The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2026 Suppressing the Extraordinary

Chapter 2026 Suppressing the Extraordinary
"Is it……"

Qin Lang responded with a half-smile, and looked at the two extraordinary level martial practitioners and five martial arts masters in front of him. Although these people in front of him were very powerful, he believed that they still couldn't help him.

After all, he is a cultivator at the peak of the middle stage of transformation, and he has a lot of trump cards and means at his disposal. Even if he can't beat these people in front of him, he is more than enough to protect himself.

Moreover, he didn't believe that he couldn't deal with these guys in front of him, two extraordinary martial practitioners... It's not that he has never fought with extraordinary martial practitioners, so what are he afraid of?
One extraordinary level can't beat him, and the two are equally impossible to beat himself.

And the five martial arts masters were naturally ignored by Qin Lang. After all, the martial arts masters were not enough in Qin Lang's eyes, and they could be eliminated with one move.

There was not much nonsense between the two sides, and the battle started directly in the depths of the compound. Facing the two extraordinary and five martial arts masters, Qin Lang slapped his head directly, summoned his second soul clone, and at the same time The pet Hanba was also released.

Qin Lang and the Second Primordial Spirit clone each fought an extraordinary level, while the pet Hanmao dealt with the five martial arts masters.

This time, neither of the two extraordinary level martial artists thought that Qin Lang would have a clone whose strength was not much different from the main body, and the scene suddenly became a two-on-two. In this case, of course, Qin Lang has an overwhelming advantage.

The one who fought Qin Lang was Da Jinya. This guy had fought Qin Lang once before, and he was defeated, so he had a shadow in his heart. This time, he couldn't let go of Qin Lang and was directly suppressed. If this crisis is not resolved , I am afraid that it will be defeated in a few minutes.

Seeing this, Lang Jie, who was a dragon, immediately shouted: "Brother Big Gold Tooth... Let's exchange opponents!"

Saying that, he directly gave up the second soul avatar in front of him, and rushed towards Qin Lang.

Although this guy is also at the extraordinary level, his strength seems to be stronger than that of Da Jinya, but his great strength does not come from himself, but an extremely powerful top-level defense treasure on his body, which makes this guy's defense become like a tortoise shell. Equally difficult to deal with.

When fighting against the second soul just now, this guy didn't dodge or avoid, and directly confronted the second soul, and he didn't lose the slightest advantage.

And hearing Lang Jie, an extraordinary martial artist from the Iron Horse Merchant Group drink so much, Da Jinya naturally couldn't wait for it, and quickly flicked the bong in his hand to get rid of Qin Lang's entanglement.

Afterwards, Qin Lang's opponent was replaced by Lang Jie, while the opponent of the second soul avatar was replaced by Da Jinya.

Qin Lang found that although Lang Jie's attack power was not as good as that of Da Jinya, his defensive ability was indeed excellent. He didn't know what the top defensive treasure on his body was, and it was always glowing with a faint blue light, covering his whole body. It was as if they had been coated with a strengthening film. Qin Lang couldn't break this special film after attacking for a while.

"Extreme defense magic weapon... This guy must have a top-quality defense magic weapon..."

While fighting, Qin Lang muttered in his heart.

Since Qin Lang hadn't released his trump card yet, Qin Lang couldn't break through the opponent's defense for a while.

And when Qin Lang and the second primordial avatar were fighting against two extraordinary level martial practitioners, Qin Lang's pet Hanji was also fighting brilliantly. It is not weak against the five martial arts masters.

Due to the advantage of being immortal, this guy also fought very fiercely, basically every move and every style was head-to-head with his opponent.

After more than ten rounds of fighting, it was fine because of its immortal body. On the contrary, the five martial arts master-level opponents felt a little overwhelmed. After all, although the five of them were martial arts masters, they were also flesh and blood. If the attack is too fierce, it will hurt.

Under the disadvantages, the five martial arts masters were a bit timid in the fight anyway, but in the case of one-on-five, Han Yan became more and more courageous in the fight, and even gained the upper hand in one-on-five fights.


Qin Lang didn't have the idea of ​​entangled with the two extraordinary level martial practitioners for too long. He wanted to end the battle as soon as possible. After all, these masked men in front of him killed the old house of the Xue family. The longer it dragged on, the more losses in the old house of the Xue family would be. Big, you must know that there are more than 100 masked people in front of you, not only the seven or eight in front of you, but the other masked people are not idle when these powerful fighters are fighting Qin Lang in front of you. There were violent fights all around, and more and more servants of the Xue family died at their hands.

"Undefeated Sword Qi..."

Qin Lang suddenly used the method of the heart sword, and when he looked up, there was a faint light. This is an invisible sword energy emitted from the body. Although it is very small, it has amazing penetrating power.

This invisible sword energy has reached the point of undefeated sword intent, so it is also called invincible sword energy.

Compared with Qin Lang's sword aura launched by the best flying sword, the only characteristic of this invisible sword aura is that it is secretive, and its speed is very fast.

Sure enough, the penetrating power of the invincible sword qi can deal with the defense of the top-grade treasure on Lang Jie's body. This guy probably didn't completely refine that top-grade defensive treasure, and was directly penetrated by Qin Lang's sword qi.


This guy's defense was broken, he spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and was injured.

While being injured, he stared at Qin Lang with incredible eyes: "How is it possible? How could you break my defense..."

"There is nothing impossible in this world."

Qin Lang looked very indifferent, and seriously injured the opponent with an invisible sword energy. It was much easier to deal with the guy in front of him after his defense was broken. After all, his combat effectiveness after the serious injury was definitely not as good as before.

Next, Qin Lang punched the Dragon Elephant with the power of heaven and earth. Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist, the strength of the first punch is hundreds of tons. If this guy is hit once, it may be regarded as an extraordinary level Martial practitioners can't resist this kind of power.

After all, even an extraordinary level martial artist is still a human being, not a god. Although the physical body is close to the physical training of the middle stage of transformation, it is only close, and there is also the possibility of being killed directly after breaking through the defense.

Qin Lang's invisible sword energy just now, after breaking the defense of the top-grade defensive treasure, also penetrated this guy's body.

So facing Qin Lang's terrifying Dragon Elephant Fist, this guy also knew it was not good, so he fell to the ground and rolled on the lazy donkey.

If anyone in this world knew that extraordinary martial arts practitioners would use this kind of move to avoid enemy attacks, they would probably laugh their heads off.

However, Lang Jie didn't care so much in order to survive. After all, he only had one life, so he had to cherish it.

And just when Lang Jie thought that the lazy donkey had escaped from Qin Lang's pursuit, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a black shadow the size of a mountain fell from above his head. "Nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda!"

Qin Lang's magic weapon layer became bigger and smashed down with a force of [-] ton. The momentum was still terrifying, and the ground of the whole courtyard shook accordingly, and a hole as deep as three feet was smashed into the ground.

And the injured Lang Jie was directly blasted to the ground by this magic weapon house.

After killing this opponent, Qin Lang did not take back his magic house immediately, and directly dealt with the other masked people who broke into the inner courtyard. Even the extraordinary Lang Jie was not Qin Lang's opponent, and the other masked people were at most It is a high-level fighter level, and it is even more impossible to beat Qin Lang.

So Qin Lang managed to settle all the masked people in the entire courtyard without much effort. This process took about ten minutes.

Then looking back, the battle between the second soul avatar and the wolf bandit bandit chief Da Jinya also came to an end. Seeing that he was invincible, the Da Jinya escaped again.

Da Jinya is a senior superman, and has been in the superman for decades. In fact, his strength is much stronger than Lang Jie. After all, Lang Jie has only entered the supernatural not long ago. He just fought against Qin Lang for a long time with a top defensive treasure. If he didn't This defensive treasure probably won't be able to take Qin Lang's few tricks at all.

And this guy was too dependent on foreign objects, and believed too much in the role of defensive treasures, so he ignored the horror of Qin Lang, a powerful ancient cultivator. Qin Lang used invisible sword energy to penetrate the defense layer and hurt his body, thus losing.

Da Jinya fought Qin Lang once, and now he is still in the state of a bow and snake. Lang Jie felt something wrong just now, and then turned around and ran away without thinking, faster than a rabbit.

Therefore, even if the second soul avatar is determined to chase after it, it will not be able to catch up. After all, although the strength of the second soul avatar is close to the main body, it is still much worse. It has a bit of the upper hand, but it is impossible to completely suppress the opponent, and can only watch the opponent escape.

This is also a matter of no choice, unless Qin Lang's body fights against the opponent, then it is possible to keep this guy completely.

And Da Jinya has such a strong sense of vigilance, I am afraid that even if Qin Lang's body makes a move, he may not be able to keep this guy. After all, this guy is really good, but it is a pity that under his sturdy appearance is a rabbit. Heart.

The two extraordinary level martial practitioners died and escaped, and the five martial arts masters who besieged Qin Lang were of course easier to solve. Before Qin Lang made a little move, he directly killed the five extraordinary.

At this time, Qin Lang began to take back his magic house, but after taking back the magic house on the ground, Qin Lang found that Lang Jie, an extraordinary martial artist, was not dead, and he was still alive.

It turned out that when Qin Lang's magic weapon house fell down, the top defensive magic weapons on him once again played a role and protected his life.

However, due to the lack of true energy or inner energy injection, this top-grade defensive magic weapon can only be regarded as a natural activation, and it shattered directly after protecting the lord.

Although Lang Jie is still alive, but the top-grade defense treasure is gone, Qin Lang still feels a bit pity, after all, the top-grade defense magic weapon is very rare even in the cultivation world, and each one is priceless.

(End of this chapter)

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