The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2029 Persistent Disease

Chapter 2029 Persistent Disease
And Qin Lang has been practicing and making talismans these days. Now his success rate of making intermediate jade talismans increases with his proficiency, and the failure rate has become smaller and smaller, and he is getting closer and closer to becoming a senior talisman maker.

In the process of cultivating and making talismans, Qin Lang also paid attention to the growth of the elixir and spiritual plants in his gourd space. After a period of development in the gourd space, the first batch of three three green grasses have fully matured and produced 36 seed.

After picking the star needle grass and blood ginseng, Qin Lang will plow it again and plant all the seeds of the sky green grass, while the other elixir seeds are not going to be sown for the time being.

After all, my own land is only 6.65 square meters in size, and 36 azure grass seeds are planted to almost cover it.

Compared with other elixir seeds, the sky green grass seeds are the most important to Qin Lang. This sky green grass is the main material of the important pill Tianyuan Dan cultivated by monks in the transformation stage, so it is also the key development object of Qin Lang now.

Although the gourd space is currently only 6.65 square meters, Qin Lang believes that with the continuous expansion of the space in the future, and the collection of more soil to increase the nursery area, the land for planting elixir will never be as stretched as it is now.

Breathing soil is the best spiritual soil for cultivating elixir, bar none.

Of course, after the gourd space is opened up, the demand for spiritual energy will also increase, especially the cultivation of elixir and spiritual plants. It is impossible without a large amount of wood attribute spiritual energy, so Qin Lang will also collect more wood attribute stones, spirit stones and treasures in the future. Calabash space will do.

After the first batch of elixir matured, Qin Lang's space nursery planted all sky grass seeds, but now he didn't have any extra top-quality wood-attribute spirit stones on hand, so the growth rate of elixir also became much slower, and no longer It may mature in seven days as before.

However, since the gourd is an innate spiritual treasure, it will also produce some wood attribute aura, so the speed of planting elixir in this space is much faster than the normal planting speed. The world's top nursery.

And the Jinyuan wood growing in the center of the nursery is no longer in the state of a dead tree root, it is completely full of vigor and vitality, and three branches have been pulled out, and the new buds on the branches have turned into tender green leaves.

Of course, the growth of gold yuan wood is a very slow process, and it may not be able to grow in tens of thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, so even though this gourd space is a treasure land, gold yuan wood will not be able to grow in a short time. .

Of course, if Qin Lang can find a large number of top-grade wood attribute spirit stones or other treasures to provide to the gourd space in the future, the growth of Jinyuanmu will accelerate.

But it's really hard to find top-quality wood-attribute spirit stones or wood-attribute treasures. Whether he can meet them again in the future depends entirely on luck.

But Qin Lang is not in a hurry, anyway, the gourd space is his own and can be carried with him, so it is very convenient to cultivate these precious spiritual plants and elixir, just take it slowly.

After taking out the seeds of the mature Sky Grass, the mature body can be used to refine flowers. Qin Lang used these three Sky Grass to refine ninety Tianyuan Pills.

If there are ninety Tianyuan Pills, one a day, Qin Lang will basically have no problems practicing in the next three months. With the help of pills, the speed of cultivation is absolutely leveraged.

Of course, it is no problem for Qin Lang, who is in the mid-stage of transformation, to take three Tianyuan pills a day, but there is a shortage of pills at present. In order to avoid the waste of medicinal power, it is actually the best to take one pill a day.

The star needle grass is the main alchemy material of the top-grade elixir "Yijing Pill". The grass of Yijing Pill will dissolve the erysipelas left in the body of the monks taking the elixir. This kind of elixir is also very important for the monks. Qin Lang is also in great need of planting pills, so he directly refined twenty of them.

Blood ginseng is refined into Shenxue pill, which is a rare cultivation pill in the cultivation world, and its effect is much better than that of Xueyuan pill, but Qin Lang can't use it, it is for monks in the Yuanying period.

However, although Qin Lang can't use Shenxue Pill, if this kind of elixir is given to martial arts masters in this world, it must be a very popular elixir.

These Shenxue pills refined by Qin Lang intend to leave all of them to Xue Ziqing to help his good brother improve his cultivation. After all, Xue Ziqing is now a master of martial arts, and these Shenxue pills are suitable for use.

After silently paying attention to the gourd space, Qin Lang's current focus is still on cultivation. He feels that the time for him to break through and reach the late stage of the transformation of the gods is getting closer. The accumulation of resources, and Qin Lang has stagnated for a long time at the peak in the middle of the transformation period, and basically accumulated almost the same.


Half a month later, Xue Ziqing's big wedding was finally successfully held. Although it wasn't a sensation in the whole city, it was still a big scene.

After all, both the Mo family and the Xue family in the marriage have a certain influence in Tongcheng. The Xue family is a middle-level business group, and the Mo family is the largest family power in Tongcheng. attention from outsiders.

The marriage between Xue and Mo was such a great event that nearly half of the powers in Tongcheng gave gifts. Of course, most of the powers were not Xue Ziqing's guests, and Xue Ziqing's Qingmu business group had no normal contact with them. It was also a gift for the sake of City Lord Mo and Lao Er Mo.

There were [-] tables opened for the Xue family's big wedding banquet, and at the opening ceremony of the wedding, not only the father-in-law Mo Xie was present, but even the city lord took the time to come and support him.

However, Mocheng City manages such a big city as Tongcheng, and has a lot of chores every day, so it only showed up at the opening ceremony, and then left in a hurry.

But it doesn't matter, the city lord can come to show his face, and he has brought his heart to him, which shows that the city lord still attaches great importance to this brother-in-law.

In this way, the development of the Qingmu Merchant Group in Tongcheng will become much smoother in the future. Now that Xue Ziqing is next to the big tree of the Mo family, I believe that in the future, there will be no more stumbling forces.

After all, the Mo family represents the officials of Tongcheng, and those who are looking for stumbling blocks will definitely be kicked if they don't keep their eyes open.

You must know that although City Lord Mo is a good-tempered person, he usually doesn't restrict the development of all parties in Tongcheng, but if someone really invades his house, he is famous for protecting his shortcomings.

"Guests, friends, welcome to the wedding of my eldest daughter, Mo Ru, and Xue Ziqing of the Xue family. I, Mo Xie, feel very honored to come here to appreciate your face. I would like to thank you all..." The father-in-law Mo Xie made the wedding ceremony first opening speech.

Then, the wedding host changed to the stage, the newcomer came on stage, and there were various floats, accompanying children, and festive music accompaniment.

The wedding scene was very lively. The newlyweds had a slightly fat body and could not see their faces even with the red hijab on their heads.

The bride's body was fragrant, probably because she had sprinkled a lot of perfume on her body, but the fragrance was a bit weird, not very pleasant, and very offensive.

Considering that the bride suffers from body odor, a lot of perfume may be used to cover up the rest at the wedding, and the guests present can also express their understanding.

Of course, some people will inevitably frown secretly, but try to avoid the impolite behavior of covering their noses.

At this time, some of these people were probably taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. They heard that the bride's body odor was well-known throughout the city. I don't know if the groom can bear it during the bridal chamber.

Sure enough, during the bridal chamber that night, the newlyweds ran out of the bridal chamber in a panic, and shouted with a pale face, "It's not good! It's not good... Husband... Husband, he passed out."

But it turned out that in the bridal chamber, Xue Ziqing couldn't hold back the bride's weird body odor, and was fainted by the smoke.

And Qin Lang felt very strange when he got the news, Xue Ziqing was also a master of martial arts after all, how could he have the same tolerance to bad smells as ordinary people.

Later, after Qin Lang pinched Xue Ziqing awake, Xue Ziqing revealed the truth.

It turned out that he didn't know why, as soon as he smelled the smell of the bride, he felt sick, even if he held his breath, it was a kind of body instinct.

"He should be allergic to the body odor of the bride. This is really troublesome..."

Qin Lang thought about it and decided to help his brother to see if he could cure the bride's body odor.

"Can you cure my stubborn disease?"

The bride was overjoyed when she heard the news. This body odor has been with her since she was born, bringing her endless distress. Otherwise, she would not be an old lady at the age of 28 and no one wants her.

You must know that although she is not beautiful, she is not ugly, and her family background is very good. It is reasonable to say that no one will pursue her. The key is that her stubborn illness has delayed her life.

And this time, she finally found a good husband, and she is very satisfied, but if the marriage is changed again due to body odor, and the family life becomes unsatisfactory, she will also be very sad and annoyed .

But now that Qin Lang actually said that she could cure her body odor, of course she would feel very excited. She also heard from her husband before the bridal chamber that her good brother Qin Lang is a master of pharmacy with outstanding abilities in all aspects. He is the image and signboard of the Aoki Merchant Group .

Moreover, she also heard that Qin Lang had cured the madness of the famous doctor Liu Laoyang's daughter in Tongcheng before. The doctors worked together to make suggestions, but they were all helpless against the disease.

And Qin Lang, a foreigner who came to Tongcheng for the first time, had the best medical skills among a large number of famous doctors in Tongcheng. He cured Liu Laoyang's daughter with a wave of his hand. While gaining the respect of the doctors present at the time, he also indirectly expanded the influence of the Qingmu Merchant Group in Tongcheng. force.

In Xue Ziqing's mouth, her good brother Qin Lang is a legend, and the bride, Mo Ru, had heard of Qin Lang's deeds indirectly before, so she was convinced of Qin Lang's ability, and she also believed that if Qin Lang said that her illness could be cured Well, then it will definitely be cured.

After all, Mo Ruye has been suffering from chronic body odor for more than 20 years, and she is also very eager in her heart to hope that one day she can completely get rid of this chronic disease.

(End of this chapter)

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