The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2024 Marriage of Benefits

Chapter 2024 Marriage of Benefits
In Mo Xie's residence, the host Mo Xie met the visiting housekeeper Delong in a very luxurious living room.

Mo Xie was a big fat man who looked to be in his 50s. He was dark and looked like a black ball.

Mo Xie is also a figure in Tongcheng. His fame is not because he is the younger brother of the city lord, but because he is the most famous blacksmith in the entire Tongcheng, and he is also the top blacksmith in the world for this martial artist. Master, there is no martial artist in Tongcheng who does not want to get a weapon that Mo Xie personally forged.

Compared with other blacksmiths in Tongcheng, the weapons Mo Xie forged were three points more sophisticated with the same materials.

However, Mo Xie has rarely been involved in forging in his current status. He has at least ten forging workshops in the entire Tongcheng, and he has trained more than a hundred disciples. His own industry has his own disciples to serve.

Marriage with the Mo family is of great benefit to Xue Ziqing, and this is also the political mission of Butler Delong going to Mo Xie's residence this time. To Xue Ziqing, it doesn't matter how Mo Xie's eldest daughter Mo Ru looks. It doesn't matter whether there is a smell on your body or not. The important thing is that after marrying the Mo family, it will be of great help to the Xue family's industry, and it will also help the development of the Xue family's industry in the future.

After all, the Aoki Merchant Group encountered a catastrophe overnight. Although it cannot be said that the Xue family's property is completely destroyed now, if they want to recover quickly, it is definitely impossible not to work hard and think of ways.

If it is possible to marry the Mo family, for Xue Ziqing, in addition to getting the strong support of the old father-in-law, the top forge master, the Xue family industry will also be able to build an official relationship. After all, if the marriage is successful, the city lord became his own relatives.

At that time, because of this special relationship, the development of the Aoki Merchant Group in Tongcheng will be more convenient, relying on the big tree of the city lord, I believe that those who secretly make trouble in the development of the merchant group will have more or less Some scruples.

"...That's basically it, Master Mo, our Captain Xue came here with sincerity and hope to marry you, but I don't know if you can nod, Master."

Butler Delong has been sitting in this living room for a while, and now it has come to the end of the discussion.

"Hehe, although my daughter is ugly, I don't want to suffer a loss after she gets married. I don't know what kind of guarantee that Xue boy can give me."

Mo Xie smiled and said, he knew that the Xue family had also encountered a catastrophe, so he tried his best to marry him, otherwise, with his daughter's appearance and disgusting body odor, I am afraid that even a man would not be able to tolerate it.

But Mo Xie is a person who loves his daughter very much. Although his daughter is not very good-looking and has body odor, he still hopes that his daughter can have a good home.

Over the years, Mo Xie has also worried a lot about the eldest daughter's affairs. The eldest daughter's body odor is also a chronic disease, no matter how much she seeks medical treatment, it can't be cured, and even marriage has become a serious problem.

But at this time Steward Delong said: "I can't guarantee anything else, as long as you marry into Xue's family, my head will definitely respect and love each other... The head said that he will never look for another junior in his life."

Housekeeper Delong said small, referring to concubines. The ordinary people in the world of martial arts practitioners may only have one wife in their lifetime due to economic reasons, but those who are rich and powerful are not included in this list. Many people have three wives and four concubines. It's normal, of course, the premise is that you have to support such a big family.

Therefore, marrying many wives in this world is also the right of the rich and powerful, and ordinary people can only envy them.

And Mo Xie was also surprised after hearing Butler Guan Long's answer: "Oh..."

He, Mo Xie, had married three wives in his whole life, and the three daughters were all born from different daughters. It was unexpected that the Xue family was so determined this time, that Xue Ziqing used such a trump card in order to marry the Mo family.

It's normal to marry a beautiful daughter to use such a killer's trick, but Xue Ziqing did this for an ugly woman that he might not like, so it can be seen that this guy is not a person who is greedy for beauty and enjoyment.

It is worth sacrificing to achieve the goal. Such a person is often the easiest to achieve success in his career. Mo Xie couldn't help feeling a little fond of the head of the Green Wood Merchant Group. Entrusting his daughter to such a man should be relatively stable and reliable.

So, after discussing with Butler Delong for a while, Mo Xie also nodded: "I agree to this marriage, you can bring the engagement ceremony over later, and then I will discuss the specific time and date of the wedding banquet with that boy personally." location, I believe you Xue family also hope that this wedding can be arranged as quickly as possible!"

Mo Xie knew that after the Xue family encountered a catastrophe, what they hoped most now was to get strong external support, and marrying the Mo family was one of the most effective ways, so he said that.

Mo Xie also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, her eldest daughter was finally married, if she couldn't get married in a few years, then she would be an old woman who no one wanted.

Although the conditions of the married partner Xue's family are not very good, but what does it matter, when the time comes, I, the father, will just need to help, anyway, Mo Xie also has the confidence.

It was only natural for him to think so. In terms of personal wealth, Mo Xie was not afraid of any of the top rich men in Tongcheng, and he was the younger brother of the city lord, and he had the gorgeous coat of official influence.

"Okay, Master Mo, I'll tell the head of my family the good news when I get back...Leave me first."

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, the housekeeper of the De family was also overjoyed, stood up and bowed.


Afterwards, Qin Lang also found out about the marriage between the Xue family and the Mo family, and he was also a little surprised by the choice of his good brother Xue Ziqing.

Xue Ziqing is in his thirties, with a clear face and a dignified appearance. In his previous life, he was a diamond king. Martha, even the Aoki Merchant Group of the Xuejia Industry, which is in trouble, is still stronger than ordinary small business groups.

But for the development of the business group, Xue Ziqing would actually sacrifice the rest of his life's happiness to marry the daughter of Mo Xie, the forging master of Tongcheng.

Maybe Qin Lang has never seen this woman before, but he has heard whispers from the servants of Xue's family in the past few days. She is ugly, fat, and has body odor...

Although Qin Lang does not discriminate against anyone in this world, if he had a choice, he would never consider choosing such a woman as his wife.

Well, Qin Lang is actually a party of appearances, so for Xue Ziqing, he admires Xue Ziqing. It is really determined that he can pay so much for the reconstruction and development of the business group.

Now that his brother Xue Ziqing is in such a difficult situation, Qin Lang will naturally not stand still. In addition to continuing to attack those hidden enemies, he is also prepared to help the Xue family property so that they can overcome the current difficulties as soon as possible.

For the help of the Xue family industry, Qin Lang is currently the best at selling pills, so Qin Lang has rushed to produce a large number of middle and low-level pills in the past few days, and handed them over to the Xue family industry to operate to restore vitality .

Similarly, Qin Lang also handed over the jade talismans that he had previously refined to enrich the varieties of the Xue family's industrial management.

These jade talismans are only middle and low-level talismans, and they are not very useful to Qin Lang now, so they were planned before they were refined, and they will be handed over to the Qingmu Merchant Group.

Pills and charms, these two items can be regarded as high-end goods in this world of martial arts practitioners, and they are basically invisible in the market. Now the Xue family is equivalent to doing a unique business, which is very helpful for expanding the influence of the entire Xue family industry .


The betrothal gift of the Xue family was ready soon, a large car was full, including antique calligraphy and paintings, as well as elixir refined by Qin Lang, and some valuable and rare things.

The dowry value of this cart is about 2000 million, which is almost equivalent to the sum of all the working capital of the Qingmu Merchant Group. Fortunately, the pill is made by Qin Lang and does not require much cost, and the antique calligraphy and painting are made by Xue Ziqing a long time ago. Just keep it in your collection, and now taking it out as a betrothal gift is equivalent to realizing it in disguise.

This dowry gift is not thin, and the Xue family is now preparing such a big gift, which shows sincerity, so the old man didn't have any other strict requirements, and he accepted the dowry gift directly, so this marriage was confirmed. .

And until the marriage was settled, the two parties who were the engaged parties still hadn't met each other. Speaking of which, although the world's technological power is already at the top level, the marriage customs are similar to those in ancient times. Parents' orders and matchmaker's words can Decide the life of a woman who has never been married.

Xuezi's family discussed with the father-in-law on the day of the engagement, and the date of the wedding was also decided, just three days later.


And after the Xue family married the Mo family, a big gift was also sent from the other side of the city lord's mansion, congratulations to Xue Ziqing and Mo Ru.

Seeing the attention of the city lord's mansion, Xue Ziqing was also very happy, and the development of the Xue family in Tongcheng will become more smooth in the future, just like the people in the Xue family's caravan were arranged by the Iron Horse Merchant Group during the unloading process of the transfer warehouse. The situation where the registrar made things difficult and had to pay bribes should never happen again.

After the alliance between the two companies, Xue Ziqing also officially started the rebuilding of the business group. After recovering from a serious injury, he immediately became busy.

However, no matter how busy he is, he still remembers the wedding three days later. He has prepared all the procedures of the wedding to ensure that there will be no mistakes or loss of etiquette on the wedding day.

After the Xue family's property suffered a devastating blow, after Xue Ziqing sent the dowry, he didn't have enough money for the wedding, but Qin Lang helped him.

Qin Lang gave all the remaining 400 million yuan to Xue Ziqing, and some of the elixirs that were refined this time were also sold in the past two days, adding up to about 2000 million yuan. It's almost time for a wedding.

For the Xue family and the Mo family, the wedding should also be grand. After all, neither of them can be regarded as ordinary people, so the bigger the wedding, the more it can prove the economic and background of the two families.

(End of this chapter)

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