Chapter 2032
Tongcheng, Xue's house.

Since the Xue family married the Mo family with an official background, and defeated their old rivals, the Iron Horse Merchant Group and the Black Sleeves Association, their development has gradually embarked on a fast track.

After the Iron Horse Merchant Group was expelled, the industries in the city were basically taken over by the Xue family, so the Aoki Merchant Group suddenly expanded and became a large-scale business group.

Of course, the sudden expansion of the scale also caused a shortage of manpower, and the Aoki Merchant Group had to temporarily expand its manpower, which more than tripled the original Aoki Merchant Group's manpower.

At present, with the expansion of the scale of the Aoki Merchant Group, the most urgent need is some management talents. After all, there are so many industries in the city, and there are three or four commercial roads, which need a large number of high-end talents to fill.

Therefore, Xue Ziqing, the head of the Xue family, is currently the busiest time. He has to personally approve and handle all kinds of affairs in the process of business group expansion, personnel recruitment must be checked, and some industry adjustments must be properly allocated.

However, this is a good thing for Xue Ziqing. His dream is to develop the Qingmu Merchant Group into Tongcheng, and even the world's top merchant group, and this goal has been more than half achieved.

In a secret room, Xue Ziqing was discussing matters with Butler Delong.

"Captain, 200 people have been recruited for the rebuilding of the Aoki Merchant Corps Guard, including 30 high-level fighters, and the rest are mid-level fighters... However, according to the current scale of our business group, it is estimated that recruiting a thousand guards is not enough. That's a lot."

Butler Delong said.

"Then keep recruiting."

Xue Ziqing said that although funds will be used in all aspects after the expansion of the business group, the recruitment of guards has always been the key point. After all, for a business group, safety and protection come first. Without sufficient defense forces, other aspects are simply impossible to talk about.

"We are continuing to recruit, but... if we want to recruit a thousand guards, it will probably take more than half a year. In addition, the current business group's expenses are more than their income. If they have to support so many guards and buddies, it may be difficult to recruit people. The process also has to be slow..."

"Well, there is indeed a big gap in our funds at the moment, and we need to find a way to do this..."

Xue Ziqing thought, although the business group has Qin Lang's recent investment of 2000 million, but it is a drop in the bucket. At present, the business group has suddenly expanded by three or four times, and the financial products that appear cannot be solved by 2000 million or [-] million, or even one or two Billions may not necessarily solve the problem.

Xue Ziqing calculated that if all the projects of the entire business group were to be operated, at least four to five billion yuan of financial support would be needed.

As for the [-] to [-] million yuan, if the Qingmu business group's original part of the industry is slowly managed to earn money, it may take several years, which is not in line with the development strategy of the large-scale business group.

Therefore, Qingmu Shangcai needed a huge amount of capital injection, and Xue Ziqing thought of a method of borrowing or financing, and the object of borrowing or financing was his father-in-law Mo Xie.

After all, the old man is also one of the top tycoons in Tongcheng, and he runs dozens of forging shop industries under his command. His net worth is not to mention a billion, seven or eight hundred million.

Xue Ziqing was going to ask his father-in-law to see if he could make up the gap in the funds he needed. If he couldn't make up all the money, it would be good to have three or four hundred million, two or three hundred million, at least the rest he You can also find a way to find someone else to finance.

After discussing with the housekeeper Delong for a while, Xue Ziqing went directly to the Mo Mansion to discuss the matter with his father-in-law.

He went there in the morning, and when he came back in the afternoon, he went to the housekeeper Delong again, and talked about the result of the negotiation with the old man: "I borrowed [-] million from the old man, all of which are low-interest loans. The success is profitable, and there is still a funding gap of [-] million yuan, so we need to find another way."

"this is not bad."

Delong nodded. After the Xue family married the Mo family, the father-in-law really took good care of this son-in-law. Mo Xie lent [-] million yuan and only charged [-]% of the interest every year, and it is said that the principal Xue Zijin can be repaid whenever he wants. It's still time, and the old man doesn't rush.

Such a good father-in-law is probably the dream of all men in the world. Xue Ziqing originally planned to pay a part of the equity, but the old father-in-law didn't need it.

As for the remaining [-] million shortfall, Xue Ziqing mobilized his personal connections to raise funds in Tongcheng, and some forces had something to do with it, but most of them wanted to take part of the shares of the Xue family Qingmu business group through financing. Of course Xue Ziqing directly refused.

With the development of the Aoki Merchant Group to what it is today, he decided not to sell shares to the outside world. The old man didn’t even want the shares of his own business group. Can only be borrowed.

In the end, Xue Ziqing contacted more than a dozen Tongcheng forces, and finally made up for the [-] million fund gap. This time, the interest on the loan was much higher, at least [-]% per year, and Xue Ziqing guaranteed that within five years The principal must be paid off. If not, the only option is to use equity to repay the debt.

The [-]% interest was borrowed by these forces because Xue's family was backed by the government and was a high-quality business group, so they readily lent it.

If other businessmen ask these forces to borrow money, I am afraid that the annual interest will be [-]%, and they may not be willing to borrow.

You must know that borrowing money is risky, especially in the world of martial arts practitioners, the risk is higher, so investors need to be more cautious, so this kind of [-]% profit and [-]% profit that seem to be high-yield goods is very normal in this world. Even the real usury interest in the underground black market is calculated on a daily basis. Every day, the interest rate is rolled over at a rate of a few percent. Those who sell usury are all people from the underground forces.


After securing the funds, the development of all the industries of the Xue family is officially on the right track, and the most important thing at present is the recruitment of talents and job training.

The original Xuejia Aoki Merchant Group had about 100 employees, but now the number has increased by three or four times, and it has reached a scale of more than [-] people.

The Xue family has more than 80 stores in the city, covering several different industries, and the caravan of the Xue family also has three new city running business routes in addition to the original Tongcheng business route.

In this case, after the Xue family is operating normally, it is impossible to expect the growth rate of the entire business group economy to be fast, and the development speed of large-scale business groups is simply not comparable to that of the original medium and small-scale business groups.

Qin Lang has also made a great contribution to the development of the Qingmu Merchant Group recently. In addition to lending the 2000 million funds on hand to the Merchant Group, he once again carried out large-scale alchemy and added more medicinal pills to the Merchant Group. resource.

And pill resources have always been in short supply in the upper class. When the Xue family sells pills, they can also get closer to more forces.

And the cultivation of spiritual plants and elixir in the gourd space has been going on. During this time, Qin Lang actually collected some wood attribute resources in Tongcheng, and these resources can be absorbed by the gourd space and transformed into wood attribute aura, so they were Qin Lang was completely transformed and became the nutrient of the gourd space.

In this case, Qin Lang's second batch of 36 Skygreen Grass seeds matured again after seven or eight days of growth, and this time when they matured, Qin Lang directly obtained more than 1000 Skygreen Grass seeds, and 36 more can be used The sky green grass for alchemy.

Now Qin Lang holds a lot of sky green grass seeds, and he has a gourd space that can cultivate spiritual plants and elixir medicines. As long as the wood attribute aura in the gourd space is enough, he will never lack the resources for future cultivation.

After the Tianqing grass matured for the second time, Qin Lang directly refined more than 1000 Tianyuan pills. Even if he took three pills a day, these more than 1000 Tianyuan pills were enough for more than half a year of cultivation.

After refining alchemy, Qin Lang sighed in relief, now he can finally live a life without worrying about cultivating elixir, it feels so good.

Afterwards, Qin Lang transferred all the refined common elixirs to the Cyanwood Merchant Group, and then decided to go out for a walk. Recently, he has been bored in Xue's old house for a long time for alchemy.

Tongcheng, phase noodle restaurant.

Since the face-to-face person surnamed Li received Qin Lang's training tips, his cultivation base has also improved by leaps and bounds during this period of time. He directly broke through from the original foundation of the foundation and became a monk of the alchemy period.

The face-to-face person surnamed Li followed the route of an ancient cultivator. It can also be said that he was the first real cultivator Qin Lang met after he came to this world. Although this cultivator's cultivation base is very low, he is undoubtedly a cultivator.

And the martial arts practitioners in this world... We have gone astray in our cultivation, and we are actually not considered true cultivators.

After all, it is definitely very difficult for a martial artist to embark on the road of longevity. Even if the martial artist of the extraordinary level can live for more than 2000 years, there are very few.

And how many extraordinary martial practitioners there are in this world... I'm afraid you can count them clearly with your fingers.

Now that the face-to-face man surnamed Li has reached the alchemy stage, although his combat power is not as good as that of an extraordinary martial artist in this world, his lifespan is already comparable to that of an extraordinary martial artist in this world, and he can even live longer.

After reaching the alchemy stage, the fortune-telling person surnamed Li has become more accurate in the divination calculations that he is good at. Tianji, the previous cultivation level was not enough and the calculations were not so accurate. Now that the cultivation base has greatly improved, it has naturally strengthened the ability in this area.

In the end, the business of the noodle shop more than doubled. Anyway, the face-mian man surnamed Li shortened the daily opening hours, from the original eight hours to the current situation of opening for four hours in the morning and closing in the afternoon.

The reason for this is that he already knows very well that his current ability has been cultivated little by little, and the growth of his cultivation base does not come out of thin air. If he does not pay close attention to cultivation, his cultivation base will definitely retreat if he does not advance, so now he is even more I value my own cultivation, and I am willing to spend more time on cultivation every day instead of just busy making money.

(End of this chapter)

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