Chapter 2028

But Xue Ziqing faced the enemy who killed his brother behind the scenes, how could he let it go!

So he chased after him relentlessly, and continued to attack fiercely, but Qian Tiejin suddenly laughed and said, "You've been tricked! Give me a blow and give me a golden finger!"

It turned out that Tie Qianjin saw Xue Ziqing's eagerness to take revenge, so he estimated to retreat, lured Xue Ziqing to pursue him, and then shot back with his carbine.

Pointing the golden finger, this is Qian Tiejin's secret skill in martial arts. Although the members of the business group have not seen Qian Tiejin do it himself for many years, once this secret skill is used, the effect is still extraordinary.

Xue Ziqing's left arm was touched by Qian Tiejin's gold fingers, a strange force instantly froze this small arm, and it instantly turned into a golden piece, just like real gold.

Xue Ziqing's left arm instantly turned into metal, and at the same time it became stiff, it also lost its attack power.

"What a magical golden finger... This is the use of the transformation of the five elements, it should be regarded as a kind of magic."

When Qin Lang saw it, he also sighed. It turns out that not all martial arts practitioners in this world can practice spells. There are still some martial arts practitioners whose bodies fit the five elements and can practice spells. This forms the secret technique of spells.

With a touch of golden finger, most of Xue Ziqing's arm was directly disabled, and at this time Qian Tiejin suddenly showed his glory and began to kill Xue Ziqing.


Xue Ziqing cast a secret technique at this time, trying to restrain the circulation of the opponent's aura, but the big black fat man in front of him deftly deflected to avoid Xue Ziqing's restricted area, and then cast a golden finger again.

"Never let this guy point to me!"

Xue Ziqing yelled inwardly, his left arm has been metalized and has no combat power at all, so now he can only rely on his right arm, and it is very difficult to defeat the opponent in this situation, but he still has to try .

Facing an enemy who killed his younger brother, and faced an enemy who dealt a devastating blow to the entire Xue family, Xue Ziqing would kill him no matter how desperate he was.

"Kill..." Xue Ziqing also fought hard, and suddenly burned her blood, her body speed accelerated, and she quickly avoided Qian Tiejin's finger.

Then, Xue Ziqing counterattacked, and at the same time he activated the restraining ability, a big knife weapon slashed at Qian Tiejin's head.

Burn blood?

Qian Tiejin was stunned when he saw it. For a martial artist, burning blood essence is looking for death. After all, if the blood essence of a martial artist burns completely, it will be like a car running out of oil, and it will die immediately. up.

Qian Tiejin also did not expect Xue Ziqing to fight so desperately at the cost of burning his life. Even if the opponent wins this battle, it is estimated that both sides will suffer.

And Qian Tiejin didn't believe that the opponent could defeat him at all. Now that the opponent was burning energy and overdrawing his vitality, although the combat power had been strengthened, it would definitely not last long, so Qian Tiejin planned to drag this guy out for a while longer, so naturally he would It ran out of vitality.

This process may take 5 minutes or 10 minutes. It is absolutely impossible to persist for more than a quarter of an hour. After all, even if the energy and blood of a martial artist are many times stronger than that of ordinary people, there is still a limit. If the exhaustion is exceeded, they will generally die.


Just when Xue Ziqing and Qian Tiejin were in a stalemate, and Xue Ziqing began to burn his blood and blood, Qin Lang, who was holding the battle, sighed and had to make a move.

If you don't make a move, I'm afraid Xue Ziqing will die. After all, this guy burned his blood and was rescued by himself a while ago, and now he is doing it again in a few days. Now even the fluctuation of the soul has become extremely unstable. If you are unlucky Even if he is rescued, he will become an idiot.

Qin Lang shot a small silk-wrapping hand directly, restraining Qian Tiejin's ability to move. Compared with Xue Ziqing's secret technique restraining ability, Qin Lang's spells are of course more orthodox and the effect is better.

During the battle, Qian Tiejin suddenly felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, unable to move, and his old enemy Xue Ziqing had already attacked at this time, this guy was also shocked.

"How is this going……"

Qian Tiejin didn't think that Xue Ziqing had the ability to restrain his whole body, but the facts were in front of him, and before Qian Tiejin could figure it out, Xue Ziqing's fist had already hit him.

This punch was an outburst of anger, and it was also the full blow of Xue Ziqing, a master of martial arts. It directly hit Qian Tiejin's chest and made a series of firecracker-like sounds. There was a stream of blood, and more than a dozen ribs were broken.

Xue Ziqing took a step forward, and somehow the big sword appeared in his right hand again. He raised the sword and cut off the head of the head of the Iron Horse Merchant Group neatly. This old opponent who had been fighting openly and secretly for decades finally died in the into his own hands.

"Brother, I avenged you..."

Holding the bloody head, Xue Ziqing's eyes filled with tears, the man never wiped away his tears, but they did not reach the place where he was sad.

Since their fathers took over the responsibility of the Qingmu Merchant Group, Xue Ziqing and Xue Zijin have been supporting each other and encouraging each other for more than 20 years of ups and downs, gradually developing and growing the business group.

And Xue Zijin left just like that, Xue Ziqing watched her own brother die at that time, and although the helplessness and helplessness didn't explode at the beginning, it was always stuffy in her heart.

After all, the only family relationship was gone like this. Who could have such bitterness in his heart at that time.

Therefore, destroying the Iron Horse Merchant Group and killing Qian Tiejin to avenge his own brother are also Xue Ziqing's most urgent wish during this time. Now that this wish has finally come true, how could he not burst into tears.

And just when Xue Ziqing was crying, Qin Lang came over at this time. He saw that Xue Ziqing's vitality was exhausted again after burning his essence and blood, so he hurried over to give Xue Ziqing a tonic pill. He is a master of alchemy by his side, if other martial practitioners do this, without the power of Qin Lang's elixir, they will definitely lose their lives.

Although the burning of blood essence this time was not as intense as last time, Xue Ziqing's life was directly equivalent to losing 30 years of life in just a few minutes. Fortunately, Qin Lang could use elixir to make up for him.

After taking the elixir, Xue Ziqing's mood gradually stabilized. Looking at the entire merchant group at this time, the iron horse merchant group in front of him was gradually showing signs of collapse due to the death of the head of the group, Qian Tiejin.

After all, now that the regiment leader is dead, they don't have the courage to stay here when the enemy is in front of them, and they all have the idea of ​​running for their lives.

"Father! You killed my father, I will fight with you..."

At this time, there was a cry of grief, and a handsome young man rushed out from the merchant group and rushed towards Xue Ziqing.

This guy is the son of Qian Tiejin, the young master Qian who had fought against Qin Lang several times before. It can be said that the intensification of Mao Dun between the Qingmu Merchant Group and the Iron Horse Merchant Group this time was mostly caused by this kid.

Seeing this kid rushing towards him, Xue Ziqing made another attack, killing this guy who wasn't even a high-level fighter with one blow.

When he started, Xue Ziqing's eyes were cold. To him, the core members of the Qian family must die. If these people don't die, he will die.

This is hatred, irreconcilable hatred.

And after killing Young Master Qian, the entire Iron Horse Merchant Group finally collapsed and fled in all directions, no longer a unified whole.

However, Xue Ziqing and Qin Lang would not easily let go of the core members of the Qian family of the Iron Horse Merchant Group, and started hunting them down. After chasing for a long time, they finally cleared up the core members of the merchant group.

In this battle, Qin Lang, Xue Ziqing and others killed more than 30 members of the Qian family, more than half of the original estimate.

And after killing the core members of the Tie family, the Iron Horse Merchant Group, the entire Iron Horse Merchant Group will also become history from now on, and will no longer appear in front of the world.

After the collapse of the Iron Horse Merchant Group, the entire merchant group fled in all directions like flies, but left behind a lot of sundries and even a lot of property. These were things that were too late to take away in the chaos at that time.

Xue Ziqing estimated that if all these sundries and belongings were disposed of, it might be worth more than 1000 million yuan. This money is equivalent to nothing.

Back in Tongcheng, Xue Ziqing retreated immediately. The loss of vitality in this battle was too serious. Even with the help of Qin Lang's elixir, he could only rely on cultivation to recover slowly.

And when he fully recovers, it will be the day when he will marry the Mu family again.

But in the past few days when Xue Ziqing retreated, Qin Lang successively invested several sums of money in the Xue family's property, all of which were handed over to the chief steward of Delong to help the Qingmu business group develop and restore its vitality.

Butler Delong is a very competent housekeeper, even if Xue Ziqing is not around, he can manage the entire Xue family property in an orderly manner.

He didn't refuse the nearly 2000 million credit line given by Qin Lang, and it was directly used for the recruitment of personnel and the reconstruction of the store, and the focus was still on the recruitment of the guards of the business group.

After all, the current guards of the Aoki Merchant Group have been greatly reduced after repeated battles. The entire business group has less than ten high-level fighters. Now I am afraid that even some small business groups are stronger than the Aoki Merchant Group.

Fortunately, the name of the Aoki Merchant Group has a lot more influence than ordinary small business groups, so recruiting personnel should not be difficult. As long as you are willing to spend time patiently, the personnel will definitely be rebuilt bit by bit.

Of course, this fully recruited guard team is definitely not comparable to before, even if all of them are high-level fighters, these people still need to be trained and trained to become elite fighters bit by bit.

Soon, Xue Ziqing finished her recuperation, and once again set a new wedding date with the old man of the Mo family, this time in half a month.

And in the past half month, Xue Ziqing is going to take good care of the old house of the Xue family, repair all the buildings damaged by the masked men, and restore the old house of the Xue family to its previous appearance, so that the whole old house can be seen. Not a trace of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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