Chapter 2033 Ancient Ruins

"Is the old friend there?"

In the afternoon of this day, there was a voice calling outside the noodle shop of the person surnamed Li. The noodle shop was already closed in the afternoon, but the person with the same surname Li heard this voice very well, knowing that it was his old acquaintance who came to the door coming.

Since they are friends, it is naturally impossible to refuse them, so the face-to-face person surnamed Li went out to meet the guests outside, and shouted at the first sight: "Sai Shenxian! You guy is not busy doing medicine experiments on your own site, how could you Come visit me when you have time."

"Is this because Tongcheng has participated in the pharmacist exchange meeting before, so I don't want to leave for the time being... This time I came to the door, of course I have a very important matter to discuss with you."

That person was the pharmacist Sai Immortal who had had friction with Qin Lang at the pharmacist exchange meeting.

Sai Shenxian is not a native of Tongcheng, this guy and the face-to-face person surnamed Li are old acquaintances, so they don't see each other when they talk.

"What do you want me to do this time? I'm just a matchmaker, and I don't know much... Shall I help you do the math?"

The face-to-face person surnamed Li joked.

"It's like this. I got a treasure map of the ancient ruins at the pharmacist exchange meeting, and I intend to explore it, but you also know... the ancient ruins are definitely dangerous places. The traps, traps, and formations will definitely Yes, and I am not proficient in organ formations, so I came to you and wanted to form a team with you, an old friend, to explore."

"Ancient ruins?"

The face-to-face man surnamed Li was surprised. He noticed that Sai Shenxian, an old friend, was not talking about exploring the ancient cultivator's cave, but the ancient ruins, and the ancient ruins are definitely more complicated than the ancient cultivator's cave. Most of the ancient ruins in the world of martial arts are the caves of ancient cultivators, and there may not be more than five fingers that are truly qualified to be called ancient ruins.

Most of the ancient ruins are the battlefields of the gods, the place where the mighty fell, and there are many treasures inside, but the danger is probably higher than that of ordinary ancient ruins.

Although the face-to-face person surnamed Li has practiced formations and organs, his ability in this area can only be regarded as average, barely reaching the level of a formation master. If this ability is placed in the world of martial arts practitioners today First-class, but if it is used to explore ancient ruins, he still feels that he has no idea.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a person, a person who far surpassed himself in terms of cultivation and abilities in all aspects. This person was Qin Lang who once taught him how to practice.

So, at this time, he said truthfully to Immortal Sai: "Old buddy, although I know a little mechanism and formation, if this trivial ability is used to explore ancient ruins, I'm afraid it's not enough. I want to recruit another person into the team, This person can far surpass me in all aspects, let's go and see together..."

"Oh, who is it?" Sai Shenxian was also very curious about the person recommended by the face-to-face person surnamed Li.

"A master named Qin Lang."

The face-to-face person surnamed Li replied.

"Qin Lang?!"

Sai Shenxian was taken aback when he heard it, but later realized that the face-to-face man surnamed Li was talking about the guy he met at the pharmacist exchange conference.

Immediately afterwards, Immortal Sai inquired about the face-to-face man surnamed Li. According to the face-to-face man surnamed Li, he could already confirm that the Qin Lang that the face-to-face man surnamed Li said was the young man he met at the pharmacist exchange meeting.

But when he noticed something was wrong with Immortal Sai's face, the face-to-face man surnamed Li asked at this time: "What's wrong? Can't you do it... Do you know this Master Qin Lang?"

"This one……"

Immortal Sai didn't know how to answer for a while, he didn't deal with Qin Lang at the pharmacist exchange meeting, but he lost face instead, of course he wouldn't say such a scandal.And he was also very surprised that besides being a brilliant pharmacist, Qin Lang, a young man, also possessed incomparable knowledge of formations and mechanisms, even his old friend Li, a face-to-face person, praised him so much.

However, although Sai Shenxian has some problems with Qin Lang, he is not a brainless person. He thinks that going to the ancient ruins this time can be regarded as a narrow escape. If he wants to get some treasures from the ruins and come back safely, I am afraid that he really needs Dora. Several powerful helpers in all aspects.

And the Qin Lang recommended by the face-to-face person surnamed Li is naturally no problem, so Sai Shenxian finally nodded, "Okay, this person can join our team. In addition, I want to invite some familiar people. After a week Set off."

"Ok, no problem."

The face-to-face person surnamed Li was also relieved to see that the person he recommended passed. If Sai Shenxian disagreed with the person he recommended, he really didn't have the courage to agree to explore the ancient ruins with his old friend, although there may be a large number of ancient ruins. Treasures and resources, but they have to be taken with life.


After meeting with his old friend, Sai Shenxian left the noodle shop in a hurry, and it was said that he was looking for some other helpers to explore the ancient ruins.

And the face-to-face person surnamed Li is also preparing to go out at this time, to the Qingmu Merchant Group, and pay a visit to Qin Lang, who is not a master, but is better than a master.

After all, the face-to-face person surnamed Li has received the favor of Qin Lang, so he can quickly break through the realm of cultivation that has been stuck for a long time before, climb up from the late stage of foundation establishment, and directly become a cultivator in the alchemy stage.

The old house of the Xue family, in the end, the Xue family can be said to be a household name in the entire Tongcheng. After defeating the rival Iron Horse Merchant Group, it is now a well-deserved large-scale merchant group in Tongcheng.

This period of time is also the busiest time for the Xue family, whether it is Xue Ziqing, the head of the Xue family, or the servants sweeping in the courtyard of the Xue family, but although they are busy, everyone is very happy. In Tongcheng, it finally became a first-rate power.

Qin Lang is actually very busy these days, and he is busy with chores, such as cultivation, alchemy, talisman refining, managing the gourd space, collecting various resources and so on.

At this time, Xiaolan, the girl outside, suddenly reported outside the door: "Master Qin Lang, there is a guest who wants to see you, and they say they are your acquaintances."


Qin Lang happened to be busy with some things, and at this time he was also curious about who wanted to see him. If it was an ordinary guest, the clever girl Xiaolan would help him out of the way. All the people who asked for medicine disappeared.

So this guest must be unusual, and he didn't come to seek his relationship or seek medical advice.

And Qin Lang met this guest in the hall of Xue's house, and at first glance, he was indeed an acquaintance.

"Master Qin Lang, I finally see you again."

It turned out that the guy who was sitting on the chair drinking tea saw Qin Lang coming, so he quickly stood up from the chair and saluted Qin Lang.

"You don't need to be polite, it turned out to be you! Why did you come to me this time?"

Qin Lang took a look, it turned out that the owner of the noodle shop he knew when he was shopping, this guy is a practitioner, and Qin Lang even pointed him out at the beginning.

"Master, first of all, thank you for your guidance. I have now broken through the realm of cultivation and become a monk in the alchemy stage."

The face-to-face person surnamed Li is full of respect for Qin Lang. The kindness of preaching and teaching is the most important kindness in this world. Of course he will.

"You're welcome, just take what you need."

Qin Lang laughed. If the face-to-face person surnamed Li hadn't given him the mother of fire crystal, he might not have given him advice.

And the fire mother crystal is the crystal that contains the fire pearl, and it is definitely one of the top treasures in the cultivation world. Qin Lang certainly wants to get it when he sees it, so imparting some knowledge and experience in cultivation to each other can be regarded as what they need.

"I don't have to go to the Three Treasures Hall if I have nothing to do. This time, I really came here for something..."

Afterwards, the face-to-face man surnamed Li made his intention of coming to Qin Lang clear.

And after Qin Lang knew that this guy invited him to explore the ancient ruins, he couldn't help but became interested. The world of martial arts practitioners is relatively scarce in resources, and the means of obtaining resources are relatively simple. Exploring ancient ruins is also the most enthusiastic thing for martial arts practitioners in this world.

And every relic is discovered, as long as it is not fully developed, the explorers are likely to get a lot of treasures and resources from the relics. Of course, if they are unlucky, they may also fall into the relics.

As a cultivator, Qin Lang's demand for resources is quite large, and the resources needed from the peak cultivation in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods to the great perfection in the late stage of the transformation of the gods are even more massive.

Therefore, Qin Lang is also very interested in hearing about the ancient ruins. If he can really collect some resources and treasures from the ancient ruins, he will be one step closer to becoming a fairy.

So, after the face-to-face man surnamed Li finished speaking, Qin Lang nodded: "Your invitation...I accept it."

"Master, have you agreed to go to the ancient ruins together?"

The face-to-face person surnamed Li did not expect Qin Lang to agree so quickly.

"Yes." Qin Lang replied.

"That's great! I will tell the good news to my friend who organized the expedition, and he will be very happy."

The face-to-face man surnamed Li smiled and said, "If everything is ready, we will set off in seven days."

Then the face-to-face man surnamed Li stayed here for a while, and through the conversation, Qin Lang also knew the real name of the face-to-face man surnamed Li, Li Chuang.


It may be a long time since he will not be in Tongcheng to explore the ancient ruins, so Qin Lang greeted Xue Ziqing first.

Seven days later, in the wilderness outside the Copper City, members of the expedition team organized by Sai Shenxian officially met.

There are seven people in this team, apart from the organizers Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang, Qin Lang and four new members.

And these four new members were all brought into the team by Immortal Sai, two men and two women, all of them were high-level fighters.

Qin Lang was stunned when he first met Immortal Sai. He also did not expect that Immortal Sai would be the organizer of this expedition to the ancient ruins. The two had some small conflicts at the pharmacist exchange meeting. Both parties felt a little uncomfortable when they met this time. nature.

However, the small friction at the pharmacist exchange meeting has passed, so the two sides don't pay much attention to it now. Since joining an expedition team this time, it is natural to work together.

(End of this chapter)

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