The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2025 The 2rd Action

Chapter 2025 Second Action

In a secret place, Steward Li of the Iron Horse Merchant Group met with Heixiuhui and representatives of the Canglang Bandit family again.

"The plan has changed. The Xue family that our Iron Horse Merchant Group is going to deal with actually married the Mo family this time. It seems that the originally delayed plan will be brought forward... If the Xue family and the Mo family formally marry and the relationship stabilizes, it will be very difficult for us. The threat from the three families is not ordinary, after all, the representative of the Mo family is the city lord and the official."

Butler Li looked worried.

The marriage between the Xue family and the Mo family is really not a good thing for the Iron Horse Merchant Group. Now that the Xue family has undergone a blow, it seems that it is on the verge of collapse at any time. Qian Tiejin, the head of the Iron Horse Merchant Group, does not want the Xue family to Really get married and stand up again.

"It is said that the wedding ceremony between the head of the Xue family, Xue Ziqing, and the Mo family is scheduled for three days later. We must launch it before the wedding ceremony, so the time is within these three days. Our Iron Horse Merchant Group went out to the extraordinary level martial arts master Lang Jie , and the other three martial arts masters, you Heixiuhui and the Blue Wolf Group will also use the greatest strength possible to launch the last attack on the Xue family together...

If the plan fails this time, it will have a great impact on the three of us. At that time, even our Iron Horse Merchant Group may have to give up the industry in Tongcheng and go into exile in other cities.So this time the plan is only allowed to succeed, not to fail. "

"It's easy to say, but the time is so short... I'm afraid our two families won't have enough time to recruit people."

The representative of the Black Sleeve Society looked at Butler Li, hesitating.

He was telling the truth. Now that the president of the Black Sleeves Association is still retreating, it may be difficult to let the president take action this time, and the other core members of the Black Sleeves Association do not have the strength and courage.

Moreover, the Black Sleeve Society is originally an underground organization with the highest interests. Before taking over the task of the Iron Horse Merchant Group, one was because of the friendship between the two forces, and the other was that the Iron Horse Merchant Group offered a lot of rewards.

But after accepting the mission, the Black Sleeve Society knew that it was a cheating mission, and the Green Wood Merchant Group was a tough nut to crack. Not only did they not get any benefits after joining the mission, but they caused a lot of trouble.

According to the meaning of the chairman, it is possible to withdraw from the three alliances this time, so the representative of the Black Sleeves seems to be hesitant at the moment, and his answer is very vague.

Seeing this, Steward Li of the Iron Horse Merchant Group sneered: "It is impossible for the Black Sleeve Society to withdraw from this plan now. Don't you know that even if the Black Sleeve Society withdraws now, the Aoki Merchant Group will also look for it at that time?" Are you in trouble?

It is a clear proof that the ancient cultivators of the Cyanwood Merchant Group came to the door before. You black sleeves will not be washed away in the Cyanwood Merchant Group's hostile list, so if you don't cooperate now, you will perish. "

"Hey, this time the Black Sleeve Club was tricked by the Iron Horse Merchant Group."

The representative of the Black Sleeve Society also sighed inwardly, but even if 1 people were unwilling, he could only nod his head and said, "I will tell the president about this when I go back and ask him to nod."


Seeing that the Black Sleeve Society represented submission, Steward Li also showed a hint of joy.

At this time, he turned to the representative of the wolf bandit, but the situation of the wolf bandit was different from that of the black sleeves. Qin Lang, an ancient cultivator of the Cyanwood Merchant Group, was the target of the robber's wife's order to eradicate.

After all, there is news that the younger brother of Mrs. Pirates died at the hands of that guy, and this Mrs. Pirates named Sai Jinhua is like an emperor in the entire Canglang bandit organization. Jiuding, so Mao Dun between the Canglang bandits and the Qingmu Merchant Group is irreconcilable.

The representative of the Canglang Bandits nodded and said: "Our Lord Bandit has not left Tongcheng yet, I will notify him so that all the brothers who stay in Tongcheng will cooperate with this operation."

"It's still refreshing for the brothers of Canglang."

Steward Li of the Iron Horse Group also smiled when he heard this. Although the representatives of the Black Sleeves Association agreed to the plan this time, the Blue Wolf Group agreed to fully cooperate, which is a great thing.

I believe that with Master Lang Jie from the Iron Horse Merchant Group and the first two extraordinary martial arts practitioners from Canglang Pirates, plus four or five martial arts masters, the odds of winning against the ancient cultivator from the Xue family are still very high.

After all, the combined power of two extraordinary martial practitioners in this world is terrifying, and the existence of this level is almost the top power in this world.

An extraordinary level martial artist may not be the opponent of the ancient cultivator of the Xue family of the Qingmu Merchant Group, but the combination of the two makes a difference. Steward Li feels very confident.

Moreover, if the president of the Black Sleeves Association seems to have supernatural power, if he joins this plan, then he will have three supernatural powers, and he will be safe against that ancient cultivator.

It's a pity that Steward Li of the Iron Horse Merchant Group didn't know that the president of the Black Sleeve Society is currently retreating because he suffered a big loss from fighting that ancient cultivator. Now the blood demon incarnation he cultivated is damaged, and it is estimated that he will not be able to recover in four or five months. Come.

And if the incarnation of the Gorefiend has not been cultivated, the president of the Black Sleeves will never have extraordinary combat power, so at present, this guy himself will definitely not be involved in the matter of the Iron Horse Merchant Group, but sending some of his subordinates is a good idea. possible.

This discussion went on for more than an hour, and Steward Li finally decided on the time to launch this plan, which was midnight two days later, which was the night before Xue Ziqing, the head of the Qingmu Merchant Group, got married.


After setting the time for the wedding with the Mo family, the Xue family has also been busy these few days, preparing for the wedding.

There is a custom in Tongcheng, that is, if a wealthy family holds a wedding, the main family will hold a large feast for neighbors and passing guests. Generally, there are at least hundreds of tables, and some wealthy people even have hundreds or even thousands of tables. .

Moreover, although the running water banquet is only available for one day, the feasts are uninterrupted during this day. After the guests have eaten and left, they will clean up the original leftovers and buy a new running water banquet to entertain new guests.

Basically, the flowing seats of each table are rotated continuously on this day. Even if it is rotated once every two hours, it is only half of the day, and each table must be repeated at least six times a day.

And Xue's family will have at least [-] tables at the running banquets this time, that is to say, there will be four to five thousand tables for the wedding day alone.

Based on the cost of 1000 credits per table, the Xue family will need to spend nearly 2000 million on banquets alone. In addition, there are also a lot of expenses such as wedding ceremonies, employment and labor, so there is no need to get married. A credit limit of [-] million is simply not enough.

Of course, this is also the reason why rich people spend so much money when they get married. For ordinary people, it is enough to invite some relatives and friends. Generally, the cost of marriage does not exceed 100 million.

The past few days were the busiest time for the Xue family. They were busy with rebuilding the property of the Xue family and preparing for the marriage of the head of the family, Xue Ziqing. Every member of the Xue family was extremely busy.

And Xue's family just held a white wedding ceremony, and now they need to throw away all the bad things about the white wedding ceremony, and start to decorate the lanterns, red and green, and make it look festive. After all, this wedding is a big happy event.

Knowing that Xue Ziqing, the head of the Qingmu Merchant Group, got married, some friends in Tongcheng and the Xue family began to give gifts one after another. For this reason, the Xue family received nearly 300 million gift money, but this amount of money was not enough to make up for it. Wedding expenses.


And when the Xue family was busy, the Iron Horse Merchant Group's second operation against the Aoki Merchant Group started again, and the launch time was the night before the wedding.

This night, Xue's house was brightly lit, making the night look like the day.

And when Xue's family was busy, a large wave of masked men killed Lao She of Xue's family.

"Ah..." "Ahh..."

There are more than 100 masked people in this big wave, at least not as many as the nearly [-] or [-] people in the Xue family compound now, but all the masked people in this big wave are powerful martial practitioners, and Xue Excluding a few martial arts practitioners in the family compound, nearly [-]% of them are ordinary handymen.

This large wave of masked men rushed into the Xue family compound, screaming continuously all the way, and all the Xue family hands encountered on the road were cleared away.

Along the way, there was almost no decent resistance, and this wave of masked men directly killed the old mansion.

At this time, Qin Lang and Xue Ziqing in the old house had already reacted, after all, the smell of blood in the front yard could not be covered up.

"You... who are you? Damn..."

Seeing the masked man rushing to the inner courtyard so quickly, Xue Ziqing was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed unreasonably angry. He knew that the servants in the front courtyard must have suffered misfortune.

"Kill..." Someone among the masked men yelled, without much nonsense, they directly started fighting with these people in the inner courtyard.

Xue Ziqing and other martial arts practitioners in the inner courtyard were hand-to-hand, but these more than 100 masked men were too strong, almost half of them were high-level fighters, and there were less than ten high-level fighters around Xue Ziqing. It seems very passive.

And Qin Lang, who rushed over, was also surrounded by people at this time, including two extraordinary martial arts practitioners and five martial arts masters.

Although these two extraordinary level martial practitioners were masked, one of them had a shiny bald head, Qin Lang looked familiar at first sight, who else could it be if it wasn't the golden tooth of the wolf bandit he had fought against?
"Baldhead, you are a defeated can you still have the face to take the humiliation of yourself?"

Qin Lang sneered, the last time the big gold tooth was terrified by himself, he didn't even bother to collect the bodies of the two dead cronies, he never thought he would have the guts to challenge him again.

Although he knew that the wolf bandit's first name was Da Jinya, but now he still likes to call him bald, after all, this feature is too joyful.

"Boy...Although you are very good and a great ancient cultivator, I may not be able to beat you alone. But this time I cooperated with Brother Langjie, and two extraordinary martial cultivators beat you. It's your turn to be abused." Go! Humph!"

Da Jinya snorted. He had tasted how powerful Qin Lang was. If he was alone, he would certainly not have the courage to fight Qin Lang again, but now the Iron Horse Merchant Group has sent a Lang Jie who is as strong as himself, and two extraordinary level martial artists. If he is dealing with Qin Lang, he feels that he can still give it a try.

If this kid is successfully captured this time, no matter whether it is dead or alive, when the time comes to return to the bandit's den, that tigress should not scold him anymore, after all, he has finally avenged his brother-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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