The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2036 Aboriginal Night Attack

Chapter 2036 Aboriginal Night Attack
The ship deviated from the original route, and at this time, it is not known whether it was because of the battle between the two sea beasts or some other reason, the waves on the sea surface were getting bigger and bigger, and there was a tendency to form a tsunami.

And the sky in the distance gradually darkened, and the clouds were densely covered, layer upon layer, and it seemed that it would not be long before a heavy rainstorm.

Today is going to change.

Seeing the sudden change in the weather, the faces of Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang and the others also became gloomy. Anyone who is not a fool now knows that a sudden climate change in the ocean is definitely not a good thing. Hurricanes, ocean currents, tsunamis, etc. It can kill people, even if the metal boat has good stability, it probably won't be able to withstand that kind of bad weather.

So now it is the best choice to find an island to avoid the storm as soon as possible, but it is estimated that it will be difficult for those who do not have a village or a shop in the middle of the sea.

Sai Shenxian was also a little anxious. At this time, he took the sea chart and studied it repeatedly to see if there were any nearby islands where he could settle. Now the waves on the sea surface were beating more and more urgently. The metal boat rolled in one direction, but no one noticed that the metal boat had gradually deviated from the original familiar route, and by the time everyone realized it, they had lost their way.

"No, the surrounding environment is not the one depicted on the chart, which means that the chart I have is invalid!"

At this time, when Sai Shenxian compared the surrounding environment, he came to a shocking conclusion.

How to do?How to do……

Thrush and Heitu, who were born in a brothel, are not in the mood to flirt with Brother Situ at this time. After all, the waves are getting bigger and bigger, and there may be a hurricane that will blow everyone into the sky at any time, and their lives will be gone. It's really over.

At this time, the sky was already dripping with rain, the storm seemed to be getting closer and closer, and the ocean current had a new change, and began to swirl and fluctuate in one direction. Li Chuang, who saw this result, cried out: "It seems that the distance has already passed." A hurricane has formed, and now the ocean current is pulling our boat in that direction again, and we will work harder to get out of the control of this ocean current..."

"Grandma, I really don't worry!"

Sai Shenxian also cursed at this time, and began to add several fifth-order crystal nuclei to the power gate of the cabin, preparing to increase the output power of the motor.

And the energy of the fifth-order crystal nucleus is really not covered. After the metal boat has gained enough kinetic energy, the output power of the motor has exceeded more than half of the original. At this time, it finally got rid of the involvement of the swirling ocean current and galloped in one direction.

The metal boat drove very fast this way, and it is estimated that it has reached a speed of two to three hundred knots per hour.

And the sky behind everyone was unbelievably dark, suddenly there was a flash of lightning, as if the sword of Atlan had struck down in an instant, and a sea area suddenly lit up.

"Over there... there seems to be a large continent over there. I don't know if it is a continent. Even if it is not a mainland, it should be a large island."

When the lightning flashed, Qin Lang suddenly found something in one direction, like a continent or an island.


Sai Shenxian and the others heard Qin Lang's words and quickly asked...

Qin Lang's sense of consciousness is stronger than theirs, and his eyesight is better than them. They have also verified it before, so Qin Lang now says that there is a new situation on the other side. Although none of them can find those continents and islands, they still choose to believe what Qin Lang said. Said.

As a result, the metal boat shifted slightly, and galloped towards the mainland or island that Qin Lang said could allow the ship to run aground.


After more than an hour, Qin Lang and his group finally landed on this continent. This is actually a continent formed by the connection of rolling islands. In fact, this continent is still surrounded by sea water in the ocean.

However, this group of archipelagos is really huge, beyond the horizon at a glance, a bit like Australia on Earth, maybe a little smaller than Australia.

When they landed on the island, the storm and tsunami behind them had already caught up, and the waves were nearly a hundred feet high. If the metal boat was still in the ocean, no matter how stable it was, it would not be able to withstand it. The huge waves are overturned, and everyone will be swallowed by the waves.

During the process of everyone landing on the island, the hurricane also caught up at this time, and the sand and sand on this beach were blown up, and the sand was flying all over the sky in an instant, and it was the kind of wet sand, after all, it was a windy and windy weather.

In the distance, patches of ancient woods were also blown by the hurricane, and all of a sudden, the demons danced wildly, and even many ancient trees around the periphery were broken, and even some ancient trees with four or five people hugging were blown away by the hurricane Uprooted.

"Quick! It's not safe on the beach, let's go into the woods to escape!" Immortal Sai put the metal boat into the storage bag the moment he landed on the beach, and then took the lead and ran into the virgin forest of the island.

At this time, everyone followed. After entering the woods, the wind and rain outside did not affect them, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The primeval forest is very dry and dark, with no light. At this time, everyone used local materials, and made a batch of torches with the branches of a nearby red pine wood and pine oil. As the torches lighted up, the Finally, I can see my surroundings clearly.

"You're tired, everyone... Now find a good environment to rest."

Sai Shenxian is the captain of this team. Although he is very mean, but as a captain, he is quite competent, and he has considered thoughtfully along the way.

So everyone walked deep into the dense forest for a while, then found a relatively spacious place, and built a few tents on the spot as a place to rest.

After all, although everyone is a martial artist with much more energy than ordinary people, but after traveling for several days and then experiencing a catastrophe in the sea, everyone is more or less physically and mentally tired now. Absolutely no way to rest.

And when everyone was setting up their tents, there were quite a few faint blue lights flickering in the dark corners of the dense forest. I don't know what creatures were staring at this side, and there seemed to be a lot of them.


It was night, when everyone was resting, Qin Lang was meditating. Halfway through the meditation, Qin Lang suddenly interrupted his practice on a whim.

He frowned, looked at the surrounding environment, and then diffused his consciousness, and soon discovered the source of the abnormality.

"The aborigines of the island continent... It seems a little bad, everyone is surrounded now! It seems that there are at least three or four hundred of these aborigines!"

Qin Lang murmured.He wasn't worried about himself. If he was alone, he could leave if he wanted to, and he could kill everyone if he wanted to.

Now it's their side, in trouble, surrounded by people.

His spiritual sense can detect about fifty feet here, and of course he can clearly detect those ambush people who are hiding in the dark covered with bark, leaves or animal skin clothing.

These ambushers should be the local aborigines of this island continent. These aborigines don't look like martial arts practitioners, but they should have practiced some kind of secret method. Even the weakest one has dozens of blood stronger than ordinary people. times.

And the appearance of these aborigines is also very strange. Their faces are all painted with three-color clay paint, and they cannot see their true colors.

When they walked, they all bowed their backs like monkeys, but their body skills were very flexible, and even when they stood upright, the tallest people among these natives were only a little taller than the big horse monkeys.

Three or four hundred aborigines surrounded this place. This should be an aboriginal tribe. Now that Qin Lang is surrounded, these outsiders are very excited, chatting with each other non-stop.

Finally, the leader of these aborigines gave an order, and those aborigines finally launched an attack on the outsiders who broke into the territory before them. All of these aborigines have the strength of middle-level fighters and above, and even a third of them have reached the level of high-level fighters , Three or four hundred together raided the camp of the adventurer team, the momentum is indeed very mighty.

"Enemy attack!" Qin Lang loudly reminded several martial practitioners in the tent who were either practicing or resting.

Three or four hundred natives rushed forward, not saying anything about the morality of the world. Fortunately, Qin Lang reminded them in time, and everyone woke up hastily from their sleep, which avoided a crisis.


Everyone was fighting with these aborigines, and these aborigines were used to blowing arrows when they fought. The speed of this blowing arrow was extremely fast, and it also had the effect of breaking the defense. Except for Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang In addition, the remaining four were hit by blow arrows.

And these blow darts are not ordinary blow darts, they should be smeared with nerve poison. Brother Situ, Miss Thrush, and Miss Heidu were hit by the blow darts, and the poison broke out and turned into soft-legged shrimps not long after.

Seeing that the four of them were kidnapped by these natives, the remaining three were startled and rushed to save their companions. Although Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were masters of martial arts, they were beaten by hundreds of natives. Kankan can only protect himself, but it is impossible to save others.

And Qin Lang had to do more at this time. Although there are many natives in front of him, if he wants to save people, these natives can't stop him at all.

However, these natives mobilized too quickly, Qin Lang only saved three of them even if he wanted to, and Situ Shengbei, one of the Situ brothers, was carried away by the natives.

" my brother..." Situ Shengnan was terrified when he saw his own brother being carried away by the natives. The natives who sneaked up at night were obviously a group of uncivilized guys. Maybe this tribe still has cannibalism According to the custom, my younger brother was carried away by this group of aborigines. If he was not rescued in time, he might become the fertilizer excreted from the stomach of the aborigines.

" my brother!" Situ Shengnan knew that Qin Lang was the strongest in the team, so he asked Qin Lang again.

Seeing this guy's pitiful appearance, Qin Lang sighed: "Okay, I'll go after these natives and see if I can get your brother back!"

(End of this chapter)

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