The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2030 Expulsion of the Black Sleeve Club

Chapter 2030 Expulsion of the Black Sleeve Club
"Okay, let me show you."

Qin Lang nodded his head. Although he wanted to help Mo Ru to cure the stink disease, he still needed to know more about the situation.

Afterwards, after finding a place for treatment, Qin Lang gave Mo Ru a professional examination. Of course, during this process, he also took into account the fact that men and women are not close. Even if Mo Ru is an ugly woman, he is very cautious and avoids some taboo.

After the examination, Qin Lang judged that Mo Ru's body should be suffering from a disease similar to body odor.

In the earth's medical explanation, body odor is a kind of persistent sweat gland disease, a kind of body smell, and also refers to body odor.Generally speaking, women are more than men, and whites and blacks are more than yellows.

And this kind of symptom is secreted vigorously in adolescence, and is more common in young adults, and with the growth of age and the aging of the human body, the apocrine glands also gradually degenerate, and the symptoms can be alleviated or disappeared.

This disease is caused by heredity and gene mutation, and the specific cause is difficult to ascertain.

This kind of disease... can't even be called a disease, it can only be called a chronic disease, because it doesn't affect the health of the individual.

This chronic disease can be improved through diet and hygiene, but it is very troublesome to cure it completely.

On the earth, Chinese medicine achieves the effect of curing diseases through internal and external treatment of body odor and body odor. The advantages are safe, reliable and non-toxic and side effects, but the treatment takes a long time.

The treatment methods of Western medicine are local cleaning of the body, removal of secretions from the affected area to reduce bacteria, local application of antiperspirant fragrance, regular scrubbing and rubbing medicine can temporarily relieve body odor.

Of course, surgical treatment is required to permanently remove the odor. The usual surgical treatment method is to remove the apical glands in the armpits. During the operation, an incision of one to two centimeters is made in each armpit, and the sweat glands are directly removed. The incision is then sutured.

The wound after this method is large, the scar is obvious, and the recovery time is relatively long.

In addition, there is another treatment method using thoracoscopic sympathetic nerve surgery. 90.00% of the patients with five or more patients stopped sweating in the armpits, and the condition was significantly improved.

Thoracoscopic surgery has a small invasion of the human body and a fast recovery time. It has become very popular on the earth and has replaced traditional surgery.

When Qin Lang decided to operate on Mo Ru, he chose the traditional surgical method instead of thoracoscopic surgery.

However, Qin Lang was prepared for such a choice. His surgery is still very different from the traditional surgery on Earth, and he has made many changes.

After all, he is a cultivator, and in the realm of comprehension, he has also received the inheritance of the Heavenly Medicine Sect. There are many taboos in surgery on the earth, and the places that cannot be treated by surgery are not a problem for him at all.

After all, regarding the scars left by surgery, he can completely remove those scars with the way of medical treatment in the cultivation world.

As for the recovery from the operation, some pills can also be used to strengthen the treatment effect and achieve the purpose of rapid recovery.


Hearing that he was going to undergo an operation, Mo Ru's reaction was a little fearful at first, but thinking that his stubborn disease needs to be completely cured, I am afraid that he really has to make up his mind.

Mo Ru has also been tortured by the stubborn disease of body odor for many years, and finally decided to follow the arrangement of the master Qin Lang.

So, next, Qin Lang began to prepare for Mo Ru's surgery.

I won’t say much about the specific operation process. After all, such an operation is not difficult for Qin Lang. With the help of a super system, I am afraid that even the most brilliant doctor on earth is not as accurate as his judgment and surgical ability. tough.

It took about half an hour, and Mo Ru, who was hit by Qin Lang's sleepy point, had already completed the operation. The apical glands in the lesion of the two armpits had been removed, and then directly sutured, and the medicine was applied.

What Qin Lang used was Baiyu Shengji Ointment, which is an intermediate healing elixir in the cultivation world, and its healing effect on trauma is top-notch.

The biggest effect of Baiyu Shengji Ointment is that after treating trauma, it will not leave a trace of scar on the skin surface.


When Mo Ru woke up, it was already five hours later. Not only did he not feel exhausted after the operation of ordinary patients after waking up, but he felt refreshed.

But it turned out that after the operation, Qin Lang gave her a elixir to replenish qi and blood, so all the losses during the operation were recovered.

Not only that, but Qin Lang's elixir also adjusted her body functions, strengthening her physique a little, which made her feel extremely comfortable after waking up.

It is worth mentioning that Mo Ru is a junior martial artist, the effect of this qi and blood pill is still fermenting in the body, and the medicinal power can last until she is pushed to an intermediate martial artist.

After all, the elixir refined by Qin Lang is absolutely unique in this world of martial arts practitioners. He is an alchemy master in the cultivation world, and he is not an ordinary alchemy master. He is now close to the level of a master.

I'm afraid that even the top pharmacist in the world can't compare to one-tenth of Qin Lang's level of ability.

"Is my illness cured..."

What Mo Ru paid attention to after waking up was this. She felt that she couldn't smell any peculiar smell on her body, and she didn't know if it was an illusion. She couldn't believe that she was really healed, so she called the close girl Xiaolu.

"Miss, your body odor is really gone! It's gone!"

The close girl, Xiaolu, also showed an incredible expression. She has been with the lady for so many years, and she was also tossed and tossed by the lady's body odor. Now that the lady's persistent illness has really disappeared, she has been surprised.

From the looks of it, Master Qin Lang is really powerful!

It's better that now the chronic disease in her body has disappeared, this woman is so happy, she actually grinned in a very disfigured way, if she was the only one in this room, she might have to shout: My old lady has finally regained her life!
It's better that the chronic disease has disappeared now. Although the appearance is still a bit ugly, it is already within the acceptable range of a normal man.

Of course, if she could be thinner and lose weight, it is not impossible for her image to be able to reach a middle-level qualification, or even an upper-middle qualification.

After all, her two younger sisters are both big beauties, she is just a little fatter and a little ugly now.


After Mo Ru's body odor was cured, Qin Lang was also greatly appreciated by Mo Ru and Xue Ziqing who woke up. Xue Ziqing was very depressed before. If the body odor can't be cured, I'm afraid he won't be able to have sex with his wife for the rest of his life. up.

As for Xue Ziqing's lineage, there used to be himself and his younger brother. Now that his younger brother is gone, the task of carrying on the family line falls to him. Now he will definitely spread more branches and leaves for the sake of family inheritance.


The underground force of the Copper City Black Sleeves has now become the main target of the official attack, and members have either been expelled or captured and thrown into prison.

The Black Sleeve Club used to be a large organization with nearly a thousand people. Although most of them were peripheral members, there were one or two hundred core members.

After repeated attacks by the authorities, this underground force could no longer hold its own. The peripheral members were almost torn apart, while the core members lost forty or fifty in the siege of the Xue family. was forced to flee the city.

This time, the officials made up their minds to crack down on this underground organization, so the Black Sleeve Society had almost no place to survive in Tongcheng.

In a hidden place in the city, the president of the Black Sleeve Society was having a secret conversation with a few henchmen.

"Damn it! Now that the Xue family is marrying the Mo family, it is equivalent to having a relationship with the official. The official will punish us to death. Tongcheng can no longer accommodate the Black Sleeve Club, so we have to break up..."

The president of the Black Sleeve Society sighed. This masked, burly guy was also reluctant to dismantle the power he had run for decades to be dismantled overnight. It is a pity that there is no way. The task he took over ended up in such a miserable end.

"Let's go too... Change another city and develop it. However, before leaving, I, Meng Yinsan, couldn't let it go. No, I have to let the other party take off a layer of skin..."

The president of the Black Sleeves Club was originally called Meng Yinsan. After sighing, he waved his confidantes to leave Tongcheng first.

Although there is a powerful ancient cultivator in the Xue family, after Meng Yinsan has recovered his strength, he feels that he is not much weaker than that ancient cultivator. As long as he carefully avoids confrontation with the ancient cultivator, he wants to fight with his whole body. And getting back shouldn't be hard.

However, not long after he waved back his subordinates, he suddenly froze and let out a miserable laugh: "I didn't expect the official news to be so well-informed, and my secret stronghold was also discovered. The few subordinates who waved back just now should They were all arrested by the authorities!"

Bang, the door of the room in the secret base was kicked open. At this time, a group of people filed in. There were seven or eight of them, all of whom were members of the official patrol team, and their strength was above the level of high-level fighters.

And the seven or eight of Mengyin Sanwang broke in, and heard footsteps outside, knowing that there were more official personnel outside.

Of course he refused to catch him without a fight, so he directly summoned the Bleeding Demon Avatar to rush out by force.

"Kill! The city lord said that the president of the Black Sleeve Club caught the first-class meritorious service in the doesn't matter whether he lives or dies!" A guy who looked like the leader of the official patrol team yelled. .

"Looking for death!" Meng Yinsan, the president of the Black Sleeves Association, froze. At this time, he manipulated the blood demon incarnation to meet him. His blood demon incarnation has extraordinary combat power. Chaofan is much stronger.

The blood demon incarnation directly opened the way, and directly shot the high-level fighters in front of him. This avatar shot was very heavy. After the patrol-level high-level fighters were photographed, they immediately flew upside down screaming, and when they fell to the ground, their tendons were broken .

There is no way, this Gorefiend incarnation is too powerful, and these high-level fighters simply cannot bear the palm force.

(End of this chapter)

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