Chapter 2035 Sea Beast War
"Remember, don't stop in the River of Time, whether you are advancing or encountering a battle, you can't stop. Once you stop, there will be unpredictable dangers..."

Immortal Sai's divine consciousness fluctuated, reminding everyone once again.

After entering the tributary of the Guangyin River, everyone followed closely. After a while, the thrush girl walking in the middle of the team suddenly exclaimed: "Ah!"

Everyone didn't know what danger she found, but as she pointed the direction, they saw a large number of densely packed black spots swimming towards this direction in one direction of the Guangyin River.

"It's the time beast! But it doesn't matter, there are no powerful time beasts in this branch of time, because the big time beasts are all on the main trunk of the time river, and they can't squeeze into the entrance of the tributary."

Although Sai Shenxian came to Guangyin River for the first time, he obviously did his homework and collected a lot of information about Guangyin River.

After a while, those black dots approached, although there were many black dots, and each black dot represented a Time Beast, but as Sai Immortal said, it was not a powerful Time Beast.

Time leech, a time beast that is slightly stronger than ants, time leeches can absorb all kinds of nutrients in the time river, and they are also the scavengers in the time river. They are the most common creatures in the time river. With their existence, The water of the Guangyin River will become more pure.

Of course, the time leech will also devour the essence of people. If ordinary people fall into the river of time, even if they encounter such a weak time leech, they will be sucked dry, and even the corpse will be swallowed by time. The leeches are eaten as nourishment.

The martial practitioners in Qin Lang's team all have a body protection layer, a defense layer formed by their own internal strength, and some have defensive magic weapons on their bodies. No matter which one, they can resist the impact of these time leeches on the body's essence. devour.

And these tiny time leeches gnawed on the defense layer of everyone's body protection, and the whole defense layer made a teeth-stinging sound, which kept ringing non-stop.

And everyone's body protection defense layer was gnawed by the time leeches, and the entire body protection defense layer was not without consumption, but this consumption was very small, so everyone could ignore the attacks of these time leeches.

It is worth mentioning that most of the time beasts in the time river are specifically aggressive, especially when encountering outsiders who do not belong to the time river, they will be more xenophobic, which is why a large number of time leeches will The real reason why everyone was attracted after entering the tributary of the River of Time.

At this moment, after the explanation of Sai Shenxian, everyone calmed down a little, and they no longer cared about these time leeches. Time River.

Looking at the exit behind him, Li Chuang told Qin Lang at this time: "Don't look at the time we have walked on the Guangyin River for so long, in fact, time in the Guangyin River is still, so we are now in the Aegean Sea, a place thousands of miles away from the Tongcheng City. , In fact, a few seconds did not pass during this process."

"Is that so?"

Qin Lang looked at this strange environment and thought, Guangyin River is really a magical place. It is parallel to every world. I don’t know if there is a passage leading to the earth or Qinghe Continent, but even if there is, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find it. After all, the River of Time is too big, and it is impossible to explore just a tributary by itself.

Now that everyone has arrived in the Aegean Sea, there is a small natural island in front of them. This island is completely different from the environment on the other side of the mainland. Not only is there plenty of aura, but there is no radiation in the air at all. This is a paradise.

Of course, there is no radiation here, which means that there are no mutant creatures like Radiant Beasts.

However, although there are no mutated creatures like Radiant Beasts, the Aegean Sea is still a place full of dangers. This place is so rich in aura, there must be sea beasts and monsters in the sea area. Some powerful creatures may Even Qin Lang will be afraid of three points when he meets him.

Of course, these are just speculations. After leading the team to the Aegean Sea, Immortal Sai was not in a hurry to take the next step, but took out the treasure map again, and began to identify it according to the terrain in the treasure map. Direction, to determine the location of the ancient ruins.

The ancient ruins are not on this island. After debating the correct direction, Sai Shenxian led everyone to leave the center of the island, leave the exit at the end of the Guangyin River, and come to the shore of the island.

This island has a golden sandy beach. During the daytime, the sand on the beach is constantly shining golden. Qin Lang only found out that the sand here has a lot of gold content, accompanied by a large amount of coarse-grained alluvial gold.

However, gold may be very valuable on Earth, but it is not very noticeable in the realm of cultivation. After all, spirit stones in the realm of cultivation are much more valuable than gold and silver.

And in this world of martial arts practitioners, gold is also worthless, it can only be regarded as a precious metal, and even a crystal nucleus of a third-order radiant beast can be directly exchanged for a catty, so everyone present saw that When there were a lot of glittering golden alluvial gold on the beach, they didn't show any weird expressions.

Sai Shenxian led everyone to the beach not to collect gold, but to take everyone out to sea.

After arriving at the sandy land, he took out something from his body, which turned out to be a storage space bag. From the space bag, he took out a six-meter-long metal monster ship, which he called a monster ship, because this metal monster ship was It is fully mechanized, and the power source is actually powered by crystal nuclei.

Seeing this metal monster ship, Qin Lang also knew that the technology of this world of warriors was not much worse than that of the earth. Even thousands of years ago, when there was no world war between humans and biochemical humans, the level of technology at that time had almost reached An unprecedented peak, unfortunately, the world war destroyed most of the technology, and now many machines do not even have the energy to start, so the world has entered the era of cold weapons.

After the metal monster ship entered the water, everyone entered the monster ship one after another, and Sai Shenxian went directly to the bow to turn the rudder. He started the power system of the monster ship, only heard a click, and then the motor of the metal monster ship started. Drive the hull slowly away from the shore, then start to accelerate, heading towards the ocean in one direction.

The Aegean Sea, this is an endless blue ocean, very pure and beautiful, far away from urban ruins and noise.

It's hard to imagine that such a beautiful ocean would be a place where the battle of the ancient gods took place.

After the metal monster ship started, the roar of the motor gradually became smaller, and the sound disappeared in the end. This is not like those ships on the earth at all, and it is a bit contrary to scientific common sense.

But if you think that this ship is powered by fourth- and fifth-order crystal nuclei, and the technology in this world is somewhat different from that on the earth, you can feel relieved. Although this world of martial artists is also a high-tech world, compared with the earth, There is still a big difference, and the two should not be confused.

The metal monster ship was very stable during its travel, and the people in the ship could not feel the swaying of the ship at all, as if they were sitting at home.

In the process of being bored, Thrush and Hei Tu, who were born in brothels, began to flirt with the men on board intentionally or unintentionally, and Qin Lang, a handsome young man, was also the most concerned object, but Qin Lang's expression was always cold, There is a feeling that strangers should not be close to each other, which makes them feel bored after avoiding them, so they don't get close anymore.

The two girls turned to chat with Brother Situ and had a heated fight. After all, apart from Qin Lang, there were only two young people on board, Brother Situ, and Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were old fellows. If there was a choice Of course they would like to have some ambiguity with these two brothers, not with two old guys.

The road seemed a bit long, and just when everyone felt that they had nothing to do, the sea water in front of them began to fluctuate.

At first, the fluctuations were not obvious, but then the sea water became more and more volatile, forming waves after waves, which began to slap and hit the hull of the ship with crackling noises.

And amidst such obvious tumbling waves, the metal monster ship was still stable and did not shake at all, which is also a strange thing.

"There are two large sea beasts fighting ahead, we have recently avoided them..."

Qin Lang's eyesight and spiritual perception ability are the best among them, and he can discover the situation in the distance at once.

And everyone didn't believe Qin Lang's judgment at first, but after a while, when the boat was getting closer and closer, everyone could see clearly that there were indeed sea beasts fighting in the distance, so they were surprised that Qin Lang could see so far away. distance.

After all, just now Qin Lang was at least [-] or [-] nautical miles away from the sea beast war, and he had already discovered the sea beast war. Now that he was at least ten nautical miles away from the sea beast war, everyone on board barely noticed the movement ahead.

But now is not the time to be surprised. The metal ship originally headed straight towards the ancient ruins, but now it has to temporarily divert. After all, the two sea beasts fighting in the distance are not ordinary sea beasts, and their momentum can directly crush everyone on board. Of course , this does not include Qin Lang.

Qin Lang felt that the two sea beasts should have at least the same combat power as the seventh-order monsters, and they were already close to the extraordinary level of martial arts practitioners. Besides Qin Lang, a cultivator who was at the peak of the mid-stage transformation of the gods, the most powerful Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were on board. Now it is just the strength of ordinary martial arts masters, there is no way to compare.

If Qin Lang released his aura, he would definitely be able to scare away the two pairs of large sea beasts fighting in front of him, but he didn't do this now. He has been hiding his true cultivation and restraining his breath.

Therefore, not only the two sea beasts fighting in the distance, but even the people on board did not know Qin Lang's true cultivation.

Even Li Chuang, the guy who Qin Lang personally pointed out before, doesn't know what level Qin Lang's cultivation level is. He only knows that Qin Lang is very strong, and he must be much stronger than himself.

(End of this chapter)

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