Chapter 2034 River of Time
"Let me introduce, these two are brothers Situ Shengnan and Situ Shengbei. Both brothers are members of the Situ family of the Tongcheng family; and this is the Thrushcross girl, and this is the Heidu girl..."

At this time, Sai Shenxian pointed to the four people he brought and introduced them one by one.

The Situ brothers come from the Situ family in Tongcheng. This is a big family that is not much weaker than the Mo family, a super family. I heard that the copper mine business is mainly engaged in the copper city. One sixth of the copper mine industry in Tongcheng belongs to the Situ family. owned.

The brothers Situ Shengnan and Situ Shengbei are both around 40 years old, but they are both members of the second generation of the Situ family, not the core of the family.

As for Thrushcross girl and Heidu girl, Sai Shenxian did not introduce their backgrounds, but Qin Lang saw that these two girls were both in their twenties, but their dresses were very revealing, and their bodies were too powdery, so he could guess that the two This woman should be from a brothel in Tongcheng.

In fact, it was true. Although Immortal Sai was close to sixty years old, he was very lustful. Every time he came to Tongcheng, he had to visit the brothels in Tongcheng.

He also knew these two brothel women in his early years, both of whom were strange women from brothels, both of whom were peak-level high-ranking fighters, and their cultivation base was higher than that of Situ Brothers in the mid-term of high-ranking fighters.

After Sai Shenxian introduced the person he brought closer to the team this time, Li Chuang also introduced the person he pulled, Qin Lang.

In fact, Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian had met each other a long time ago, so how could they be strangers to each other? When Li Chuang introduced Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian was expressionless and didn't know what he was thinking. He seemed to be distracted.

After the team members got to know each other for a while, Sai Shenxian, the captain, said at this time: "The ancient ruins we are going to this time are about [-] miles away from the Copper City, in a sea area called the Aegean Sea... [-] miles away, if If I go there, I probably won’t be able to get there in a year, but the treasure map in my hand has a shortcut, and if I take the shortcut, I guess it only takes four or five days to reach the Aegean Sea.”

"What shortcut can cross [-] miles at once?"

Everyone present felt a little unbelievable and looked at Immortal Sai in surprise.

Sensing everyone's astonishment, Immortal Sai seemed very satisfied. He shook the khaki silk map in his hand: "According to the description of the treasure map, there is a place eight hundred miles away from Tongcheng. The hidden space crack, this is a branch of the River of Time, through which we can teleport over a long distance and reach the Aegean Sea in an instant!"

"What?!" At this time, except for Sai Shenxian, everyone was even more surprised.

Strictly speaking, the Aegean Sea has been separated from the framework of this continent. On the other side of the world, it is definitely a completely strange environment.

But now Immortal Sai actually said that there is a way to instantly teleport from the Tongcheng to the Aegean Sea through the branch of the Guangyin River. The meaning of this is hard to explain.

As for the Time River, in this world of martial practitioners, it is only limited to rumors. The entire universe is said to have a multi-layered three-dimensional structure. In fact, the Time River is everywhere in this world, but it has always been parallel to the entire time and space.

It is basically difficult for the River of Time and the real world to overlap, and once there is an intersection, if someone strays into it, all kinds of incredible and strange things will happen.

For example, someone disappeared into the River of Time and came back again, and they turned old and young again. For example, someone entered the River of Time and came out after 100 years. The appearance is still the same, but the relatives and friends around them are people. Non; for example, someone entered history and appeared in the future...

In fact, there have been similar examples even on Earth. The River of Time exists anywhere in the multiverse. It can be said to be everywhere. It is a four-dimensional abstract concept, and it is also the difference between reality and illusion.

And once the Time River really intersects with reality, all kinds of incredible and strange things will happen, and the branch of the Time River near the Copper City, which can be teleported over a long distance, is one of them.

"Go... I'll show you around, and then you'll be able to see the real River of Time."

Immortal Sai waved his hand at this time, announcing that the team could start.


Four days later, in the wilderness eight hundred miles away from Tongcheng, there is an environment of mountains and caves. Of course, there are many Radiant Beasts in this area, and most of them are high-level Radiant Beasts because of the lack of human presence. .

In this seven-person team, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang are the oldest, both possess the strength of martial arts masters, plus a few high-level ones, it is not a problem to deal with a few high-level radiant beasts that are alone.

And if they encountered a group of high-level Radiant Beasts, the seven-member team would naturally avoid the limelight, run as far as they could, and would not engage in a confrontation with such a group of beasts.

Of course, this is also the reason why Qin Lang did not reveal his true cultivation. If he knew that Qin Lang was an ancient cultivator who was stronger than an extraordinary martial cultivator, I am afraid that everyone in the team would not be so nervous , if an extraordinary level martial artist hangs around in an area eight hundred places away from the Copper City, a powerful aura will spread out, and the weaker radiating beasts will receive this signal from the strong, and they will retreat one after another.

Of course, if an extraordinary level martial artist restrained his aura, he wouldn't be able to startle those radiating beasts.

After Immortal Sai arrived here, he compared the treasure map in his hand and pointed in one direction: "There is a mountain crevice four or five miles ahead, we can directly pass through the mountain crevice to enter a small abandoned ruins, and the branch of the Guangyin River The point of intersection with this world is in this small ruin."

Soon, Immortal Sai led everyone to this small abandoned relic. The reason why it is called the small abandoned relic is that there are no resources collected in this small relic. Many years ago, there may have been resources and treasures in this small relic. Yes, but they were all taken away long ago.

And the person who took away the resources and treasures of this small relic is probably the guy who rubbed this treasure map. After all, this treasure map of Saishenxian is only a rubbing version, and the original blueprint has not been released at all. I have been to the Aegean Sea many times to explore the ancient ruins, but for various reasons, I have not been able to get the treasure of the ancient ruins, so I traded the treasure map rubbings.


At this moment, everyone was already standing at the intersection of the branch of the Guangyin River and the real world. The intersection of the Guangyin River and the real world was in a foggy state. Looking inside from the outside, it was actually impossible to see anything clearly.

The area where the branch of the Guangyin River meets reality is actually not that big, only the size of a door.

"Follow closely later, there are dangers in the tributaries of the Guangyin River, keep going, and you will reach the end, the Aegean Sea."

Immortal Sai reminded: "However, if you don't stop at the end of the journey, you may be teleported from the Guangyin River at any time, and the result will be hard to say."

If it is teleported halfway, the person who was teleported may never find a way back to the world of martial arts practitioners.

Since ancient times, there have been rumors about the Guangyin River in the world of martial artists, so although the martial practitioners present did not know much about the Guangyin River, they still felt its horror from those rumors. Before entering the branch of the Guangyin River Everyone seemed very cautious, and they didn't dare to be careless.

And I heard that there is no movement in the Time River. There are many time beasts hidden in the Time River that feed on the water of the Time River. Some Time Beasts are very weak, maybe even worse than an ant, but there are also powerful Time Beasts. To the point that even the ancient mighty would shy away from him when he met him.

Therefore, the Time River is a very scary place, and even if someone finds a way to enter, he must be cautious.

The Time River transmission channel in front of me is actually just a small branch of the Time River, so the possibility of Time Beasts in it is very small, and even if there are, it should not be a big problem. It is so detailed, which means that this tributary of time has been explored before, so there will be a map, so this tributary of time is relatively safe.

Although Sai Shenxian is a bit harsh, but this exploration trip is very important to him, so he also explained some precautions for this trip to everyone in detail.

Afterwards, everyone prepared their minds, so they followed the team leader and filed in, entering the tributary of time.

Looking at the portal of the tributary of time in the abandoned ancient ruins, the inside is white and hazy, so you can't see clearly, but after entering the tributary of time, you can see about ten feet in sight.

However, the water in the tributary of Guangyin is not those clear and transparent colors, but flows among the seven colors of red, green, blue, blue, purple, orange, and yellow, which are a little dazzling and a little psychedelic.

The river water in the tributary of Time is icy to the touch, and there is a chill of freezing people. If it is an ordinary person in this kind of Time river, it is estimated that it will be frozen within three minutes, and Qin Lang's group of seven are all martial arts practitioners , all have a defensive aura, so the coldness of the river cannot affect them.

The seven people in the time tributary cannot talk to each other, and the sound cannot be transmitted here, but the strange thing is that everyone can hear the sound of the water flowing in the time river.

Fortunately, in the tributary of time, people can communicate with each other. This special place is not as restricted as the world of martial practitioners. Everyone's spiritual consciousness can come out of the body, but these martial practitioners do not Like Qin Lang, the consciousness is often separated from the body. The proficiency of the first time the separation of the consciousness is not high, and the consumption of the consciousness is also great, so even if everyone can use the consciousness to communicate, they rarely communicate with each other.

After all, in Qin Lang's team, the strength of these high-level martial arts practitioners is not as strong as his. If they consume too much, they will cause great damage to their own souls.

(End of this chapter)

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