most of the body was actually captured by Qin Lang. It was wiped out.

Although the black-sleeved president can slowly replenish the essence lost by the blood demon incarnation by continuously practicing the Blood Demon Heart Sutra, but without four or five months of effort, it is absolutely impossible to restore it to the original state.

"That's right, the losses of our wolf bandits are not small. The original plan went smoothly, but when the property on the other side of the west city was besieged, the ancient cultivator killed nearly a hundred of our brothers directly. ...

Grandma, bear, although we wolf bandits have been living a life of licking blood, brothers have only one life. "

After hearing the complaints of the two companies, Steward Li of the Iron Horse Merchant Group didn't know what the two companies wanted, nodded and said: "Okay, okay, our business group also knows the loss of your two forces this time. It’s very big... The Iron Horse Merchant Group will subsidize [-] million credits to you again, I just hope that we can continue to work together and find a way to deal with the ancient cultivator of the Greenwood Merchant Group.”

This is a deadly battle. After the three forces such as the Iron Horse Merchant Group and the Qingmu Merchant Group have gone through this conflict with each other, it is already the result of endless death.

And the Iron Horse Merchant Group's original idea of ​​staying behind the scenes has also been shattered, and now it doesn't care about reputation. The Iron Horse Merchant Group is also ready to cooperate with the other two forces and try their best.

"Let me tell you a good news. Master Lang Jie of our iron horse business group has returned to Tongcheng after running a business. Master Lang Jie was originally a peak-level martial arts master. This time, he got some opportunities in the process of running a business. He has broken through and become an extraordinary martial arts master. Grandmaster……

That ancient cultivator is said to be very strong and can defeat a supernatural level martial cultivator, but what's the use of it?We have a lot of people here. This time, our Iron Horse Merchant Group is going to send Master Lang Jie and three masters of martial arts. Your two families will send some more people to join the siege of that martial artist. Believe in that ancient cultivator. Definitely can't escape. "

"And as long as that ancient cultivator falls, the Cyanwood Merchant Group will not be at our mercy... At that time, our Iron Horse Merchant Group will definitely not treat everyone who worked together."

At this time, the steward of the Iron Horse Merchant Group appeased the two forces, and at the same time revealed his next plan.

When they heard the plan of the steward of the Iron Horse Merchant Group, the other two nodded and thought it was feasible, but they still planned to go back to their respective strongholds to report to the leader, and then decide what to do next.


In the past few days, Qin Lang has driven the Heixiuhui, the underground force in the city, into a frenzy. After the strongholds on the bright side were pulled out, Qin Lang did not let it go, and also pulled out some dark black and gray industries of the Heixiuhui. A lot has been lost, these industries are not legally protected by the government, so Qin Lang will be pulled out as soon as he pulls it out, and the Black Sleeve Society will have to swallow his anger after being injured, feeling very aggrieved.

However, knowing that Qin Lang, an ancient cultivator, is not easy to mess with, the underground forces of the Black Sleeve Society have always tried to shrink their strength and avoid direct contact with Qin Lang.

Therefore, although Qin Lang has pulled out many dark strongholds of the Black Sleeve Society in the past few days, the only ones killed are some peripheral members and young people, and the real core members have not been mentioned at all.

Even so, the entire Black Sleeve Society has been hit hard, and now the entire Black Sleeve Society industry chain has been almost paralyzed. If this continues, this large underground force with nearly a thousand people is estimated to be destroyed in a few months. will crash directly.

After all, the daily expenses of maintaining the operation of such a large force are not small. If the black sleeve society cannot continue to operate, there will be no source of income, and it would be strange if the entire force does not collapse.

While Qin Lang was harassing the large-scale underground black sleeve club, he was also constantly finding troubles with the Iron Horse Merchant Group. The business of the Iron Horse Merchant Group in the city has also been greatly affected in the past few days, and their income has begun to plummet.

For example, Qin Lang deliberately came to eat at Tiangong Pavilion, a large restaurant opened by the Iron Horse Merchant Group in the city. He said that the ingredients in Tiangong Pavilion were not clean, and there were cockroaches and bugs in the food.

And inexplicably, a few mice suddenly sprang out from the kitchen of Tiangong Pavilion, and many diners saw it, causing a great commotion.

Of course, these are some small tricks used by Qin Lang. It is true that he wants to deal with the Iron Horse Merchant Group, but the Iron Horse Merchant Group is an officially recognized White Daoist force after all. Retaliation requires a little more detour.

In addition, the Iron Horse Merchant Group is also the main target of revenge for the Xue Family Merchant Group. The main reason for the death of Xue Zijin was in the Iron Horse Merchant Group. Xue Ziqing, the older brother, will definitely avenge his younger brother. Qin Lang feels that he is still on the edge In the case of Jiao, the main figure of the Iron Horse Merchant Group will still be dealt with by Xue Ziqing, and he will be able to vent his anger at that time.

In short, these days, the iron horse business group's industrial operations in the city have been constantly changing, which is very uncomfortable.


With the help of Qin Lang's elixir, Xue Ziqing has completely recovered after four or five days, and his energy and spirit have reached full value. With the help of Qin Lang, the overdrawn vitality from the previous battle , also added back.

And Xue Ziqing, who had recovered, began to formally wrestle with the Iron Horse Merchant Group with a heavy heart. However, after the Xue Family Merchant Group suffered a devastating blow, the strength of the entire merchant group has now declined as a whole, and it is not even as good as that in the city. The general small business groups have strong financial resources.

Such a situation is not conducive to the wrestling between the Xuejia Merchant Group and the Tiema Merchant Group. Although Xue Ziqing has Qin Lang's strong support behind him, it may not take a day or two to develop the business group's industry to the original state again. effort.

After all, after the devastating blow to the Xue family's property, there is no one in ten. If Qin Lang hadn't rescued him in time, I am afraid that even Xue Ziqing himself would have been killed like Xue Zijin. When the oil is exhausted and the tree is dead, if Qin Lang's second soul avatar is one or two steps late, Xue Ziqing will directly drain the last bit of energy from himself.

After recovering, Xue Ziqing first held a collective funeral for the sacrifice of the Xue family business group in this battle. The funeral process was very heavy. The younger brothers have all died. If the business group wants to develop in the future, it will take a lot of time and energy to retrain and recruit this manpower.

Then, Xue Ziqing directly carried out a political marriage, and the object of the marriage was the eldest daughter of Mo Xie, the younger brother of the city lord of Tongcheng, Mo Ru.

The city lord's younger brother has three daughters, the other two daughters are as beautiful as flowers, and they were married as early as the age of seventeen or eighteen, but the eldest daughter, Mo Ru, is still waiting to be married at the age of twenty-seven or eight.

The main reason is that this Mo Ru is not as beautiful as the two younger sisters, not only is she not beautiful, her appearance is not even mediocre.

I heard that this woman is not only dark and fat, but also has a body odor. She is ugly. Maybe other suitors will find it difficult to pursue her because of her good background, but this body odor The impact was terrible, and all the suitors were scared away after the meeting. It is said that out of ten meeters, eight of them were fainted by Xun in person.

(End of this chapter)

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